package net.miginfocom.layout; /* * License (BSD): * ============== * * Copyright (c) 2004, Mikael Grev, MiG InfoCom AB. (miglayout (at) miginfocom (dot) com) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the MiG InfoCom AB nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @version 1.0 * @author Mikael Grev, MiG InfoCom AB * Date: 2006-sep-08 */ import java.beans.Encoder; import java.beans.Expression; import java.beans.PersistenceDelegate; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public final class UnitValue implements Serializable { private static final HashMap UNIT_MAP = new HashMap(32); private static final ArrayList CONVERTERS = new ArrayList(); /** An operation indicating a static value. */ public static final int STATIC = 100; /** An operation indicating a addition of two sub units. */ public static final int ADD = 101; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating a subtraction of two sub units */ public static final int SUB = 102; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating a multiplication of two sub units. */ public static final int MUL = 103; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating a division of two sub units. */ public static final int DIV = 104; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating the minimum of two sub units */ public static final int MIN = 105; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating the maximum of two sub units */ public static final int MAX = 106; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** An operation indicating the middle value of two sub units */ public static final int MID = 107; // Must have "sub-unit values" /** A unit indicating pixels. */ public static final int PIXEL = 0; /** A unit indicating logical horizontal pixels. */ public static final int LPX = 1; /** A unit indicating logical vertical pixels. */ public static final int LPY = 2; /** A unit indicating millimeters. */ public static final int MM = 3; /** A unit indicating centimeters. */ public static final int CM = 4; /** A unit indicating inches. */ public static final int INCH = 5; /** A unit indicating percent. */ public static final int PERCENT = 6; /** A unit indicating points. */ public static final int PT = 7; /** A unit indicating screen percentage width. */ public static final int SPX = 8; /** A unit indicating screen percentage height. */ public static final int SPY = 9; /** A unit indicating alignment. */ public static final int ALIGN = 12; /** A unit indicating minimum size. */ public static final int MIN_SIZE = 13; /** A unit indicating preferred size. */ public static final int PREF_SIZE = 14; /** A unit indicating maximum size. */ public static final int MAX_SIZE = 15; /** A unit indicating button size. */ public static final int BUTTON = 16; /** A unit indicating linking to x. */ public static final int LINK_X = 18; // First link /** A unit indicating linking to y. */ public static final int LINK_Y = 19; /** A unit indicating linking to width. */ public static final int LINK_W = 20; /** A unit indicating linking to height. */ public static final int LINK_H = 21; /** A unit indicating linking to x2. */ public static final int LINK_X2 = 22; /** A unit indicating linking to y2. */ public static final int LINK_Y2 = 23; /** A unit indicating linking to x position on screen. */ public static final int LINK_XPOS = 24; /** A unit indicating linking to y position on screen. */ public static final int LINK_YPOS = 25; // Last link /** A unit indicating a lookup. */ public static final int LOOKUP = 26; /** A unit indicating label alignment. */ public static final int LABEL_ALIGN = 27; private static final int IDENTITY = -1; static { UNIT_MAP.put("px", PIXEL); UNIT_MAP.put("lpx", LPX); UNIT_MAP.put("lpy", LPY); UNIT_MAP.put("%", PERCENT); UNIT_MAP.put("cm", CM); UNIT_MAP.put("in", INCH); UNIT_MAP.put("spx", SPX); UNIT_MAP.put("spy", SPY); UNIT_MAP.put("al", ALIGN); UNIT_MAP.put("mm", MM); UNIT_MAP.put("pt", PT); UNIT_MAP.put("min", MIN_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("minimum", MIN_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("p", PREF_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("pref", PREF_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("max", MAX_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("maximum", MAX_SIZE); UNIT_MAP.put("button", BUTTON); UNIT_MAP.put("label", LABEL_ALIGN); } static final UnitValue ZERO = new UnitValue(0, null, PIXEL, true, STATIC, null, null, "0px"); static final UnitValue TOP = new UnitValue(0, null, PERCENT, false, STATIC, null, null, "top"); static final UnitValue LEADING = new UnitValue(0, null, PERCENT, true, STATIC, null, null, "leading"); static final UnitValue LEFT = new UnitValue(0, null, PERCENT, true, STATIC, null, null, "left"); static final UnitValue CENTER = new UnitValue(50, null, PERCENT, true, STATIC, null, null, "center"); static final UnitValue TRAILING = new UnitValue(100, null, PERCENT, true, STATIC, null, null, "trailing"); static final UnitValue RIGHT = new UnitValue(100, null, PERCENT, true, STATIC, null, null, "right"); static final UnitValue BOTTOM = new UnitValue(100, null, PERCENT, false, STATIC, null, null, "bottom"); static final UnitValue LABEL = new UnitValue(0, null, LABEL_ALIGN, false, STATIC, null, null, "label"); static final UnitValue INF = new UnitValue(LayoutUtil.INF, null, PIXEL, true, STATIC, null, null, "inf"); static final UnitValue BASELINE_IDENTITY = new UnitValue(0, null, IDENTITY, false, STATIC, null, null, "baseline"); private final transient float value; private final transient int unit; private final transient int oper; private final transient String unitStr; private transient String linkId = null; // Should be final, but initializes in a sub method. private final transient boolean isHor; private final transient UnitValue[] subUnits; // Pixel public UnitValue(float value) // If hor/ver does not matter. { this(value, null, PIXEL, true, STATIC, null, null, value + "px"); } public UnitValue(float value, int unit, String createString) // If hor/ver does not matter. { this(value, null, unit, true, STATIC, null, null, createString); } public UnitValue(float value, String unitStr, boolean isHor, int oper, String createString) { this(value, unitStr, -1, isHor, oper, null, null, createString); } UnitValue(boolean isHor, int oper, UnitValue sub1, UnitValue sub2, String createString) { this(0, "", -1, isHor, oper, sub1, sub2, createString); if (sub1 == null || sub2 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sub units is null!"); } private UnitValue(float value, String unitStr, int unit, boolean isHor, int oper, UnitValue sub1, UnitValue sub2, String createString) { if (oper < STATIC || oper > MID) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Operation: " + oper); if (oper >= ADD && oper <= MID && (sub1 == null || sub2 == null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(oper + " Operation may not have null sub-UnitValues."); this.value = value; this.oper = oper; this.isHor = isHor; this.unitStr = unitStr; this.unit = unitStr != null ? parseUnitString() : unit; this.subUnits = sub1 != null && sub2 != null ? new UnitValue[] {sub1, sub2} : null; LayoutUtil.putCCString(this, createString); // "this" escapes!! Safe though. } /** Returns the size in pixels rounded. * @param refValue The reference value. Normally the size of the parent. For unit {@link #ALIGN} the current size of the component should be sent in. * @param parent The parent. May be null for testing the validity of the value, but should normally not and are not * required to return any usable value if null. * @param comp The component, if any, that the value is for. Might be null if the value is not * connected to any component. * @return The size in pixels. */ public final int getPixels(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp) { return Math.round(getPixelsExact(refValue, parent, comp)); } private static final float[] SCALE = new float[] {25.4f, 2.54f, 1f, 0f, 72f}; /** Returns the size in pixels. * @param refValue The reference value. Normally the size of the parent. For unit {@link #ALIGN} the current size of the component should be sent in. * @param parent The parent. May be null for testing the validity of the value, but should normally not and are not * required to return any usable value if null. * @param comp The component, if any, that the value is for. Might be null if the value is not * connected to any component. * @return The size in pixels. */ public final float getPixelsExact(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp) { if (parent == null) return 1; if (oper == STATIC) { switch (unit) { case PIXEL: return value; case LPX: case LPY: return parent.getPixelUnitFactor(unit == LPX) * value; case MM: case CM: case INCH: case PT: float f = SCALE[unit - MM]; Float s = isHor ? PlatformDefaults.getHorizontalScaleFactor() : PlatformDefaults.getVerticalScaleFactor(); if (s != null) f *= s; return (isHor ? parent.getHorizontalScreenDPI() : parent.getVerticalScreenDPI()) * value / f; case PERCENT: return value * refValue * 0.01f; case SPX: case SPY: return (unit == SPX ? parent.getScreenWidth() : parent.getScreenHeight()) * value * 0.01f; case ALIGN: Integer st = LinkHandler.getValue(parent.getLayout(), "visual", isHor ? LinkHandler.X : LinkHandler.Y); Integer sz = LinkHandler.getValue(parent.getLayout(), "visual", isHor ? LinkHandler.WIDTH : LinkHandler.HEIGHT); if (st == null || sz == null) return 0; return value * (Math.max(0, sz.intValue()) - refValue) + st; case MIN_SIZE: if (comp == null) return 0; return isHor ? comp.getMinimumWidth(comp.getHeight()) : comp.getMinimumHeight(comp.getWidth()); case PREF_SIZE: if (comp == null) return 0; return isHor ? comp.getPreferredWidth(comp.getHeight()) : comp.getPreferredHeight(comp.getWidth()); case MAX_SIZE: if (comp == null) return 0; return isHor ? comp.getMaximumWidth(comp.getHeight()) : comp.getMaximumHeight(comp.getWidth()); case BUTTON: return PlatformDefaults.getMinimumButtonWidthIncludingPadding(refValue, parent, comp); case LINK_X: case LINK_Y: case LINK_W: case LINK_H: case LINK_X2: case LINK_Y2: case LINK_XPOS: case LINK_YPOS: Integer v = LinkHandler.getValue(parent.getLayout(), getLinkTargetId(), unit - (unit >= LINK_XPOS ? LINK_XPOS : LINK_X)); if (v == null) return 0; if (unit == LINK_XPOS) return parent.getScreenLocationX() + v; if (unit == LINK_YPOS) return parent.getScreenLocationY() + v; return v; case LOOKUP: float res = lookup(refValue, parent, comp); if (res != UnitConverter.UNABLE) return res; case LABEL_ALIGN: return PlatformDefaults.getLabelAlignPercentage() * refValue; case IDENTITY: } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown/illegal unit: " + unit + ", unitStr: " + unitStr); } if (subUnits != null && subUnits.length == 2) { float r1 = subUnits[0].getPixelsExact(refValue, parent, comp); float r2 = subUnits[1].getPixelsExact(refValue, parent, comp); switch (oper) { case ADD: return r1 + r2; case SUB: return r1 - r2; case MUL: return r1 * r2; case DIV: return r1 / r2; case MIN: return r1 < r2 ? r1 : r2; case MAX: return r1 > r2 ? r1 : r2; case MID: return (r1 + r2) * 0.5f; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal: Unknown Oper: " + oper); } private float lookup(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp) { float res = UnitConverter.UNABLE; for (int i = CONVERTERS.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { res = CONVERTERS.get(i).convertToPixels(value, unitStr, isHor, refValue, parent, comp); if (res != UnitConverter.UNABLE) return res; } return PlatformDefaults.convertToPixels(value, unitStr, isHor, refValue, parent, comp); } private int parseUnitString() { int len = unitStr.length(); if (len == 0) return isHor ? PlatformDefaults.getDefaultHorizontalUnit() : PlatformDefaults.getDefaultVerticalUnit(); Integer u = UNIT_MAP.get(unitStr); if (u != null) { if (!isHor && (u == BUTTON || u == LABEL_ALIGN)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not valid in vertical contexts: '" + unitStr + "'"); return u; } if (unitStr.equals("lp")) return isHor ? LPX : LPY; if (unitStr.equals("sp")) return isHor ? SPX : SPY; if (lookup(0, null, null) != UnitConverter.UNABLE) // To test so we can fail fast return LOOKUP; // Only link left. E.g. "otherID.width" int pIx = unitStr.indexOf('.'); if (pIx != -1) { linkId = unitStr.substring(0, pIx); String e = unitStr.substring(pIx + 1); if (e.equals("x")) return LINK_X; if (e.equals("y")) return LINK_Y; if (e.equals("w") || e.equals("width")) return LINK_W; if (e.equals("h") || e.equals("height")) return LINK_H; if (e.equals("x2")) return LINK_X2; if (e.equals("y2")) return LINK_Y2; if (e.equals("xpos")) return LINK_XPOS; if (e.equals("ypos")) return LINK_YPOS; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown keyword: " + unitStr); } final boolean isAbsolute() { switch (unit) { case PIXEL: case LPX: case LPY: case MM: case CM: case INCH: case PT: return true; case SPX: case SPY: case PERCENT: case ALIGN: case MIN_SIZE: case PREF_SIZE: case MAX_SIZE: case BUTTON: case LINK_X: case LINK_Y: case LINK_W: case LINK_H: case LINK_X2: case LINK_Y2: case LINK_XPOS: case LINK_YPOS: case LOOKUP: case LABEL_ALIGN: return false; case IDENTITY: } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown/illegal unit: " + unit + ", unitStr: " + unitStr); } final boolean isAbsoluteDeep() { if (subUnits != null) { for (UnitValue subUnit : subUnits) { if (subUnit.isAbsoluteDeep()) return true; } } return isAbsolute(); } final boolean isLinked() { return linkId != null; } final boolean isLinkedDeep() { if (subUnits != null) { for (UnitValue subUnit : subUnits) { if (subUnit.isLinkedDeep()) return true; } } return isLinked(); } final String getLinkTargetId() { return linkId; } final UnitValue getSubUnitValue(int i) { return subUnits[i]; } final int getSubUnitCount() { return subUnits != null ? subUnits.length : 0; } public final UnitValue[] getSubUnits() { return subUnits != null ? subUnits.clone() : null; } public final int getUnit() { return unit; } public final String getUnitString() { return unitStr; } public final int getOperation() { return oper; } public final float getValue() { return value; } public final boolean isHorizontal() { return isHor; } @Override final public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + ". Value=" + value + ", unit=" + unit + ", unitString: " + unitStr + ", oper=" + oper + ", isHor: " + isHor; } /** Returns the creation string for this object. Note that {@link LayoutUtil#setDesignTime(ContainerWrapper, boolean)} must be * set to true for the creation strings to be stored. * @return The constraint string or null if none is registered. */ public final String getConstraintString() { return LayoutUtil.getCCString(this); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return (int) (value * 12345) + (oper >>> 5) + unit >>> 17; } /** Adds a global unit converter that can convert from some unit to pixels. *

* This converter will be asked before the platform converter so the values for it (e.g. "related" and "unrelated") * can be overridden. It is however not possible to override the built in ones (e.g. "mm", "pixel" or "lp"). * @param conv The converter. Not null. */ public synchronized static void addGlobalUnitConverter(UnitConverter conv) { if (conv == null) throw new NullPointerException(); CONVERTERS.add(conv); } /** Removed the converter. * @param unit The converter. * @return If there was a converter found and thus removed. */ public synchronized static boolean removeGlobalUnitConverter(UnitConverter unit) { return CONVERTERS.remove(unit); } /** Returns the global converters currently registered. The platform converter will not be in this list. * @return The converters. Never null. */ public synchronized static UnitConverter[] getGlobalUnitConverters() { return CONVERTERS.toArray(new UnitConverter[CONVERTERS.size()]); } /** Returns the current default unit. The default unit is the unit used if no unit is set. E.g. "width 10". * @return The current default unit. * @see #PIXEL * @see #LPX * @deprecated Use {@link PlatformDefaults#getDefaultHorizontalUnit()} and {@link PlatformDefaults#getDefaultVerticalUnit()} instead. */ public static int getDefaultUnit() { return PlatformDefaults.getDefaultHorizontalUnit(); } /** Sets the default unit. The default unit is the unit used if no unit is set. E.g. "width 10". * @param unit The new default unit. * @see #PIXEL * @see #LPX * @deprecated Use {@link PlatformDefaults#setDefaultHorizontalUnit(int)} and {@link PlatformDefaults#setDefaultVerticalUnit(int)} instead. */ public static void setDefaultUnit(int unit) { PlatformDefaults.setDefaultHorizontalUnit(unit); PlatformDefaults.setDefaultVerticalUnit(unit); } // static { // if(LayoutUtil.HAS_BEANS){ // LayoutUtil.setDelegate(UnitValue.class, new PersistenceDelegate() { // @Override // protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) // { // UnitValue uv = (UnitValue) oldInstance; // String cs = uv.getConstraintString(); // if (cs == null) // throw new IllegalStateException("Design time must be on to use XML persistence. See LayoutUtil."); // // return new Expression(oldInstance, ConstraintParser.class, "parseUnitValueOrAlign", new Object[] { // uv.getConstraintString(), (uv.isHorizontal() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE), null // }); // } // }); // } // } // ************************************************ // Persistence Delegate and Serializable combined. // ************************************************ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return LayoutUtil.getSerializedObject(this); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { if (getClass() == UnitValue.class) LayoutUtil.writeAsXML(out, this); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { LayoutUtil.setSerializedObject(this, LayoutUtil.readAsXML(in)); } }