package jalview.ext.htsjdk; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class VCFReaderTest { private static final String[] VCF = new String[] { "##fileformat=VCFv4.2", "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO", "20\t3\t.\tC\tG\t.\tPASS\tDP=100", // SNP C/G "20\t7\t.\tG\tGA\t.\tPASS\tDP=100", // insertion G/GA "18\t2\t.\tACG\tA\t.\tPASS\tDP=100" }; // deletion ACG/A // gnomAD exome variant dataset private static final String VCF_PATH = "/Volumes/gjb/smacgowan/NOBACK/resources/gnomad/gnomad.exomes.r2.0.1.sites.vcf.gz"; // ""; /** * A test to exercise some basic functionality of the htsjdk VCF reader, * reading from a non-index VCF file * * @throws IOException */ @Test(groups = "Functional") public void testReadVcf_plain() throws IOException { File f = writeVcfFile(); VCFReader reader = new VCFReader(f.getAbsolutePath()); CloseableIterator variants = reader.iterator(); /* * SNP C/G variant */ VariantContext vc =; assertTrue(vc.isSNP()); Allele ref = vc.getReference(); assertEquals(ref.getBaseString(), "C"); List alleles = vc.getAlleles(); assertEquals(alleles.size(), 2); assertTrue(alleles.get(0).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(0).getBaseString(), "C"); assertFalse(alleles.get(1).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(1).getBaseString(), "G"); /* * Insertion G -> GA */ vc =; assertFalse(vc.isSNP()); assertTrue(vc.isSimpleInsertion()); ref = vc.getReference(); assertEquals(ref.getBaseString(), "G"); alleles = vc.getAlleles(); assertEquals(alleles.size(), 2); assertTrue(alleles.get(0).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(0).getBaseString(), "G"); assertFalse(alleles.get(1).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(1).getBaseString(), "GA"); /* * Deletion ACG -> A */ vc =; assertFalse(vc.isSNP()); assertTrue(vc.isSimpleDeletion()); ref = vc.getReference(); assertEquals(ref.getBaseString(), "ACG"); alleles = vc.getAlleles(); assertEquals(alleles.size(), 2); assertTrue(alleles.get(0).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(0).getBaseString(), "ACG"); assertFalse(alleles.get(1).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(1).getBaseString(), "A"); assertFalse(variants.hasNext()); variants.close(); reader.close(); } /** * Creates a temporary file to be read by the htsjdk VCF reader * * @return * @throws IOException */ protected File writeVcfFile() throws IOException { File f = File.createTempFile("Test", "vcf"); f.deleteOnExit(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(f); for (String vcfLine : VCF) { pw.println(vcfLine); } pw.close(); return f; } /** * A 'test' that demonstrates querying an indexed VCF file for features in a * specified interval * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testQuery_indexed() throws IOException { /* * if not specified, assumes index file is filename.tbi */ VCFReader reader = new VCFReader(VCF_PATH); /* * gene NMT1 (human) is on chromosome 17 * GCHR38 (Ensembl): 45051610-45109016 * GCHR37 (gnoMAD): 43128978-43186384 * CDS begins at offset 9720, first CDS variant at offset 9724 */ CloseableIterator features = reader.query("17", 43128978 + 9724, 43128978 + 9734); // first 11 CDS positions assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138702); assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138704); assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138707); assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138708); assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138710); assertEquals(printNext(features), 43138711); assertFalse(features.hasNext()); features.close(); reader.close(); } /** * Prints the toString value of the next variant, and returns its start * location * * @param features * @return */ protected int printNext(CloseableIterator features) { VariantContext next =; System.out.println(next.toString()); return next.getStart(); } // ""; /** * Test the query method that wraps a non-indexed VCF file * * @throws IOException */ @Test(groups = "Functional") public void testQuery_plain() throws IOException { File f = writeVcfFile(); VCFReader reader = new VCFReader(f.getAbsolutePath()); /* * query for overlap of 5-8 - should find variant at 7 */ CloseableIterator variants = reader.query("20", 5, 8); /* * INDEL G/GA variant */ VariantContext vc =; assertTrue(vc.isIndel()); assertEquals(vc.getStart(), 7); assertEquals(vc.getEnd(), 7); Allele ref = vc.getReference(); assertEquals(ref.getBaseString(), "G"); List alleles = vc.getAlleles(); assertEquals(alleles.size(), 2); assertTrue(alleles.get(0).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(0).getBaseString(), "G"); assertFalse(alleles.get(1).isReference()); assertEquals(alleles.get(1).getBaseString(), "GA"); assertFalse(variants.hasNext()); variants.close(); reader.close(); } }