/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.ext.jmol; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.io.FileLoader; import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings; import jalview.structure.StructureImportSettings.StructureParser; import java.util.Vector; import org.jmol.c.STR; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import MCview.PDBfile; /** * @author jimp * */ public class JmolParserTest { /* * 1GAQ has been reduced to alpha carbons only * 1QCF is the full PDB file including headers, HETATM etc */ String[] testFile = new String[] { "./examples/1GAQ.txt", "./test/jalview/ext/jmol/1xyz.pdb", "./test/jalview/ext/jmol/1qcf.pdb" }; //@formatter:off // a modified and very cut-down extract of 4UJ4 String pastePDBDataWithChainBreak = "HEADER TRANSPORT PROTEIN 08-APR-15 4UJ4\n" + // chain B has missing residues; these should all go in the same sequence: "ATOM 1909 CA VAL B 358 21.329 -19.739 -67.740 1.00201.05 C\n" + "ATOM 1916 CA GLY B 359 21.694 -23.563 -67.661 1.00198.09 C\n" + "ATOM 1920 CA LYS B 367 32.471 -12.135 -77.100 1.00257.97 C\n" + "ATOM 1925 CA ALA B 368 31.032 -9.324 -74.946 1.00276.01 C\n" + // switch to chain C; should be a separate sequence "ATOM 1930 CA SER C 369 32.589 -7.517 -71.978 1.00265.44 C\n" + "ATOM 1936 CA ALA C 370 31.650 -6.849 -68.346 1.00249.48 C\n"; //@formatter:on //@formatter:off // a very cut-down extract of 1ejg String pdbWithAltLoc = "HEADER TRANSPORT PROTEIN 08-APR-15 1EJG\n" + "ATOM 448 CA ALA A 24 6.619 16.195 1.970 1.00 1.65 C\n" + "ATOM 458 CA ALEU A 25 3.048 14.822 1.781 0.57 1.48 C\n" + // alternative residue 25 entries (with ILE instead of LEU) should be ignored: "ATOM 478 CA BILE A 25 3.048 14.822 1.781 0.21 1.48 C\n" + // including the next altloc causes the unit test to fail but it works with the full file // not sure why! // "ATOM 479 CA CILE A 25 3.048 14.822 1.781 0.22 1.48 C\n" + "ATOM 512 CA CYS A 26 4.137 11.461 3.154 1.00 1.52 C\n"; //@formatter:on @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() { Cache.loadProperties("test/jalview/io/testProps.jvprops"); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("STRUCT_FROM_PDB", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("ADD_TEMPFACT_ANN", Boolean.FALSE.toString()); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("ADD_SS_ANN", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); StructureImportSettings.setDefaultStructureFileFormat("PDB"); StructureImportSettings .setDefaultPDBFileParser(StructureParser.JALVIEW_PARSER); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testAlignmentLoader() throws Exception { for (String f : testFile) { FileLoader fl = new jalview.io.FileLoader(false); AlignFrame af = fl.LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(f, DataSourceType.FILE); validateSecStrRows(af.getViewport().getAlignment()); } } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFileParser() throws Exception { for (String pdbStr : testFile) { PDBfile mctest = new PDBfile(false, false, false, pdbStr, DataSourceType.FILE); JmolParser jtest = new JmolParser(pdbStr, DataSourceType.FILE); Vector seqs = jtest.getSeqs(), mcseqs = mctest.getSeqs(); assertTrue( "No sequences extracted from testfile\n" + (jtest.hasWarningMessage() ? jtest.getWarningMessage() : "(No warnings raised)"), seqs != null && seqs.size() > 0); for (SequenceI sq : seqs) { assertEquals("JMol didn't process " + pdbStr + " to the same sequence as MCView", sq.getSequenceAsString(), mcseqs.remove(0) .getSequenceAsString()); AlignmentI al = new Alignment(new SequenceI[] { sq }); validateSecStrRows(al); } } } private void validateSecStrRows(AlignmentI al) { if (!al.isNucleotide()) { for (SequenceI asq : al.getSequences()) { SequenceI sq = asq; boolean hasDs = false; while (sq.getDatasetSequence() != null && sq.getAnnotation() == null) { sq = sq.getDatasetSequence(); hasDs = true; } checkFirstAAIsAssoc(sq); if (hasDs) { // also verify if alignment sequence has annotation on it // that is correctly mapped checkFirstAAIsAssoc(asq); } } } } private void checkFirstAAIsAssoc(SequenceI sq) { assertTrue("No secondary structure assigned for protein sequence for " + sq.getName(), sq.getAnnotation() != null && sq.getAnnotation().length >= 1 && sq.getAnnotation()[0].hasIcons); assertTrue( "Secondary structure not associated for sequence " + sq.getName(), sq.getAnnotation()[0].sequenceRef == sq); } /** * Test parsing a chain with missing residues * * @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testParse_missingResidues() throws Exception { PDBfile mctest = new PDBfile(false, false, false, pastePDBDataWithChainBreak, DataSourceType.PASTE); JmolParser jtest = new JmolParser(pastePDBDataWithChainBreak, DataSourceType.PASTE); Vector seqs = jtest.getSeqs(); Vector mcseqs = mctest.getSeqs(); assertEquals("Failed to find 2 sequences\n", 2, seqs.size()); assertEquals("Failed to find 2 sequences\n", 2, mcseqs.size()); assertEquals("VGKA", seqs.get(0).getSequenceAsString()); assertEquals("VGKA", mcseqs.get(0).getSequenceAsString()); assertEquals("SA", seqs.get(1).getSequenceAsString()); assertEquals("SA", mcseqs.get(1).getSequenceAsString()); } /** * Test parsing a chain with 'altloc' residues * * @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testParse_alternativeResidues() throws Exception { PDBfile mctest = new PDBfile(false, false, false, pdbWithAltLoc, DataSourceType.PASTE); JmolParser jtest = new JmolParser(pdbWithAltLoc, DataSourceType.PASTE); Vector seqs = jtest.getSeqs(); Vector mcseqs = mctest.getSeqs(); assertEquals("Failed to find 1 sequence\n", 1, seqs.size()); assertEquals("Failed to find 1 sequence\n", 1, mcseqs.size()); assertEquals("ALC", seqs.get(0).getSequenceAsString()); assertEquals("ALC", mcseqs.get(0).getSequenceAsString()); } @Test(groups = "Functional") public void testSetSecondaryStructure() { JmolParser testee = new JmolParser(); char[] struct = new char[10]; char[] structCode = new char[10]; struct[0] = '1'; structCode[0] = '1'; testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.NONE, 0, struct, structCode); testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.HELIX, 1, struct, structCode); testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.HELIX310, 2, struct, structCode); testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.HELIXALPHA, 3, struct, structCode); testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.HELIXPI, 4, struct, structCode); testee.setSecondaryStructure(STR.SHEET, 5, struct, structCode); assertEquals(0, struct[0]); assertEquals('H', struct[1]); assertEquals('3', struct[2]); assertEquals('H', struct[3]); assertEquals('P', struct[4]); assertEquals('E', struct[5]); assertEquals(0, structCode[0]); assertEquals('H', structCode[1]); assertEquals('H', structCode[2]); assertEquals('H', structCode[3]); assertEquals('H', structCode[4]); assertEquals('E', structCode[5]); } @Test(groups = "Functional") public void testLocalPDBId() throws Exception { JmolParser structureData; /* * reads a local structure */ structureData = new JmolParser("examples/testdata/localstruct.pdb", DataSourceType.FILE); assertNotNull(structureData); /* * local structure files should yield a false ID based on the filename */ assertNotNull(structureData.getId()); assertEquals(structureData.getId(), "localstruct.pdb"); assertNotNull(structureData.getSeqs()); /* * the ID is also the group for features derived from structure data */ assertNotNull(structureData.getSeqs().get(0).getSequenceFeatures()[0].featureGroup); assertEquals( structureData.getSeqs().get(0).getSequenceFeatures()[0].featureGroup, "localstruct.pdb"); } }