/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.9) * Copyright (C) 2015 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import jalview.analysis.AnnotationSorter.SequenceAnnotationOrder; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.AppletFormatAdapter; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Unit tests for AnnotationChooser * * @author gmcarstairs * */ public class AnnotationChooserTest { // 4 sequences x 13 positions final static String TEST_DATA = ">FER_CAPAA Ferredoxin\n" + "TIETHKEAELVG-\n" + ">FER_CAPAN Ferredoxin, chloroplast precursor\n" + "TIETHKEAELVG-\n" + ">FER1_SOLLC Ferredoxin-1, chloroplast precursor\n" + "TIETHKEEELTA-\n" + ">Q93XJ9_SOLTU Ferredoxin I precursor\n" + "TIETHKEEELTA-\n"; AnnotationChooser testee; AlignmentPanel parentPanel; AlignFrame af; @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() throws IOException { // pin down annotation sort order for test Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty(Preferences.SORT_ANNOTATIONS, SequenceAnnotationOrder.NONE.name()); final String TRUE = Boolean.TRUE.toString(); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty( Preferences.SHOW_AUTOCALC_ABOVE, TRUE); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_QUALITY", TRUE); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_CONSERVATION", TRUE); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_IDENTITY", TRUE); AlignmentI al = new jalview.io.FormatAdapter().readFile(TEST_DATA, AppletFormatAdapter.PASTE, "FASTA"); af = new AlignFrame(al, 700, 500); parentPanel = new AlignmentPanel(af, af.getViewport()); addAnnotations(); } /** * Add 4 annotations, 3 of them sequence-specific. * *
   * ann1 - for sequence 0 - label 'IUPRED' 
   * ann2 - not sequence related - label 'Beauty' 
   * ann3 - for sequence 3 - label 'JMol'
   * ann4 - for sequence 2 - label 'IUPRED'
   * ann5 - for sequence 1 - label 'JMol'
  private void addAnnotations()
    Annotation an = new Annotation(2f);
    Annotation[] anns = new Annotation[] { an, an, an };
    AlignmentAnnotation ann0 = new AlignmentAnnotation("IUPRED", "", anns);
    AlignmentAnnotation ann1 = new AlignmentAnnotation("Beauty", "", anns);
    AlignmentAnnotation ann2 = new AlignmentAnnotation("JMol", "", anns);
    AlignmentAnnotation ann3 = new AlignmentAnnotation("IUPRED", "", anns);
    AlignmentAnnotation ann4 = new AlignmentAnnotation("JMol", "", anns);
    SequenceI[] seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequencesArray();

   * Test creation of panel with OK and Cancel buttons
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testBuildActionButtonsPanel()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    JPanel jp = testee.buildActionButtonsPanel();
    assertTrue("Wrong layout", jp.getLayout() instanceof FlowLayout);

    Component[] comps = jp.getComponents();
    assertEquals("Not 2 action buttons", 2, comps.length);

    final Component jb1 = comps[0];
    final Component jb2 = comps[1];

    assertEquals("Not 'OK' button", MessageManager.getString("action.ok"),
            ((JButton) jb1).getText());
    assertEquals("Wrong button font", JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont(),

    assertEquals("Not 'Cancel' button",
            ((JButton) jb2).getText());
    assertEquals("Wrong button font", JvSwingUtils.getLabelFont(),

   * Test 'Apply to' has 3 radio buttons enabled, 'Selected Sequences' selected,
   * when there is a current selection group.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testBuildApplyToOptionsPanel_withSelectionGroup()
    selectSequences(0, 2, 3);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    JPanel jp = testee.buildApplyToOptionsPanel();
    Component[] comps = jp.getComponents();
    assertEquals("Not 3 radio buttons", 3, comps.length);

    final Checkbox cb1 = (Checkbox) comps[0];
    final Checkbox cb2 = (Checkbox) comps[1];
    final Checkbox cb3 = (Checkbox) comps[2];

    assertTrue("Not enabled", cb1.isEnabled());
    assertTrue("Not enabled", cb2.isEnabled());
    assertTrue("Not enabled", cb3.isEnabled());
    assertEquals("Option not selected", cb2, cb2.getCheckboxGroup()

    // check state variables match checkbox selection

   * Add a sequence group to the alignment with the specified sequences (base 0)
   * in it
   * @param i
   * @param more
  private void selectSequences(int... selected)
    SequenceI[] seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequencesArray();
    SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup();
    for (int i : selected)
      sg.addSequence(seqs[i], false);

   * Test 'Apply to' has 1 radio button enabled, 'All Sequences' selected, when
   * there is no current selection group.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testBuildApplyToOptionsPanel_noSelectionGroup()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    JPanel jp = testee.buildApplyToOptionsPanel();

  protected void verifyApplyToOptionsPanel_noSelectionGroup(JPanel jp)
    assertTrue("Wrong layout", jp.getLayout() instanceof FlowLayout);
    Component[] comps = jp.getComponents();
    assertEquals("Not 3 radio buttons", 3, comps.length);

    final Checkbox cb1 = (Checkbox) comps[0];
    final Checkbox cb2 = (Checkbox) comps[1];
    final Checkbox cb3 = (Checkbox) comps[2];

    assertTrue("Not enabled", cb1.isEnabled());
    assertFalse("Enabled", cb2.isEnabled());
    assertFalse("Enabled", cb3.isEnabled());
    assertEquals("Not selected", cb1, cb1.getCheckboxGroup()

    // check state variables match checkbox selection

    assertEquals("Wrong text",
            MessageManager.getString("label.all_sequences"), cb1.getLabel());
    assertEquals("Wrong text",
    assertEquals("Wrong text",

   * Test Show and Hide radio buttons created, with Hide initially selected.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testBuildShowHidePanel()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    JPanel jp = testee.buildShowHidePanel();


  protected void verifyShowHidePanel(JPanel jp)
    assertTrue("Wrong layout", jp.getLayout() instanceof FlowLayout);
    Component[] comps = jp.getComponents();
    assertEquals("Not 2 radio buttons", 2, comps.length);

    final Checkbox cb1 = (Checkbox) comps[0];
    final Checkbox cb2 = (Checkbox) comps[1];

    assertTrue("Show not enabled", cb1.isEnabled());
    assertTrue("Hide not enabled", cb2.isEnabled());

    // Hide (button 2) selected; note this may change to none (null)
    assertEquals("Not selected", cb2, cb2.getCheckboxGroup()

    assertTrue("Show is flagged", !testee.isShowSelected());

    assertEquals("Wrong text",
    assertEquals("Wrong text",

   * Test construction of panel containing two sub-panels
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testBuildShowHideOptionsPanel()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    JPanel jp = testee.buildShowHideOptionsPanel();
    assertTrue("Wrong layout", jp.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout);
    Component[] comps = jp.getComponents();
    assertEquals("Not 2 sub-panels", 2, comps.length);

    verifyShowHidePanel((JPanel) comps[0]);
    verifyApplyToOptionsPanel_noSelectionGroup((JPanel) comps[1]);

   * Test that annotation types are (uniquely) identified.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testGetAnnotationTypes()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    // selection group should make no difference to the result
    // as all annotation types for the alignment are considered

    List types = AnnotationChooser.getAnnotationTypes(
            parentPanel.getAlignment(), true);
    assertEquals("Not two annotation types", 2, types.size());
    assertTrue("IUPRED missing", types.contains("IUPRED"));
    assertTrue("JMol missing", types.contains("JMol"));

    types = AnnotationChooser.getAnnotationTypes(
            parentPanel.getAlignment(), false);
    assertEquals("Not six annotation types", 6, types.size());
    assertTrue("IUPRED missing", types.contains("IUPRED"));
    assertTrue("JMol missing", types.contains("JMol"));
    assertTrue("Beauty missing", types.contains("Beauty"));
    // These are added by viewmodel.AlignViewport.initAutoAnnotation():
    assertTrue("Consensus missing", types.contains("Consensus"));
    assertTrue("Quality missing", types.contains("Quality"));
    assertTrue("Conservation missing", types.contains("Conservation"));

   * Test result of selecting an annotation type, with 'Hide for all sequences'.
   * We expect all annotations of that type to be set hidden. Other annotations
   * should be left visible.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testSelectType_hideForAll()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);

    final Checkbox allSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee,
            1, 1, 0);
    setSelected(allSequencesCheckbox, true);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertFalse(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3 - not selected but hidden
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1 - selected and hidden

   * Test result of selecting an annotation type, with 'Hide for selected
   * sequences'.
   * We expect the annotations of that type, linked to the sequence group, to be
   * set hidden. Other annotations should be left visible.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testSelectType_hideForSelected()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);

     * Don't set the 'selected sequences' radio button since this would trigger
     * an update, including unselected sequences / annotation types
    // setSelected(getSelectedSequencesCheckbox());

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3 not in selection group
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1 in selection group

   * Test result of deselecting an annotation type, with 'Hide for all
   * sequences'.
   * We expect all annotations of that type to be set visible. Other annotations
   * should be left unchanged.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testDeselectType_hideForAll()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);

    final Checkbox allSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee,
            1, 1, 0);
    setSelected(allSequencesCheckbox, true);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    final Checkbox typeCheckbox = getTypeCheckbox("JMol");

    // select JMol - all hidden
    setSelected(typeCheckbox, true);
    assertFalse(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

    // deselect JMol - all unhidden
    setSelected(typeCheckbox, false);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

   * Test result of deselecting an annotation type, with 'Hide for selected
   * sequences'.
   * We expect the annotations of that type, linked to the sequence group, to be
   * set visible. Other annotations should be left unchanged.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testDeselectType_hideForSelected()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);

     * Don't set the 'selected sequences' radio button since this would trigger
     * an update, including unselected sequences / annotation types
    // setSelected(getSelectedSequencesCheckbox());

    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), false);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3 not in selection group
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1 in selection group

   * Test result of selecting an annotation type, with 'Show for all sequences'.
   * We expect all annotations of that type to be set visible. Other annotations
   * should be left unchanged
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testSelectType_showForAll()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox showCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 0);
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);

    final Checkbox allSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee,
            1, 1, 0);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    // hide all JMol annotations
    setSelected(allSequencesCheckbox, true);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    assertFalse(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1
    // ...now show them...
    setSelected(showCheckbox, true);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

   * Test result of selecting an annotation type, with 'Show for selected
   * sequences'.
   * We expect all annotations of that type, linked to the sequence group, to be
   * set visible. Other annotations should be left unchanged
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testSelectType_showForSelected()
    // sequences 1 and 2 have annotations IUPred and Jmol
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox showCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 0);
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);

    final Checkbox selectedSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(
            testee, 1, 1, 1);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    // hide all JMol annotations in the selection region (== annotation 7)
    setSelected(selectedSequencesCheckbox, true);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);

    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1
    // ...now show them...
    setSelected(showCheckbox, true);

    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

   * Test result of deselecting an annotation type, with 'Show for all
   * sequences'.
   * We expect all annotations of that type to be set hidden. Other annotations
   * should be left unchanged.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testDeselectType_showForAll()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    final Checkbox showCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 0);
    setSelected(showCheckbox, true);

    final Checkbox allSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee,
            1, 1, 0);
    setSelected(allSequencesCheckbox, true);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    final Checkbox typeCheckbox = getTypeCheckbox("JMol");
    // select JMol - all shown
    setSelected(typeCheckbox, true);
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

    // deselect JMol - all hidden
    setSelected(typeCheckbox, false);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertFalse(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

   * Test result of deselecting an annotation type, with 'Show for selected
   * sequences'.
   * We expect the annotations of that type, linked to the sequence group, to be
   * set hidden. Other annotations should be left unchanged.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testDeselectType_showForSelected()
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);
    final Checkbox showCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 0);
    setSelected(showCheckbox, true);

     * Don't set the 'selected sequences' radio button since this would trigger
     * an update, including unselected sequences / annotation types
    // setSelected(getSelectedSequencesCheckbox());

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()

    // select JMol - should remain visible
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3
    assertTrue(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1

    // deselect JMol - should be hidden for selected sequences only
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), false);
    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertTrue(anns[3].visible); // IUPred for seq0
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty
    assertTrue(anns[5].visible); // JMol for seq3 not in selection group
    assertTrue(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED for seq2
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol for seq1 in selection group

   * Helper method to drill down to a sub-component in a Container hierarchy.
   * @param cont
   * @param i
   * @param j
   * @param k
   * @return
  public static Component getComponent(Container cont, int... positions)
    Component comp = cont;
    for (int i : positions)
      comp = ((Container) comp).getComponent(i);
    return comp;

   * Helper method to set or unset a checkbox and fire its action listener.
   * @param cb
   * @param select
  protected void setSelected(Checkbox cb, boolean select)
    // TODO refactor to a test utility class
    // have to manually fire the action listener
    cb.getItemListeners()[0].itemStateChanged(new ItemEvent(cb,
            ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED, cb, select ? ItemEvent.SELECTED
                    : ItemEvent.DESELECTED));

   * Helper method to drill down to the 'Annotation type' checkbox with given
   * label.
   * @return
  private Checkbox getTypeCheckbox(String forLabel)
    Component[] cbs = ((JPanel) testee.getComponent(0)).getComponents();
    for (Component comp : cbs)
      final Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) comp;
      if (cb.getLabel().equals(forLabel))
        return cb;
    return null;

   * Test isInActionScope for the case where the scope is selected sequences.
   * Test cases include sequences in the selection group, and others not in the
   * group.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testIsInActionScope_selectedScope()
    // sequences 1 and 2 have annotations 4 and 3 respectively
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    final Checkbox selectedSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(
            testee, 1, 1, 1);
    setSelected(selectedSequencesCheckbox, true);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()
    // remember 3 annotations to skip (Conservation/Quality/Consensus)

   * Test isInActionScope for the case where the scope is unselected sequences.
   * Test cases include sequences in the selection group, and others not in the
   * group.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testIsInActionScope_unselectedScope()
    // sequences 1 and 2 have annotations 4 and 3 respectively
    selectSequences(1, 2);
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    final Checkbox unselectedSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(
            testee, 1, 1, 2);
    setSelected(unselectedSequencesCheckbox, true);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()
    // remember 3 annotations to skip (Conservation/Quality/Consensus)

   * Test that the reset method restores previous visibility flags.
  @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
  public void testResetOriginalState()
    testee = new AnnotationChooser(parentPanel);

    AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = parentPanel.getAlignment()
    // all start visible
    for (int i = 0; i < anns.length; i++)
      assertTrue(i + "'th sequence not visible", anns[i].visible);

     * check options to hide JMol and IUPRED annotations for all sequences
    final Checkbox hideCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee, 1, 0, 1);
    setSelected(hideCheckbox, true);

    final Checkbox allSequencesCheckbox = (Checkbox) getComponent(testee,
            1, 1, 0);
    setSelected(allSequencesCheckbox, true);

    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("JMol"), true);
    setSelected(getTypeCheckbox("IUPRED"), true);

    assertTrue(anns[0].visible); // Conservation
    assertTrue(anns[1].visible); // Quality
    assertTrue(anns[2].visible); // Consensus
    assertFalse(anns[3].visible); // IUPRED
    assertTrue(anns[4].visible); // Beauty (not seq-related)
    assertFalse(anns[5].visible); // JMol
    assertFalse(anns[6].visible); // IUPRED
    assertFalse(anns[7].visible); // JMol

    // reset - should all be visible
    for (int i = 0; i < anns.length; i++)
      assertTrue(i + "'th sequence not visible", anns[i].visible);