/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import static jalview.util.UrlConstants.DB_ACCESSION; import static jalview.util.UrlConstants.SEQUENCE_ID; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource; import jalview.datamodel.HiddenColumns; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.io.FileFormat; import jalview.io.FormatAdapter; import jalview.urls.api.UrlProviderFactoryI; import jalview.urls.desktop.DesktopUrlProviderFactory; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.UrlConstants; import java.awt.Component; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class PopupMenuTest { @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void setUpJvOptionPane() { JvOptionPane.setInteractiveMode(false); JvOptionPane.setMockResponse(JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION); } // 4 sequences x 13 positions final static String TEST_DATA = ">FER_CAPAA Ferredoxin\n" + "TIETHKEAELVG-\n" + ">FER_CAPAN Ferredoxin, chloroplast precursor\n" + "TIETHKEAELVG-\n" + ">FER1_SOLLC Ferredoxin-1, chloroplast precursor\n" + "TIETHKEEELTA-\n" + ">Q93XJ9_SOLTU Ferredoxin I precursor\n" + "TIETHKEEELTA-\n"; AlignmentI alignment; AlignmentPanel parentPanel; PopupMenu testee = null; @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() throws IOException { Cache.loadProperties("test/jalview/io/testProps.jvprops"); Cache.initLogger(); String inMenuString = ("EMBL-EBI Search | http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ebisearch/search.ebi?db=allebi&query=$" + SEQUENCE_ID + "$" + "|" + "UNIPROT | http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/$" + DB_ACCESSION + "$") + "|" + ("INTERPRO | http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/entry/$" + DB_ACCESSION + "$") + "|" + // Gene3D entry tests for case (in)sensitivity ("Gene3D | http://gene3d.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/Gene3D/search?sterm=$" + DB_ACCESSION + "$&mode=protein"); UrlProviderFactoryI factory = new DesktopUrlProviderFactory( UrlConstants.DEFAULT_LABEL, inMenuString, ""); Preferences.sequenceUrlLinks = factory.createUrlProvider(); alignment = new FormatAdapter().readFile(TEST_DATA, DataSourceType.PASTE, FileFormat.Fasta); AlignFrame af = new AlignFrame(alignment, 700, 500); parentPanel = new AlignmentPanel(af, af.getViewport()); testee = new PopupMenu(parentPanel, alignment.getSequenceAt(0), null); int i = 0; for (SequenceI seq : alignment.getSequences()) { final AlignmentAnnotation annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation( "label" + i, "desc" + i, i); annotation.setCalcId("calcId" + i); seq.addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); annotation.setSequenceRef(seq); } } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu_noSequenceSelected() { JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(); List seqs = new ArrayList<>(); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, seqs); assertFalse(menu.isEnabled()); // now try null list menu.setEnabled(true); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, null); assertFalse(menu.isEnabled()); } /** * Test building the 'add reference annotations' menu for the case where there * are no reference annotations to add to the alignment. The menu item should * be disabled. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu_noReferenceAnnotations() { JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(); /* * Initial state is that sequences have annotations, and have dataset * sequences, but the dataset sequences have no annotations. Hence nothing * to add. */ List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, seqs); assertFalse(menu.isEnabled()); } /** * Test building the 'add reference annotations' menu for the case where all * reference annotations are already on the alignment. The menu item should be * disabled. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu_alreadyAdded() { JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to dataset sequences, sequences and // alignment attachReferenceAnnotations(seqs, true, true); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, seqs); assertFalse(menu.isEnabled()); } /** * Test building the 'add reference annotations' menu for the case where * several reference annotations are on the dataset but not on the sequences. * The menu item should be enabled, and acquire a tooltip which lists the * annotation sources (calcIds) and type (labels). */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu() { JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to dataset sequences attachReferenceAnnotations(seqs, false, false); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, seqs); assertTrue(menu.isEnabled()); String s = MessageManager.getString("label.add_annotations_for"); // String expected = "

" // + s + "
Jmol/secondary structure

"; String expected = "" + "
" + s + "
Jmol/secondary structure
"; assertEquals(expected, menu.getToolTipText()); } /** * Test building the 'add reference annotations' menu for the case where * several reference annotations are on the dataset and the sequences but not * on the alignment. The menu item should be enabled, and acquire a tooltip * which lists the annotation sources (calcIds) and type (labels). */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu_notOnAlignment() { JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to dataset sequences and sequences attachReferenceAnnotations(seqs, true, false); testee.configureReferenceAnnotationsMenu(menu, seqs); assertTrue(menu.isEnabled()); String s = MessageManager.getString("label.add_annotations_for"); // String expected = "

" // + s + "
Jmol/secondary structure

"; String expected = "" + "
Add annotations for
Jmol/secondary structure
"; assertEquals(expected, menu.getToolTipText()); } /** * Generate annotations and add to dataset sequences and (optionally) * sequences and/or alignment * * @param seqs * @param addToSequence * @param addToAlignment */ private void attachReferenceAnnotations(List seqs, boolean addToSequence, boolean addToAlignment) { // PDB.secondary structure on Sequence0 AlignmentAnnotation annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation( "secondary structure", "", 0); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); seqs.get(0).getDatasetSequence().addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); if (addToSequence) { seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); } if (addToAlignment) { this.alignment.addAnnotation(annotation); } // PDB.Temp on Sequence1 annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Temp", "", 0); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); seqs.get(1).getDatasetSequence().addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); if (addToSequence) { seqs.get(1).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); } if (addToAlignment) { this.alignment.addAnnotation(annotation); } // JMOL.secondary structure on Sequence0 annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("secondary structure", "", 0); annotation.setCalcId("Jmol"); seqs.get(0).getDatasetSequence().addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); if (addToSequence) { seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); } if (addToAlignment) { this.alignment.addAnnotation(annotation); } } /** * Test building the 'add reference annotations' menu for the case where there * are two alignment views: *
  • in one view, reference annotations have been added (are on the * datasets, sequences and alignment)
  • *
  • in the current view, reference annotations are on the dataset and * sequence, but not the alignment
  • *
* The menu item should be enabled, and acquire a tooltip which lists the * annotation sources (calcIds) and type (labels). */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConfigureReferenceAnnotationsMenu_twoViews() { } /** * Test for building menu options including 'show' and 'hide' annotation * types. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testBuildAnnotationTypesMenus() { JMenu showMenu = new JMenu(); JMenu hideMenu = new JMenu(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to sequences and to the alignment // PDB.secondary structure on Sequence0 AlignmentAnnotation annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation( "secondary structure", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); annotation.visible = true; seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); // JMOL.secondary structure on Sequence0 - hidden annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("secondary structure", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("JMOL"); annotation.visible = false; seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); // Jpred.SSP on Sequence0 - hidden annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("SSP", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("JPred"); annotation.visible = false; seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); // PDB.Temp on Sequence1 annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Temp", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); annotation.visible = true; seqs.get(1).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); /* * Expect menu options to show "secondary structure" and "SSP", and to hide * "secondary structure" and "Temp". Tooltip should be calcId. */ testee.buildAnnotationTypesMenus(showMenu, hideMenu, seqs); assertTrue(showMenu.isEnabled()); assertTrue(hideMenu.isEnabled()); Component[] showOptions = showMenu.getMenuComponents(); Component[] hideOptions = hideMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(4, showOptions.length); // includes 'All' and separator assertEquals(4, hideOptions.length); String all = MessageManager.getString("label.all"); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) showOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(showOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) showOptions[1]).getOrientation()); assertEquals("secondary structure", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[2]).getText()); assertEquals("JMOL", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[2]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals("SSP", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[3]).getText()); assertEquals("JPred", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[3]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(hideOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) hideOptions[1]).getOrientation()); assertEquals("secondary structure", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[2]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[2]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals("Temp", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[3]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[3]).getToolTipText()); } /** * Test for building menu options with only 'hide' annotation types enabled. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testBuildAnnotationTypesMenus_showDisabled() { JMenu showMenu = new JMenu(); JMenu hideMenu = new JMenu(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to sequences and to the alignment // PDB.secondary structure on Sequence0 AlignmentAnnotation annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation( "secondary structure", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); annotation.visible = true; seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); // PDB.Temp on Sequence1 annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Temp", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); annotation.visible = true; seqs.get(1).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); /* * Expect menu options to hide "secondary structure" and "Temp". Tooltip * should be calcId. 'Show' menu should be disabled. */ testee.buildAnnotationTypesMenus(showMenu, hideMenu, seqs); assertFalse(showMenu.isEnabled()); assertTrue(hideMenu.isEnabled()); Component[] showOptions = showMenu.getMenuComponents(); Component[] hideOptions = hideMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(2, showOptions.length); // includes 'All' and separator assertEquals(4, hideOptions.length); String all = MessageManager.getString("label.all"); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) showOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(showOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) showOptions[1]).getOrientation()); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(hideOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) hideOptions[1]).getOrientation()); assertEquals("secondary structure", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[2]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[2]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals("Temp", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[3]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB", ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[3]).getToolTipText()); } /** * Test for building menu options with only 'show' annotation types enabled. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testBuildAnnotationTypesMenus_hideDisabled() { JMenu showMenu = new JMenu(); JMenu hideMenu = new JMenu(); List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // make up new annotations and add to sequences and to the alignment // PDB.secondary structure on Sequence0 AlignmentAnnotation annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation( "secondary structure", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB"); annotation.visible = false; seqs.get(0).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); // PDB.Temp on Sequence1 annotation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Temp", "", new Annotation[] {}); annotation.setCalcId("PDB2"); annotation.visible = false; seqs.get(1).addAlignmentAnnotation(annotation); parentPanel.getAlignment().addAnnotation(annotation); /* * Expect menu options to show "secondary structure" and "Temp". Tooltip * should be calcId. 'hide' menu should be disabled. */ testee.buildAnnotationTypesMenus(showMenu, hideMenu, seqs); assertTrue(showMenu.isEnabled()); assertFalse(hideMenu.isEnabled()); Component[] showOptions = showMenu.getMenuComponents(); Component[] hideOptions = hideMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(4, showOptions.length); // includes 'All' and separator assertEquals(2, hideOptions.length); String all = MessageManager.getString("label.all"); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) showOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(showOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) showOptions[1]).getOrientation()); assertEquals("secondary structure", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[2]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[2]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals("Temp", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[3]).getText()); assertEquals("PDB2", ((JMenuItem) showOptions[3]).getToolTipText()); assertEquals(all, ((JMenuItem) hideOptions[0]).getText()); assertTrue(hideOptions[1] instanceof JPopupMenu.Separator); assertEquals(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL, ((JSeparator) hideOptions[1]).getOrientation()); } /** * Test for adding sequence id, dbref and feature links */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testBuildLinkMenu() { List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); final SequenceI seq0 = seqs.get(0); final SequenceI seq1 = seqs.get(1); final List noFeatures = Collections . emptyList(); final String linkText = MessageManager.getString("action.link"); seq0.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry(DBRefSource.UNIPROT, "1", "P83527")); seq0.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry("INTERPRO", "1", "IPR001041")); seq0.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry("INTERPRO", "1", "IPR012675")); seq0.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry("INTERPRO", "1", "IPR006058")); seq1.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry(DBRefSource.UNIPROT, "1", "Q9ZTS2")); seq1.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry("GENE3D", "1", "")); /* * check the Link Menu for the first sequence */ JMenu linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(seq0, noFeatures); assertEquals(linkText, linkMenu.getText()); Component[] linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); /* * menu items are ordered: SEQUENCE_ID search first, then dbrefs in order * of database name (and within that by order of dbref addition) */ assertEquals(5, linkItems.length); assertEquals("EMBL-EBI Search", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[0]).getText()); assertEquals("INTERPRO|IPR001041", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[1]).getText()); assertEquals("INTERPRO|IPR012675", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[2]).getText()); assertEquals("INTERPRO|IPR006058", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[3]).getText()); assertEquals("UNIPROT|P83527", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[4]).getText()); /* * check the Link Menu for the second sequence * note dbref GENE3D is matched to link Gene3D, the latter is displayed */ linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(seq1, noFeatures); linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(3, linkItems.length); assertEquals("EMBL-EBI Search", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[0]).getText()); assertEquals("Gene3D|", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[1]).getText()); assertEquals("UNIPROT|Q9ZTS2", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[2]).getText()); /* * if there are no valid links the Links submenu is still shown, but * reduced to the EMBL-EBI lookup only (inserted by * CustomUrlProvider.choosePrimaryUrl()) */ String unmatched = "NOMATCH|http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/$" + DB_ACCESSION + "$"; UrlProviderFactoryI factory = new DesktopUrlProviderFactory(null, unmatched, ""); Preferences.sequenceUrlLinks = factory.createUrlProvider(); linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(seq1, noFeatures); linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(1, linkItems.length); assertEquals("EMBL-EBI Search", ((JMenuItem) linkItems[0]).getText()); /* * if sequence is null, only feature links are shown (alignment popup submenu) */ linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(null, noFeatures); linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(0, linkItems.length); List features = new ArrayList<>(); SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature("type", "desc", 1, 20, null); features.add(sf); linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(null, features); linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(0, linkItems.length); // feature has no links sf.addLink("Pfam family|http://pfam.xfam.org/family/PF00111"); linkMenu = PopupMenu.buildLinkMenu(null, features); linkItems = linkMenu.getMenuComponents(); assertEquals(1, linkItems.length); JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem) linkItems[0]; assertEquals("Pfam family", item.getText()); // ? no way to verify URL, compiled into link's actionListener } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testHideInsertions() { // get sequences from the alignment List seqs = parentPanel.getAlignment().getSequences(); // add our own seqs to avoid problems with changes to existing sequences // (gap at end of sequences varies depending on how tests are run!) Sequence seqGap1 = new Sequence("GappySeq", "AAAA----AA-AAAAAAA---AAA-----------AAAAAAAAAA--"); seqGap1.createDatasetSequence(); seqs.add(seqGap1); Sequence seqGap2 = new Sequence("LessGappySeq", "AAAAAA-AAAAA---AAA--AAAAA--AAAAAAA-AAAAAA"); seqGap2.createDatasetSequence(); seqs.add(seqGap2); Sequence seqGap3 = new Sequence("AnotherGapSeq", "AAAAAA-AAAAAA--AAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAA---AAAAAAAA"); seqGap3.createDatasetSequence(); seqs.add(seqGap3); Sequence seqGap4 = new Sequence("NoGaps", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); seqGap4.createDatasetSequence(); seqs.add(seqGap4); ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection(); parentPanel.av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns() .revealAllHiddenColumns(sel); // get the Popup Menu for 7th sequence - no insertions testee = new PopupMenu(parentPanel, seqs.get(7), null); testee.hideInsertions_actionPerformed(null); HiddenColumns hidden = parentPanel.av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns(); Iterator it = hidden.iterator(); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); // get the Popup Menu for GappySeq - this time we have insertions testee = new PopupMenu(parentPanel, seqs.get(4), null); testee.hideInsertions_actionPerformed(null); hidden = parentPanel.av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns(); it = hidden.iterator(); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); int[] region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 4); assertEquals(region[1], 7); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 10); assertEquals(region[1], 10); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 18); assertEquals(region[1], 20); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 24); assertEquals(region[1], 34); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 45); assertEquals(region[1], 46); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); sel = new ColumnSelection(); hidden.revealAllHiddenColumns(sel); // make a sequence group and hide insertions within the group SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup(); sg.setStartRes(8); sg.setEndRes(42); sg.addSequence(seqGap2, false); sg.addSequence(seqGap3, false); parentPanel.av.setSelectionGroup(sg); // hide columns outside and within selection // only hidden columns outside the collection will be retained (unless also // gaps in the selection) hidden.hideColumns(1, 10); hidden.hideColumns(31, 40); // get the Popup Menu for LessGappySeq in the sequence group testee = new PopupMenu(parentPanel, seqs.get(5), null); testee.hideInsertions_actionPerformed(null); hidden = parentPanel.av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns(); it = hidden.iterator(); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 1); assertEquals(region[1], 7); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 13); assertEquals(region[1], 14); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); region = it.next(); assertEquals(region[0], 34); assertEquals(region[1], 34); } }