/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull; import jalview.api.AlignExportSettingI; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.HiddenColumns; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.JvOptionPane; import jalview.json.binding.biojson.v1.ColourSchemeMapper; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class JSONFileTest { @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void setUpJvOptionPane() { JvOptionPane.setInteractiveMode(false); JvOptionPane.setMockResponse(JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION); } private int TEST_SEQ_HEIGHT = 0; private int TEST_GRP_HEIGHT = 0; private int TEST_ANOT_HEIGHT = 0; private int TEST_CS_HEIGHT = 0; private String TEST_JSON_FILE = "examples/example.json"; private Alignment alignment; private HashMap expectedSeqs = new HashMap(); private HashMap expectedAnnots = new HashMap(); private HashMap expectedGrps = new HashMap(); private HiddenColumns expectedColSel = new HiddenColumns(); private SequenceI[] expectedHiddenSeqs = new SequenceI[1]; private AlignmentI testAlignment; private int passedCount; private JSONFile testJsonFile; private JSONFile jf; @BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true) public void setup() throws Exception { // create and add sequences Sequence[] seqs = new Sequence[5]; seqs[0] = new Sequence("FER_CAPAN", "SVSATMISTSFMPRKPAVTSL-KPIPNVGE--ALF", 3, 34); seqs[1] = new Sequence("FER1_SOLLC", "SISGTMISTSFLPRKPAVTSL-KAISNVGE--ALF", 3, 34); seqs[2] = new Sequence("Q93XJ9_SOLTU", "SISGTMISTSFLPRKPVVTSL-KAISNVGE--ALF", 3, 34); seqs[3] = new Sequence("FER1_PEA", "ALYGTAVSTSFLRTQPMPMSV-TTTKAFSN--GFL", 6, 37); seqs[4] = new Sequence("Q7XA98_TRIPR", "ALYGTAVSTSFMRRQPVPMSV-ATTTTTKAFPSGF", 6, 39); SequenceI hiddenSeq = new Sequence("FER_TOCH", "FILGTMISKSFLFRKPAVTSL-KAISNVGE--ALF", 3, 34); expectedHiddenSeqs[0] = hiddenSeq; // create and add sequence features SequenceFeature seqFeature2 = new SequenceFeature("feature_x", "desciption", "status", 6, 15, "Jalview"); SequenceFeature seqFeature3 = new SequenceFeature("feature_x", "desciption", "status", 9, 18, "Jalview"); SequenceFeature seqFeature4 = new SequenceFeature("feature_x", "desciption", "status", 9, 18, "Jalview"); seqs[2].addSequenceFeature(seqFeature2); seqs[3].addSequenceFeature(seqFeature3); seqs[4].addSequenceFeature(seqFeature4); for (Sequence seq : seqs) { seq.createDatasetSequence(); expectedSeqs.put(seq.getName(), seq); } // create and add sequence groups ArrayList grpSeqs = new ArrayList(); grpSeqs.add(seqs[1]); grpSeqs.add(seqs[2]); grpSeqs.add(seqs[3]); grpSeqs.add(seqs[4]); SequenceGroup seqGrp = new SequenceGroup(grpSeqs, "JGroup:1883305585", null, true, true, false, 21, 29); ColourSchemeI scheme = ColourSchemeMapper.getJalviewColourScheme( "zappo", seqGrp); seqGrp.cs.setColourScheme(scheme); seqGrp.setShowNonconserved(false); seqGrp.setDescription(null); expectedGrps.put(seqGrp.getName(), seqGrp); // create and add annotation Annotation[] annot = new Annotation[35]; annot[0] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[1] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[2] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[3] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[4] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[5] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[6] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[7] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[8] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[9] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[10] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[11] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[12] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[13] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[14] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[15] = new Annotation("β", "", 'E', 0); annot[16] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[17] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[18] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[19] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[20] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[21] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[22] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[23] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[24] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[25] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[26] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[27] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[28] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[29] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[30] = new Annotation("α", "", 'H', 0); annot[31] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[32] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[33] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); annot[34] = new Annotation("", "", '\u0000', 0); AlignmentAnnotation alignAnnot = new AlignmentAnnotation( "Secondary Structure", "New description", annot); expectedAnnots.put(alignAnnot.label, alignAnnot); expectedColSel.hideColumns(32, 33); expectedColSel.hideColumns(34, 34); TEST_SEQ_HEIGHT = expectedSeqs.size(); TEST_GRP_HEIGHT = expectedGrps.size(); TEST_ANOT_HEIGHT = expectedAnnots.size(); TEST_CS_HEIGHT = expectedColSel.getListOfCols().size(); AlignExportSettingI exportSettings = new AlignExportSettingI() { @Override public boolean isExportHiddenSequences() { return true; } @Override public boolean isExportHiddenColumns() { return true; } @Override public boolean isExportGroups() { return true; } @Override public boolean isExportFeatures() { return true; } @Override public boolean isExportAnnotations() { return true; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return false; } }; AppletFormatAdapter formatAdapter = new AppletFormatAdapter(); try { alignment = (Alignment) formatAdapter.readFile(TEST_JSON_FILE, DataSourceType.FILE, FileFormat.Json); jf = (JSONFile) formatAdapter.getAlignFile(); AlignFrame af = new AlignFrame(alignment, jf.getHiddenSequences(), jf.getHiddenColumns(), AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); af.getViewport().setShowSequenceFeatures(jf.isShowSeqFeatures()); String colourSchemeName = jf.getGlobalColourScheme(); ColourSchemeI cs = ColourSchemeMapper.getJalviewColourScheme( colourSchemeName, alignment); af.changeColour(cs); af.getViewport().setFeaturesDisplayed(jf.getDisplayedFeatures()); formatAdapter = new AppletFormatAdapter(af.alignPanel, exportSettings); String jsonOutput = formatAdapter.formatSequences(FileFormat.Json, af.alignPanel.getAlignment(), false); formatAdapter = new AppletFormatAdapter(); testAlignment = formatAdapter.readFile(jsonOutput, DataSourceType.PASTE, FileFormat.Json); testJsonFile = (JSONFile) formatAdapter.getAlignFile(); // System.out.println(jsonOutput); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void methodSetup() { passedCount = 0; } @AfterTest(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { testJsonFile = null; alignment = null; expectedSeqs = null; expectedAnnots = null; expectedGrps = null; testAlignment = null; jf = null; } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void roundTripTest() { assertNotNull("JSON roundtrip test failed!", testJsonFile); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSeqParsed() { assertNotNull("Couldn't read supplied alignment data.", testAlignment); Assert.assertNotNull(testAlignment.getSequences()); for (SequenceI seq : testAlignment.getSequences()) { SequenceI expectedSeq = expectedSeqs.get(seq.getName()); AssertJUnit.assertTrue( "Failed Sequence Test for >>> " + seq.getName(), isSeqMatched(expectedSeq, seq)); passedCount++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Some Sequences did not pass the test", TEST_SEQ_HEIGHT, passedCount); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void hiddenColsTest() { HiddenColumns cs = testJsonFile.getHiddenColumns(); Assert.assertNotNull(cs); Assert.assertNotNull(cs.getListOfCols()); List hiddenCols = cs.getListOfCols(); Assert.assertEquals(hiddenCols.size(), TEST_CS_HEIGHT); Assert.assertEquals(hiddenCols.get(0), expectedColSel .getListOfCols().get(0), "Mismatched hidden columns!"); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void hiddenSeqsTest() { Assert.assertNotNull(testJsonFile.getHiddenSequences(), "Hidden sequence Expected but found Null"); Assert.assertEquals(jf.getHiddenSequences().length, 1, "Hidden sequence"); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void colorSchemeTest() { Assert.assertNotNull(testJsonFile.getGlobalColourScheme(), "Colourscheme is null, parsing failed!"); Assert.assertEquals(testJsonFile.getGlobalColourScheme(), "Zappo", "Zappo colour scheme expected!"); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void isShowSeqFeaturesSet() { Assert.assertTrue(testJsonFile.isShowSeqFeatures(), "Sequence feature isDisplayed setting expected to be true"); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testGrpParsed() { Assert.assertNotNull(testAlignment.getGroups()); for (SequenceGroup seqGrp : testAlignment.getGroups()) { SequenceGroup expectedGrp = expectedGrps.get(seqGrp.getName()); AssertJUnit.assertTrue( "Failed SequenceGroup Test for >>> " + seqGrp.getName(), isGroupMatched(expectedGrp, seqGrp)); passedCount++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Some SequenceGroups did not pass the test", TEST_GRP_HEIGHT, passedCount); } @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testAnnotationParsed() { Assert.assertNotNull(testAlignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()); for (AlignmentAnnotation annot : testAlignment.getAlignmentAnnotation()) { AlignmentAnnotation expectedAnnot = expectedAnnots.get(annot.label); AssertJUnit.assertTrue("Failed AlignmentAnnotation Test for >>> " + annot.label, isAnnotationMatched(expectedAnnot, annot)); passedCount++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Some Sequences did not pass the test", TEST_ANOT_HEIGHT, passedCount); } public boolean isAnnotationMatched(AlignmentAnnotation eAnnot, AlignmentAnnotation annot) { if (!eAnnot.label.equals(annot.label) || !eAnnot.description.equals(annot.description) || eAnnot.annotations.length != annot.annotations.length) { return false; } for (int x = 0; x < annot.annotations.length; x++) { Annotation y = annot.annotations[x]; Annotation z = annot.annotations[x]; if (!y.displayCharacter.equals(z.displayCharacter) || y.value != z.value || y.secondaryStructure != z.secondaryStructure) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isSeqMatched(SequenceI expectedSeq, SequenceI actualSeq) { System.out.println("Testing >>> " + actualSeq.getName()); if (expectedSeq.getName().equals(actualSeq.getName()) && expectedSeq.getSequenceAsString().equals( actualSeq.getSequenceAsString()) && expectedSeq.getStart() == actualSeq.getStart() && expectedSeq.getEnd() == actualSeq.getEnd() && featuresMatched(expectedSeq, actualSeq)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isGroupMatched(SequenceGroup expectedGrp, SequenceGroup actualGrp) { System.out.println("Testing >>> " + actualGrp.getName()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getName() + " | " + actualGrp.getName()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getColourText() + " | " + actualGrp.getColourText()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getDisplayBoxes() + " | " + actualGrp.getDisplayBoxes()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getIgnoreGapsConsensus() + " | " + actualGrp.getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getSequences().size() + " | " + actualGrp.getSequences().size()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getStartRes() + " | " + actualGrp.getStartRes()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.getEndRes() + " | " + actualGrp.getEndRes()); System.out.println(expectedGrp.cs + " | " + actualGrp.cs); if (expectedGrp.getName().equals(actualGrp.getName()) && expectedGrp.getColourText() == actualGrp.getColourText() && expectedGrp.getDisplayBoxes() == actualGrp.getDisplayBoxes() && expectedGrp.getIgnoreGapsConsensus() == actualGrp .getIgnoreGapsConsensus() && (expectedGrp.cs.getClass().equals(actualGrp.cs.getClass())) && expectedGrp.getSequences().size() == actualGrp .getSequences().size() && expectedGrp.getStartRes() == actualGrp.getStartRes() && expectedGrp.getEndRes() == actualGrp.getEndRes()) { return true; } return false; } private boolean featuresMatched(SequenceI seq1, SequenceI seq2) { boolean matched = false; try { if (seq1 == null && seq2 == null) { return true; } SequenceFeature[] inFeature = seq1.getSequenceFeatures(); SequenceFeature[] outFeature = seq2.getSequenceFeatures(); if (inFeature == null && outFeature == null) { return true; } else if ((inFeature == null && outFeature != null) || (inFeature != null && outFeature == null)) { return false; } int testSize = inFeature.length; int matchedCount = 0; for (SequenceFeature in : inFeature) { for (SequenceFeature out : outFeature) { System.out.println(out.getType() + " | " + in.getType()); System.out.println(out.getBegin() + " | " + in.getBegin()); System.out.println(out.getEnd() + " | " + in.getEnd()); if (inFeature.length == outFeature.length && in.getBegin() == out.getBegin() && in.getEnd() == out.getEnd() && in.getScore() == out.getScore() && in.getFeatureGroup().equals(out.getFeatureGroup()) && in.getType().equals(out.getType())) { ++matchedCount; } } } System.out.println("matched count >>>>>> " + matchedCount); if (testSize == matchedCount) { matched = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> features matched : " + matched); return matched; } }