package jalview.schemes; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class ClustalxColourSchemeTest { // @formatter:off private static final String FASTA = ">seq1\nAAANNNRQ\n" + ">seq2\nAAANNNRQ\n" + ">seq3\nAAANNNRQ\n" + ">seq4\nAAANNNRQ\n" + ">seq5\nAAANYYKQ\n" + ">seq6\nAAANYYKQ\n" + ">seq7\nAVKWYYKQ\n" + ">seq8\nKKKWYYQQ\n" + ">seq9\nKKKWWYQQ\n" + ">seq0\nKKKWWWQW\n"; // @formatter:on @Test public void testFindColour() { AlignFrame af = new FileLoader().LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(FASTA, DataSourceType.PASTE); AlignmentI al = af.getViewport().getAlignment(); ColourSchemeI cs = new ClustalxColourScheme(al, null); /* * column 1 is 70% A which is above Clustalx threshold of 60% */ Color clustalBlue = new Color(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f); assertEquals(cs.findColour('A', 0, al.getSequenceAt(0)), clustalBlue); /* * column 2 is 70% A or V which is above Clustalx threshold for group */ assertEquals(cs.findColour('A', 0, al.getSequenceAt(1)), clustalBlue); /* * column 3 is 60% A which is not above Clustalx threshold * the Ks in the other rows are not in the same Clustalx group */ assertEquals(cs.findColour('A', 2, al.getSequenceAt(1)), Color.white); /* * column 4 is 60% N which is above Clustalx threshold of 50% */ Color clustalGreen = new Color(0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f); assertEquals(cs.findColour('N', 3, al.getSequenceAt(1)), clustalGreen); /* * column 5 is 40% N and 40% Y which fails to pass the threshold of * 50% N or 85% either */ assertEquals(cs.findColour('N', 4, al.getSequenceAt(1)), Color.white); /* * column 6 is 40% N and 50% Y which fails to pass the threshold of * 85% for either */ assertEquals(cs.findColour('N', 5, al.getSequenceAt(1)), Color.white); /* * column 7 is 40% R and 30% K which combine to make > 60% */ Color clustalRed = new Color(0.9f, 0.2f, 0.1f); assertEquals(cs.findColour('R', 6, al.getSequenceAt(1)), clustalRed); assertEquals(cs.findColour('K', 6, al.getSequenceAt(7)), clustalRed); /* * column 8 is >85% Q which qualifies K and R to be red */ assertEquals(cs.findColour('R', 7, al.getSequenceAt(1)), clustalRed); assertEquals(cs.findColour('K', 7, al.getSequenceAt(1)), clustalRed); // TODO more test cases; check if help documentation matches implementation } }