package jalview.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class HttpUtilsTest { @Test(groups = { "Network" }, dataProvider = "urlTargetsAndDestinations") public void testFollowConnection(String targetUrl, String finalUrl, String notUsed0, String notUsed1) throws IOException { URL tUrl = new URL(targetUrl); URL fUrl = new URL(finalUrl); HttpURLConnection conn1 = HttpUtils .followConnection((HttpURLConnection) tUrl.openConnection()); URL url1 = conn1.getURL(); Assert.assertEquals(url1, fUrl, "Final URL is not the same."); } @Test(groups = { "Network" }, dataProvider = "urlTargetsAndDestinations") public void testOpenConnection(String targetUrl, String finalUrl, String notUsed0, String notUsed1) throws IOException { URL tUrl = new URL(targetUrl); URL fUrl = new URL(finalUrl); HttpURLConnection conn1 = HttpUtils.openConnection(tUrl); URL url1 = conn1.getURL(); Assert.assertEquals(url1, fUrl, "Final URL is not the same."); } @Test(groups = { "Network" }, dataProvider = "urlTargetsAndDestinations") public void testOpenStream(String targetUrl, String finalUrl, String inFirstLine, String inDocument) throws IOException { URL tUrl = new URL(targetUrl); URL fUrl = new URL(finalUrl); InputStream is1 = HttpUtils.openStream(tUrl); BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is1)); String firstLine = br1.readLine().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); Assert.assertTrue( firstLine.contains(inFirstLine.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)), "First line of text '" + firstLine + "' does not contain '" + inFirstLine + "'"); String inDocumentLC = inDocument.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); boolean found = false; String line = null; while ((line = br1.readLine()) != null) { if (line.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains(inDocumentLC)) { found = true; break; } } Assert.assertTrue(found, "Text '" + inDocument + "' not found in '" + finalUrl + "'"); } @DataProvider(name = "urlTargetsAndDestinations") public Object[][] urlTargetsAndDestinations() { /* String targetUrl, // the URL you ask for String finalUrl, // the URL you end up at String foundInFirstLine, // some text found in the first line String foundInDocument, // some text found in the document (and won't be in an error page) */ return new Object[][] { // /* */ { "", "", "