/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.viewmodel; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.bin.Jalview; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.AlignViewport; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.gui.JvOptionPane; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.io.FileLoader; import java.util.List; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class OverviewDimensionsTest { boolean showConservationSetting; SequenceI seq1 = new Sequence( "Seq1", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); SequenceI seq2 = new Sequence( "Seq2", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); SequenceI seq3 = new Sequence( "Seq3", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); SequenceI seq4 = new Sequence( "Seq4", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); SequenceI seq5 = new Sequence( "Seq5", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBACABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); AlignFrame af; AlignViewport av; OverviewDimensions od; float scalew; float scaleh; int boxWidth; int boxHeight; int viewHeight; @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void setUpJvOptionPane() { JvOptionPane.setInteractiveMode(false); JvOptionPane.setMockResponse(JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION); } @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() { Jalview.main(new String[] { "-nonews", "-props", "test/jalview/testProps.jvprops" }); Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_IDENTITY", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); af = new FileLoader().LoadFileWaitTillLoaded( "examples/testdata/bigal.fa", DataSourceType.FILE); /* * Wait for viewport to initialise */ synchronized (this) { while (af.getViewport().getEndRes() == 0) { try { wait(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } // get cached setting for showConservation // reset it in AfterClass! showConservationSetting = Cache.getDefault("SHOW_CONSERVATION", true); av = af.getViewport(); od = new OverviewDimensions(av); // Initial box sizing - default path through code od.setBoxPosition(); scalew = (float) od.getWidth() / (av.getAlignment().getWidth() * av.getCharWidth()); scaleh = (float) od.getSequencesHeight() / (av.getAlignment().getHeight() * av.getCharHeight()); boxWidth = (int) ((av.getEndRes() - av.getStartRes() + 1) * av.getCharWidth() * scalew); boxHeight = (int) ((av.getEndSeq() - av.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight() * scaleh); viewHeight = av.getEndSeq() - av.getStartSeq(); } @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void init() { av.showAllHiddenColumns(); av.showAllHiddenSeqs(); av.setSelectionGroup(null); // o/w hidden seqs retain selection group, causes problems later when hiding // sequences mouseClick(od, 0, 0); moveViewport(0, 0); } @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() { Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_CONSERVATION", Boolean.toString(showConservationSetting)); Desktop.instance.closeAll_actionPerformed(null); } /** * Test that the OverviewDimensions constructor sets width and height * correctly */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testConstructor() { SequenceI seqa = new Sequence("Seq1", "ABC"); SequenceI seqb = new Sequence("Seq2", "ABC"); SequenceI seqc = new Sequence("Seq3", "ABC"); SequenceI seqd = new Sequence("Seq4", "ABC"); SequenceI seqe = new Sequence("Seq5", "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCBACBACBACBAC"); int defaultGraphHeight = 20; int maxWidth = 400; int minWidth = 120; int maxSeqHeight = 300; int minSeqHeight = 40; Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_CONSERVATION", Boolean.toString(true)); // test for alignment with width > height SequenceI[] seqs1 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb }; Alignment al1 = new Alignment(seqs1); al1.setDataset(null); AlignViewport av1 = new AlignViewport(al1); OverviewDimensions od = new OverviewDimensions(av1); int scaledHeight = 266; assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight); assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), scaledHeight); assertEquals(od.getWidth(), maxWidth); assertEquals(od.getHeight(), scaledHeight + defaultGraphHeight); // test for alignment with width < height SequenceI[] seqs2 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd }; Alignment al2 = new Alignment(seqs2); al2.setDataset(null); AlignViewport av2 = new AlignViewport(al2); od = new OverviewDimensions(av2); int scaledWidth = 300; assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight); assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight); assertEquals(od.getWidth(), scaledWidth); assertEquals(od.getHeight(), scaledWidth + defaultGraphHeight); // test for alignment with width > height and sequence height scaled below // min value SequenceI[] seqs3 = new SequenceI[] { seqe }; Alignment al3 = new Alignment(seqs3); al3.setDataset(null); AlignViewport av3 = new AlignViewport(al3); od = new OverviewDimensions(av3); assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight); assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), minSeqHeight); assertEquals(od.getWidth(), maxWidth); assertEquals(od.getHeight(), minSeqHeight + defaultGraphHeight); // test for alignment with width < height and width scaled below min value SequenceI[] seqs4 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd }; Alignment al4 = new Alignment(seqs4); al4.setDataset(null); AlignViewport av4 = new AlignViewport(al4); od = new OverviewDimensions(av4); assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight); assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight); assertEquals(od.getWidth(), minWidth); assertEquals(od.getHeight(), maxSeqHeight + defaultGraphHeight); // test for alignment where no conservation annotation is shown Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_CONSERVATION", Boolean.toString(false)); Alignment al5 = new Alignment(seqs4); al5.setDataset(null); AlignViewport av5 = new AlignViewport(al5); od = new OverviewDimensions(av5); assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), 0); assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight); assertEquals(od.getWidth(), minWidth); assertEquals(od.getHeight(), maxSeqHeight); } /** * Test that validation after mouse adjustments to boxX and boxY sets box * dimensions and scroll values correctly, when there are no hidden rows or * columns. * * The current implementation uses multiple transformations between coordinate * systems which often involve casting to int, which causes values to be * truncated. As a result we can lose accuracy. The tests below use * approximate test values where appropriate. */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromMouseClick() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // negative boxX value reset to 0 mouseClick(od, -5, 10); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (int) (10 / scaleh / av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); // negative boxY value reset to 0 mouseClick(od, 6, -2); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (6 / scalew / av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // overly large boxX value reset to width-boxWidth mouseClick(od, 100, 6); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 6, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); // overly large boxY value reset to sequenceHeight - boxHeight mouseClick(od, 10, 520); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 10, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), od.getSequencesHeight() - od.getBoxHeight(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); // click past end of alignment, as above mouseClick(od, 3000, 5); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); // move viewport so startRes non-zero and then mouseclick moveViewportH(50); // click at viewport position int oldboxx = od.getBoxX(); int oldboxy = od.getBoxY(); mouseClick(od, od.getBoxX() + 5, od.getBoxY() + 2); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), oldboxx + 5, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), oldboxy + 2, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); // click at top corner mouseClick(od, 0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols at the start * of the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsAtStart() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide cols at start and check updated box position is correct // changes boxX but not boxwidth int lastHiddenCol = 30; av.hideColumns(0, lastHiddenCol); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) ((lastHiddenCol + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // try to click in hidden cols, check box does not move // this test currently fails as the overview box does not behave like this! /* int xpos = 10; mouseClick(od, xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) ((lastHiddenCol + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth())); */ // click to right of hidden columns, box moves to click point testBoxIsAtClickPoint(40, 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (40 / scalew / av.getCharWidth()) - lastHiddenCol, 1.5); // click to right of hidden columns such that box runs over right hand side // of alignment // box position is adjusted away from the edge // overly large boxX value reset to width-boxWidth int xpos = 100; mouseClick(od, xpos, 5); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 5, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()) - lastHiddenCol, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (int) (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols in the middle * of the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsInMiddle() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide columns 60-68, no change to box position or dimensions int firstHidden = 60; int lastHidden = 68; av.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // move box so that it overlaps with hidden cols on one side // box width changes, boxX and scrollCol as for unhidden case int xpos = 50 - boxWidth; // 50 is position in overview halfway between cols // 60 and 70 mouseClick(od, xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth + (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // move box so that it completely covers hidden cols // box width changes, boxX and scrollCol as for hidden case xpos = 30; mouseClick(od, xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth + (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // move box so boxX is in hidden cols, box overhangs at right // box width back to normal, boxX and scrollCol move to right of hidden area // TODO currently this test fails in the Jalview GUI, there is a gap between // the rhs of the hidden area and the box /* xpos = 50; mouseClick(od, xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (lastHidden + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0);*/ // move box so boxX is to right of hidden cols, but does not go beyond full // width of alignment // box width, boxX and scrollCol all as for non-hidden case // TODO currently this test fails in the Jalview GUI because boxX is // calculated // based on the current boxWidth, which includes hidden columns, thereby // pushing // the box off the end of the alignment. So boxX is adjusted backwards // unnecessarily. /* xpos = 72; testBoxIsAtClickPoint(xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth()) - lastHidden, 1.5);*/ // move box so it goes beyond full width of alignment // boxX, scrollCol adjusted back, box width normal xpos = 3000; mouseClick(od, xpos, 5); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 5, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()) - (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), (int) (od.getBoxY() / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols at the end of * the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsAtEnd() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide columns 140-157, no change to box position or dimensions int firstHidden = 140; int lastHidden = 157; av.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // click to left of hidden cols, without overlapping // boxX, scrollCol and width as normal int xpos = 5; testBoxIsAtClickPoint(xpos, 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (xpos / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); // click to left of hidden cols, with overlap // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal // TODO this fails because setBoxPosition screws up the hidden cols calc // only works in GUI because of AlignmentPanel::setScrollValues /*xpos = 115 - boxWidth; mouseClick(od, xpos, 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxX(), (int) ((firstHidden - 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth()) - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0);*/ // click in hidden cols // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal // TODO breaks as above test /*xpos = 115; assertEquals( od.getBoxX(), (int) ((firstHidden - 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth()) - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0);*/ // click off end of alignment // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal // TODO breaks as above test /* xpos = 3000; assertEquals( od.getBoxX(), (int) ((firstHidden - 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth()) - od.getBoxWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), (int) (od.getBoxX() / scalew / av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0);*/ } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when set from the viewport, * with no hidden rows or columns */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewport() { // move viewport to start of alignment moveViewport(0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to right moveViewportH(70); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (70 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport down moveViewportV(100); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (70 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (100 * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to bottom right moveViewport(98, 508); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (98 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (508 * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns * at the start */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsAtStart() { int firstHidden = 0; int lastHidden = 20; av.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden); // move viewport to start of alignment moveViewport(0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) ((lastHidden + 1) * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to end of alignment - need to make startRes by removing // hidden cols because of how viewport/overview are implemented moveViewport(98 - lastHidden - 1, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 98 * scalew * av.getCharWidth(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns * in the middle */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsInMiddle() { int firstHidden = 65; int lastHidden = 75; av.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden); // move viewport before hidden columns moveViewport(3, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (3 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to left of hidden columns with overlap moveViewport(10, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (10 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth + (int) ((lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scalew * av .getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to straddle hidden columns moveViewport(60, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (60 * scalew * av.getCharWidth())); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth + (int) ((lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scalew * av .getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to right of hidden columns, no overlap moveViewport(80 - (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (80 * scalew * av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns * at the end */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsAtEnd() { int firstHidden = 145; int lastHidden = 157; av.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden); // move viewport before hidden columns moveViewport(3, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (3 * scalew * av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to hidden columns // TODO boxwidth includes hidden in overview panel (why?) moveViewport(98, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), (int) (98 * scalew * av.getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth + (int) ((lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scalew * av .getCharWidth()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows at * the start */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsAtStart() { int firstHidden = 0; int lastHidden = 20; hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden + 1, lastHidden + 1); // move viewport to start of alignment: // box moves to below hidden rows, height remains same moveViewport(0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (lastHidden + 1) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to end of alignment, need to account for hidden rows // because of how alignment panel/overview panel are implemented // AlignViewport adjusts endSeq using Alignment height which excludes hidden // rows if we happen to be at the bottom of the alignment // od.setBoxPosition adjusts endSeq to include hidden rows // od.checkValid adjusts scroll position to exclude hidden rows // TODO this test fails because of the above! /* moveViewport(0, 525 - viewHeight - lastHidden - 1); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (525 - viewHeight) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight(), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5);*/ } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows in * the middle */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsInMiddle() { int firstHidden = 200; int lastHidden = 210; hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden + 1, lastHidden + 1); // move viewport to start of alignment: // box, height etc as in non-hidden case // TODO fails with boxy=12 because that's what setBoxPosition sets it to! /*moveViewport(0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5);*/ // move viewport to straddle hidden rows // TODO also fails with boxY out by 12 /*moveViewport(0, 198); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (198 * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight + ((lastHidden - firstHidden) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5);*/ } /** * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows at * the bottom */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsAtEnd() { int firstHidden = 500; int lastHidden = 524; hideSequences(firstHidden - 1, lastHidden, firstHidden - 1); // move viewport to start of alignment: // box, height etc as in non-hidden case moveViewport(0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // move viewport to end of alignment // TODO fails with wrong boxHeight who knows why /*moveViewport(0, firstHidden - viewHeight - 1); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) ((firstHidden - viewHeight - 1) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals( od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight + (int) ((lastHidden - firstHidden + 1) * scaleh * av .getCharHeight()), 1.5);*/ } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the start * of the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsAtStart() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide rows at start and check updated box position is correct // changes boxY but not boxheight int lastHiddenRow = 30; hideSequences(0, lastHiddenRow + 1, lastHiddenRow + 1); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) ((lastHiddenRow + 1) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // click in hidden rows // TODO fails because boxHeight is 27 not 25 (possible rounding issue) /* mouseClick(od, 0, 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight + (int) ((lastHiddenRow + 1) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5);*/ // click below hidden rows mouseClick(od, 0, 150); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 150, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the middle * of the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsInMiddle() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide rows in middle and check updated box position is correct // no changes int firstHiddenRow = 50; int lastHiddenRow = 60; hideSequences(firstHiddenRow, lastHiddenRow + 1, lastHiddenRow + 1); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // click above hidden rows, so that box overlaps int ypos = 40; // TODO test fails because box does not change height - dealt with by scroll // values /* mouseClick(od, 0, (int) (ypos / scaleh / av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (ypos / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals( od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight + (int) ((lastHiddenRow - firstHiddenRow + 1) / scaleh / av .getCharHeight()), 1.5); */ // click so that box straddles hidden rows ypos = 48; // TODO test fails because box does not change height - dealt with by scroll // values /*mouseClick(od, 0, (int) (ypos / scaleh / av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (ypos / scaleh / av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals( od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight + (int) ((lastHiddenRow - firstHiddenRow + 1) / scaleh / av .getCharHeight()), 1.5);*/ } /** * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the end of * the alignment */ @Test(groups = { "Functional" }) public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsAtEnd() { od.checkValid(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth); assertEquals(od.getScrollCol(), 0); assertEquals(od.getScrollRow(), 0); // hide rows at end and check updated box position is correct // no changes int firstHidden = 500; int lastHidden = 524; hideSequences(firstHidden - 1, lastHidden, firstHidden - 1); od.setBoxPosition(); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // click above hidden rows int ypos = 40; // row 40 mouseClick(od, 0, (int) (ypos * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), (int) (ypos * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); // click above hidden rows so box overlaps // boxY moved upwards, boxHeight remains same // TODO fails with boxY located at row 497 - correction done by // setScrollValues /* ypos = 497; // row 497 mouseClick(od, 0, (int) (ypos * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxY(), (int) ((firstHidden - viewHeight) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5);*/ // click within hidden rows ypos = 505; // TODO: fails with wrong boxHeight - correction done by setScrollValues(?) /*mouseClick(od, 0, (int) (ypos * scaleh * av.getCharHeight())); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0); assertEquals( od.getBoxY(), (int) ((firstHidden - viewHeight) * scaleh * av.getCharHeight()), 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5);*/ } /* * Move viewport horizontally: startRes + previous width gives new horizontal extent. Vertical extent stays the same. */ private void moveViewportH(int startRes) { int width = av.getEndRes() - av.getStartRes(); av.setStartRes(startRes); av.setEndRes(startRes + width); od.setBoxPosition(); } /* * Move viewport vertically: startSeq and endSeq give new vertical extent. Horizontal extent stays the same. */ private void moveViewportV(int startSeq) { av.setStartSeq(startSeq); av.setEndSeq(startSeq + viewHeight); od.setBoxPosition(); } /* * Move viewport horizontally and vertically. */ private void moveViewport(int startRes, int startSeq) { int width = av.getEndRes() - av.getStartRes(); av.setStartRes(startRes); av.setEndRes(startRes + width); av.setStartSeq(startSeq); av.setEndSeq(startSeq + viewHeight); od.setBoxPosition(); } /* * Mouse click as position x,y in overview window */ private void mouseClick(OverviewDimensions od, int x, int y) { od.setBoxX(x); od.setBoxY(y); od.checkValid(); // updates require an OverviewPanel to exist which it doesn't here // so call setBoxPosition() as it would be called by the AlignmentPanel // normally int width = av.getEndRes() - av.getStartRes(); int height = av.getEndSeq() - av.getStartSeq(); av.setStartRes(od.getScrollCol()); av.setEndRes(od.getScrollCol() + width); av.setStartSeq(od.getScrollRow()); av.setEndSeq(od.getScrollRow() + height); od.setBoxPosition(); } private void testBoxIsAtClickPoint(int xpos, int ypos) { mouseClick(od, xpos, ypos); assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), ypos, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth, 1.5); assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight, 1.5); } /* * Hide sequences between start and end, using hideseq to do the hiding * (start <= hideseq <= end. Sequence hideseq is not hidden but the others are */ private void hideSequences(int start, int end, int hideseq) { SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup(); List allseqs = av.getAlignment().getSequences(); for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) { sg.addSequence(allseqs.get(i), false); } av.setSelectionGroup(sg); /* * hide group */ av.hideSequences(allseqs.get(hideseq), true); } }