@ECHO OFF REM This is the Jalview batch script wrapper to run the powershell script of the same name. REM There is nothing specific to Jalview. REM ****************************************************************************** REM If you need to set a full path to the PowerShell executable please do so here: SET PWSHPATH= REM ****************************************************************************** REM This is some DOS magic to substitute the extension in the full path of this batch script with .ps1 SET SCRIPTPATH=%~dpn0.ps1 REM PowerShell script isn't where it should be! IF NOT EXIST %SCRIPTPATH% ( ECHO Could not find PowerShell script %SCRIPTPATH%. Is %~nx0 in the right folder? EXIT /B 1 ) REM Look for either pwsh.exe or powershell.exe if not set in PWSHPATH above. REM pwsh.exe is preferred as it is likely to be a newer version. SET PWSH= IF DEFINED PWSHPATH ( SET PWSH=%PWSHPATH% ) FOR %%X IN (pwsh.exe powershell.exe) DO ( IF NOT DEFINED PWSH ( IF NOT "%%~$PATH:X" == "" ( REM Found a PowerShell executable in the PATH SET PWSH=%%X GOTO end_looking ) ) ) :end_looking IF NOT DEFINED PWSH ( REM No PowerShell executable found -- tell the user what to do. ECHO No PowerShell found in %%PATH%%. If PowerShell is installed either ECHO 1. add it to your PATH, or ECHO 2. edit the PWSHPATH value at the top of this file: ECHO "%~dpnx0" ECHO. ECHO %~n0 on the command line requires PowerShell. To install PowerShell see ECHO https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell EXIT /B 2 ) REM Run the PowerShell script %PWSH% -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%SCRIPTPATH%' %*";