#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # save args and first parameter $myArgs = $args.Clone() $myArg1 = $args[0] # setup for powershell version < 6.0 [bool] $myIsWindows = 0 [bool] $myIsMacOS = 0 if ( $IsWindows -eq $null ) { # for powershell version < 6.0 let's assume Windows $myIsWindows = 1 $myIsMacOS = 0 } else { $myIsWindows = $IsWindows $myIsMacOS = $IsMacOS } # parent dir of this actual script (which should be the getdown appdir/bin). Follow all symlinks. Like GNU readlink -f function Readlink-f { Param($Link) $Return = $null $c = 0 $max = 100 # just in case we end up in a loop [bool] $found = 0 $file = Get-Item -Path $Link $prevfile = $null While ( $c -lt $max -and "${file}" -ne "${prevfile}" -and -not $found ) { $prevfile = $file [string] $target = ( $file ).Target If ( $target -eq $null -or ( $file ).LinkType -ne "SymbolicLink" ) { $Return = $file $found = 1 } Else { If ( $( Split-Path -Path $target -IsAbsolute ) ) { $file = Get-Item -Path $target } Else { # symbolic link is relative: combine previous link parent dir with the link target and resolve $file = Get-Item -Path ( Join-Path -Path ( Split-Path -Path $prevfile -Parent ) -ChildPath $target -Resolve ) } } $c++ } if ( -not $found ) { throw "Could not determine path to actual file $( Split-Path -Path $Link -Leaf )" } $Return } # Avert problem with unix version of powershell and tell user the reason (Windows must always have .ps1 extension) if ( $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -eq $null ) { throw "Script or link to script must have extension .ps1" } $CMDPATH = ( Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path ) $SCRIPTPATH = Readlink-f -Link $CMDPATH $DIR = Split-Path -Path $SCRIPTPATH -Parent $APPDIR = If ( ( Split-Path -Path $DIR -Leaf ) -eq "bin" ) { Split-Path -Path $DIR -Parent } Else { $DIR } $JAVAEXE = If ( $myIsWindows ) { "java.exe" } Else { "java" } $JAVA = Join-Path -Path $APPDIR -ChildPath ( "jre/" + $( If ( $myIsMacOS ) { "Contents/Home/" } Else { "" } ) + "bin/${JAVAEXE}" ) $GETDOWNTXT = Join-Path -Path $APPDIR -ChildPath "getdown.txt" # look for getdown.txt -- needed to create classpath if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path "${GETDOWNTXT}" ) ) { throw "Cannot find ${GETDOWNTXT}" } # look for bundled JRE. Might not be there if unix installer used in which case just invoke "java" if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path "${JAVA}" ) ) { Write-Host "Cannot find bundled ${JAVAEXE}. Using system ${JAVAEXE} and hoping for the best!" $JAVA = $JAVAEXE } $CLASSPATH = ( Select-String -Path "${GETDOWNTXT}" -AllMatches -Pattern "code\s*=\s*(.*)$" | foreach { Join-Path -Path $APPDIR -ChildPath $($_.Matches.Groups[1].Value ) } ) -join $( If ( $myIsWindows ) { ";" } Else { ":" } ) # get console width $CONSOLEWIDTH = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width # quote the args and the command (in case of spaces) with escape chars (`) and precede with & to indicate command not string $myArgsString = '"' + $($myArgs -join '" "') + '"' Invoke-Expression -Command "& `"${JAVA}`" `"-DCONSOLEWIDTH=${CONSOLEWIDTH}`" -cp `"${CLASSPATH}`" jalview.bin.Launcher ${myArgsString}"