# Information for making the DMG ## How to make the DS_Store file needed for the DMG prettification > ALSO SEE https://www.ej-technologies.com/resources/install4j/help/doc/#install4j.concepts.dmgStyling ``` cp ../../build/install4j/11/Jalview-OFFLINE_macos-app_DEVELOPMENT-j11.dmg ./temp.dmg hdiutil convert temp.dmg -format UDRW -o temp_rw.dmg CURSIZE=`hdiutil resize temp_rw.dmg | perl -n -e 'm/^\s*\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+$/ && print "$1\n";'` NEWSIZE=$(( CURSIZE + 20000)) hdiutil resize -sectors $NEWSIZE temp_rw.dmg open /Volumes/Jalview\ Installer ``` Then manually position/resize icons, extend size of Finder window, etc ``` cp /Volumes/Jalview\ Installer/.DS_Store ./DS_Store_N umount /Volumes/Jalview\ Installer ``` ## Background image The vector version of this is made in Adobe Illustrator and saved as the pdf jalview_dmg_background_layers.pdf This is then exported as 300dpi PNG to jalview_dmg_background_large.png This is then converted to the right size, with DPI information removed with ImageMagick ``` convert -geometry 500x461 utils/install4j/jalview_dmg_background_large.png -strip utils/install4j/jalview_dmg_background.png ```