## Creating the .ico (Windows) and .icns (macOS) files from PNG images in linux Create multiple square versions of your icon at the following resolutions: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 > A quick way to do this with ImageMagick is create the 512x512 logo first, saved as logo-512.png, and run > `for n in 16 32 48 64 128 256; do convert -geometry ${n}x${n} logo-512.png logo-${n}.png; done` > but note that anitaliasing can make a logo look quite blurry, especially for small resolutions. These should > then be hand edited (with e.g. gimp) to neaten the edges. A nice trick in gimp is to use the Colours->Curves->Alpha > and create a curve that makes mostly transparent pixels completely transparent, and slightly transparent pixels > completely opaque. Then use the script `jalview/utils/create_iconfiles.sh` like this: ``` create_iconfiles.sh logo-*.png ``` and it will create both `logo.ico` and `logo.icns` containing the appropriate different resolution logos. It is then up to the OS to display the correct one in different circumstances. This script uses the utilities convert (ImageMagick) and png2icns (icnsutils) which should be installed and in the path. Note that for some reason ICNS files should not contain a 64x64 pixel version of a logo, so the script removes this as png2icns complains if it finds one!