package; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebService; import; import; import compbio.metadata.JobSubmissionException; import compbio.metadata.LimitExceededException; import compbio.metadata.Option; import compbio.metadata.Preset; import compbio.metadata.ResultNotAvailableException; import compbio.metadata.UnsupportedRuntimeException; import compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException; /** * Interface for tools that results to one or more annotation to sequence(s) * * @author pvtroshin * * Date November 2010 * * @param * executable type / web service type */ @WebService(targetNamespace = "") public interface Annotation extends JManagement, Metadata { /** * * Any dataset containing a greater number of sequences or the average * length of the sequences are greater then defined in the default Limit * will not be accepted for an alignment operation and * JobSubmissionException will be thrown. * * @param sequences * List of FastaSequence objects. The programme does not perform * any sequence validity checks. Nor does it checks whether the * sequences names are unique. It is responsibility of the caller * to validate this information * @return jobId - unique identifier for the job * @throws JobSubmissionException * is thrown when the job could not be submitted due to the * following reasons: 1) The number of sequences in the * submission or their average length is greater then defined by * the default Limit. 2) Any problems on the server side e.g. it * is misconfigured or malfunction, is reported via this * exception. In the first case the information on the limit * could be obtained from an exception. * @throws InvalidParameterException * thrown if input list of fasta sequence is null or empty * @throws UnsupportedRuntimeException * thrown if server OS does not support native executables for a * given web service, e.g. JWS2 is deployed on Windows and Mafft * service is called * @throws LimitExceededException * is throw if the input sequences number or average length * exceeds what is defined by the limit */ @WebMethod String analize( @WebParam(name = "fastaSequences") List sequences) throws UnsupportedRuntimeException, LimitExceededException, JobSubmissionException; /** * * @see Option * * Default Limit is used to decide whether the calculation will be * permitted or denied * * @param sequences * List of FastaSequence objects. The programme does not perform * any sequence validity checks. Nor does it checks whether the * sequences names are unique. It is responsibility of the caller * to validate this information * @param options * A list of Options * @return jobId - unique identifier for the job * @throws JobSubmissionException. This * exception is thrown when the job could not be submitted due * to the following reasons: 1) The number of sequences in the * submission or their average length is greater then defined by * the default Limit. 2) Any problems on the server side e.g. it * is misconfigured or malfunction, is reported via this * exception. In the first case the information on the limit * could be obtained from an exception. * @throws WrongParameterException * is throws when 1) One of the Options provided is not * supported, 2) The value of the option is defined outside the * boundaries. In both cases exception object contain the * information on the violating Option. * @throws InvalidParameterException * thrown if input list of fasta sequence is null or empty * @throws UnsupportedRuntimeException * thrown if server OS does not support native executables for a * given web service, e.g. JWS2 is deployed on Windows and Mafft * service is called * @throws LimitExceededException * is throw if the input sequences number or average length * exceeds what is defined by the limit */ @WebMethod String customAnalize( @WebParam(name = "fastaSequences") List sequences, @WebParam(name = "options") List> options) throws UnsupportedRuntimeException, LimitExceededException, JobSubmissionException, WrongParameterException; /** * * * Limit for a presetName is used whether the calculation will be permitted * or denied. If no Limit was defined for a presetName, than default limit * is used. * * @param sequences * List of FastaSequence objects. The programme does not perform * any sequence validity checks. Nor does it checks whether the * sequences names are unique. It is responsibility of the caller * to validate this information * @param preset * A list of Options * @return String - jobId - unique identifier for the job * @throws JobSubmissionException. This * exception is thrown when the job could not be submitted due * to the following reasons: 1) The number of sequences in the * submission or their average length is greater then defined by * the default Limit. 2) Any problems on the server side e.g. it * is misconfigured or malfunction, is reported via this * exception. In the first case the information on the limit * could be obtained from an exception. * @throws WrongParameterException * is throws when 1) One of the Options provided is not * supported, 2) The value of the option is defined outside the * boundaries. In both cases exception object contain the * information on the violating Option. * @throws InvalidParameterException * thrown if input list of fasta sequence is null or empty * @throws UnsupportedRuntimeException * thrown if server OS does not support native executables for a * given web service, e.g. JWS2 is deployed on Windows and Mafft * service is called * @throws LimitExceededException * is throw if the input sequences number or average length * exceeds what is defined by the limit */ @WebMethod String presetAnalize( @WebParam(name = "fastaSequences") List sequences, @WebParam(name = "preset") Preset preset) throws UnsupportedRuntimeException, LimitExceededException, JobSubmissionException, WrongParameterException; /** * Return the result of the job. * * @param jobId * a unique job identifier * @return * @throws ResultNotAvailableException * this exception is throw if the job execution was not * successful or the result of the execution could not be found. * (e.g. removed). Exception could also be thrown is dues to the * lower level problems on the server i.e. IOException, * FileNotFoundException problems as well as * UnknownFileFormatException. * @throws InvalidParameterException * thrown if jobId is empty or cannot be recognised e.g. in * invalid format */ @WebMethod HashSet getConservation(@WebParam(name = "jobId") String jobId) throws ResultNotAvailableException; }