package compbio.stat.collector; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import compbio.engine.client.ConfExecutable; import compbio.util.Util; import; public class JobStat { static final Comparator RUNTIME = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(JobStat o1, JobStat o2) { return new Integer(o2.getRuntime()).compareTo(o1.getRuntime()); } }; static final Comparator STARTTIME = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(JobStat o1, JobStat o2) { return new Long(o1.start).compareTo(o2.start); } }; static final Comparator RESULTSIZE = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(JobStat o1, JobStat o2) { return new Long(o2.resultSize).compareTo(o1.resultSize); } }; private static DateFormat DATE_TIME = SimpleDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale.UK); Services webService; String clusterJobId; String jobname; long start; long finish; long inputSize; long resultSize; boolean isCollected; boolean isCancelled; private JobStat(Services webService, String clusterJobId, String jobname, long start, long finish, long inputSize, long resultSize, boolean isCancelled, boolean isCollected) { super(); this.webService = webService; this.clusterJobId = clusterJobId; this.jobname = jobname; this.start = start; this.finish = finish; this.inputSize = inputSize; this.resultSize = resultSize; this.isCancelled = isCancelled; this.isCollected = isCollected; validate(); } static JobStat newInstance(Services webService, String clusterJobId, String jobname, long start, long finish, long inputSize, long resultSize, boolean isCancelled, boolean isCollected) { return new JobStat(webService, clusterJobId, jobname, start, finish, inputSize, resultSize, isCancelled, isCollected); } static JobStat newInstance(Services webService, String clusterJobId, String jobname, Timestamp start, Timestamp finish, long inputSize, long resultSize, boolean isCancelled, boolean isCollected) { long startm = ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED; long stopm = ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED; if (start != null) { startm = start.getTime(); } if (finish != null) { stopm = finish.getTime(); } return new JobStat(webService, clusterJobId, jobname, startm, stopm, inputSize, resultSize, isCancelled, isCollected); } void validate() { if (webService == null) { throw new AssertionError("webService must be defined!:\n " + this); } if (Util.isEmpty(jobname)) { throw new AssertionError("jobname must be defined!:\n" + this); } } private JobStat(String jobId) { assert !Util.isEmpty(jobname); this.jobname = jobId; } static JobStat newIncompleteStat(String jobname) { return new JobStat(jobname); } public boolean isClusterJob() { return jobname.startsWith(ConfExecutable.CLUSTER_TASK_ID_PREFIX); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((jobname == null) ? 0 : jobname.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; JobStat other = (JobStat) obj; if (jobname == null) { if (other.jobname != null) return false; } else if (!jobname.equals(other.jobname)) return false; return true; } public int getRuntime() { if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED && finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { return (int) (finish - start) / 1000; } return ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED; } @Override public String toString() { return getJobReport(); } String getJobReport() { String report = "WS: " + webService + "\n"; report += "JOB: " + jobname + "\n"; if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += "Started " + new Date(start) + "\n"; } if (finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += "Finished " + new Date(finish) + "\n"; } if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED && finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += "Runtime " + getRuntime() + "\n"; } report += "Input size " + inputSize + "\n"; report += "Result size " + resultSize + "\n"; report += "ClusterJobID " + clusterJobId + "\n"; report += "Collected? " + isCollected + "\n"; report += "Cancelled? " + isCancelled + "\n"; return report; } /** * Header Job Started Finished Runtime Input Result */ String getJobReportTabulated() { String report = webService + "\t"; report += jobname + "\t"; if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += ExecutionStatCollector.DF.format(new Date(start)) + "\t"; } else { report += ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED + "\t"; } if (finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += ExecutionStatCollector.DF.format(new Date(finish)) + "\t"; } else { report += ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED + "\t"; } if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED && finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { report += getRuntime() + "\t"; } else { report += ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED + "\t"; } report += inputSize + "\t"; report += resultSize + "\t"; report += clusterJobId + "\t"; report += isCollected + "\t"; report += isCancelled + "\t"; return report; } public Services getWebService() { return webService; } public String getClusterJobId() { return clusterJobId; } public String getJobname() { return jobname; } public String getEscJobname() { String[] parts = jobname.split("#"); return parts[0] + "%23" + parts[1]; } public String getStart() { if (start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { return DATE_TIME.format(new Date(start)); } return "?"; } public String getFinish() { if (finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { return DATE_TIME.format(new Date(finish)); } return "?"; } public long getInputSize() { if (inputSize != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { return inputSize; } return 0; } public long getResultSize() { if (resultSize > 0) { return resultSize; } return 0; } public boolean hasResult() { return resultSize > 0; } public boolean hasStarted() { return start != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED; } public boolean getIsCollected() { return isCollected; } public boolean getIsCancelled() { return isCancelled; } public boolean getIsFinished() { return finish != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED; } }