package compbio.stat.collector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; public class StatProcessor { List stats; public StatProcessor(List stats) { this.stats = stats; } public List getClusterJobs() { return getJobSubset(true); } public List getLocalJobs() { return getJobSubset(false); } private List getJobSubset(boolean cluster) { List clusterjobs = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (cluster) { if (js.isClusterJob()) { clusterjobs.add(js); } } else { if (!js.isClusterJob()) { clusterjobs.add(js); } } } return clusterjobs; } /* * TODO List getNewStat() throws SQLException { Set jobids * = new HashSet(); for(JobStat js: stats) { jobids.add(js.jobname); * } StatDB.removeRecordedJobs(jobids); List newjobs = new * HashSet(); for(String jobid: jobids) { if( * jobids.add(js.jobname); } } */ /** * Not collected. Excludes all cancelled jobs, and jobs with no results as * these are reported separately. */ public List getAbandonedJobs() { List abJobs = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (!js.isCollected && !js.isCancelled && js.hasResult()) { abJobs.add(js); } } return abJobs; } /** * Started & finished but did not produce result * * @return */ public List getFailedJobs() { List failedJobs = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (js.hasStarted() && js.getIsFinished() && !js.hasResult()) { failedJobs.add(js); } } return failedJobs; } public List getCancelledJobs() { List abJobs = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (js.isCancelled) { abJobs.add(js); } } return abJobs; } public List sortByRuntime() { List abJobs = new ArrayList(stats); Collections.sort(abJobs, JobStat.RUNTIME); return abJobs; } public List sortByStartTime() { List abJobs = new ArrayList(stats); Collections.sort(abJobs, JobStat.STARTTIME); return abJobs; } public List sortByResultSize() { List abJobs = new ArrayList(stats); Collections.sort(abJobs, JobStat.RESULTSIZE); return abJobs; } public int getJobNumber() { return stats.size(); } public List getJobs() { return stats; } public StatProcessor getSingleWSStat(Services webService) { List wsStat = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (js.webService == webService) { wsStat.add(js); } } return new StatProcessor(wsStat); } public long getTotalRuntime() { long counter = 0; for (JobStat js : stats) { int jobtime = js.getRuntime(); if (jobtime != ExecutionStatCollector.UNDEFINED) { counter += jobtime; } } return counter; } public List getIncompleteJobs() { List aJobs = new ArrayList(); for (JobStat js : stats) { if (!js.hasResult() && !js.getIsCancelled()) { aJobs.add(js); } } return aJobs; } public String reportStat() { String report = "Total Jobs: " + getJobNumber() + "\n"; report += "Abandoned Jobs: " + getAbandonedJobs().size() + "\n"; report += "Cancelled Jobs: " + getCancelledJobs().size() + "\n"; report += "Total Runtime (s): " + getTotalRuntime() + "\n"; report += "Unsuccessful Jobs: " + getIncompleteJobs().size() + "\n"; if (sortByRuntime().size() > 10) { report += "10 longest jobs: \n\n" + sortByRuntime().subList(0, 9) + "\n"; } else { report += "longest jobs: \n\n" + sortByRuntime() + "\n"; } if (sortByResultSize().size() > 10) report += "10 biggest jobs: \n\n" + sortByResultSize().subList(0, 9) + "\n"; else { report += "biggest jobs: \n\n" + sortByResultSize() + "\n"; } return report; } @Override public String toString() { return this.reportStat(); } }