/* Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Troshin * * JAva Bioinformatics Analysis Web Services (JABAWS) @version: 2.0 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * Apache License version 2 as published by the Apache Software Foundation * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache * License for more details. * * A copy of the license is in apache_license.txt. It is also available here: * @see: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt * * Any republication or derived work distributed in source code form * must include this copyright and license notice. */ package compbio.ws.server; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent; import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import compbio.stat.collector.DirCleaner; import compbio.stat.collector.StatDB; import compbio.engine.conf.PropertyHelperManager; import compbio.engine.local.ExecutableWrapper; import compbio.engine.local.LocalExecutorService; import compbio.util.PropertyHelper; /** * Two tasks: * 1. Switch off engines if JABAWS web application is un-deployed, or web server is shutdown * 2. delete old job directories * * @author Peter Troshin * @author Alexander Sherstnev * @version 2.0 */ public class MainManager implements ServletContextListener { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MainManager.class); static PropertyHelper ph = PropertyHelperManager.getPropertyHelper(); private ScheduledFuture localcl; private ScheduledFuture clustercl; private ScheduledExecutorService executor; @Override public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent ignored) { // stop cleaning job directories try { if (null != localcl) { localcl.cancel(true); } if (null != clustercl) { clustercl.cancel(true); } executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } // Shutdown local and cluster engines log.info("JABAWS context is destroyed. Shutting down engines..."); LocalExecutorService.shutDown(); log.info("Local engine is shutdown OK"); ExecutableWrapper.shutdownService(); log.info("Individual executables stream engine is shutdown OK"); StatDB.shutdownDBServer(); } @Override public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) { log.info("Initializing directory cleaners"); executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); // configure cluster cleaner String clusterWorkDir = getClusterJobDir(); int clusterDirLifespan = PropertyHelperManager.getIntProperty(ph.getProperty("cluster.jobdir.maxlifespan")); int clusterCleaningRate = PropertyHelperManager.getIntProperty(ph.getProperty("cluster.jobdir.cleaning.frequency")); boolean cleanClasterDir = PropertyHelperManager.getBooleanProperty(ph.getProperty("cluster.stat.collector.enable")); if (0 < clusterDirLifespan && cleanClasterDir) { DirCleaner clusterDirCleaner = new DirCleaner(clusterWorkDir, clusterDirLifespan); clustercl = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(clusterDirCleaner, 1, clusterCleaningRate, TimeUnit.MINUTES); log.info("Cleaning local job directory every " + clusterCleaningRate + " minutes"); } else { log.info("Cluster job directory cleaner is disabled. "); } // configure local cleaner String localWorkDir = compbio.engine.client.Util.convertToAbsolute(getLocalJobDir()); int localDirLiveSpan = PropertyHelperManager.getIntProperty(ph.getProperty("local.jobdir.maxlifespan")); int localCleaningRate = PropertyHelperManager.getIntProperty(ph.getProperty("local.jobdir.cleaning.frequency")); boolean cleanLocalDir = PropertyHelperManager.getBooleanProperty(ph.getProperty("local.stat.collector.enable")); if (0 < localDirLiveSpan && cleanLocalDir) { DirCleaner localDirCleaner = new DirCleaner(localWorkDir, localDirLiveSpan); localcl = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(localDirCleaner, 1, localCleaningRate, TimeUnit.MINUTES); log.info("Cleaning local job directory every " + localCleaningRate + " minutes"); } else { log.info("Local job directory cleaner is disabled. "); } } static String getClusterJobDir() { String ln = ph.getProperty("cluster.tmp.directory"); if (null != ln ) { ln = ln.trim(); } return ln; } static String getLocalJobDir() { String ln = ph.getProperty("local.tmp.directory"); if (null != ln ) { ln = ln.trim(); } return ln; } }