c=========================================================================== c c This file is part of TISEAN c c Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber c c TISEAN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c TISEAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with TISEAN; if not, write to the Free Software c Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA c c=========================================================================== c autocor.f c autocorrelation function through FFT c author T. Schreiber (1998), H. Kantz (2007) c=========================================================================== parameter(nx=1000000) dimension x(2*nx) character*72 file, fout data iverb/1/ call whatido("autocorrelation function estimated by FFT",iverb) ivar=lopt('v',1) iper=lopt('p',1) iexact=lopt('P',1) if(iexact.ne.0) iper=1 nmaxx=ican("l",nx) nexcl=ican("x",0) jcol=ican("c",0) isout=igetout(fout,iverb) do 10 ifi=1,nstrings() call nthstring(ifi,file) nmax=nmaxx call readfile(nmax,x,nexcl,jcol,file,iverb) if(file.eq."-") file="stdin" if(ivar.eq.0) call normal(nmax,x,sc,sd) if(iper.eq.0) then nmaxp=nmore(2*nmax) do 20 n=nmax+1,nmaxp 20 x(n)=0. call store_spec(nmaxp,x,1) do 30 n=1,nmax 30 x(n)=x(n)/real(nmax-n+1) else nmaxp=nmax if(iexact.eq.0) then nmaxp=nless(nmax) if(nmaxp.ne.nmax.and.iv_io(iverb).eq.1) . write(istderr(),*) "autocor: using", nmaxp endif call store_spec(nmaxp,x,1) do 50 n=1,nmaxp 50 x(n)=x(n)/real(nmaxp) endif if(isout.eq.1) call addsuff(fout,file,"_co") call outfile(fout,iunit,iverb) if(ivar.eq.0) then if(sd.eq.0) stop "autocor: cannot normalise - zero variance" fsc=1./x(1) else fsc=1. endif do 60 n=1,min(nmax,nmaxp) 60 write(iunit,*) n-1, fsc*x(n) 10 if(iunit.ne.istdout()) close(iunit) end subroutine usage() c usage message call whatineed( . "[-v -p -P -o outfile -l# -x# -c# -V# -h] file(s)") call popt("v","give unnormalised autocovariance") call popt("p","assume periodic continuation") call popt("P","assume periodic continuation exactly") call popt("l","number of values to be read [all]") call popt("x","number of values to be skipped [0]") call popt("c","column to be read [1 or file,#]") call pout("file_co") call pall() stop end