# Copyright 2001 by Katharine Lindner. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Code for more fancy file handles (OBSOLETE). Classes: Filtered is a decorator for File that allows the user to filter the output on a line by line basis. The FilteredReader module reads a file and applies a sequence of filters to the input The constructor sets a default filter chain, but the user can select another filter by setting Bio.FilteredReader.filter_chain. handle = open( "filename" ) filtered_reader = Bio.FilteredReader( handle ) filtered_reader.filter_chain = [ remove_asterisks, replace_dot_with_dash ] filtered_reasder.read() All filters in the chain must provide the same interface with a line of text as the single input parameter and altered text as the return value. This module is now considered to be obsolete, and is likely to be deprecated in a future release of Biopython, and later removed. """ def dump_saved( name, text, j ): """Used for debugging.""" dump_file = open( name + '%d' % j, "w" ) k = 0 for i in range ( 0, len( text ), 80 ): dump_file.write( '%s\n' % text[ i : i + 80 ] ) dump_file.close() def remove_leading_whitespace( line ): return line.lstrip() def remove_empty_line( line ): stripped_line = line.strip() if( stripped_line ): return line[ : ] else: return '' def remove_useless_dot( line ): before = line while( 1 ): after = before.replace( "\t.\t", "\t\t" ) if( len( before ) == len( after ) ): break before = after if( after.endswith( '.' ) ): after = after[ :-1 ] return after def fix_punctuation( line ): line = line.replace( "'", '' ) line = line.replace( '"', '' ) line = line.replace( ';', '\t' ) line = line.replace( 'entryname', 'id' ) # line = line.lower( ) if( line ): return line[ : ] else: return '' class FilteredReader: def __init__(self, handle ): self._handle = handle self._start_line = '' self._debug_count = 0 self.filter_chain = [ remove_empty_line, remove_useless_dot, fix_punctuation ] def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._handle, attr) def close(self, *args, **keywds ): return self._handle.close( *args, **keywds) def read( self, *args, **keywds ): line = '' len_expected = self._get_len_expected( args, keywds ) if( len_expected ): filtered_text = self.read_block( len_expected ) else: filtered_text = self.read_to_end() return filtered_text def read_block( self, len_expected ): len_filtered = 0 len_adjusted -= len( self._start_line ) filtered_text = '' while( len_filtered < len_expected ): text_read = self._handle.read( len_adjusted ) full_text = self._start_line + text_read lines = full_text.splitlines( 1 ) if( text_read == '' ): filtered_text = filtered_text + self.filter( lines ) break else: all_but_last_line = lines[ :-1 ] self._start_line = lines[ -1 ] filtered_text = filtered_text + self.filter( all_but_last_line ) len_filtered_text = len( filtered_text ) len_adjusted = len_adjusted - len_filtered_text return filtered_text[ : ] def read_to_end( self ): filtered_text = '' text_read = self._handle.read() full_text = self._start_line + text_read lines = full_text.splitlines( 1 ) filtered_text += self.filter( lines[:] ) return filtered_text[ : ] def _get_len_expected( self, args, keywds ): if( len( args) > 0 ): len_expected = args[ 0 ] if( len_expected < 0 ): len_expected = None elif 'size' in keywds: len_expected = keywds['size'] else: len_expected = None return len_expected def filter( self, lines ): filter_chain = self.filter_chain filtered_text = '' for line in lines: for filter in filter_chain: line = filter( *( line, ) ) filtered_text += line return filtered_text def has_trailing_linefeed( line ): if( line.endswith( chr( 13 ) ) or \ line.endswith( chr( 10 ) ) ): return 1 else: return 0