#!/usr/bin/env python # Created: Wed May 29 08:07:18 2002 # thomas@cbs.dtu.dk, Cecilia.Alsmark@ebc.uu.se # Copyright 2001 by Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten and Cecilia Alsmark. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Miscellaneous functions for dealing with sequences.""" import re, time from Bio import SeqIO from Bio import Translate from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio import Alphabet from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC from Bio.Data import IUPACData, CodonTable ###################################### # DNA ###################### # {{{ def reverse(seq): """Reverse the sequence. Works on string sequences. e.g. >>> reverse("ACGGT") 'TGGCA' """ r = list(seq) r.reverse() return ''.join(r) def GC(seq): """Calculates G+C content, returns the percentage (float between 0 and 100). Copes mixed case seuqneces, and with the ambiguous nucleotide S (G or C) when counting the G and C content. The percentage is calculated against the full length, e.g.: >>> from Bio.SeqUtils import GC >>> GC("ACTGN") 40.0 Note that this will return zero for an empty sequence. """ try : gc = sum(map(seq.count,['G','C','g','c','S','s'])) return gc*100.0/len(seq) except ZeroDivisionError : return 0.0 def GC123(seq): """Calculates total G+C content plus first, second and third positions. Returns a tuple of four floats (percentages between 0 and 100) for the entire sequence, and the three codon positions. e.g. >>> from Bio.SeqUtils import GC123 >>> GC123("ACTGTN") (40.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.0) Copes with mixed case sequences, but does NOT deal with ambiguous nucleotides. """ d= {} for nt in ['A','T','G','C']: d[nt] = [0,0,0] for i in range(0,len(seq),3): codon = seq[i:i+3] if len(codon) <3: codon += ' ' for pos in range(0,3): for nt in ['A','T','G','C']: if codon[pos] == nt or codon[pos] == nt.lower(): d[nt][pos] += 1 gc = {} gcall = 0 nall = 0 for i in range(0,3): try: n = d['G'][i] + d['C'][i] +d['T'][i] + d['A'][i] gc[i] = (d['G'][i] + d['C'][i])*100.0/n except: gc[i] = 0 gcall = gcall + d['G'][i] + d['C'][i] nall = nall + n gcall = 100.0*gcall/nall return gcall, gc[0], gc[1], gc[2] def GC_skew(seq, window = 100): """Calculates GC skew (G-C)/(G+C) for multuple windows along the sequence. Returns a list of ratios (floats), controlled by the length of the sequence and the size of the window. Does NOT look at any ambiguous nucleotides. """ # 8/19/03: Iddo: added lowercase values = [] for i in range(0, len(seq), window): s = seq[i: i + window] g = s.count('G') + s.count('g') c = s.count('C') + s.count('c') skew = (g-c)/float(g+c) values.append(skew) return values from math import pi, sin, cos, log def xGC_skew(seq, window = 1000, zoom = 100, r = 300, px = 100, py = 100): """Calculates and plots normal and accumulated GC skew (GRAPHICS !!!).""" from Tkinter import Scrollbar, Canvas, BOTTOM, BOTH, ALL, \ VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, RIGHT, LEFT, X, Y yscroll = Scrollbar(orient = VERTICAL) xscroll = Scrollbar(orient = HORIZONTAL) canvas = Canvas(yscrollcommand = yscroll.set, xscrollcommand = xscroll.set, background = 'white') win = canvas.winfo_toplevel() win.geometry('700x700') yscroll.config(command = canvas.yview) xscroll.config(command = canvas.xview) yscroll.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) xscroll.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X) canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, side = LEFT, expand = 1) canvas.update() X0, Y0 = r + px, r + py x1, x2, y1, y2 = X0 - r, X0 + r, Y0 -r, Y0 + r ty = Y0 canvas.create_text(X0, ty, text = '%s...%s (%d nt)' % (seq[:7], seq[-7:], len(seq))) ty +=20 canvas.create_text(X0, ty, text = 'GC %3.2f%%' % (GC(seq))) ty +=20 canvas.create_text(X0, ty, text = 'GC Skew', fill = 'blue') ty +=20 canvas.create_text(X0, ty, text = 'Accumulated GC Skew', fill = 'magenta') ty +=20 canvas.create_oval(x1,y1, x2, y2) acc = 0 start = 0 for gc in GC_skew(seq, window): r1 = r acc+=gc # GC skew alpha = pi - (2*pi*start)/len(seq) r2 = r1 - gc*zoom x1 = X0 + r1 * sin(alpha) y1 = Y0 + r1 * cos(alpha) x2 = X0 + r2 * sin(alpha) y2 = Y0 + r2 * cos(alpha) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2, fill = 'blue') # accumulated GC skew r1 = r - 50 r2 = r1 - acc x1 = X0 + r1 * sin(alpha) y1 = Y0 + r1 * cos(alpha) x2 = X0 + r2 * sin(alpha) y2 = Y0 + r2 * cos(alpha) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2, fill = 'magenta') canvas.update() start += window canvas.configure(scrollregion = canvas.bbox(ALL)) def molecular_weight(seq): """Calculate the molecular weight of a DNA sequence.""" if type(seq) == type(''): seq = Seq(seq, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) weight_table = IUPACData.unambiguous_dna_weights #TODO, use a generator expession once we drop Python 2.3? #e.g. return sum(weight_table[x] for x in seq) total = 0 for x in seq: total += weight_table[x] return total def nt_search(seq, subseq): """Search for a DNA subseq in sequence. use ambiguous values (like N = A or T or C or G, R = A or G etc.) searches only on forward strand """ pattern = '' for nt in subseq: value = IUPACData.ambiguous_dna_values[nt] if len(value) == 1: pattern += value else: pattern += '[%s]' % value pos = -1 result = [pattern] l = len(seq) while True: pos+=1 s = seq[pos:] m = re.search(pattern, s) if not m: break pos += int(m.start(0)) result.append(pos) return result # }}} ###################################### # Protein ###################### # {{{ # temporary hack for exception free translation of "dirty" DNA # should be moved to ??? class ProteinX(Alphabet.ProteinAlphabet): letters = IUPACData.extended_protein_letters + "X" proteinX = ProteinX() class MissingTable: def __init__(self, table): self._table = table def get(self, codon, stop_symbol): try: return self._table.get(codon, stop_symbol) except CodonTable.TranslationError: return 'X' def makeTableX(table): assert table.protein_alphabet == IUPAC.extended_protein return CodonTable.CodonTable(table.nucleotide_alphabet, proteinX, MissingTable(table.forward_table), table.back_table, table.start_codons, table.stop_codons) # end of hacks def seq3(seq): """Turn a one letter code protein sequence into one with three letter codes. The single input argument 'seq' should be a protein sequence using single letter codes, either as a python string or as a Seq or MutableSeq object. This function returns the amino acid sequence as a string using the three letter amino acid codes. Output follows the IUPAC standard (including ambiguous characters B for "Asx", J for "Xle" and X for "Xaa", and also U for "Sel" and O for "Pyl") plus "Ter" for a terminator given as an asterisk. Any unknown character (including possible gap characters), is changed into 'Xaa'. e.g. >>> from Bio.SeqUtils import seq3 >>> seq3("MAIVMGRWKGAR*") 'MetAlaIleValMetGlyArgTrpLysGlyAlaArgTer' This function was inspired by BioPerl's seq3. """ threecode = {'A':'Ala', 'B':'Asx', 'C':'Cys', 'D':'Asp', 'E':'Glu', 'F':'Phe', 'G':'Gly', 'H':'His', 'I':'Ile', 'K':'Lys', 'L':'Leu', 'M':'Met', 'N':'Asn', 'P':'Pro', 'Q':'Gln', 'R':'Arg', 'S':'Ser', 'T':'Thr', 'V':'Val', 'W':'Trp', 'Y':'Tyr', 'Z':'Glx', 'X':'Xaa', '*':'Ter', 'U':'Sel', 'O':'Pyl', 'J':'Xle', } #We use a default of 'Xaa' for undefined letters #Note this will map '-' to 'Xaa' which may be undesirable! return ''.join([threecode.get(aa,'Xaa') for aa in seq]) # }}} ###################################### # Mixed ??? ###################### # {{{ def translate(seq, frame = 1, genetic_code = 1, translator = None): """Translation of DNA in one of the six different reading frames (DEPRECATED). Use the Bio.Seq.Translate function, or the Seq object's translate method instead: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> my_seq = Seq("AUGGCCAUUGUAAUGGGCCGCUGAAAGGGUGCCCGAUAG") >>> my_seq = Seq("AUGGCCAUUGUAAUGGGCCGCUGAAAGGGUGCCCGAUAGUA") >>> for frame in [0,1,2] : ... print my_seq[frame:].translate() ... MAIVMGR*KGAR* WPL*WAAERVPDS GHCNGPLKGCPIV >>> for frame in [0,1,2] : ... print my_seq.reverse_complement()[frame:].translate() ... YYRAPFQRPITMA TIGHPFSGPLQWP LSGTLSAAHYNGH """ import warnings warnings.warn("Bio.SeqUtils.translate() has been deprecated, and we intend" \ +" to remove it in a future release of Biopython. Please use"\ +" the method or function in Bio.Seq instead, as described in"\ +" the Tutorial.", DeprecationWarning) if frame not in [1,2,3,-1,-2,-3]: raise ValueError('invalid frame') if not translator: table = makeTableX(CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id[genetic_code]) translator = Translate.Translator(table) #Does this frame calculation do something sensible? No RC taken! return translator.translate(Seq(seq[frame-1:], IUPAC.ambiguous_dna)).data def GC_Frame(seq, genetic_code = 1): """Just an alias for six_frame_translations (OBSOLETE). Use six_frame_translation directly, as this function may be deprecated in a future release.""" return six_frame_translations(seq, genetic_code) def six_frame_translations(seq, genetic_code = 1): """Formatted string showing the 6 frame translations and GC content. nice looking 6 frame translation with GC content - code from xbbtools similar to DNA Striders six-frame translation e.g. from Bio.SeqUtils import six_frame_translations print six_frame_translations("AUGGCCAUUGUAAUGGGCCGCUGA") """ from Bio.Seq import reverse_complement, translate anti = reverse_complement(seq) comp = anti[::-1] length = len(seq) frames = {} for i in range(0,3): frames[i+1] = translate(seq[i:], genetic_code) frames[-(i+1)] = reverse(translate(anti[i:], genetic_code)) # create header if length > 20: short = '%s ... %s' % (seq[:10], seq[-10:]) else: short = seq #TODO? Remove the date as this would spoil any unit test... date = time.strftime('%y %b %d, %X', time.localtime(time.time())) header = 'GC_Frame: %s, ' % date for nt in ['a','t','g','c']: header += '%s:%d ' % (nt, seq.count(nt.upper())) header += '\nSequence: %s, %d nt, %0.2f %%GC\n\n\n' % (short.lower(),length, GC(seq)) res = header for i in range(0,length,60): subseq = seq[i:i+60] csubseq = comp[i:i+60] p = i/3 res = res + '%d/%d\n' % (i+1, i/3+1) res = res + ' ' + ' '.join(map(None,frames[3][p:p+20])) + '\n' res = res + ' ' + ' '.join(map(None,frames[2][p:p+20])) + '\n' res = res + ' '.join(map(None,frames[1][p:p+20])) + '\n' # seq res = res + subseq.lower() + '%5d %%\n' % int(GC(subseq)) res = res + csubseq.lower() + '\n' # - frames res = res + ' '.join(map(None,frames[-2][p:p+20])) +' \n' res = res + ' ' + ' '.join(map(None,frames[-1][p:p+20])) + '\n' res = res + ' ' + ' '.join(map(None,frames[-3][p:p+20])) + '\n\n' return res # }}} ###################################### # FASTA file utilities ###################### # {{{ def fasta_uniqids(file): """Checks and changes the name/ID's to be unique identifiers by adding numbers (OBSOLETE). file - a FASTA format filename to read in. No return value, the output is written to screen. """ dict = {} txt = open(file).read() entries = [] for entry in txt.split('>')[1:]: name, seq= entry.split('\n',1) name = name.split()[0].split(',')[0] if name in dict: n = 1 while 1: n = n + 1 _name = name + str(n) if _name not in dict: name = _name break dict[name] = seq for name, seq in dict.items(): print '>%s\n%s' % (name, seq) def quick_FASTA_reader(file): """Simple FASTA reader, returning a list of string tuples. The single argument 'file' should be the filename of a FASTA format file. This function will open and read in the entire file, constructing a list of all the records, each held as a tuple of strings (the sequence name or title, and its sequence). This function was originally intended for use on large files, where its low overhead makes it very fast. However, because it returns the data as a single in memory list, this can require a lot of RAM on large files. You are generally encouraged to use Bio.SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta") which allows you to iterate over the records one by one (avoiding having all the records in memory at once). Using Bio.SeqIO also makes it easy to switch between different input file formats. However, please note that rather than simple strings, Bio.SeqIO uses SeqRecord objects for each record. """ #Want to split on "\n>" not just ">" in case there are any extra ">" #in the name/description. So, in order to make sure we also split on #the first entry, prepend a "\n" to the start of the file. handle = open(file) txt = "\n" + handle.read() handle.close() entries = [] for entry in txt.split('\n>')[1:]: name,seq= entry.split('\n',1) seq = seq.replace('\n','').replace(' ','').upper() entries.append((name, seq)) return entries def apply_on_multi_fasta(file, function, *args): """Apply a function on each sequence in a multiple FASTA file (OBSOLETE). file - filename of a FASTA format file function - the function you wish to invoke on each record *args - any extra arguments you want passed to the function This function will iterate over each record in a FASTA file as SeqRecord objects, calling your function with the record (and supplied args) as arguments. This function returns a list. For those records where your function returns a value, this is taken as a sequence and used to construct a FASTA format string. If your function never has a return value, this means apply_on_multi_fasta will return an empty list. """ try: f = globals()[function] except: raise NotImplementedError("%s not implemented" % function) handle = open(file, 'r') records = SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta") results = [] for record in records: arguments = [record.sequence] for arg in args: arguments.append(arg) result = f(*arguments) if result: results.append('>%s\n%s' % (record.name, result)) handle.close() return results def quicker_apply_on_multi_fasta(file, function, *args): """Apply a function on each sequence in a multiple FASTA file (OBSOLETE). file - filename of a FASTA format file function - the function you wish to invoke on each record *args - any extra arguments you want passed to the function This function will use quick_FASTA_reader to load every record in the FASTA file into memory as a list of tuples. For each record, it will call your supplied function with the record as a tuple of the name and sequence as strings (plus any supplied args). This function returns a list. For those records where your function returns a value, this is taken as a sequence and used to construct a FASTA format string. If your function never has a return value, this means quicker_apply_on_multi_fasta will return an empty list. """ try: f = globals()[function] except: raise NotImplementedError("%s not implemented" % function) entries = quick_FASTA_reader(file) results = [] for name, seq in entries: arguments = [seq] for arg in args: arguments.append(arg) result = f(*arguments) if result: results.append('>%s\n%s' % (name, result)) handle.close() return results # }}} ###################################### # Main ##################### # {{{ if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, getopt # crude command line options to use most functions directly on a FASTA file options = {'apply_on_multi_fasta':0, 'quick':0, 'uniq_ids':0, } optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['describe', 'apply_on_multi_fasta=', 'help', 'quick', 'uniq_ids', 'search=']) for arg in optlist: if arg[0] in ['-h', '--help']: pass elif arg[0] in ['--describe']: # get all new functions from this file mol_funcs = [x[0] for x in locals().items() if type(x[1]) == type(GC)] mol_funcs.sort() print 'available functions:' for f in mol_funcs: print '\t--%s' % f print '\n\ne.g.\n./sequtils.py --apply_on_multi_fasta GC test.fas' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0] in ['--apply_on_multi_fasta']: options['apply_on_multi_fasta'] = arg[1] elif arg[0] in ['--search']: options['search'] = arg[1] else: key = re.search('-*(.+)', arg[0]).group(1) options[key] = 1 if options.get('apply_on_multi_fasta'): file = args[0] function = options['apply_on_multi_fasta'] arguments = [] if options.get('search'): arguments = options['search'] if function == 'xGC_skew': arguments = 1000 if options.get('quick'): results = quicker_apply_on_multi_fasta(file, function, arguments) else: results = apply_on_multi_fasta(file, function, arguments) for result in results: print result elif options.get('uniq_ids'): file = args[0] fasta_uniqids(file) # }}}