# Copyright 2000 by Jeffrey Chang. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """This provides useful general functions for working with lists (OBSOLETE). This module and its C code equivalent are considered to be obsolete, and are likely to be deprecated in a future release of Biopython, before being removed. Please get in touch via the mailing list if this will affect you. Many of these functions can be avoided using the python set object. Functions: asdict Make the list into a dictionary (for fast testing of membership). items Get one of each item in a list. count Count the number of times each item appears. contents Calculate percentage each item appears in a list. itemindex Make an index of the items in the list. intersection Get the items in common between 2 lists. difference Get the items in 1 list, but not the other. indexesof Get a list of the indexes of some items in a list. take Take some items from a list. """ def asdict(l): """asdict(l) -> dictionary Return a dictionary where the keys are the items in the list, with arbitrary values. This is useful for quick testing of membership. """ return count(l) def items(l): """items(l) -> list of items Generate a list of one of each item in l. The items are returned in arbitrary order. """ try: return asdict(l).keys() except TypeError, x: if str(x).find("unhashable") == -1: raise # asdict failed because l is unhashable. Back up to a naive # implementation. l = l[:] l.sort() i = 0 while i < len(l)-1: if l[i] == l[i+1]: del l[i] else: i += 1 return l def count(items): """count(items) -> dict of counts of each item Count the number of times each item appears in a list of data. """ c = {} for i in items: c[i] = c.get(i, 0) + 1 return c def contents(items): """contents(items) -> dict of item:percentage Summarize the contents of the list in terms of the percentages of each item. For example, if an item appears 3 times in a list with 10 items, it is in 0.3 of the list. """ counts = count(items) l = float(len(items)) contents = {} for i, c in counts.items(): contents[i] = c / l return contents def intersection(l1, l2): """intersection(l1, l2) -> list of common items Return a list of the items in both l1 and l2. The list is in arbitrary order. """ inter = [] words1 = count(l1) for w in l2: if words1.has_key(w): inter.append(w) del words1[w] # don't add the same word twice return inter def difference(l1, l2): """difference(l1, l2) -> list of items in l1, but not l2 Return a list of the items in l1, but not l2. The list is in arbitrary order. """ diff = [] words2 = count(l2) for w in l1: if not words2.has_key(w): diff.append(w) words2[w] = 1 # don't add the same word twice return diff def itemindex(l): """itemindex(l) -> dict of item : index of item Make an index of the items in the list. The dictionary contains the items in the list as the keys, and the index of the first occurrence of the item as the value. """ dict = {} for i in range(len(l)): if not dict.has_key(l[i]): dict[l[i]] = i return dict def indexesof(l, fn, opposite=0): """indexesof(l, fn) -> list of indexes Return a list of indexes i where fn(l[i]) is true. """ indexes = [] for i in range(len(l)): f = fn(l[i]) if (not opposite and f) or (opposite and not f): indexes.append(i) return indexes def take(l, indexes): """take(l, indexes) -> list of just the indexes from l""" items = [] for i in indexes: items.append(l[i]) return items def take_byfn(l, fn, opposite=0): indexes = indexesof(l, fn, opposite=opposite) return take(l, indexes) # Try and load C implementations of functions. If I can't, # then just ignore and use the pure python implementations. try: from clistfns import * except ImportError: pass