For Users

JABAWS Server Virtual Machine

JABAWS virtual machine is a way of running fully functional JABA Web Services on your own computer. To use virtual machine (VM) you have to install a software for running it. We would recommend VMWare Player v 3.1 for Windows and Linux users. There is also an Oracle VirtualBox v. 3.2 for Mac users. Both are free and installation is simple. Jalview can use your local JABAWS VM.

  • JABAWS Virtual Appliance: download (520M)

Please check out our manual for the detailed instructions.

For System Administrators

JABAWS Server Web Application

The JABAWS Server Web Application aRchive (WAR) version is for you if you want to deploy JABAWS for many users e.g. your laboratory or if you are an expert user and want to have more control on JABAWS. Typically, you will have a cluster or at least a powerful server machine which all users are willing to use. If you only have a single server then, you may use JABAWS Server Virtual Appliance instead. The server is provided as a self-contained Web Application aRchive (WAR) containing all necessary binaries. WAR file can be deployed on any web application server supporting Servlet 2.4 specification i.e. Tomcat 6.0.

  • A Complete Server for all platforms: download (45M)

Please bear in mind that if you deploy JABAWS WAR on Windows only Muscle and Clustal web services will work! If you want to run other web services on Windows use JABAWS Server VM package instead.

For Bioinformaticians/Developers

JABAWS Command Line Client

The command line client is an executable Java program for scripting against JABA web services. If you intend to use JABAWS in your own program and need a template - download a command line client source package. You can even generate a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for JABA web services for your own program! You can consult Jalview source code for a help with that.

Help with a command line client is available from the manual pages.