Uses of Interface

Packages that use SyncExecutor
compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa An cluster engine classes responsible for execution of Executables on the clusters. 
compbio.engine.local An local engine classes responsible for execution of Executables on the local computer (the same machine as JVM running these classes). 

Uses of SyncExecutor in compbio.engine

Methods in compbio.engine that return SyncExecutor
static SyncExecutor Configurator.getSyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable<?> executable)
static SyncExecutor Configurator.getSyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable<?> executable, Executable.ExecProvider provider)

Uses of SyncExecutor in compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa

Classes in compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa that implement SyncExecutor
 class JobRunner
          Single cluster job runner class

Uses of SyncExecutor in compbio.engine.local

Classes in compbio.engine.local that implement SyncExecutor
 class LocalRunner