Class PropertyHelperManager

  extended by compbio.engine.conf.PropertyHelperManager

public final class PropertyHelperManager
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
static java.lang.String confDir
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getLocalPath()
          Method return the absolute path to the project root directory.
static compbio.util.PropertyHelper getPropertyHelper()
          Ways to fix path problem: 1) find a path to WEB-INF directory based on the path to a known class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String confDir
Constructor Detail


public PropertyHelperManager()
Method Detail


public static compbio.util.PropertyHelper getPropertyHelper()
Ways to fix path problem: 1) find a path to WEB-INF directory based on the path to a known class. Then prepend this absolute path to the rest of paths pros: no input from user cons: relocation of the source may cause problems 2) Require users to add configuration directories to the class path and then load entries from it. pros: cons: Many paths needs to be added. Put significant burden on the user. Hard to tell web appl server to add these entries to its class path. 3) Ask for project source directory explicitly in the configuration. pros cons: similar to 1, but this initial configuration file must reside in well known location! Why ask users what can be found automatically? 4) Have everything in the location already in class path for tomcat. cons: only classes and lib/*.jar are added, eclipse will remove non classses from classes dir. Try 1 - succeed.



public static java.lang.String getLocalPath()
Method return the absolute path to the project root directory. It assumes the following structure of the project project root conf settings binaries WEB-INF classes compbio engine conf If the structure changes it must be reflected in this method
