Uses of Class

Packages that use JobStatus   
compbio.engine.client Classes and interfaces representing an input for engines. 
compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa An cluster engine classes responsible for execution of Executables on the clusters. 
compbio.engine.local An local engine classes responsible for execution of Executables on the local computer (the same machine as JVM running these classes). 
compbio.metadata A meta-data model for multiple sequence alignment web services Classes in this package have no dependencies to other sources in the project.   

Uses of JobStatus in

Methods in that return JobStatus
 JobStatus MsaWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
          Return the status of the job.

Uses of JobStatus in

Methods in that return JobStatus
 JobStatus GetJobStatusResponse.getReturn()

Methods in with parameters of type JobStatus
 void GetJobStatusResponse.setReturn(JobStatus _return)

Uses of JobStatus in compbio.engine

Methods in compbio.engine that return JobStatus
 JobStatus SyncExecutor.getJobStatus()
          Query the status of the job by its id.
 JobStatus AsyncExecutor.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
          Query the status of the job

Uses of JobStatus in compbio.engine.client

Methods in compbio.engine.client with parameters of type JobStatus
static boolean Util.isMarked(java.lang.String workDirectory, JobStatus marker)
static boolean Util.writeMarker(java.lang.String workDirectory, JobStatus fileType)

Uses of JobStatus in compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa

Methods in compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa that return JobStatus
 JobStatus JobRunner.getJobStatus()
 JobStatus AsyncJobRunner.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
          This will never return clust.engine.JobStatus.CANCELLED as for sun grid engine cancelled job is the same as failed.

Uses of JobStatus in compbio.engine.local

Methods in compbio.engine.local that return JobStatus
 JobStatus LocalRunner.getJobStatus()
static JobStatus LocalEngineUtil.getJobStatus(java.util.concurrent.Future<ConfiguredExecutable<?>> future)
 JobStatus AsyncLocalRunner.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
static JobStatus LocalEngineUtil.getRecordedJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)

Uses of JobStatus in compbio.metadata

Methods in compbio.metadata that return JobStatus
static JobStatus JobStatus.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static JobStatus[] JobStatus.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Uses of JobStatus in

Methods in that return JobStatus
static JobStatus WSUtil.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
 JobStatus TcoffeeWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
 JobStatus ProbconsWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
 JobStatus MuscleWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
 JobStatus MafftWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)
 JobStatus ClustalWS.getJobStatus(java.lang.String jobId)