Package compbio.metadata

A meta-data model for multiple sequence alignment web services Classes in this package have no dependencies to other sources in the project.


Interface Summary
Argument<T> An unmodifiable view for the options and parameters, with one exception - it allows to set a value

Class Summary
ChunkHolder Represents a chunk of string data together with the position in a file from where corresponding to of the data.
Limit<T> A value object containing a maximum number of sequences and a maximum average sequence length for a preset.
LimitsManager<T> A collection of Limits
Option<T> Command line option/flag or multiple exclusive options with no value.
Parameter<T> A single value containing option supported by the web service e.g.
Preset<T> Collection of Options and Parameters with their values
PresetManager<T> Collection of presets and methods to manipulate them @see Preset
RunnerConfig<T> The list of Parameters and Options supported by executable.
ValueConstrain The type and the lower and upper boundaries for numerical value.

Enum Summary
JobStatus The status of the job.

Exception Summary
JobExecutionException JobExecutionException is thrown wherever the results of the calculation cannot be obtained.
JobSubmissionException Exception for generic problems with JobSubmission it is often thrown as a wrapper for the lower level exceptions like IOException or DrmaaException.
LimitExceededException Thrown if the task larger in size that the limit that applies to the calculation.
ResultNotAvailableException ResultNotAvailableException is thrown wherever the results of the calculation cannot be obtained.
UnsupportedRuntimeException Indicates that the server could not execute native executables.
WrongParameterException WrongParameterException is thrown wherever the RunnerConfig object does not match the actual runnable or then attempting to set the value of Argument to invalid value.

Package compbio.metadata Description

A meta-data model for multiple sequence alignment web services Classes in this package have no dependencies to other sources in the project. They form a base layer of Jalview Web Services v2.

Petr Troshin Date January 2010