Uses of Class

Packages that use JobStat

Uses of JobStat in compbio.stat.collector

Methods in compbio.stat.collector that return types with arguments of type JobStat
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getAbandonedJobs()
          Not collected.
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getCancelledJobs()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getClusterJobs()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getFailedJobs()
          Started & finished but did not produce result
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getIncompleteJobs()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getJobs()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.getLocalJobs()
 List<JobStat> StatDB.readData(Timestamp from, Timestamp to, Services wservice, Boolean clusterOnly)
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.sortByResultSize()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.sortByRuntime()
 List<JobStat> StatProcessor.sortByStartTime()

Method parameters in compbio.stat.collector with type arguments of type JobStat
 void StatDB.removeRecordedJobs(Set<JobStat> fsJobs)
          Removes the job if 1) It has already been recorded 2) It has not completed and did not timeout - this is to prevent recording the information on the incomplete jobs.

Constructor parameters in compbio.stat.collector with type arguments of type JobStat
StatProcessor(List<JobStat> stats)