A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W _


OB - Class in compbio.runner._impl
TODO this needs fixing! Executable does not work
OB() - Constructor for class compbio.runner._impl.OB
OB(String) - Constructor for class compbio.runner._impl.OB
Option<T> - Class in compbio.metadata
Command line option/flag or multiple exclusive options with no value.
Option(String, String) - Constructor for class compbio.metadata.Option
OptionCombinator - Class in compbio.runner
This class solve the following problems.
OptionCombinator(RunnerConfig<? extends Executable<?>>) - Constructor for class compbio.runner.OptionCombinator
optionsToCommandString(List<Option<?>>) - Method in class compbio.runner.OptionCombinator

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W _