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Pairwise - Class in compbio.pipeline._jpred
Pairwise(List<FastaSequence>) - Constructor for class compbio.pipeline._jpred.Pairwise
Parameter<T> - Class in compbio.metadata
A single value containing an option supported by the web service e.g.
Parameter(String, String) - Constructor for class compbio.metadata.Parameter
parametersToCommandString(List<Parameter<?>>, Map<Parameter<?>, String>) - Method in class compbio.runner.OptionCombinator
parse(String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.conf._Key
PATH - Static variable in class compbio.engine.client.EnvVariableProcessor
Special variable keys Absolute path(s) will be merged with the content of the system PATH variable
PathValidator - Class in compbio.engine.client
PathValidator() - Constructor for class compbio.engine.client.PathValidator
PipedExecutable<T> - Interface in compbio.engine.client
This is a marker interface to indicate that the output of the process must be captured.
Preset<T> - Class in compbio.metadata
Collection of Options and Parameters with their values
Preset() - Constructor for class compbio.metadata.Preset
PresetAlign - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PresetAlign() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PresetAlign
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<T>) - Method in interface compbio.data.msa.MsaWS
Align a list of sequences with preset.
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<T>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server._MsaService
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<ClustalO>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ClustalOWS
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<ClustalW>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ClustalWS
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<Mafft>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.MafftWS
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<Muscle>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.MuscleWS
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<Probcons>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ProbconsWS
presetAlign(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<Tcoffee>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.TcoffeeWS
PresetAlignResponse - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PresetAlignResponse() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PresetAlignResponse
PresetAnalize - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PresetAnalize() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PresetAnalize
presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<T>) - Method in interface compbio.data.msa.SequenceAnnotation
Analyse the sequences according to the preset settings.
presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<Disembl>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.DisemblWS
presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<GlobPlot>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.GlobPlotWS
presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<IUPred>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.IUPredWS
presetAnalize(List<FastaSequence>, Preset<T>) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.SequenceAnnotationService
PresetAnalizeResponse - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PresetAnalizeResponse() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PresetAnalizeResponse
PresetManager<T> - Class in compbio.metadata
Collection of presets and methods to manipulate them @see Preset
PresetManager() - Constructor for class compbio.metadata.PresetManager
Probcons - Class in compbio.runner.msa
Probcons() - Constructor for class compbio.runner.msa.Probcons
ProbconsWS - Class in compbio.ws.server
ProbconsWS() - Constructor for class compbio.ws.server.ProbconsWS
PROC_ERR_FILE - Static variable in class compbio.engine.local.ExecutableWrapper
PROC_OUT_FILE - Static variable in class compbio.engine.local.ExecutableWrapper
Program - Enum in compbio.data.sequence
The list of programmes that can produce alignments
ProgressGetter - Class in compbio.engine
ProgressGetter() - Constructor for class compbio.engine.ProgressGetter
PropertyHelperManager - Class in compbio.engine.conf
PropertyHelperManager() - Constructor for class compbio.engine.conf.PropertyHelperManager
PScore - Class in compbio.pipeline._jpred
PScore() - Constructor for class compbio.pipeline._jpred.PScore
PSIBlast - Class in compbio.runner._impl
PSIBlast(String) - Constructor for class compbio.runner._impl.PSIBlast
pull(long) - Method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
pull(String, long) - Static method in class compbio.engine.ProgressGetter
PulledFileCache - Class in compbio.engine
PulledFileCache() - Constructor for class compbio.engine.PulledFileCache
PullExecStatistics - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PullExecStatistics() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PullExecStatistics
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in interface compbio.data.msa.JManagement
Reads 1kb chunk from the statistics file which is specific to a given web service from the position.
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server._MsaService
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.AAConWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ClustalOWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ClustalWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.GenericMetadataService
Assume statistics is not supported
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.JronnWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.MafftWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.MuscleWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.ProbconsWS
pullExecStatistics(String, long) - Method in class compbio.ws.server.TcoffeeWS
PullExecStatisticsResponse - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
PullExecStatisticsResponse() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.PullExecStatisticsResponse
pullFile(String, long) - Static method in class compbio.ws.server.WSUtil
put(FilePuller) - Static method in class compbio.engine.PulledFileCache
This method allows duplicates to be added.

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