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waitForFile(long) - Method in class compbio.engine.FilePuller
waitForJob(String) - Method in class compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.ClusterSession
waitForJob(String, long) - Method in class compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.ClusterSession
waitForResult(ClusterSession, String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.ClusterUtil
waitForResult() - Method in class compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.JobRunner
waitForResult() - Method in class compbio.engine.local.LocalRunner
waitForResult() - Method in interface compbio.engine.SyncExecutor
Call to this method block for as long as it is required for an executable to finish its job.
wasAborted() - Method in class compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.StatisticManager
WHITE_SPACE - Static variable in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
A whitespace character: [\t\n\x0B\f\r]
write(RunConfiguration) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.RunConfiguration
write(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class compbio.engine.conf.RunnerConfigMarshaller
writeAndValidate(Object, String, OutputStream) - Method in class compbio.engine.conf.RunnerConfigMarshaller
writeClustalAlignment(OutputStream, Alignment) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.ClustalAlignmentUtil
Write Clustal formatted alignment Limitations: does not record the consensus.
writeFasta(OutputStream, List<FastaSequence>, int) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Writes list of FastaSequeces into the outstream formatting the sequence so that it contains width chars on each line
writeFasta(OutputStream, List<FastaSequence>) - Static method in class compbio.data.sequence.SequenceUtil
Writes FastaSequence in the file, each sequence will take one line only
writeFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
writeInput(List<FastaSequence>, ConfiguredExecutable<?>) - Static method in class compbio.runner.Util
writeMarker(String, JobStatus) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
writeStatFile(String, String) - Static method in class compbio.engine.client.Util
WrongParameterException - Exception in compbio.metadata
WrongParameterException is thrown wherever the RunnerConfig object does not match the actual runnable or then attempting to set the value of Argument to invalid value.
WrongParameterException(Option<?>) - Constructor for exception compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException
WrongParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException
WrongParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException
WrongParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception compbio.metadata.WrongParameterException
WrongParameterExceptionBean - Class in compbio.data.msa.jaxws
This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.
WrongParameterExceptionBean() - Constructor for class compbio.data.msa.jaxws.WrongParameterExceptionBean
WSTester - Class in compbio.ws.client
Class for testing web services
WSTester() - Constructor for class compbio.ws.client.WSTester
WSUtil - Class in compbio.ws.server
WSUtil() - Constructor for class compbio.ws.server.WSUtil

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