a multiple alignment editor


Examples Reference Source Code
  • Jalview 2



Jalview2 comes in two distinct flavours.

The main application allows connection to multiple web services provided at the University of Dundee as well as a host of additional useful features such as printing, making images from your alignment and annotating your alignment.
You need to download and install this software.

Pressing one of the buttons below will load up a cut down version of Jalview2 multiple alignment editor, which runs within your web browser.

Alignment 1 - Serine proteases (6 sequences x 279 residues)

Alignment 2 - Lipases (16 sequences x 487 residues)

Alignment 3 - Glutathione S-transferases (61 sequences x 290 residues) With associated tree

The applet takes the following Parameters:

name value
file fileName
showFullId true false
showAnnotation true false
showConservation true false
showQuality true false
showConsensus true false
defaultColour Clustal, Blosum62, % Identity, Zappo, Hydrophobic, Helix Propensity, Strand Propensity, Turn Propensity, Buried Index, Nucleotide