= Archaeopteryx Documentation = = Introduction = Under development! Documentation, tutorial, and examples for visualization, analysis, and editing of phylogenetic trees with [http://www.phylosoft.org/archaeopteryx/ Archaeopteryx]. Author: [http://www.cmzmasek.net/ Christian M Zmasek], Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Copyright (C) 2012 Christian M Zmasek. All rights reserved. = Frequently Asked Questions = == How to read and display vector or expression data == Aptx can be used to display vector or expression data associated with tree nodes: # Ensure the configuration file contains this line: "show_vector_data: display yes" # Start Aptx and read in a tree ([http://forester.googlecode.com/files/apaf.xml example tree]) # Open "Tools" menu and select "read Vector/Expression Values" ([http://forester.googlecode.com/files/apaf_expression.tab example expression values)