#summary Tutorial for multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic methods in BioRuby -- under development! = Introduction = Tutorial for multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic methods in BioRuby -- under development!. = Multiple Sequence Alignments = == Reading in a Multiple Sequence Alignment from a File == ... to be done == Calculating a Multiple Sequence Alignment == BioRuby can be used to execute a variety of multiple sequence alignment programs (such as MAFFT, Probcons, ClustalW, Muscle). In the following, examples for using the MAFFT and === MAFFT === {{{ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bio' # Calculates the alignment using the MAFFT program # on the local machine with options # '--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair' # and stores the result in 'report'. options = [ '--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair' ] mafft = Bio::MAFFT.new('path/to/mafft', options ) report = mafft.query_align( seqs) # Accesses the actual alignment align = report.alignment # Prints each sequence to the console. report.align.each { |s| puts s.to_s } # }}} === Muscle === #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bio' # Calculates the alignment using the MAFFT program # on the local machine, and stores the result in 'report'. options = [ '-quiet', '-maxiters', '64' ] muscle = Bio::Muscle.new('path/to/muscle', options ) report = muscle.query_align( seqs) # Accesses the actual alignment align = report.alignment # Prints each sequence to the console. report.align.each { |s| puts s.to_s } # Add your content here. Format your content with: * Text in *bold* or _italic_ * Headings, paragraphs, and lists * Automatic links to other wiki pages