X-Git-Url: http://source.jalview.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=site%2Fj2s%2Fjava%2Fawt%2FComponent.js;fp=site%2Fj2s%2Fjava%2Fawt%2FComponent.js;h=5c6892bc5163335e95289de40111b4ed6aef2545;hb=b9b7a352eee79b7764c3b09c9d19663075061d8c;hp=31a2fe2708826b0ea36f9b9246cd2cba6dc244b3;hpb=7301a2415adab88038b291fc54caeeb3a5a47a44;p=jalviewjs.git diff --git a/site/j2s/java/awt/Component.js b/site/j2s/java/awt/Component.js index 31a2fe2..5c6892b 100644 --- a/site/j2s/java/awt/Component.js +++ b/site/j2s/java/awt/Component.js @@ -1,2092 +1,2092 @@ -Clazz.declarePackage ("java.awt"); -Clazz.load (["java.lang.Enum", "java.awt.image.ImageObserver", "java.util.HashMap", "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"], "java.awt.Component", ["java.lang.Boolean", "$.Character", "$.Double", "$.Float", "$.IllegalArgumentException", "$.Long", "$.NullPointerException", "$.Short", "$.Thread", "java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster", "$.Cursor", "$.Dimension", "$.EventQueue", "$.IllegalComponentStateException", "$.Point", "$.Rectangle", "$.Toolkit", "java.awt.event.ComponentEvent", "$.ComponentListener", "$.FocusEvent", "$.FocusListener", "$.HierarchyBoundsListener", "$.HierarchyEvent", "$.HierarchyListener", "$.InputEvent", "$.InputMethodEvent", "$.InputMethodListener", "$.KeyEvent", "$.KeyListener", "$.MouseEvent", "$.MouseListener", "$.MouseMotionListener", "$.MouseWheelEvent", "$.MouseWheelListener", "$.PaintEvent", "java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer", "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener", "$.PropertyChangeSupport", "jssun.awt.AppContext", "$.SunToolkit", "jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics", "swingjs.JSToolkit"], function () { -c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { -this.threadGroup = null; -this.myThread = null; -this.peer = null; -this.parent = null; -this.appContext = null; -this.x = 0; -this.y = 0; -this.width = 0; -this.height = 0; -this.foreground = null; -this.background = null; -this.font = null; -this.peerFont = null; -this.cursor = null; -this.locale = null; -this.visible = true; -this.enabled = true; -this.valid = false; -this.popups = null; -this.name = null; -this.nameExplicitlySet = false; -this.focusable = true; -this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 0; -this.focusTraversalKeysEnabled = false; -this.minSize = null; -this.minSizeSet = false; -this.prefSize = null; -this.prefSizeSet = false; -this.maxSize = null; -this.maxSizeSet = false; -this.componentOrientation = null; -this.newEventsOnly = false; -this.componentListener = null; -this.focusListener = null; -this.hierarchyListener = null; -this.hierarchyBoundsListener = null; -this.keyListener = null; -this.mouseListener = null; -this.mouseMotionListener = null; -this.mouseWheelListener = null; -this.inputMethodListener = null; -this.windowClosingException = null; -this.eventMask = 4096; -this.changeSupport = null; -this.changeSupportLock = null; -this.isPacked = false; -this.boundsOp = 3; -this.isAddNotifyComplete = false; -this.backgroundEraseDisabled = false; -this.htmlName = null; -this.num = 0; -this.graphicsConfig = null; -this.eventCache = null; -this.coalescingEnabled = false; -this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal = true; -Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); -}, java.awt, "Component", null, java.awt.image.ImageObserver); -Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () { -this.componentOrientation = java.awt.ComponentOrientation.UNKNOWN; -this.changeSupportLock = new Clazz._O (); -this.coalescingEnabled = this.checkCoalescing (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAppContext", -function () { -return this.appContext; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getChangeSupportLock", - function () { -return this.changeSupportLock; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBoundsOp", -function () { -return this.boundsOp; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBoundsOp", -function (op) { -if (op == 5) { -this.boundsOp = 3; -} else if (this.boundsOp == 3) { -this.boundsOp = op; -}}, "~N"); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function () { -this.setAppContext (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAppContext", -function () { -this.appContext = jssun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext (); -this.num = ++java.awt.Component.incr; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHTMLName", -function (uid) { -return (this.htmlName == null ? this.htmlName = this.appContext.getThreadGroup ().getName () + "_" + uid + "_" + this.num : this.htmlName); -}, "~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "constructComponentName", -function () { -return null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getName", -function () { -if (this.name == null && !this.nameExplicitlySet) { -{ -if (this.name == null && !this.nameExplicitlySet) this.name = this.constructComponentName (); -}}return this.name; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setName", -function (name) { -var oldName; -{ -oldName = this.name; -this.name = name; -this.nameExplicitlySet = true; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("name", oldName, name); -}, "~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getParent", -function () { -return this.getParent_NoClientCode (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getParent_NoClientCode", -function () { -return this.parent; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getContainer", -function () { -return this.getParent (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPeer", -function () { -return this.peer; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphicsConfiguration", -function () { -return swingjs.JSToolkit.getGraphicsConfiguration (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetGC", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolkit", -function () { -return this.getToolkitImpl (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolkitImpl", -function () { -var peer = this.peer; -if ((peer != null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer))) { -return peer.getToolkit (); -}var parent = this.parent; -if (parent != null) { -return parent.getToolkitImpl (); -}return java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isValid", -function () { -return this.valid; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isDisplayable", -function () { -return true; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isVisible", -function () { -return this.isVisible_NoClientCode (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isVisible_NoClientCode", -function () { -return this.visible; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isRecursivelyVisible", -function () { -return this.visible && (this.parent == null || this.parent.isRecursivelyVisible ()); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "pointRelativeToComponent", -function (absolute) { -var compCoords = this.getLocationOnScreen (); -return new java.awt.Point (absolute.x - compCoords.x, absolute.y - compCoords.y); -}, "java.awt.Point"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMousePosition", -function () { -return null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isSameOrAncestorOf", -function (comp, allowChildren) { -return comp === this; -}, "java.awt.Component,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isShowing", -function () { -if (this.visible) { -var parent = this.parent; -return (parent == null) || parent.isShowing (); -}return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabled", -function () { -return this.isEnabledImpl (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabledImpl", -function () { -return this.enabled; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setEnabled", -function (b) { -this.enable (b); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enable", -function () { -if (!this.enabled) { -this.enabled = true; -var peer = this.peer; -if (peer != null) { -peer.setEnabled (true); -if (this.visible) { -this.updateCursorImmediately (); -}}}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enable", -function (b) { -if (b) { -this.enable (); -} else { -this.disable (); -}}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "disable", -function () { -if (this.enabled) { -this.enabled = false; -var peer = this.peer; -if (peer != null) { -peer.setEnabled (false); -if (this.visible) { -this.updateCursorImmediately (); -}}}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isDoubleBuffered", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVisible", -function (b) { -this.show (b); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "show", -function () { -if (!this.visible) { -this.visible = true; -var peer = this.peer; -if (peer != null) { -peer.setVisible (true); -this.createHierarchyEvents (1400, this, this.parent, 4, java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -this.repaint (); -}this.updateCursorImmediately (); -}if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { -var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 102); -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); -}}var parent = this.parent; -if (parent != null) { -parent.invalidate (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "containsFocus", -function () { -return this.isFocusOwner (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "clearCurrentFocusCycleRootOnHide", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "hide", -function () { -this.isPacked = false; -if (this.visible) { -this.clearCurrentFocusCycleRootOnHide (); -this.visible = false; -this.mixOnHiding (this.isLightweight ()); -var peer = this.peer; -if (peer != null) { -peer.setVisible (false); -this.createHierarchyEvents (1400, this, this.parent, 4, java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -this.repaint (); -}this.updateCursorImmediately (); -}if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { -var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 103); -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); -}}var parent = this.parent; -if (parent != null) { -parent.invalidate (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getForeground", -function () { -var foreground = this.foreground; -if (foreground != null) { -return foreground; -}var parent = this.parent; -return (parent != null) ? parent.getForeground () : null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setForeground", -function (c) { -var oldColor = this.foreground; -var peer = this.peer; -this.foreground = c; -if (peer != null) { -c = this.getForeground (); -if (c != null) { -peer.setForeground (c); -}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("foreground", oldColor, c); -}, "java.awt.Color"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isForegroundSet", -function () { -return (this.foreground != null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBackground", -function () { -var background = this.background; -if (background != null) { -return background; -}var parent = this.parent; -return (parent != null) ? parent.getBackground () : null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBackground", -function (c) { -var oldColor = this.background; -var peer = this.peer; -this.background = c; -if (peer != null) { -c = this.getBackground (); -if (c != null) { -peer.setBackground (c); -}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("background", oldColor, c); -}, "java.awt.Color"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isBackgroundSet", -function () { -return (this.background != null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFont", -function () { -return this.getFont_NoClientCode (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFont_NoClientCode", -function () { -var font = this.font; -if (font != null) { -return font; -}var parent = this.parent; -return (parent != null) ? parent.getFont_NoClientCode () : null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFont", -function (f) { -this.setFontComp (f); -}, "java.awt.Font"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFontComp", -function (f) { -var oldFont; -var newFont; -oldFont = this.font; -newFont = this.font = f; -{ -{ -}var peer = this.peer; -if (peer != null) { -f = this.getFont (); -if (f != null) { -peer.setFont (f); -this.peerFont = f; -}}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("font", oldFont, newFont); -if (f !== oldFont && (oldFont == null || !oldFont.equals (f))) { -this.invalidateIfValid (); -}}, "java.awt.Font"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFontSet", -function () { -return (this.font != null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocale", -function () { -var locale = this.locale; -if (locale != null) { -return locale; -}var parent = this.parent; -if (parent == null) { -throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException ("This component must have a parent in order to determine its locale"); -} else { -return parent.getLocale (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocale", -function (l) { -var oldValue = this.locale; -this.locale = l; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("locale", oldValue, l); -this.invalidateIfValid (); -}, "java.util.Locale"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocation", -function () { -return this.location (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnScreen", -function () { -return this.getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock", -function () { -if (this.isShowing ()) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -var host = this.getNativeContainer (); -var pt = host.peer.getLocationOnScreen (); -for (var c = this; c !== host; c = c.getParent ()) { -pt.x += c.x; -pt.y += c.y; -} -return pt; -} else { -var pt = this.peer.getLocationOnScreen (); -return pt; -}} else { -throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException ("component must be showing on the screen to determine its location"); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "location", -function () { -return this.location_NoClientCode (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "location_NoClientCode", - function () { -return new java.awt.Point (this.x, this.y); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocation", -function (x, y) { -this.setBoundsOp (1); -this.setBounds (x, y, this.width, this.height); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocation", -function (p) { -this.setLocation (p.x, p.y); -}, "java.awt.Point"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSize", -function () { -return this.size (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "size", -function () { -return new java.awt.Dimension (this.width, this.height); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setSize", -function (width, height) { -{ -if (arguments.length == 1) { -var d = arguments[0]; -width = d.width; -height = d.height; -} -}this.resize (width, height); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resize", -function (width, height) { -this.setBoundsOp (2); -this.setBounds (this.x, this.y, width, height); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBounds", -function (x, y, width, height) { -this.reshape (x, y, width, height); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBounds", -function (r) { -this.setBounds (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); -}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "reshape", -function (x, y, width, height) { -try { -this.setBoundsOp (3); -var resized = (this.width != width) || (this.height != height); -var moved = (this.x != x) || (this.y != y); -if (!resized && !moved) { -return; -}var oldX = this.x; -var oldY = this.y; -var oldWidth = this.width; -var oldHeight = this.height; -this.x = x; -this.y = y; -this.width = width; -this.height = height; -if (resized) { -this.isPacked = false; -System.out.println ("C " + swingjs.JSToolkit.getClassName (this) + " resized to " + this.getBounds ()); -}var needNotify = true; -this.mixOnReshaping (); -if (this.peer != null) { -this.reshapeNativePeer (x, y, width, height, this.getBoundsOp ()); -resized = (oldWidth != this.width) || (oldHeight != this.height); -moved = (oldX != this.x) || (oldY != this.y); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Window)) { -needNotify = false; -}if (resized) { -this.invalidate (); -}if (this.parent != null) { -this.parent.invalidateIfValid (); -}}if (needNotify) { -this.notifyNewBounds (resized, moved); -}this.repaintParentIfNeeded (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight); -} finally { -this.setBoundsOp (5); -} -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaintParentIfNeeded", - function (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight) { -if (this.parent != null && Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) && this.isShowing ()) { -this.parent.repaint (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight); -this.repaint (); -}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "reshapeNativePeer", - function (x, y, width, height, op) { -var nativeX = x; -var nativeY = y; -for (var c = this.parent; (c != null) && (Clazz.instanceOf (c.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)); c = c.parent) { -nativeX += c.x; -nativeY += c.y; -} -this.peer.setBounds (nativeX, nativeY, width, height, op); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "notifyNewBounds", - function (resized, moved) { -if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { -if (resized) { -var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 101); -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); -}if (moved) { -var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 100); -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); -}} else { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Container) && (this).countComponents () > 0) { -var enabledOnToolkit = java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (65536); -if (resized) { -(this).createChildHierarchyEvents (1402, 0, enabledOnToolkit); -}if (moved) { -(this).createChildHierarchyEvents (1401, 0, enabledOnToolkit); -}}}}, "~B,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getX", -function () { -return this.x; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getY", -function () { -return this.y; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getWidth", -function () { -return this.width; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHeight", -function () { -return this.height; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBounds", -function (rv) { -if (rv == null) return new java.awt.Rectangle (this.getX (), this.getY (), this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); -rv.reshape (this.getX (), this.getY (), this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); -return rv; -}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSize", -function (rv) { -if (rv == null) { -return new java.awt.Dimension (this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); -} else { -rv.setSize (this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); -return rv; -}}, "java.awt.Dimension"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocation", -function (rv) { -if (rv == null) { -return new java.awt.Point (this.getX (), this.getY ()); -} else { -rv.setLocation (this.getX (), this.getY ()); -return rv; -}}, "java.awt.Point"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOpaque", -function () { -return true; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isLightweight", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPreferredSize", -function (preferredSize) { -this.setPrefSizeComp (preferredSize); -}, "java.awt.Dimension"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPrefSizeComp", -function (preferredSize) { -var old = (this.prefSizeSet ? this.prefSize : null); -this.prefSize = preferredSize; -this.prefSizeSet = (preferredSize != null); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("preferredSize", old, preferredSize); -}, "java.awt.Dimension"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPreferredSizeSet", -function () { -return this.prefSizeSet; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPreferredSize", -function () { -return this.preferredSize (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "preferredSize", -function () { -return this.prefSizeComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prefSizeComp", -function () { -var dim = this.prefSize; -if (dim == null || !(this.isPreferredSizeSet () || this.isValid ())) { -this.prefSize = this.getMinimumSize (); -dim = this.prefSize; -}return new java.awt.Dimension (dim); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setMinimumSize", -function (minimumSize) { -var old; -if (this.minSizeSet) { -old = this.minSize; -} else { -old = null; -}this.minSize = minimumSize; -this.minSizeSet = (minimumSize != null); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("minimumSize", old, minimumSize); -}, "java.awt.Dimension"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isMinimumSizeSet", -function () { -return this.minSizeSet; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumSize", -function () { -return this.minimumSize (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "minimumSize", -function () { -var dim = this.minSize; -if (dim == null || !(this.isMinimumSizeSet () || this.isValid ())) { -this.minSize = this.getSize (); -dim = this.minSize; -}return new java.awt.Dimension (dim); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setMaximumSize", -function (maximumSize) { -var old; -if (this.maxSizeSet) { -old = this.maxSize; -} else { -old = null; -}this.maxSize = maximumSize; -this.maxSizeSet = (maximumSize != null); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("maximumSize", old, maximumSize); -}, "java.awt.Dimension"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isMaximumSizeSet", -function () { -return this.maxSizeSet; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumSize", -function () { -return this.getMaxSizeComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaxSizeComp", -function () { -if (this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { -return new java.awt.Dimension (this.maxSize); -}return new java.awt.Dimension (32767, 32767); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentX", -function () { -return this.getAlignmentXComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentXComp", -function () { -return 0.5; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentY", -function () { -return this.getAlignmentYComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentYComp", -function () { -return 0.5; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaseline", -function (width, height) { -if (width < 0 || height < 0) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Width and height must be >= 0"); -}return -1; -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaselineResizeBehavior", -function () { -return java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.OTHER; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doLayout", -function () { -this.layout (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "layout", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "validate", -function () { -this.validateComponent (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "validateComponent", -function () { -{ -var peer = this.peer; -var wasValid = this.isValid (); -if (!wasValid && peer != null) { -var newfont = this.getFont (); -var oldfont = this.peerFont; -if (newfont !== oldfont && (oldfont == null || !oldfont.equals (newfont))) { -peer.setFont (newfont); -this.peerFont = newfont; -}peer.layout (); -}this.valid = true; -if (!wasValid) { -this.mixOnValidating (); -}}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidate", -function () { -this.invalidateComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidateComp", -function () { -this.valid = false; -if (!this.isPreferredSizeSet ()) { -this.prefSize = null; -}if (!this.isMinimumSizeSet ()) { -this.minSize = null; -}if (!this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { -this.maxSize = null; -}if (this.parent != null) { -this.parent.invalidateIfValid (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidateIfValid", -function () { -if (this.isValid ()) { -this.invalidate (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphics", -function () { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -if (this.parent == null) return null; -var g = this.parent.getGraphics (); -if (g == null) return null; -g.setFont (this.getFont ()); -return g; -} else { -var peer = this.peer; -return (peer != null) ? peer.getGraphics () : null; -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTreeLock", -function () { -return this; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFontMetrics", -function (font) { -return jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics (font); -}, "java.awt.Font"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setCursor", -function (cursor) { -this.cursor = cursor; -this.updateCursorImmediately (); -}, "java.awt.Cursor"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "updateCursorImmediately", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCursor", -function () { -return this.getCursor_NoClientCode (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCursor_NoClientCode", -function () { -var cursor = this.cursor; -if (cursor != null) { -return cursor; -}var parent = this.parent; -if (parent != null) { -return parent.getCursor_NoClientCode (); -} else { -return java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (0); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isCursorSet", -function () { -return (this.cursor != null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paint", -function (g) { -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "update", -function (g) { -this.paint (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintAll", -function (g) { -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lightweightPaint", -function (g) { -this.lwPaintComp (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lwPaintComp", -function (g) { -this.paint (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintHeavyweightComponents", -function (g) { -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function () { -this.repaintImpl (0, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function (tm) { -this.repaintImpl (tm, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function (x, y, width, height) { -this.repaintImpl (0, x, y, width, height); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function (tm, x, y, width, height) { -this.repaintImpl (tm, x, y, width, height); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaintImpl", -function (tm, x, y, width, height) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -if (this.parent != null) { -var px = this.x + ((x < 0) ? 0 : x); -var py = this.y + ((y < 0) ? 0 : y); -var pwidth = (width > this.width) ? this.width : width; -var pheight = (height > this.height) ? this.height : height; -this.parent.repaint (tm, px, py, pwidth, pheight); -}} else { -if (this.isVisible () && (this.peer != null) && (width > 0) && (height > 0)) { -var e = new java.awt.event.PaintEvent (this, 801, new java.awt.Rectangle (x, y, width, height)); -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); -}}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "print", -function (g) { -this.paint (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printAll", -function (g) { -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printHeavyweightComponents", -function (g) { -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "imageUpdate", -function (img, infoflags, x, y, w, h) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createImage", -function (producer) { -return this.getToolkit ().createImage (producer); -}, "java.awt.image.ImageProducer"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createImage", -function (width, height) { -return java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().createImage (null, width, height); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createVolatileImage", -function (width, height) { -return null; -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createVolatileImage", -function (width, height, caps) { -return this.createVolatileImage (width, height); -}, "~N,~N,java.awt.ImageCapabilities"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prepareImage", -function (image, observer) { -return this.prepareImage (image, -1, -1, observer); -}, "java.awt.Image,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prepareImage", -function (image, width, height, observer) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkImage", -function (image, observer) { -return this.checkImage (image, -1, -1, observer); -}, "java.awt.Image,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkImage", -function (image, width, height, observer) { -return 0; -}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setIgnoreRepaint", -function (ignoreRepaint) { -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getIgnoreRepaint", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "contains", -function (x, y) { -return this.inside (x, y); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "inside", -function (x, y) { -return (x >= 0) && (x < this.width) && (y >= 0) && (y < this.height); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentAt", -function (x, y) { -return this.locate (x, y); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "locate", -function (x, y) { -return this.contains (x, y) ? this : null; -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentAt", -function (p) { -return this.getComponentAt (p.x, p.y); -}, "java.awt.Point"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "deliverEvent", -function (e) { -this.postEvent (e); -}, "java.awt.Event"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEvent", -function (e) { -this.dispatchEventImpl (e); -}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEventImpl", -function (e) { -this.dispatchEventImplComp (e); -}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEventImplComp", -function (e) { -var id = e.getID (); -java.awt.EventQueue.setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTime (e); -if (!e.focusManagerIsDispatching) { -if (e.isPosted) { -e.isPosted = true; -}}if (!e.isConsumed ()) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent)) { -if (e.isConsumed ()) { -return; -}}}if (this.areInputMethodsEnabled ()) { -if ((Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.InputEvent)) || (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.FocusEvent))) { -}} else { -if (id == 1004) { -}}switch (id) { -case 401: -case 402: -var p = ((Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Container)) ? this : this.parent); -if (p != null) { -p.preProcessKeyEvent (e); -}break; -case 201: -break; -default: -break; -} -if (this.newEventsOnly) { -if (this.eventEnabled (e)) { -this.processEvent (e); -}} else if (id == 507) { -this.autoProcessMouseWheel (e); -} else if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.MouseEvent) && !this.postsOldMouseEvents ())) { -}if (id == 201 && !e.isConsumed ()) { -}if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent))) { -}}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "autoProcessMouseWheel", -function (e) { -}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchMouseWheelToAncestor", -function (e) { -var newX; -var newY; -newX = e.getX () + this.getX (); -newY = e.getY () + this.getY (); -var newMWE; -{ -var anc = this.getParent (); -while (anc != null && !anc.eventEnabled (e)) { -newX += anc.getX (); -newY += anc.getY (); -if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (anc, java.awt.Window))) { -anc = anc.getParent (); -} else { -break; -}} -if (anc != null && anc.eventEnabled (e)) { -newMWE = new java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent (anc, e.getID (), e.getWhen (), e.getModifiers (), newX, newY, e.getXOnScreen (), e.getYOnScreen (), e.getClickCount (), e.isPopupTrigger (), e.getScrollType (), e.getScrollAmount (), e.getWheelRotation ()); -(e).copyPrivateDataInto (newMWE); -anc.dispatchEventToSelf (newMWE); -}}return true; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkWindowClosingException", -function () { -if (this.windowClosingException != null) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Dialog)) { -(this).interruptBlocking (); -} else { -this.windowClosingException.fillInStackTrace (); -this.windowClosingException.printStackTrace (); -this.windowClosingException = null; -}return true; -}return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "areInputMethodsEnabled", -function () { -return ((this.eventMask & 4096) != 0) && ((this.eventMask & 8) != 0 || this.keyListener != null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "eventEnabled", -function (e) { -return this.eventTypeEnabled (e.id); -}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "eventTypeEnabled", -function (type) { -switch (type) { -case 100: -case 101: -case 102: -case 103: -if ((this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || this.componentListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 1004: -case 1005: -if ((this.eventMask & 4) != 0 || this.focusListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 401: -case 402: -case 400: -if ((this.eventMask & 8) != 0 || this.keyListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 501: -case 502: -case 504: -case 505: -case 500: -if ((this.eventMask & 16) != 0 || this.mouseListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 503: -case 506: -if ((this.eventMask & 32) != 0 || this.mouseMotionListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 507: -if ((this.eventMask & 131072) != 0 || this.mouseWheelListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 1100: -case 1101: -if ((this.eventMask & 2048) != 0 || this.inputMethodListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 1400: -if ((this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || this.hierarchyListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 1401: -case 1402: -if ((this.eventMask & 65536) != 0 || this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null) { -return true; -}break; -case 1001: -if ((this.eventMask & 128) != 0) { -return true; -}break; -case 900: -if ((this.eventMask & 1024) != 0) { -return true; -}break; -case 701: -if ((this.eventMask & 512) != 0) { -return true; -}break; -case 601: -if ((this.eventMask & 256) != 0) { -return true; -}break; -default: -break; -} -if (type > 1999) { -return true; -}return false; -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "postEvent", -function (e) { -if (this.handleEvent (e)) { -e.consume (); -return true; -}var parent = this.parent; -var eventx = e.x; -var eventy = e.y; -if (parent != null) { -e.translate (this.x, this.y); -if (parent.postEvent (e)) { -e.consume (); -return true; -}e.x = eventx; -e.y = eventy; -}return false; -}, "java.awt.Event"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addComponentListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.componentListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.componentListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.ComponentListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeComponentListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.componentListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.componentListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.ComponentListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.ComponentListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addFocusListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.focusListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.focusListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.FocusListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeFocusListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.focusListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.focusListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.FocusListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.FocusListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addHierarchyListener", -function (l) { -}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeHierarchyListener", -function (l) { -}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHierarchyListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.HierarchyListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addHierarchyBoundsListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}var notifyAncestors; -{ -notifyAncestors = (this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0); -this.hierarchyBoundsListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.hierarchyBoundsListener, l); -notifyAncestors = (notifyAncestors && this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}if (notifyAncestors) { -{ -this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (65536, 1); -}}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeHierarchyBoundsListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}var notifyAncestors; -{ -notifyAncestors = (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0); -this.hierarchyBoundsListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.hierarchyBoundsListener, l); -notifyAncestors = (notifyAncestors && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null); -}if (notifyAncestors) { -{ -this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (65536, -1); -}}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "numListening", -function (mask) { -return this.numListeningMask (mask); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "numListeningMask", -function (mask) { -if ((mask == 32768 && (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0)) || (mask == 65536 && (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null || (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0))) { -return 1; -} else { -return 0; -}}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "countHierarchyMembers", -function () { -return 1; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createHierarchyEvents", -function (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit) { -return this.createHierEventsComp (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit); -}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Container,~N,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createHierEventsComp", -function (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit) { -switch (id) { -case 1400: -if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || enabledOnToolkit) { -var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags); -this.dispatchEvent (e); -return 1; -}break; -case 1401: -case 1402: -if (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null || (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0 || enabledOnToolkit) { -var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, id, changed, changedParent); -this.dispatchEvent (e); -return 1; -}break; -default: -break; -} -return 0; -}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Container,~N,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHierarchyBoundsListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "adjustListeningChildrenOnParent", -function (mask, num) { -if (this.parent != null) { -this.parent.adjustListeningChildren (mask, num); -}}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addKeyListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.keyListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.keyListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.KeyListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeKeyListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.keyListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.keyListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.KeyListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getKeyListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.KeyListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}System.out.println ("C adding mouse listener " + l); -this.mouseListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.mouseListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.MouseListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseMotionListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.mouseMotionListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseMotionListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseMotionListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.mouseMotionListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseMotionListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseMotionListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseWheelListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.mouseWheelListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseWheelListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseWheelListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.mouseWheelListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseWheelListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseWheelListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addInputMethodListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.inputMethodListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.inputMethodListener, l); -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeInputMethodListener", -function (l) { -if (l == null) { -return; -}this.inputMethodListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.inputMethodListener, l); -}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMethodListeners", -function () { -return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.InputMethodListener)); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListeners", -function (listenerType) { -return this.getListenersComp (listenerType); -}, "Class"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListenersComp", -function (listenerType) { -var l = null; -if (listenerType === java.awt.event.ComponentListener) { -l = this.componentListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.FocusListener) { -l = this.focusListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.HierarchyListener) { -l = this.hierarchyListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener) { -l = this.hierarchyBoundsListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.KeyListener) { -l = this.keyListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseListener) { -l = this.mouseListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener) { -l = this.mouseMotionListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener) { -l = this.mouseWheelListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.InputMethodListener) { -l = this.inputMethodListener; -} else if (listenerType === java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) { -return this.getPropertyChangeListeners (); -}return java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.getListeners (l, listenerType); -}, "Class"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enableEvents", -function (eventsToEnable) { -var notifyAncestors = 0; -{ -if ((eventsToEnable & 32768) != 0 && this.hierarchyListener == null && (this.eventMask & 32768) == 0) { -notifyAncestors |= 32768; -}if ((eventsToEnable & 65536) != 0 && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0) { -notifyAncestors |= 65536; -}this.eventMask |= eventsToEnable; -this.newEventsOnly = true; -}if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -this.parent.proxyEnableEvents (this.eventMask); -}if (notifyAncestors != 0) { -{ -this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (notifyAncestors, 1); -}}}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "disableEvents", -function (eventsToDisable) { -var notifyAncestors = 0; -{ -if ((eventsToDisable & 32768) != 0 && this.hierarchyListener == null && (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0) { -notifyAncestors |= 32768; -}if ((eventsToDisable & 65536) != 0 && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0) { -notifyAncestors |= 65536; -}this.eventMask &= ~eventsToDisable; -}if (notifyAncestors != 0) { -{ -this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (notifyAncestors, -1); -}}}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkCoalescing", - function () { -if (this.getClass ().getClassLoader () == null) { -return false; -}var clazz = this.getClass (); -{ -var value = java.awt.Component.coalesceMap.get (clazz); -if (value != null) { -return value; -}var enabled = Boolean.$valueOf (swingjs.JSToolkit.checkClassMethod (this, "coalesceEvents", "\\java.awt.AWTEvent\\java.awt.AWTEvent")); -java.awt.Component.coalesceMap.put (clazz, enabled); -return enabled; -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isCoalescingEnabled", -function () { -return this.coalescingEnabled; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "coalesceEvents", -function (existingEvent, newEvent) { -return null; -}, "java.awt.AWTEvent,java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processEvent", -function (e) { -this.processEventComp (e); -}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processEventComp", -function (e) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.FocusEvent)) { -this.processFocusEvent (e); -} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.MouseEvent)) { -switch (e.getID ()) { -case 501: -case 502: -case 500: -case 504: -case 505: -this.processMouseEvent (e); -break; -case 503: -case 506: -this.processMouseMotionEvent (e); -break; -case 507: -this.processMouseWheelEvent (e); -break; -} -} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent)) { -this.processKeyEvent (e); -} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.ComponentEvent)) { -this.processComponentEvent (e); -} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent)) { -this.processInputMethodEvent (e); -} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent)) { -switch (e.getID ()) { -case 1400: -this.processHierarchyEvent (e); -break; -case 1401: -case 1402: -this.processHierarchyBoundsEvent (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processComponentEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.componentListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 101: -listener.componentResized (e); -break; -case 100: -listener.componentMoved (e); -break; -case 102: -listener.componentShown (e); -break; -case 103: -listener.componentHidden (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.ComponentEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processFocusEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.focusListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 1004: -listener.focusGained (e); -break; -case 1005: -listener.focusLost (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.FocusEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.keyListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 400: -listener.keyTyped (e); -break; -case 401: -listener.keyPressed (e); -break; -case 402: -listener.keyReleased (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.mouseListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 501: -listener.mousePressed (e); -break; -case 502: -listener.mouseReleased (e); -break; -case 500: -listener.mouseClicked (e); -break; -case 505: -listener.mouseExited (e); -break; -case 504: -listener.mouseEntered (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseMotionEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.mouseMotionListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 503: -listener.mouseMoved (e); -break; -case 506: -listener.mouseDragged (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseWheelEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.mouseWheelListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 507: -listener.mouseWheelMoved (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "postsOldMouseEvents", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processInputMethodEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.inputMethodListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 1100: -listener.inputMethodTextChanged (e); -break; -case 1101: -listener.caretPositionChanged (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processHierarchyEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.hierarchyListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 1400: -listener.hierarchyChanged (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processHierarchyBoundsEvent", -function (e) { -var listener = this.hierarchyBoundsListener; -if (listener != null) { -var id = e.getID (); -switch (id) { -case 1401: -listener.ancestorMoved (e); -break; -case 1402: -listener.ancestorResized (e); -break; -} -}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "handleEvent", -function (evt) { -switch (evt.id) { -case 504: -return this.mouseEnter (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 505: -return this.mouseExit (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 503: -return this.mouseMove (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 501: -return this.mouseDown (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 506: -return this.mouseDrag (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 502: -return this.mouseUp (evt, evt.x, evt.y); -case 401: -case 403: -return this.keyDown (evt, evt.key); -case 402: -case 404: -return this.keyUp (evt, evt.key); -case 1001: -return this.action (evt, evt.arg); -case 1004: -return this.gotFocus (evt, evt.arg); -case 1005: -return this.lostFocus (evt, evt.arg); -} -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseDown", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseDrag", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseUp", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseMove", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseEnter", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseExit", -function (evt, x, y) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyDown", -function (evt, key) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyUp", -function (evt, key) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "action", -function (evt, what) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotify", -function () { -this.addNotifyComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotifyComp", -function () { -{ -var peer = this.peer; -if (peer == null || Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -if (peer == null) { -this.peer = peer = this.getToolkit ().createComponent (this); -}if (this.parent != null) { -var mask = 0; -if ((this.mouseListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 16) != 0)) { -mask |= 16; -}if ((this.mouseMotionListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 32) != 0)) { -mask |= 32; -}if ((this.mouseWheelListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 131072) != 0)) { -mask |= 131072; -}if (this.focusListener != null || (this.eventMask & 4) != 0) { -mask |= 4; -}if (this.keyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 8) != 0) { -mask |= 8; -}if (mask != 0) { -this.parent.proxyEnableEvents (mask); -}}} else { -var parent = this.parent; -if (parent != null && Clazz.instanceOf (parent.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -this.relocateComponent (); -}}this.invalidate (); -this.peerFont = this.getFont (); -if (this.getContainer () != null && !this.isAddNotifyComplete) { -this.getContainer ().increaseComponentCount (this); -}if (this.parent != null && this.parent.peer != null) { -var parentContPeer = this.parent.peer; -if (Clazz.instanceOf (parentContPeer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer))) { -var hwParent = this.getNativeContainer (); -if (hwParent != null && hwParent.peer != null) { -parentContPeer = hwParent.peer; -}}}if (!this.isAddNotifyComplete) { -this.mixOnShowing (); -}this.isAddNotifyComplete = true; -if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)) { -var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, 1400, this, this.parent, 2 | ((this.isRecursivelyVisible ()) ? 4 : 0)); -this.dispatchEvent (e); -}}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getNativeContainer", -function () { -var p = this.parent; -while (p != null && Clazz.instanceOf (p.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { -p = p.getParent (); -} -return p; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotify", -function () { -this.removeNotifyComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotifyComp", -function () { -{ -if (this.getContainer () != null && this.isAddNotifyComplete) { -this.getContainer ().decreaseComponentCount (this); -}var p = this.peer; -if (p != null) { -var isLightweight = this.isLightweight (); -this.peer = null; -this.peerFont = null; -java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().removeSourceEvents (this, false); -p.dispose (); -this.mixOnHiding (isLightweight); -this.isAddNotifyComplete = false; -}if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)) { -var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, 1400, this, this.parent, 2 | ((this.isRecursivelyVisible ()) ? 4 : 0)); -this.dispatchEvent (e); -}}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "gotFocus", -function (evt, what) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lostFocus", -function (evt, what) { -return false; -}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusTraversable", -function () { -if (this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden == 0) { -this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 1; -}return this.focusable; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusable", -function () { -return this.isFocusTraversable (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFocusable", -function (focusable) { -var oldFocusable; -{ -oldFocusable = this.focusable; -this.focusable = focusable; -}this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 2; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("focusable", new Boolean (oldFocusable), new Boolean (focusable)); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusTraversableOverridden", -function () { -return (this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden != 1); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled", -function () { -return this.focusTraversalKeysEnabled; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", -function () { -swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", -function (temporary) { -return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", -function () { -return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", -function (temporary) { -return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusCycleRootAncestor", -function () { -var rootAncestor = this.parent; -while (rootAncestor != null && !rootAncestor.isFocusCycleRoot ()) { -rootAncestor = rootAncestor.parent; -} -return rootAncestor; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusCycleRoot", -function (container) { -return this.isFocusCycleRootComp (container); -}, "java.awt.Container"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusCycleRootComp", -function (container) { -var rootAncestor = this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); -return (rootAncestor === container); -}, "java.awt.Container"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "hasFocus", -function () { -return swingjs.JSToolkit.hasFocus (this); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusOwner", -function () { -return this.hasFocus (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAutoFocusTransferOnDisposal", -function (value) { -this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal = value; -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isAutoFocusTransferOnDisposal", -function () { -return this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", -function () { -return this.paramStringComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramStringComp", -function () { -var thisName = this.getName (); -var str = (thisName != null ? thisName : ""); -if (!this.isValid ()) { -str += ",invalid"; -}if (!this.visible) { -str += ",hidden"; -}if (!this.enabled) { -str += ",disabled"; -}str += ",parent:" + (this.parent == null ? null : this.parent.getName ()) + "," + this.x + "," + this.y + "," + this.width + "x" + this.height; -return str; -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "toString", -function () { -return this.getClass ().getName () + "[" + this.paramString () + "]"; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", -function (listener) { -this.addPropChangeListenerComp (listener); -}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropChangeListenerComp", -function (listener) { -{ -if (listener == null) { -return; -}if (this.changeSupport == null) { -this.changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport (this); -}this.changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener1 (listener); -}}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", -function (listener) { -{ -if (listener == null || this.changeSupport == null) { -return; -}this.changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener (listener); -}}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPropertyChangeListeners", -function () { -{ -if (this.changeSupport == null) { -return new Array (0); -}return this.changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", -function (propertyName, listener) { -this.addPropChangeListComp (propertyName, listener); -}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropChangeListComp", -function (propertyName, listener) { -{ -if (arguments.length == 1) { -addPropertyChangeListener1(propertyName); return; } -}{ -if (listener == null) { -return; -}if (this.changeSupport == null) { -this.changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport (this); -}this.changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener2 (propertyName, listener); -}}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", -function (propertyName, listener) { -{ -if (listener == null || this.changeSupport == null) { -return; -}this.changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener (propertyName, listener); -}}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPropertyChangeListeners", -function (propertyName) { -{ -if (this.changeSupport == null) { -return new Array (0); -}return this.changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners (propertyName); -}}, "~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); -}, "~S,~O,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeObject", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -var changeSupport; -{ -changeSupport = this.changeSupport; -}if (changeSupport == null || (oldValue != null && newValue != null && oldValue.equals (newValue))) { -return; -}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); -}, "~S,~O,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -this.firePropertyChangeBool (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); -}, "~S,~B,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeBool", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -var changeSupport = this.changeSupport; -if (changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, Boolean.$valueOf (oldValue), Boolean.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~B,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -this.firePropertyChangeInt (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeInt", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -var changeSupport = this.changeSupport; -if (changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, Integer.$valueOf (oldValue), Integer.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -this.firePropertyChangeChar (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); -}, "~S,~S,~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeChar", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, new Character (oldValue), new Character (newValue)); -}, "~S,~S,~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeShort", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Short.$valueOf (oldValue), Short.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeLong", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Long.$valueOf (oldValue), Long.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeFloat", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Float.$valueOf (oldValue), Float.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeDouble", -function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { -if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { -return; -}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Double.$valueOf (oldValue), Double.$valueOf (newValue)); -}, "~S,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setComponentOrientation", -function (o) { -var oldValue = this.componentOrientation; -this.componentOrientation = o; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("componentOrientation", oldValue, o); -this.invalidateIfValid (); -}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentOrientation", -function () { -return this.componentOrientation; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "applyComponentOrientation", -function (orientation) { -this.applyCompOrientComp (orientation); -}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "applyCompOrientComp", -function (orientation) { -if (orientation == null) { -throw new NullPointerException (); -}this.setComponentOrientation (orientation); -}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "canBeFocusOwner", -function () { -if (this.isEnabled () && this.isDisplayable () && this.isVisible () && this.isFocusable ()) { -return true; -}return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "canBeFocusOwnerRecursively", -function () { -if (!this.canBeFocusOwner ()) { -return false; -}if (this.parent != null) { -return this.parent.canContainFocusOwner (this); -}return true; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "relocateComponent", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getContainingWindow", -function () { -return jssun.awt.SunToolkit.getContainingWindow (this); -}); -c$.isInstanceOf = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isInstanceOf", -function (obj, className) { -if (obj == null) return false; -if (className == null) return false; -var cls = obj.getClass (); -while (cls != null) { -if (cls.getName ().equals (className)) { -return true; -}cls = cls.getSuperclass (); -} -return false; -}, "~O,~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "areBoundsValid", -function () { -var cont = this.getContainer (); -return cont == null || cont.isValid () || cont.getLayout () == null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnWindow", -function () { -var curLocation = this.getLocation (); -for (var parent = this.getContainer (); parent != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window)); parent = parent.getContainer ()) { -curLocation.x += parent.getX (); -curLocation.y += parent.getY (); -} -return curLocation; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSiblingIndexAbove", -function () { -var parent = this.getContainer (); -if (parent == null) { -return -1; -}var nextAbove = parent.getComponentZOrder (this) - 1; -return nextAbove < 0 ? -1 : nextAbove; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSiblingIndexBelow", -function () { -var parent = this.getContainer (); -if (parent == null) { -return -1; -}var nextBelow = parent.getComponentZOrder (this) + 1; -return nextBelow >= parent.getComponentCount () ? -1 : nextBelow; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnShowing", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnHiding", -function (isLightweight) { -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnReshaping", -function () { -swingjs.JSToolkit.taintUI (this); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnZOrderChanging", -function (oldZorder, newZorder) { -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnValidating", -function () { -}); -c$.doesClassImplement = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doesClassImplement", - function (cls, interfaceName) { -if (cls == null) return false; -for (var c, $c = 0, $$c = cls.getInterfaces (); $c < $$c.length && ((c = $$c[$c]) || true); $c++) { -if (c.getName ().equals (interfaceName)) { -return true; -}} -return java.awt.Component.doesClassImplement (cls.getSuperclass (), interfaceName); -}, "Class,~S"); -c$.doesImplement = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doesImplement", -function (obj, interfaceName) { -if (obj == null) return false; -if (interfaceName == null) return false; -return java.awt.Component.doesClassImplement (obj.getClass (), interfaceName); -}, "~O,~S"); -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.declareType (java.awt.Component, "BaselineResizeBehavior", Enum); -Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CONSTANT_ASCENT", 0, []); -Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CONSTANT_DESCENT", 1, []); -Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CENTER_OFFSET", 2, []); -Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "OTHER", 3, []); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.declareType (java.awt.Component, "AWTTreeLock"); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -Clazz.defineStatics (c$, -"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_UNKNOWN", 0, -"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_DEFAULT", 1, -"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_SET", 2, -"actionListenerK", "actionL", -"adjustmentListenerK", "adjustmentL", -"componentListenerK", "componentL", -"containerListenerK", "containerL", -"focusListenerK", "focusL", -"itemListenerK", "itemL", -"keyListenerK", "keyL", -"mouseListenerK", "mouseL", -"mouseMotionListenerK", "mouseMotionL", -"mouseWheelListenerK", "mouseWheelL", -"textListenerK", "textL", -"ownedWindowK", "ownedL", -"windowListenerK", "windowL", -"inputMethodListenerK", "inputMethodL", -"hierarchyListenerK", "hierarchyL", -"hierarchyBoundsListenerK", "hierarchyBoundsL", -"windowStateListenerK", "windowStateL", -"windowFocusListenerK", "windowFocusL", -"isInc", false, -"incRate", 0, -"TOP_ALIGNMENT", 0.0, -"CENTER_ALIGNMENT", 0.5, -"BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT", 1.0, -"LEFT_ALIGNMENT", 0.0, -"RIGHT_ALIGNMENT", 1.0, -"incr", 0); -c$.coalesceMap = c$.prototype.coalesceMap = new java.util.HashMap (); -}); +Clazz.declarePackage ("java.awt"); +Clazz.load (["java.lang.Enum", "java.awt.image.ImageObserver", "java.util.HashMap", "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"], "java.awt.Component", ["java.lang.Boolean", "$.Character", "$.Double", "$.Float", "$.IllegalArgumentException", "$.Long", "$.NullPointerException", "$.Short", "$.Thread", "java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster", "$.Cursor", "$.Dimension", "$.EventQueue", "$.IllegalComponentStateException", "$.Point", "$.Rectangle", "$.Toolkit", "java.awt.event.ComponentEvent", "$.ComponentListener", "$.FocusEvent", "$.FocusListener", "$.HierarchyBoundsListener", "$.HierarchyEvent", "$.HierarchyListener", "$.InputEvent", "$.InputMethodEvent", "$.InputMethodListener", "$.KeyEvent", "$.KeyListener", "$.MouseEvent", "$.MouseListener", "$.MouseMotionListener", "$.MouseWheelEvent", "$.MouseWheelListener", "$.PaintEvent", "java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer", "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener", "$.PropertyChangeSupport", "jssun.awt.AppContext", "$.SunToolkit", "jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics", "swingjs.JSToolkit"], function () { +c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { +this.threadGroup = null; +this.myThread = null; +this.peer = null; +this.parent = null; +this.appContext = null; +this.x = 0; +this.y = 0; +this.width = 0; +this.height = 0; +this.foreground = null; +this.background = null; +this.font = null; +this.peerFont = null; +this.cursor = null; +this.locale = null; +this.visible = true; +this.enabled = true; +this.valid = false; +this.popups = null; +this.name = null; +this.nameExplicitlySet = false; +this.focusable = true; +this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 0; +this.focusTraversalKeysEnabled = false; +this.minSize = null; +this.minSizeSet = false; +this.prefSize = null; +this.prefSizeSet = false; +this.maxSize = null; +this.maxSizeSet = false; +this.componentOrientation = null; +this.newEventsOnly = false; +this.componentListener = null; +this.focusListener = null; +this.hierarchyListener = null; +this.hierarchyBoundsListener = null; +this.keyListener = null; +this.mouseListener = null; +this.mouseMotionListener = null; +this.mouseWheelListener = null; +this.inputMethodListener = null; +this.windowClosingException = null; +this.eventMask = 4096; +this.changeSupport = null; +this.changeSupportLock = null; +this.isPacked = false; +this.boundsOp = 3; +this.isAddNotifyComplete = false; +this.backgroundEraseDisabled = false; +this.htmlName = null; +this.num = 0; +this.graphicsConfig = null; +this.eventCache = null; +this.coalescingEnabled = false; +this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal = true; +Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); +}, java.awt, "Component", null, java.awt.image.ImageObserver); +Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () { +this.componentOrientation = java.awt.ComponentOrientation.UNKNOWN; +this.changeSupportLock = new Clazz._O (); +this.coalescingEnabled = this.checkCoalescing (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAppContext", +function () { +return this.appContext; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getChangeSupportLock", + function () { +return this.changeSupportLock; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBoundsOp", +function () { +return this.boundsOp; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBoundsOp", +function (op) { +if (op == 5) { +this.boundsOp = 3; +} else if (this.boundsOp == 3) { +this.boundsOp = op; +}}, "~N"); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function () { +this.setAppContext (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAppContext", +function () { +this.appContext = jssun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext (); +this.num = ++java.awt.Component.incr; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHTMLName", +function (uid) { +return (this.htmlName == null ? this.htmlName = this.appContext.getThreadGroup ().getName () + "_" + uid + "_" + this.num : this.htmlName); +}, "~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "constructComponentName", +function () { +return null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getName", +function () { +if (this.name == null && !this.nameExplicitlySet) { +{ +if (this.name == null && !this.nameExplicitlySet) this.name = this.constructComponentName (); +}}return this.name; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setName", +function (name) { +var oldName; +{ +oldName = this.name; +this.name = name; +this.nameExplicitlySet = true; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("name", oldName, name); +}, "~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getParent", +function () { +return this.getParent_NoClientCode (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getParent_NoClientCode", +function () { +return this.parent; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getContainer", +function () { +return this.getParent (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPeer", +function () { +return this.peer; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphicsConfiguration", +function () { +return swingjs.JSToolkit.getGraphicsConfiguration (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetGC", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolkit", +function () { +return this.getToolkitImpl (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolkitImpl", +function () { +var peer = this.peer; +if ((peer != null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer))) { +return peer.getToolkit (); +}var parent = this.parent; +if (parent != null) { +return parent.getToolkitImpl (); +}return java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isValid", +function () { +return this.valid; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isDisplayable", +function () { +return true; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isVisible", +function () { +return this.isVisible_NoClientCode (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isVisible_NoClientCode", +function () { +return this.visible; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isRecursivelyVisible", +function () { +return this.visible && (this.parent == null || this.parent.isRecursivelyVisible ()); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "pointRelativeToComponent", +function (absolute) { +var compCoords = this.getLocationOnScreen (); +return new java.awt.Point (absolute.x - compCoords.x, absolute.y - compCoords.y); +}, "java.awt.Point"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMousePosition", +function () { +return null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isSameOrAncestorOf", +function (comp, allowChildren) { +return comp === this; +}, "java.awt.Component,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isShowing", +function () { +if (this.visible) { +var parent = this.parent; +return (parent == null) || parent.isShowing (); +}return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabled", +function () { +return this.isEnabledImpl (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabledImpl", +function () { +return this.enabled; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setEnabled", +function (b) { +this.enable (b); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enable", +function () { +if (!this.enabled) { +this.enabled = true; +var peer = this.peer; +if (peer != null) { +peer.setEnabled (true); +if (this.visible) { +this.updateCursorImmediately (); +}}}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enable", +function (b) { +if (b) { +this.enable (); +} else { +this.disable (); +}}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "disable", +function () { +if (this.enabled) { +this.enabled = false; +var peer = this.peer; +if (peer != null) { +peer.setEnabled (false); +if (this.visible) { +this.updateCursorImmediately (); +}}}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isDoubleBuffered", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVisible", +function (b) { +this.show (b); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "show", +function () { +if (!this.visible) { +this.visible = true; +var peer = this.peer; +if (peer != null) { +peer.setVisible (true); +this.createHierarchyEvents (1400, this, this.parent, 4, java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +this.repaint (); +}this.updateCursorImmediately (); +}if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { +var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 102); +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); +}}var parent = this.parent; +if (parent != null) { +parent.invalidate (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "containsFocus", +function () { +return this.isFocusOwner (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "clearCurrentFocusCycleRootOnHide", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "hide", +function () { +this.isPacked = false; +if (this.visible) { +this.clearCurrentFocusCycleRootOnHide (); +this.visible = false; +this.mixOnHiding (this.isLightweight ()); +var peer = this.peer; +if (peer != null) { +peer.setVisible (false); +this.createHierarchyEvents (1400, this, this.parent, 4, java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +this.repaint (); +}this.updateCursorImmediately (); +}if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { +var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 103); +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); +}}var parent = this.parent; +if (parent != null) { +parent.invalidate (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getForeground", +function () { +var foreground = this.foreground; +if (foreground != null) { +return foreground; +}var parent = this.parent; +return (parent != null) ? parent.getForeground () : null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setForeground", +function (c) { +var oldColor = this.foreground; +var peer = this.peer; +this.foreground = c; +if (peer != null) { +c = this.getForeground (); +if (c != null) { +peer.setForeground (c); +}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("foreground", oldColor, c); +}, "java.awt.Color"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isForegroundSet", +function () { +return (this.foreground != null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBackground", +function () { +var background = this.background; +if (background != null) { +return background; +}var parent = this.parent; +return (parent != null) ? parent.getBackground () : null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBackground", +function (c) { +var oldColor = this.background; +var peer = this.peer; +this.background = c; +if (peer != null) { +c = this.getBackground (); +if (c != null) { +peer.setBackground (c); +}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("background", oldColor, c); +}, "java.awt.Color"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isBackgroundSet", +function () { +return (this.background != null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFont", +function () { +return this.getFont_NoClientCode (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFont_NoClientCode", +function () { +var font = this.font; +if (font != null) { +return font; +}var parent = this.parent; +return (parent != null) ? parent.getFont_NoClientCode () : null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFont", +function (f) { +this.setFontComp (f); +}, "java.awt.Font"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFontComp", +function (f) { +var oldFont; +var newFont; +oldFont = this.font; +newFont = this.font = f; +{ +{ +}var peer = this.peer; +if (peer != null) { +f = this.getFont (); +if (f != null) { +peer.setFont (f); +this.peerFont = f; +}}}this.firePropertyChangeObject ("font", oldFont, newFont); +if (f !== oldFont && (oldFont == null || !oldFont.equals (f))) { +this.invalidateIfValid (); +}}, "java.awt.Font"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFontSet", +function () { +return (this.font != null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocale", +function () { +var locale = this.locale; +if (locale != null) { +return locale; +}var parent = this.parent; +if (parent == null) { +throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException ("This component must have a parent in order to determine its locale"); +} else { +return parent.getLocale (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocale", +function (l) { +var oldValue = this.locale; +this.locale = l; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("locale", oldValue, l); +this.invalidateIfValid (); +}, "java.util.Locale"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocation", +function () { +return this.location (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnScreen", +function () { +return this.getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock", +function () { +if (this.isShowing ()) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +var host = this.getNativeContainer (); +var pt = host.peer.getLocationOnScreen (); +for (var c = this; c !== host; c = c.getParent ()) { +pt.x += c.x; +pt.y += c.y; +} +return pt; +} else { +var pt = this.peer.getLocationOnScreen (); +return pt; +}} else { +throw new java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException ("component must be showing on the screen to determine its location"); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "location", +function () { +return this.location_NoClientCode (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "location_NoClientCode", + function () { +return new java.awt.Point (this.x, this.y); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocation", +function (x, y) { +this.setBoundsOp (1); +this.setBounds (x, y, this.width, this.height); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLocation", +function (p) { +this.setLocation (p.x, p.y); +}, "java.awt.Point"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSize", +function () { +return this.size (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "size", +function () { +return new java.awt.Dimension (this.width, this.height); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setSize", +function (width, height) { +{ +if (arguments.length == 1) { +var d = arguments[0]; +width = d.width; +height = d.height; +} +}this.resize (width, height); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resize", +function (width, height) { +this.setBoundsOp (2); +this.setBounds (this.x, this.y, width, height); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBounds", +function (x, y, width, height) { +this.reshape (x, y, width, height); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBounds", +function (r) { +this.setBounds (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); +}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "reshape", +function (x, y, width, height) { +try { +this.setBoundsOp (3); +var resized = (this.width != width) || (this.height != height); +var moved = (this.x != x) || (this.y != y); +if (!resized && !moved) { +return; +}var oldX = this.x; +var oldY = this.y; +var oldWidth = this.width; +var oldHeight = this.height; +this.x = x; +this.y = y; +this.width = width; +this.height = height; +if (resized) { +this.isPacked = false; +System.out.println ("C " + swingjs.JSToolkit.getClassName (this) + " resized to " + this.getBounds ()); +}var needNotify = true; +this.mixOnReshaping (); +if (this.peer != null) { +this.reshapeNativePeer (x, y, width, height, this.getBoundsOp ()); +resized = (oldWidth != this.width) || (oldHeight != this.height); +moved = (oldX != this.x) || (oldY != this.y); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Window)) { +needNotify = false; +}if (resized) { +this.invalidate (); +}if (this.parent != null) { +this.parent.invalidateIfValid (); +}}if (needNotify) { +this.notifyNewBounds (resized, moved); +}this.repaintParentIfNeeded (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight); +} finally { +this.setBoundsOp (5); +} +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaintParentIfNeeded", + function (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight) { +if (this.parent != null && Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) && this.isShowing ()) { +this.parent.repaint (oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight); +this.repaint (); +}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "reshapeNativePeer", + function (x, y, width, height, op) { +var nativeX = x; +var nativeY = y; +for (var c = this.parent; (c != null) && (Clazz.instanceOf (c.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)); c = c.parent) { +nativeX += c.x; +nativeY += c.y; +} +this.peer.setBounds (nativeX, nativeY, width, height, op); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "notifyNewBounds", + function (resized, moved) { +if (this.componentListener != null || (this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (1)) { +if (resized) { +var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 101); +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); +}if (moved) { +var e = new java.awt.event.ComponentEvent (this, 100); +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); +}} else { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Container) && (this).countComponents () > 0) { +var enabledOnToolkit = java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (65536); +if (resized) { +(this).createChildHierarchyEvents (1402, 0, enabledOnToolkit); +}if (moved) { +(this).createChildHierarchyEvents (1401, 0, enabledOnToolkit); +}}}}, "~B,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getX", +function () { +return this.x; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getY", +function () { +return this.y; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getWidth", +function () { +return this.width; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHeight", +function () { +return this.height; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBounds", +function (rv) { +if (rv == null) return new java.awt.Rectangle (this.getX (), this.getY (), this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); +rv.reshape (this.getX (), this.getY (), this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); +return rv; +}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSize", +function (rv) { +if (rv == null) { +return new java.awt.Dimension (this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); +} else { +rv.setSize (this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); +return rv; +}}, "java.awt.Dimension"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocation", +function (rv) { +if (rv == null) { +return new java.awt.Point (this.getX (), this.getY ()); +} else { +rv.setLocation (this.getX (), this.getY ()); +return rv; +}}, "java.awt.Point"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOpaque", +function () { +return true; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isLightweight", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPreferredSize", +function (preferredSize) { +this.setPrefSizeComp (preferredSize); +}, "java.awt.Dimension"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPrefSizeComp", +function (preferredSize) { +var old = (this.prefSizeSet ? this.prefSize : null); +this.prefSize = preferredSize; +this.prefSizeSet = (preferredSize != null); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("preferredSize", old, preferredSize); +}, "java.awt.Dimension"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPreferredSizeSet", +function () { +return this.prefSizeSet; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPreferredSize", +function () { +return this.preferredSize (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "preferredSize", +function () { +return this.prefSizeComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prefSizeComp", +function () { +var dim = this.prefSize; +if (dim == null || !(this.isPreferredSizeSet () || this.isValid ())) { +this.prefSize = this.getMinimumSize (); +dim = this.prefSize; +}return new java.awt.Dimension (dim); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setMinimumSize", +function (minimumSize) { +var old; +if (this.minSizeSet) { +old = this.minSize; +} else { +old = null; +}this.minSize = minimumSize; +this.minSizeSet = (minimumSize != null); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("minimumSize", old, minimumSize); +}, "java.awt.Dimension"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isMinimumSizeSet", +function () { +return this.minSizeSet; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumSize", +function () { +return this.minimumSize (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "minimumSize", +function () { +var dim = this.minSize; +if (dim == null || !(this.isMinimumSizeSet () || this.isValid ())) { +this.minSize = this.getSize (); +dim = this.minSize; +}return new java.awt.Dimension (dim); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setMaximumSize", +function (maximumSize) { +var old; +if (this.maxSizeSet) { +old = this.maxSize; +} else { +old = null; +}this.maxSize = maximumSize; +this.maxSizeSet = (maximumSize != null); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("maximumSize", old, maximumSize); +}, "java.awt.Dimension"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isMaximumSizeSet", +function () { +return this.maxSizeSet; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumSize", +function () { +return this.getMaxSizeComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaxSizeComp", +function () { +if (this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { +return new java.awt.Dimension (this.maxSize); +}return new java.awt.Dimension (32767, 32767); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentX", +function () { +return this.getAlignmentXComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentXComp", +function () { +return 0.5; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentY", +function () { +return this.getAlignmentYComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentYComp", +function () { +return 0.5; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaseline", +function (width, height) { +if (width < 0 || height < 0) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Width and height must be >= 0"); +}return -1; +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaselineResizeBehavior", +function () { +return java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.OTHER; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doLayout", +function () { +this.layout (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "layout", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "validate", +function () { +this.validateComponent (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "validateComponent", +function () { +{ +var peer = this.peer; +var wasValid = this.isValid (); +if (!wasValid && peer != null) { +var newfont = this.getFont (); +var oldfont = this.peerFont; +if (newfont !== oldfont && (oldfont == null || !oldfont.equals (newfont))) { +peer.setFont (newfont); +this.peerFont = newfont; +}peer.layout (); +}this.valid = true; +if (!wasValid) { +this.mixOnValidating (); +}}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidate", +function () { +this.invalidateComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidateComp", +function () { +this.valid = false; +if (!this.isPreferredSizeSet ()) { +this.prefSize = null; +}if (!this.isMinimumSizeSet ()) { +this.minSize = null; +}if (!this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { +this.maxSize = null; +}if (this.parent != null) { +this.parent.invalidateIfValid (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "invalidateIfValid", +function () { +if (this.isValid ()) { +this.invalidate (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphics", +function () { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +if (this.parent == null) return null; +var g = this.parent.getGraphics (); +if (g == null) return null; +g.setFont (this.getFont ()); +return g; +} else { +var peer = this.peer; +return (peer != null) ? peer.getGraphics () : null; +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTreeLock", +function () { +return this; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFontMetrics", +function (font) { +return jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics (font); +}, "java.awt.Font"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setCursor", +function (cursor) { +this.cursor = cursor; +this.updateCursorImmediately (); +}, "java.awt.Cursor"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "updateCursorImmediately", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCursor", +function () { +return this.getCursor_NoClientCode (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCursor_NoClientCode", +function () { +var cursor = this.cursor; +if (cursor != null) { +return cursor; +}var parent = this.parent; +if (parent != null) { +return parent.getCursor_NoClientCode (); +} else { +return java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (0); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isCursorSet", +function () { +return (this.cursor != null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paint", +function (g) { +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "update", +function (g) { +this.paint (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintAll", +function (g) { +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lightweightPaint", +function (g) { +this.lwPaintComp (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lwPaintComp", +function (g) { +this.paint (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintHeavyweightComponents", +function (g) { +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function () { +this.repaintImpl (0, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function (tm) { +this.repaintImpl (tm, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function (x, y, width, height) { +this.repaintImpl (0, x, y, width, height); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function (tm, x, y, width, height) { +this.repaintImpl (tm, x, y, width, height); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaintImpl", +function (tm, x, y, width, height) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +if (this.parent != null) { +var px = this.x + ((x < 0) ? 0 : x); +var py = this.y + ((y < 0) ? 0 : y); +var pwidth = (width > this.width) ? this.width : width; +var pheight = (height > this.height) ? this.height : height; +this.parent.repaint (tm, px, py, pwidth, pheight); +}} else { +if (this.isVisible () && (this.peer != null) && (width > 0) && (height > 0)) { +var e = new java.awt.event.PaintEvent (this, 801, new java.awt.Rectangle (x, y, width, height)); +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().postEvent (e); +}}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "print", +function (g) { +this.paint (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printAll", +function (g) { +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printHeavyweightComponents", +function (g) { +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "imageUpdate", +function (img, infoflags, x, y, w, h) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createImage", +function (producer) { +return this.getToolkit ().createImage (producer); +}, "java.awt.image.ImageProducer"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createImage", +function (width, height) { +return java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().createImage (null, width, height); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createVolatileImage", +function (width, height) { +return null; +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createVolatileImage", +function (width, height, caps) { +return this.createVolatileImage (width, height); +}, "~N,~N,java.awt.ImageCapabilities"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prepareImage", +function (image, observer) { +return this.prepareImage (image, -1, -1, observer); +}, "java.awt.Image,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "prepareImage", +function (image, width, height, observer) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkImage", +function (image, observer) { +return this.checkImage (image, -1, -1, observer); +}, "java.awt.Image,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkImage", +function (image, width, height, observer) { +return 0; +}, "java.awt.Image,~N,~N,java.awt.image.ImageObserver"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setIgnoreRepaint", +function (ignoreRepaint) { +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getIgnoreRepaint", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "contains", +function (x, y) { +return this.inside (x, y); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "inside", +function (x, y) { +return (x >= 0) && (x < this.width) && (y >= 0) && (y < this.height); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentAt", +function (x, y) { +return this.locate (x, y); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "locate", +function (x, y) { +return this.contains (x, y) ? this : null; +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentAt", +function (p) { +return this.getComponentAt (p.x, p.y); +}, "java.awt.Point"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "deliverEvent", +function (e) { +this.postEvent (e); +}, "java.awt.Event"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEvent", +function (e) { +this.dispatchEventImpl (e); +}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEventImpl", +function (e) { +this.dispatchEventImplComp (e); +}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchEventImplComp", +function (e) { +var id = e.getID (); +java.awt.EventQueue.setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTime (e); +if (!e.focusManagerIsDispatching) { +if (e.isPosted) { +e.isPosted = true; +}}if (!e.isConsumed ()) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent)) { +if (e.isConsumed ()) { +return; +}}}if (this.areInputMethodsEnabled ()) { +if ((Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.InputEvent)) || (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.FocusEvent))) { +}} else { +if (id == 1004) { +}}switch (id) { +case 401: +case 402: +var p = ((Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Container)) ? this : this.parent); +if (p != null) { +p.preProcessKeyEvent (e); +}break; +case 201: +break; +default: +break; +} +if (this.newEventsOnly) { +if (this.eventEnabled (e)) { +this.processEvent (e); +}} else if (id == 507) { +this.autoProcessMouseWheel (e); +} else if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.MouseEvent) && !this.postsOldMouseEvents ())) { +}if (id == 201 && !e.isConsumed ()) { +}if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent))) { +}}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "autoProcessMouseWheel", +function (e) { +}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "dispatchMouseWheelToAncestor", +function (e) { +var newX; +var newY; +newX = e.getX () + this.getX (); +newY = e.getY () + this.getY (); +var newMWE; +{ +var anc = this.getParent (); +while (anc != null && !anc.eventEnabled (e)) { +newX += anc.getX (); +newY += anc.getY (); +if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (anc, java.awt.Window))) { +anc = anc.getParent (); +} else { +break; +}} +if (anc != null && anc.eventEnabled (e)) { +newMWE = new java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent (anc, e.getID (), e.getWhen (), e.getModifiers (), newX, newY, e.getXOnScreen (), e.getYOnScreen (), e.getClickCount (), e.isPopupTrigger (), e.getScrollType (), e.getScrollAmount (), e.getWheelRotation ()); +(e).copyPrivateDataInto (newMWE); +anc.dispatchEventToSelf (newMWE); +}}return true; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkWindowClosingException", +function () { +if (this.windowClosingException != null) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this, java.awt.Dialog)) { +(this).interruptBlocking (); +} else { +this.windowClosingException.fillInStackTrace (); +this.windowClosingException.printStackTrace (); +this.windowClosingException = null; +}return true; +}return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "areInputMethodsEnabled", +function () { +return ((this.eventMask & 4096) != 0) && ((this.eventMask & 8) != 0 || this.keyListener != null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "eventEnabled", +function (e) { +return this.eventTypeEnabled (e.id); +}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "eventTypeEnabled", +function (type) { +switch (type) { +case 100: +case 101: +case 102: +case 103: +if ((this.eventMask & 1) != 0 || this.componentListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 1004: +case 1005: +if ((this.eventMask & 4) != 0 || this.focusListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 401: +case 402: +case 400: +if ((this.eventMask & 8) != 0 || this.keyListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 501: +case 502: +case 504: +case 505: +case 500: +if ((this.eventMask & 16) != 0 || this.mouseListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 503: +case 506: +if ((this.eventMask & 32) != 0 || this.mouseMotionListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 507: +if ((this.eventMask & 131072) != 0 || this.mouseWheelListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 1100: +case 1101: +if ((this.eventMask & 2048) != 0 || this.inputMethodListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 1400: +if ((this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || this.hierarchyListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 1401: +case 1402: +if ((this.eventMask & 65536) != 0 || this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null) { +return true; +}break; +case 1001: +if ((this.eventMask & 128) != 0) { +return true; +}break; +case 900: +if ((this.eventMask & 1024) != 0) { +return true; +}break; +case 701: +if ((this.eventMask & 512) != 0) { +return true; +}break; +case 601: +if ((this.eventMask & 256) != 0) { +return true; +}break; +default: +break; +} +if (type > 1999) { +return true; +}return false; +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "postEvent", +function (e) { +if (this.handleEvent (e)) { +e.consume (); +return true; +}var parent = this.parent; +var eventx = e.x; +var eventy = e.y; +if (parent != null) { +e.translate (this.x, this.y); +if (parent.postEvent (e)) { +e.consume (); +return true; +}e.x = eventx; +e.y = eventy; +}return false; +}, "java.awt.Event"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addComponentListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.componentListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.componentListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.ComponentListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeComponentListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.componentListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.componentListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.ComponentListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.ComponentListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addFocusListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.focusListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.focusListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.FocusListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeFocusListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.focusListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.focusListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.FocusListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.FocusListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addHierarchyListener", +function (l) { +}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeHierarchyListener", +function (l) { +}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHierarchyListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.HierarchyListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addHierarchyBoundsListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}var notifyAncestors; +{ +notifyAncestors = (this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0); +this.hierarchyBoundsListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.hierarchyBoundsListener, l); +notifyAncestors = (notifyAncestors && this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}if (notifyAncestors) { +{ +this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (65536, 1); +}}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeHierarchyBoundsListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}var notifyAncestors; +{ +notifyAncestors = (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0); +this.hierarchyBoundsListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.hierarchyBoundsListener, l); +notifyAncestors = (notifyAncestors && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null); +}if (notifyAncestors) { +{ +this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (65536, -1); +}}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "numListening", +function (mask) { +return this.numListeningMask (mask); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "numListeningMask", +function (mask) { +if ((mask == 32768 && (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0)) || (mask == 65536 && (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null || (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0))) { +return 1; +} else { +return 0; +}}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "countHierarchyMembers", +function () { +return 1; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createHierarchyEvents", +function (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit) { +return this.createHierEventsComp (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit); +}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Container,~N,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createHierEventsComp", +function (id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags, enabledOnToolkit) { +switch (id) { +case 1400: +if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || enabledOnToolkit) { +var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, id, changed, changedParent, changeFlags); +this.dispatchEvent (e); +return 1; +}break; +case 1401: +case 1402: +if (this.hierarchyBoundsListener != null || (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0 || enabledOnToolkit) { +var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, id, changed, changedParent); +this.dispatchEvent (e); +return 1; +}break; +default: +break; +} +return 0; +}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Container,~N,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getHierarchyBoundsListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "adjustListeningChildrenOnParent", +function (mask, num) { +if (this.parent != null) { +this.parent.adjustListeningChildren (mask, num); +}}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addKeyListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.keyListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.keyListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.KeyListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeKeyListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.keyListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.keyListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.KeyListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getKeyListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.KeyListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}System.out.println ("C adding mouse listener " + l); +this.mouseListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.mouseListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.MouseListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseMotionListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.mouseMotionListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseMotionListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseMotionListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.mouseMotionListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseMotionListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseMotionListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addMouseWheelListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.mouseWheelListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.mouseWheelListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeMouseWheelListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.mouseWheelListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.mouseWheelListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMouseWheelListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addInputMethodListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.inputMethodListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.add (this.inputMethodListener, l); +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeInputMethodListener", +function (l) { +if (l == null) { +return; +}this.inputMethodListener = java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.remove (this.inputMethodListener, l); +}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMethodListeners", +function () { +return (this.getListeners (java.awt.event.InputMethodListener)); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListeners", +function (listenerType) { +return this.getListenersComp (listenerType); +}, "Class"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListenersComp", +function (listenerType) { +var l = null; +if (listenerType === java.awt.event.ComponentListener) { +l = this.componentListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.FocusListener) { +l = this.focusListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.HierarchyListener) { +l = this.hierarchyListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.HierarchyBoundsListener) { +l = this.hierarchyBoundsListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.KeyListener) { +l = this.keyListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseListener) { +l = this.mouseListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener) { +l = this.mouseMotionListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener) { +l = this.mouseWheelListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.awt.event.InputMethodListener) { +l = this.inputMethodListener; +} else if (listenerType === java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) { +return this.getPropertyChangeListeners (); +}return java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.getListeners (l, listenerType); +}, "Class"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "enableEvents", +function (eventsToEnable) { +var notifyAncestors = 0; +{ +if ((eventsToEnable & 32768) != 0 && this.hierarchyListener == null && (this.eventMask & 32768) == 0) { +notifyAncestors |= 32768; +}if ((eventsToEnable & 65536) != 0 && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) == 0) { +notifyAncestors |= 65536; +}this.eventMask |= eventsToEnable; +this.newEventsOnly = true; +}if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +this.parent.proxyEnableEvents (this.eventMask); +}if (notifyAncestors != 0) { +{ +this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (notifyAncestors, 1); +}}}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "disableEvents", +function (eventsToDisable) { +var notifyAncestors = 0; +{ +if ((eventsToDisable & 32768) != 0 && this.hierarchyListener == null && (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0) { +notifyAncestors |= 32768; +}if ((eventsToDisable & 65536) != 0 && this.hierarchyBoundsListener == null && (this.eventMask & 65536) != 0) { +notifyAncestors |= 65536; +}this.eventMask &= ~eventsToDisable; +}if (notifyAncestors != 0) { +{ +this.adjustListeningChildrenOnParent (notifyAncestors, -1); +}}}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkCoalescing", + function () { +if (this.getClass ().getClassLoader () == null) { +return false; +}var clazz = this.getClass (); +{ +var value = java.awt.Component.coalesceMap.get (clazz); +if (value != null) { +return value; +}var enabled = Boolean.$valueOf (swingjs.JSToolkit.checkClassMethod (this, "coalesceEvents", "\\java.awt.AWTEvent\\java.awt.AWTEvent")); +java.awt.Component.coalesceMap.put (clazz, enabled); +return enabled; +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isCoalescingEnabled", +function () { +return this.coalescingEnabled; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "coalesceEvents", +function (existingEvent, newEvent) { +return null; +}, "java.awt.AWTEvent,java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processEvent", +function (e) { +this.processEventComp (e); +}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processEventComp", +function (e) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.FocusEvent)) { +this.processFocusEvent (e); +} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.MouseEvent)) { +switch (e.getID ()) { +case 501: +case 502: +case 500: +case 504: +case 505: +this.processMouseEvent (e); +break; +case 503: +case 506: +this.processMouseMotionEvent (e); +break; +case 507: +this.processMouseWheelEvent (e); +break; +} +} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.KeyEvent)) { +this.processKeyEvent (e); +} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.ComponentEvent)) { +this.processComponentEvent (e); +} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent)) { +this.processInputMethodEvent (e); +} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent)) { +switch (e.getID ()) { +case 1400: +this.processHierarchyEvent (e); +break; +case 1401: +case 1402: +this.processHierarchyBoundsEvent (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.AWTEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processComponentEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.componentListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 101: +listener.componentResized (e); +break; +case 100: +listener.componentMoved (e); +break; +case 102: +listener.componentShown (e); +break; +case 103: +listener.componentHidden (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.ComponentEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processFocusEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.focusListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 1004: +listener.focusGained (e); +break; +case 1005: +listener.focusLost (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.FocusEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.keyListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 400: +listener.keyTyped (e); +break; +case 401: +listener.keyPressed (e); +break; +case 402: +listener.keyReleased (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.mouseListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 501: +listener.mousePressed (e); +break; +case 502: +listener.mouseReleased (e); +break; +case 500: +listener.mouseClicked (e); +break; +case 505: +listener.mouseExited (e); +break; +case 504: +listener.mouseEntered (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseMotionEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.mouseMotionListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 503: +listener.mouseMoved (e); +break; +case 506: +listener.mouseDragged (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processMouseWheelEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.mouseWheelListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 507: +listener.mouseWheelMoved (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "postsOldMouseEvents", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processInputMethodEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.inputMethodListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 1100: +listener.inputMethodTextChanged (e); +break; +case 1101: +listener.caretPositionChanged (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processHierarchyEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.hierarchyListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 1400: +listener.hierarchyChanged (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processHierarchyBoundsEvent", +function (e) { +var listener = this.hierarchyBoundsListener; +if (listener != null) { +var id = e.getID (); +switch (id) { +case 1401: +listener.ancestorMoved (e); +break; +case 1402: +listener.ancestorResized (e); +break; +} +}}, "java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "handleEvent", +function (evt) { +switch (evt.id) { +case 504: +return this.mouseEnter (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 505: +return this.mouseExit (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 503: +return this.mouseMove (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 501: +return this.mouseDown (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 506: +return this.mouseDrag (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 502: +return this.mouseUp (evt, evt.x, evt.y); +case 401: +case 403: +return this.keyDown (evt, evt.key); +case 402: +case 404: +return this.keyUp (evt, evt.key); +case 1001: +return this.action (evt, evt.arg); +case 1004: +return this.gotFocus (evt, evt.arg); +case 1005: +return this.lostFocus (evt, evt.arg); +} +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseDown", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseDrag", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseUp", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseMove", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseEnter", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mouseExit", +function (evt, x, y) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyDown", +function (evt, key) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyUp", +function (evt, key) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "action", +function (evt, what) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotify", +function () { +this.addNotifyComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotifyComp", +function () { +{ +var peer = this.peer; +if (peer == null || Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +if (peer == null) { +this.peer = peer = this.getToolkit ().createComponent (this); +}if (this.parent != null) { +var mask = 0; +if ((this.mouseListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 16) != 0)) { +mask |= 16; +}if ((this.mouseMotionListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 32) != 0)) { +mask |= 32; +}if ((this.mouseWheelListener != null) || ((this.eventMask & 131072) != 0)) { +mask |= 131072; +}if (this.focusListener != null || (this.eventMask & 4) != 0) { +mask |= 4; +}if (this.keyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 8) != 0) { +mask |= 8; +}if (mask != 0) { +this.parent.proxyEnableEvents (mask); +}}} else { +var parent = this.parent; +if (parent != null && Clazz.instanceOf (parent.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +this.relocateComponent (); +}}this.invalidate (); +this.peerFont = this.getFont (); +if (this.getContainer () != null && !this.isAddNotifyComplete) { +this.getContainer ().increaseComponentCount (this); +}if (this.parent != null && this.parent.peer != null) { +var parentContPeer = this.parent.peer; +if (Clazz.instanceOf (parentContPeer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer))) { +var hwParent = this.getNativeContainer (); +if (hwParent != null && hwParent.peer != null) { +parentContPeer = hwParent.peer; +}}}if (!this.isAddNotifyComplete) { +this.mixOnShowing (); +}this.isAddNotifyComplete = true; +if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)) { +var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, 1400, this, this.parent, 2 | ((this.isRecursivelyVisible ()) ? 4 : 0)); +this.dispatchEvent (e); +}}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getNativeContainer", +function () { +var p = this.parent; +while (p != null && Clazz.instanceOf (p.peer, java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer)) { +p = p.getParent (); +} +return p; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotify", +function () { +this.removeNotifyComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotifyComp", +function () { +{ +if (this.getContainer () != null && this.isAddNotifyComplete) { +this.getContainer ().decreaseComponentCount (this); +}var p = this.peer; +if (p != null) { +var isLightweight = this.isLightweight (); +this.peer = null; +this.peerFont = null; +java.awt.Toolkit.getEventQueue ().removeSourceEvents (this, false); +p.dispose (); +this.mixOnHiding (isLightweight); +this.isAddNotifyComplete = false; +}if (this.hierarchyListener != null || (this.eventMask & 32768) != 0 || java.awt.Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit (32768)) { +var e = new java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent (this, 1400, this, this.parent, 2 | ((this.isRecursivelyVisible ()) ? 4 : 0)); +this.dispatchEvent (e); +}}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "gotFocus", +function (evt, what) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "lostFocus", +function (evt, what) { +return false; +}, "java.awt.Event,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusTraversable", +function () { +if (this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden == 0) { +this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 1; +}return this.focusable; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusable", +function () { +return this.isFocusTraversable (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFocusable", +function (focusable) { +var oldFocusable; +{ +oldFocusable = this.focusable; +this.focusable = focusable; +}this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden = 2; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("focusable", new Boolean (oldFocusable), new Boolean (focusable)); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusTraversableOverridden", +function () { +return (this.$isFocusTraversableOverridden != 1); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled", +function () { +return this.focusTraversalKeysEnabled; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", +function () { +swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", +function (temporary) { +return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", +function () { +return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", +function (temporary) { +return swingjs.JSToolkit.requestFocus (this); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFocusCycleRootAncestor", +function () { +var rootAncestor = this.parent; +while (rootAncestor != null && !rootAncestor.isFocusCycleRoot ()) { +rootAncestor = rootAncestor.parent; +} +return rootAncestor; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusCycleRoot", +function (container) { +return this.isFocusCycleRootComp (container); +}, "java.awt.Container"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusCycleRootComp", +function (container) { +var rootAncestor = this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); +return (rootAncestor === container); +}, "java.awt.Container"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "hasFocus", +function () { +return swingjs.JSToolkit.hasFocus (this); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isFocusOwner", +function () { +return this.hasFocus (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAutoFocusTransferOnDisposal", +function (value) { +this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal = value; +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isAutoFocusTransferOnDisposal", +function () { +return this.autoFocusTransferOnDisposal; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", +function () { +return this.paramStringComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramStringComp", +function () { +var thisName = this.getName (); +var str = (thisName != null ? thisName : ""); +if (!this.isValid ()) { +str += ",invalid"; +}if (!this.visible) { +str += ",hidden"; +}if (!this.enabled) { +str += ",disabled"; +}str += ",parent:" + (this.parent == null ? null : this.parent.getName ()) + "," + this.x + "," + this.y + "," + this.width + "x" + this.height; +return str; +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "toString", +function () { +return this.getClass ().getName () + "[" + this.paramString () + "]"; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", +function (listener) { +this.addPropChangeListenerComp (listener); +}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropChangeListenerComp", +function (listener) { +{ +if (listener == null) { +return; +}if (this.changeSupport == null) { +this.changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport (this); +}this.changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener1 (listener); +}}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", +function (listener) { +{ +if (listener == null || this.changeSupport == null) { +return; +}this.changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener (listener); +}}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPropertyChangeListeners", +function () { +{ +if (this.changeSupport == null) { +return new Array (0); +}return this.changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", +function (propertyName, listener) { +this.addPropChangeListComp (propertyName, listener); +}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addPropChangeListComp", +function (propertyName, listener) { +{ +if (arguments.length == 1) { +addPropertyChangeListener1(propertyName); return; } +}{ +if (listener == null) { +return; +}if (this.changeSupport == null) { +this.changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport (this); +}this.changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener2 (propertyName, listener); +}}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", +function (propertyName, listener) { +{ +if (listener == null || this.changeSupport == null) { +return; +}this.changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener (propertyName, listener); +}}, "~S,java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPropertyChangeListeners", +function (propertyName) { +{ +if (this.changeSupport == null) { +return new Array (0); +}return this.changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners (propertyName); +}}, "~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); +}, "~S,~O,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeObject", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +var changeSupport; +{ +changeSupport = this.changeSupport; +}if (changeSupport == null || (oldValue != null && newValue != null && oldValue.equals (newValue))) { +return; +}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); +}, "~S,~O,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +this.firePropertyChangeBool (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); +}, "~S,~B,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeBool", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +var changeSupport = this.changeSupport; +if (changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, Boolean.$valueOf (oldValue), Boolean.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~B,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +this.firePropertyChangeInt (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeInt", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +var changeSupport = this.changeSupport; +if (changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}changeSupport.firePropertyChange (propertyName, Integer.$valueOf (oldValue), Integer.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChange", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +this.firePropertyChangeChar (propertyName, oldValue, newValue); +}, "~S,~S,~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeChar", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, new Character (oldValue), new Character (newValue)); +}, "~S,~S,~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeShort", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Short.$valueOf (oldValue), Short.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeLong", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Long.$valueOf (oldValue), Long.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeFloat", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Float.$valueOf (oldValue), Float.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "firePropertyChangeDouble", +function (propertyName, oldValue, newValue) { +if (this.changeSupport == null || oldValue == newValue) { +return; +}this.firePropertyChangeObject (propertyName, Double.$valueOf (oldValue), Double.$valueOf (newValue)); +}, "~S,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setComponentOrientation", +function (o) { +var oldValue = this.componentOrientation; +this.componentOrientation = o; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("componentOrientation", oldValue, o); +this.invalidateIfValid (); +}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentOrientation", +function () { +return this.componentOrientation; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "applyComponentOrientation", +function (orientation) { +this.applyCompOrientComp (orientation); +}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "applyCompOrientComp", +function (orientation) { +if (orientation == null) { +throw new NullPointerException (); +}this.setComponentOrientation (orientation); +}, "java.awt.ComponentOrientation"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "canBeFocusOwner", +function () { +if (this.isEnabled () && this.isDisplayable () && this.isVisible () && this.isFocusable ()) { +return true; +}return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "canBeFocusOwnerRecursively", +function () { +if (!this.canBeFocusOwner ()) { +return false; +}if (this.parent != null) { +return this.parent.canContainFocusOwner (this); +}return true; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "relocateComponent", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getContainingWindow", +function () { +return jssun.awt.SunToolkit.getContainingWindow (this); +}); +c$.isInstanceOf = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isInstanceOf", +function (obj, className) { +if (obj == null) return false; +if (className == null) return false; +var cls = obj.getClass (); +while (cls != null) { +if (cls.getName ().equals (className)) { +return true; +}cls = cls.getSuperclass (); +} +return false; +}, "~O,~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "areBoundsValid", +function () { +var cont = this.getContainer (); +return cont == null || cont.isValid () || cont.getLayout () == null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLocationOnWindow", +function () { +var curLocation = this.getLocation (); +for (var parent = this.getContainer (); parent != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window)); parent = parent.getContainer ()) { +curLocation.x += parent.getX (); +curLocation.y += parent.getY (); +} +return curLocation; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSiblingIndexAbove", +function () { +var parent = this.getContainer (); +if (parent == null) { +return -1; +}var nextAbove = parent.getComponentZOrder (this) - 1; +return nextAbove < 0 ? -1 : nextAbove; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getSiblingIndexBelow", +function () { +var parent = this.getContainer (); +if (parent == null) { +return -1; +}var nextBelow = parent.getComponentZOrder (this) + 1; +return nextBelow >= parent.getComponentCount () ? -1 : nextBelow; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnShowing", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnHiding", +function (isLightweight) { +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnReshaping", +function () { +swingjs.JSToolkit.taintUI (this); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnZOrderChanging", +function (oldZorder, newZorder) { +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "mixOnValidating", +function () { +}); +c$.doesClassImplement = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doesClassImplement", + function (cls, interfaceName) { +if (cls == null) return false; +for (var c, $c = 0, $$c = cls.getInterfaces (); $c < $$c.length && ((c = $$c[$c]) || true); $c++) { +if (c.getName ().equals (interfaceName)) { +return true; +}} +return java.awt.Component.doesClassImplement (cls.getSuperclass (), interfaceName); +}, "Class,~S"); +c$.doesImplement = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "doesImplement", +function (obj, interfaceName) { +if (obj == null) return false; +if (interfaceName == null) return false; +return java.awt.Component.doesClassImplement (obj.getClass (), interfaceName); +}, "~O,~S"); +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.declareType (java.awt.Component, "BaselineResizeBehavior", Enum); +Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CONSTANT_ASCENT", 0, []); +Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CONSTANT_DESCENT", 1, []); +Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "CENTER_OFFSET", 2, []); +Clazz.defineEnumConstant (c$, "OTHER", 3, []); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.declareType (java.awt.Component, "AWTTreeLock"); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +Clazz.defineStatics (c$, +"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_UNKNOWN", 0, +"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_DEFAULT", 1, +"FOCUS_TRAVERSABLE_SET", 2, +"actionListenerK", "actionL", +"adjustmentListenerK", "adjustmentL", +"componentListenerK", "componentL", +"containerListenerK", "containerL", +"focusListenerK", "focusL", +"itemListenerK", "itemL", +"keyListenerK", "keyL", +"mouseListenerK", "mouseL", +"mouseMotionListenerK", "mouseMotionL", +"mouseWheelListenerK", "mouseWheelL", +"textListenerK", "textL", +"ownedWindowK", "ownedL", +"windowListenerK", "windowL", +"inputMethodListenerK", "inputMethodL", +"hierarchyListenerK", "hierarchyL", +"hierarchyBoundsListenerK", "hierarchyBoundsL", +"windowStateListenerK", "windowStateL", +"windowFocusListenerK", "windowFocusL", +"isInc", false, +"incRate", 0, +"TOP_ALIGNMENT", 0.0, +"CENTER_ALIGNMENT", 0.5, +"BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT", 1.0, +"LEFT_ALIGNMENT", 0.0, +"RIGHT_ALIGNMENT", 1.0, +"incr", 0); +c$.coalesceMap = c$.prototype.coalesceMap = new java.util.HashMap (); +});