X-Git-Url: http://source.jalview.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=site%2Fj2s%2Fjavax%2Fswing%2FJSplitPane.js;h=5186202f9a9574f243327f96cec1a63bf66ea96b;hb=b9b7a352eee79b7764c3b09c9d19663075061d8c;hp=649f078805199f87d55a27ad168dc3addab0ffe3;hpb=8ffd05b3abe52c0b6b79b011c0966361f82d5fe6;p=jalviewjs.git diff --git a/site/j2s/javax/swing/JSplitPane.js b/site/j2s/javax/swing/JSplitPane.js index 649f078..5186202 100644 --- a/site/j2s/javax/swing/JSplitPane.js +++ b/site/j2s/javax/swing/JSplitPane.js @@ -1,324 +1,324 @@ -Clazz.declarePackage ("javax.swing"); -Clazz.load (["javax.swing.JComponent"], "javax.swing.JSplitPane", ["java.lang.Boolean", "$.IllegalArgumentException", "javax.swing.JButton", "$.UIManager"], function () { -c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { -this.orientation = 0; -this.continuousLayout = false; -this.leftComponent = null; -this.rightComponent = null; -this.dividerSize = 0; -this.dividerSizeSet = false; -this.oneTouchExpandable = false; -this.oneTouchExpandableSet = false; -this.lastDividerLocation = 0; -this.resizeWeight = 0; -this.dividerLocation = 0; -Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); -}, javax.swing, "JSplitPane", javax.swing.JComponent); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function () { -this.construct (1, false, new javax.swing.JButton (javax.swing.UIManager.getString ("SplitPane.leftButtonText")), new javax.swing.JButton (javax.swing.UIManager.getString ("SplitPane.rightButtonText"))); -}); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function (newOrientation) { -this.construct (newOrientation, false); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout) { -this.construct (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout, null, null); -}, "~N,~B"); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function (newOrientation, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent) { -this.construct (newOrientation, false, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent); -}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent) { -Clazz.superConstructor (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane); -this.dividerLocation = -1; -this.setLayout (null); -this.setUIProperty ("opaque", Boolean.TRUE); -this.orientation = newOrientation; -if (this.orientation != 1 && this.orientation != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("cannot create JSplitPane, orientation must be one of JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT or JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT"); -this.continuousLayout = newContinuousLayout; -if (newLeftComponent != null) this.setLeftComponent (newLeftComponent); -if (newRightComponent != null) this.setRightComponent (newRightComponent); -this.updateUI (); -}, "~N,~B,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUI", -function (ui) { -if (this.ui !== ui) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "setUI", [ui]); -this.revalidate (); -}}, "javax.swing.plaf.SplitPaneUI"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getUI", -function () { -return this.ui; -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "updateUI", -function () { -this.setUI (javax.swing.UIManager.getUI (this)); -this.revalidate (); -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getUIClassID", -function () { -return "SplitPaneUI"; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerSize", -function (newSize) { -var oldSize = this.dividerSize; -this.dividerSizeSet = true; -if (oldSize != newSize) { -this.dividerSize = newSize; -this.firePropertyChangeInt ("dividerSize", oldSize, newSize); -}}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDividerSize", -function () { -return this.dividerSize; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLeftComponent", -function (comp) { -if (comp == null) { -if (this.leftComponent != null) { -this.remove (this.leftComponent); -this.leftComponent = null; -}} else { -this.add (comp, "left"); -}}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLeftComponent", -function () { -return this.leftComponent; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setTopComponent", -function (comp) { -this.setLeftComponent (comp); -}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTopComponent", -function () { -return this.leftComponent; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setRightComponent", -function (comp) { -if (comp == null) { -if (this.rightComponent != null) { -this.remove (this.rightComponent); -this.rightComponent = null; -}} else { -this.add (comp, "right"); -}}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRightComponent", -function () { -return this.rightComponent; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBottomComponent", -function (comp) { -this.setRightComponent (comp); -}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBottomComponent", -function () { -return this.rightComponent; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOneTouchExpandable", -function (newValue) { -var oldValue = this.oneTouchExpandable; -this.oneTouchExpandable = newValue; -this.oneTouchExpandableSet = true; -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("oneTouchExpandable", oldValue, newValue); -this.repaint (); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOneTouchExpandable", -function () { -return this.oneTouchExpandable; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLastDividerLocation", -function (newLastLocation) { -var oldLocation = this.lastDividerLocation; -this.lastDividerLocation = newLastLocation; -this.firePropertyChangeInt ("lastDividerLocation", oldLocation, newLastLocation); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLastDividerLocation", -function () { -return this.lastDividerLocation; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOrientation", -function (orientation) { -if ((orientation != 0) && (orientation != 1)) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JSplitPane: orientation must be one of JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT or JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT"); -}var oldOrientation = this.orientation; -this.orientation = orientation; -this.firePropertyChangeInt ("orientation", oldOrientation, orientation); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getOrientation", -function () { -return this.orientation; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setContinuousLayout", -function (newContinuousLayout) { -var oldCD = this.continuousLayout; -this.continuousLayout = newContinuousLayout; -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("continuousLayout", oldCD, newContinuousLayout); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isContinuousLayout", -function () { -return this.continuousLayout; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setResizeWeight", -function (value) { -if (value < 0 || value > 1) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JSplitPane weight must be between 0 and 1"); -}var oldWeight = this.resizeWeight; -this.resizeWeight = value; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("resizeWeight", new Double (oldWeight), new Double (value)); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getResizeWeight", -function () { -return this.resizeWeight; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetToPreferredSizes", -function () { -var ui = this.getUI (); -if (ui != null) { -ui.resetToPreferredSizes (this); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerLocation", -function (proportionalLocation) { -if (proportionalLocation < 0.0 || proportionalLocation > 1.0) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("proportional location must be between 0.0 and 1.0."); -}if (this.getOrientation () == 0) { -this.setDividerLocation (Clazz.doubleToInt ((this.getHeight () - this.getDividerSize ()) * proportionalLocation)); -} else { -this.setDividerLocation (Clazz.doubleToInt ((this.getWidth () - this.getDividerSize ()) * proportionalLocation)); -}}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerLocation", -function (location) { -var oldValue = this.dividerLocation; -this.dividerLocation = location; -var ui = this.getUI (); -if (ui != null) { -ui.setDividerLocation (this, location); -}this.firePropertyChangeInt ("dividerLocation", oldValue, location); -this.setLastDividerLocation (oldValue); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDividerLocation", -function () { -return this.dividerLocation; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumDividerLocation", -function () { -var ui = this.getUI (); -if (ui != null) { -return ui.getMinimumDividerLocation (this); -}return -1; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumDividerLocation", -function () { -var ui = this.getUI (); -if (ui != null) { -return ui.getMaximumDividerLocation (this); -}return -1; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "remove", -function (component) { -if (component === this.leftComponent) { -this.leftComponent = null; -} else if (component === this.rightComponent) { -this.rightComponent = null; -}Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "remove", [component]); -this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "remove", -function (index) { -var comp = this.getComponent (index); -if (comp === this.leftComponent) { -this.leftComponent = null; -} else if (comp === this.rightComponent) { -this.rightComponent = null; -}Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "remove", [index]); -this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeAll", -function () { -this.leftComponent = this.rightComponent = null; -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "removeAll", []); -this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isValidateRoot", -function () { -return true; -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "addImpl", -function (comp, constraints, index) { -var toRemove; -if (constraints != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (constraints, String))) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("cannot add to layout: constraint must be a string (or null)"); -}if (constraints == null) { -if (this.getLeftComponent () == null) { -constraints = "left"; -} else if (this.getRightComponent () == null) { -constraints = "right"; -}}if (constraints != null && (constraints.equals ("left") || constraints.equals ("top"))) { -toRemove = this.getLeftComponent (); -if (toRemove != null) { -this.remove (toRemove); -}this.leftComponent = comp; -index = -1; -} else if (constraints != null && (constraints.equals ("right") || constraints.equals ("bottom"))) { -toRemove = this.getRightComponent (); -if (toRemove != null) { -this.remove (toRemove); -}this.rightComponent = comp; -index = -1; -} else if (constraints != null && constraints.equals ("divider")) { -index = -1; -}this.addImplSAEM (comp, constraints, index); -this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -return comp; -}, "java.awt.Component,~O,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintChildren", -function (g) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "paintChildren", [g]); -var ui = this.getUI (); -if (ui != null) { -var tempG = g.createSwingJS (); -ui.finishedPaintingChildren (this, tempG); -tempG.dispose (); -}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUIProperty", -function (propertyName, value) { -if (propertyName === "dividerSize") { -if (!this.dividerSizeSet) { -this.setDividerSize ((value).intValue ()); -this.dividerSizeSet = false; -}} else if (propertyName === "oneTouchExpandable") { -if (!this.oneTouchExpandableSet) { -this.setOneTouchExpandable ((value).booleanValue ()); -this.oneTouchExpandableSet = false; -}} else { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "setUIProperty", [propertyName, value]); -}}, "~S,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", -function () { -var orientationString = (this.orientation == 1 ? "HORIZONTAL_SPLIT" : "VERTICAL_SPLIT"); -var continuousLayoutString = (this.continuousLayout ? "true" : "false"); -var oneTouchExpandableString = (this.oneTouchExpandable ? "true" : "false"); -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "paramString", []) + ",continuousLayout=" + continuousLayoutString + ",dividerSize=" + this.dividerSize + ",lastDividerLocation=" + this.lastDividerLocation + ",oneTouchExpandable=" + oneTouchExpandableString + ",orientation=" + orientationString; -}); -Clazz.defineStatics (c$, -"$uiClassID", "SplitPaneUI", -"VERTICAL_SPLIT", 0, -"HORIZONTAL_SPLIT", 1, -"LEFT", "left", -"RIGHT", "right", -"TOP", "top", -"BOTTOM", "bottom", -"DIVIDER", "divider", -"ORIENTATION_PROPERTY", "orientation", -"CONTINUOUS_LAYOUT_PROPERTY", "continuousLayout", -"DIVIDER_SIZE_PROPERTY", "dividerSize", -"ONE_TOUCH_EXPANDABLE_PROPERTY", "oneTouchExpandable", -"LAST_DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY", "lastDividerLocation", -"DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY", "dividerLocation", -"RESIZE_WEIGHT_PROPERTY", "resizeWeight"); -}); +Clazz.declarePackage ("javax.swing"); +Clazz.load (["javax.swing.JComponent"], "javax.swing.JSplitPane", ["java.lang.Boolean", "$.IllegalArgumentException", "javax.swing.JButton", "$.UIManager"], function () { +c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { +this.orientation = 0; +this.continuousLayout = false; +this.leftComponent = null; +this.rightComponent = null; +this.dividerSize = 0; +this.dividerSizeSet = false; +this.oneTouchExpandable = false; +this.oneTouchExpandableSet = false; +this.lastDividerLocation = 0; +this.resizeWeight = 0; +this.dividerLocation = 0; +Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); +}, javax.swing, "JSplitPane", javax.swing.JComponent); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function () { +this.construct (1, false, new javax.swing.JButton (javax.swing.UIManager.getString ("SplitPane.leftButtonText")), new javax.swing.JButton (javax.swing.UIManager.getString ("SplitPane.rightButtonText"))); +}); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function (newOrientation) { +this.construct (newOrientation, false); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout) { +this.construct (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout, null, null); +}, "~N,~B"); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function (newOrientation, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent) { +this.construct (newOrientation, false, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent); +}, "~N,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function (newOrientation, newContinuousLayout, newLeftComponent, newRightComponent) { +Clazz.superConstructor (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane); +this.dividerLocation = -1; +this.setLayout (null); +this.setUIProperty ("opaque", Boolean.TRUE); +this.orientation = newOrientation; +if (this.orientation != 1 && this.orientation != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("cannot create JSplitPane, orientation must be one of JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT or JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT"); +this.continuousLayout = newContinuousLayout; +if (newLeftComponent != null) this.setLeftComponent (newLeftComponent); +if (newRightComponent != null) this.setRightComponent (newRightComponent); +this.updateUI (); +}, "~N,~B,java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUI", +function (ui) { +if (this.ui !== ui) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "setUI", [ui]); +this.revalidate (); +}}, "javax.swing.plaf.SplitPaneUI"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getUI", +function () { +return this.ui; +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "updateUI", +function () { +this.setUI (javax.swing.UIManager.getUI (this)); +this.revalidate (); +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getUIClassID", +function () { +return "SplitPaneUI"; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerSize", +function (newSize) { +var oldSize = this.dividerSize; +this.dividerSizeSet = true; +if (oldSize != newSize) { +this.dividerSize = newSize; +this.firePropertyChangeInt ("dividerSize", oldSize, newSize); +}}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDividerSize", +function () { +return this.dividerSize; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLeftComponent", +function (comp) { +if (comp == null) { +if (this.leftComponent != null) { +this.remove (this.leftComponent); +this.leftComponent = null; +}} else { +this.add (comp, "left"); +}}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLeftComponent", +function () { +return this.leftComponent; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setTopComponent", +function (comp) { +this.setLeftComponent (comp); +}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTopComponent", +function () { +return this.leftComponent; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setRightComponent", +function (comp) { +if (comp == null) { +if (this.rightComponent != null) { +this.remove (this.rightComponent); +this.rightComponent = null; +}} else { +this.add (comp, "right"); +}}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRightComponent", +function () { +return this.rightComponent; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBottomComponent", +function (comp) { +this.setRightComponent (comp); +}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBottomComponent", +function () { +return this.rightComponent; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOneTouchExpandable", +function (newValue) { +var oldValue = this.oneTouchExpandable; +this.oneTouchExpandable = newValue; +this.oneTouchExpandableSet = true; +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("oneTouchExpandable", oldValue, newValue); +this.repaint (); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOneTouchExpandable", +function () { +return this.oneTouchExpandable; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setLastDividerLocation", +function (newLastLocation) { +var oldLocation = this.lastDividerLocation; +this.lastDividerLocation = newLastLocation; +this.firePropertyChangeInt ("lastDividerLocation", oldLocation, newLastLocation); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getLastDividerLocation", +function () { +return this.lastDividerLocation; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOrientation", +function (orientation) { +if ((orientation != 0) && (orientation != 1)) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JSplitPane: orientation must be one of JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT or JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT"); +}var oldOrientation = this.orientation; +this.orientation = orientation; +this.firePropertyChangeInt ("orientation", oldOrientation, orientation); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getOrientation", +function () { +return this.orientation; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setContinuousLayout", +function (newContinuousLayout) { +var oldCD = this.continuousLayout; +this.continuousLayout = newContinuousLayout; +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("continuousLayout", oldCD, newContinuousLayout); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isContinuousLayout", +function () { +return this.continuousLayout; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setResizeWeight", +function (value) { +if (value < 0 || value > 1) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("JSplitPane weight must be between 0 and 1"); +}var oldWeight = this.resizeWeight; +this.resizeWeight = value; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("resizeWeight", new Double (oldWeight), new Double (value)); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getResizeWeight", +function () { +return this.resizeWeight; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetToPreferredSizes", +function () { +var ui = this.getUI (); +if (ui != null) { +ui.resetToPreferredSizes (this); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerLocation", +function (proportionalLocation) { +if (proportionalLocation < 0.0 || proportionalLocation > 1.0) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("proportional location must be between 0.0 and 1.0."); +}if (this.getOrientation () == 0) { +this.setDividerLocation (Clazz.doubleToInt ((this.getHeight () - this.getDividerSize ()) * proportionalLocation)); +} else { +this.setDividerLocation (Clazz.doubleToInt ((this.getWidth () - this.getDividerSize ()) * proportionalLocation)); +}}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDividerLocation", +function (location) { +var oldValue = this.dividerLocation; +this.dividerLocation = location; +var ui = this.getUI (); +if (ui != null) { +ui.setDividerLocation (this, location); +}this.firePropertyChangeInt ("dividerLocation", oldValue, location); +this.setLastDividerLocation (oldValue); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDividerLocation", +function () { +return this.dividerLocation; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumDividerLocation", +function () { +var ui = this.getUI (); +if (ui != null) { +return ui.getMinimumDividerLocation (this); +}return -1; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumDividerLocation", +function () { +var ui = this.getUI (); +if (ui != null) { +return ui.getMaximumDividerLocation (this); +}return -1; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "remove", +function (component) { +if (component === this.leftComponent) { +this.leftComponent = null; +} else if (component === this.rightComponent) { +this.rightComponent = null; +}Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "remove", [component]); +this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "remove", +function (index) { +var comp = this.getComponent (index); +if (comp === this.leftComponent) { +this.leftComponent = null; +} else if (comp === this.rightComponent) { +this.rightComponent = null; +}Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "remove", [index]); +this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeAll", +function () { +this.leftComponent = this.rightComponent = null; +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "removeAll", []); +this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isValidateRoot", +function () { +return true; +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "addImpl", +function (comp, constraints, index) { +var toRemove; +if (constraints != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (constraints, String))) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("cannot add to layout: constraint must be a string (or null)"); +}if (constraints == null) { +if (this.getLeftComponent () == null) { +constraints = "left"; +} else if (this.getRightComponent () == null) { +constraints = "right"; +}}if (constraints != null && (constraints.equals ("left") || constraints.equals ("top"))) { +toRemove = this.getLeftComponent (); +if (toRemove != null) { +this.remove (toRemove); +}this.leftComponent = comp; +index = -1; +} else if (constraints != null && (constraints.equals ("right") || constraints.equals ("bottom"))) { +toRemove = this.getRightComponent (); +if (toRemove != null) { +this.remove (toRemove); +}this.rightComponent = comp; +index = -1; +} else if (constraints != null && constraints.equals ("divider")) { +index = -1; +}this.addImplSAEM (comp, constraints, index); +this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +return comp; +}, "java.awt.Component,~O,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintChildren", +function (g) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "paintChildren", [g]); +var ui = this.getUI (); +if (ui != null) { +var tempG = g.createSwingJS (); +ui.finishedPaintingChildren (this, tempG); +tempG.dispose (); +}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUIProperty", +function (propertyName, value) { +if (propertyName === "dividerSize") { +if (!this.dividerSizeSet) { +this.setDividerSize ((value).intValue ()); +this.dividerSizeSet = false; +}} else if (propertyName === "oneTouchExpandable") { +if (!this.oneTouchExpandableSet) { +this.setOneTouchExpandable ((value).booleanValue ()); +this.oneTouchExpandableSet = false; +}} else { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "setUIProperty", [propertyName, value]); +}}, "~S,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", +function () { +var orientationString = (this.orientation == 1 ? "HORIZONTAL_SPLIT" : "VERTICAL_SPLIT"); +var continuousLayoutString = (this.continuousLayout ? "true" : "false"); +var oneTouchExpandableString = (this.oneTouchExpandable ? "true" : "false"); +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JSplitPane, "paramString", []) + ",continuousLayout=" + continuousLayoutString + ",dividerSize=" + this.dividerSize + ",lastDividerLocation=" + this.lastDividerLocation + ",oneTouchExpandable=" + oneTouchExpandableString + ",orientation=" + orientationString; +}); +Clazz.defineStatics (c$, +"$uiClassID", "SplitPaneUI", +"VERTICAL_SPLIT", 0, +"HORIZONTAL_SPLIT", 1, +"LEFT", "left", +"RIGHT", "right", +"TOP", "top", +"BOTTOM", "bottom", +"DIVIDER", "divider", +"ORIENTATION_PROPERTY", "orientation", +"CONTINUOUS_LAYOUT_PROPERTY", "continuousLayout", +"DIVIDER_SIZE_PROPERTY", "dividerSize", +"ONE_TOUCH_EXPANDABLE_PROPERTY", "oneTouchExpandable", +"LAST_DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY", "lastDividerLocation", +"DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY", "dividerLocation", +"RESIZE_WEIGHT_PROPERTY", "resizeWeight"); +});