X-Git-Url: http://source.jalview.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=site%2Fswingjs%2Fj2s%2Fjavax%2Fswing%2FJComponent.js;h=456bc68881126a09816357b93fdc34aaa608d59b;hb=b9b7a352eee79b7764c3b09c9d19663075061d8c;hp=0c32cb4f951cf8a6a70e1a4b1d7471e71ab309e4;hpb=8ffd05b3abe52c0b6b79b011c0966361f82d5fe6;p=jalviewjs.git diff --git a/site/swingjs/j2s/javax/swing/JComponent.js b/site/swingjs/j2s/javax/swing/JComponent.js index 0c32cb4..456bc68 100644 --- a/site/swingjs/j2s/javax/swing/JComponent.js +++ b/site/swingjs/j2s/javax/swing/JComponent.js @@ -1,1571 +1,1571 @@ -Clazz.declarePackage ("javax.swing"); -Clazz.load (["java.awt.Container", "javax.swing.Action", "java.util.ArrayList", "javax.swing.SwingUtilities", "javax.swing.event.EventListenerList", "jssun.awt.RequestFocusController"], "javax.swing.JComponent", ["java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "java.util.HashSet", "$.Hashtable", "java.applet.Applet", "java.awt.Component", "$.Insets", "$.Rectangle", "$.Window", "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener", "java.util.Locale", "javax.swing.ActionMap", "$.AncestorNotifier", "$.ArrayTable", "$.CellRendererPane", "$.ClientPropertyKey", "$.ComponentInputMap", "$.InputMap", "$.JApplet", "$.JDialog", "$.JFrame", "$.JWindow", "$.KeyStroke", "$.KeyboardManager", "javax.swing.Popup.HeavyWeightWindow", "javax.swing.RepaintManager", "javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder", "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener", "jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics", "swingjs.JSToolkit"], function () { -c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { -this.isAlignmentXSet = false; -this.alignmentX = 0; -this.isAlignmentYSet = false; -this.alignmentY = 0; -this.ui = null; -this.listenerList = null; -this.clientProperties = null; -this.autoscrolls = false; -this.border = null; -this.flags = 0; -this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget = true; -this.paintingChild = null; -this.popupMenu = null; -this.focusInputMap = null; -this.ancestorInputMap = null; -this.windowInputMap = null; -this.actionMap = null; -if (!Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin")) { -javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$ActionStandin$ (); -} -Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); -}, javax.swing, "JComponent", java.awt.Container); -Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () { -this.listenerList = new javax.swing.event.EventListenerList (); -}); -c$.safelyGetGraphics = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "safelyGetGraphics", -function (c, root) { -{ -javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom = root; -var g = c.getGraphics (); -javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom = null; -return g; -}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); -c$.getGraphicsInvoked = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphicsInvoked", -function (root) { -if (!javax.swing.JComponent.isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom (root)) { -var rootPane = (root).getRootPane (); -if (rootPane != null) { -rootPane.disableTrueDoubleBuffering (); -}}}, "java.awt.Component"); -c$.isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom", - function (c) { -{ -return (javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom === c); -}}, "java.awt.Component"); -c$.getManagingFocusForwardTraversalKeys = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getManagingFocusForwardTraversalKeys", -function () { -{ -if (javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys == null) { -javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys = new java.util.HashSet (1); -javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys.add (javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (9, 2)); -}}return javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys; -}); -c$.getManagingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getManagingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys", -function () { -{ -if (javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys == null) { -javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys = new java.util.HashSet (1); -javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys.add (javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (9, 3)); -}}return javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys; -}); -c$.fetchRectangle = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "fetchRectangle", - function () { -{ -var rect; -var size = javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.size (); -if (size > 0) { -rect = javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.remove (size - 1); -} else { -rect = new java.awt.Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); -}return rect; -}}); -c$.recycleRectangle = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "recycleRectangle", - function (rect) { -{ -javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.add (rect); -}}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInheritsPopupMenu", -function (value) { -var oldValue = this.getFlag (23); -this.setFlag (23, value); -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("inheritsPopupMenu", oldValue, value); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInheritsPopupMenu", -function () { -return this.getFlag (23); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setComponentPopupMenu", -function (popup) { -if (popup != null) { -this.enableEvents (16); -}var oldPopup = this.popupMenu; -this.popupMenu = popup; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("componentPopupMenu", oldPopup, popup); -}, "javax.swing.JPopupMenu"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentPopupMenu", -function () { -if (!this.getInheritsPopupMenu ()) { -return this.popupMenu; -}if (this.popupMenu == null) { -var parent = this.getParent (); -while (parent != null) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -return (parent).getComponentPopupMenu (); -}if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.applet.Applet)) { -break; -}parent = parent.getParent (); -} -return null; -}return this.popupMenu; -}); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function () { -Clazz.superConstructor (this, javax.swing.JComponent); -this.enableEvents (8); -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setLocale", [javax.swing.JComponent.getDefaultLocale ()]); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "updateUI", -function () { -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUI", -function (newUI) { -this.uninstallUIAndProperties (); -this.ui = newUI; -if (this.ui != null) { -this.ui.installUI (this); -}this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -}, "javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getUI", -function () { -return this.ui; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "uninstallUIAndProperties", - function () { -if (this.ui != null) { -this.ui.uninstallUI (this); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getUIClassID", -function () { -return "ComponentUI"; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentGraphics", -function (g) { -var componentGraphics = g; -componentGraphics.setColor (this.getForeground ()); -componentGraphics.setFont (this.getFont ()); -return componentGraphics; -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintComponent", -function (g) { -if (this.ui != null) { -var scratchGraphics = (g == null) ? null : g.createSwingJS (); -try { -this.ui.update (scratchGraphics, this); -} finally { -scratchGraphics.dispose (); -} -}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintChildren", -function (g) { -var isJComponent; -var sg = g; -{ -var i = this.getComponentCount () - 1; -if (i < 0) { -return; -}if (this.paintingChild != null && (Clazz.instanceOf (this.paintingChild, javax.swing.JComponent))) { -for (; i >= 0; i--) { -if (this.getComponent (i) === this.paintingChild) { -break; -}} -}var tmpRect = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); -for (; i >= 0; i--) { -var comp = this.getComponent (i); -isJComponent = (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)); -if (comp != null && (isJComponent || javax.swing.JComponent.isLightweightComponent (comp)) && (comp.isVisible () == true)) { -var cr = comp.getBounds (tmpRect); -var cg = sg.create4 (cr.x, cr.y, cr.width, cr.height); -cg.setColor (comp.getForeground ()); -cg.setFont (comp.getFont ()); -var shouldSetFlagBack = false; -try { -if (isJComponent) { -(comp).paint (cg); -} else { -comp.paint (cg); -}} finally { -cg.dispose (); -if (shouldSetFlagBack) { -(comp).setFlag (1, false); -(comp).setFlag (2, false); -}} -}} -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); -}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintBorder", -function (g) { -var border = this.getBorder (); -if (border != null) { -border.paintBorder (this, g, 0, 0, this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); -}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "update", -function (g) { -this.paint (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "paint", -function (g) { -var shouldClearPaintFlags = false; -if ((this.getWidth () <= 0) || (this.getHeight () <= 0)) { -return; -}var componentGraphics = this.getComponentGraphics (g); -var co = componentGraphics.createSwingJS (); -try { -if (this.getParent () != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (this.getParent (), javax.swing.JComponent))) { -this.adjustPaintFlags (); -shouldClearPaintFlags = true; -}this.paintComponent (co); -this.paintBorder (co); -this.paintChildren (co); -} finally { -co.dispose (); -if (shouldClearPaintFlags) { -this.setFlag (1, false); -this.setFlag (2, false); -this.setFlag (11, false); -this.setFlag (12, false); -}} -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintForceDoubleBuffered", -function (g) { -var rm = javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this); -var clip = g.getClipBounds (); -rm.beginPaint (); -this.setFlag (13, true); -try { -rm.paint (this, this, g, clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height); -} finally { -rm.endPaint (); -this.setFlag (13, false); -} -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPainting", -function () { -var component = this; -while (component != null) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (component, javax.swing.JComponent) && (component).getFlag (1)) { -return true; -}component = component.getParent (); -} -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "adjustPaintFlags", - function () { -var jparent = null; -var parent; -for (parent = this.getParent (); parent != null; parent = parent.getParent ()) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -jparent = parent; -if (jparent.getFlag (1)) this.setFlag (1, true); -if (jparent.getFlag (2)) this.setFlag (2, true); -if (jparent.getFlag (11)) this.setFlag (11, true); -if (jparent.getFlag (12)) this.setFlag (12, true); -break; -}} -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "printAll", -function (g) { -this.setFlag (12, true); -try { -this.print (g); -} finally { -this.setFlag (12, false); -} -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "print", -function (g) { -this.setFlag (11, true); -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("paintingForPrint", false, true); -try { -this.paint (g); -} finally { -this.setFlag (11, false); -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("paintingForPrint", true, false); -} -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printComponent", -function (g) { -this.paintComponent (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printChildren", -function (g) { -this.paintChildren (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printBorder", -function (g) { -this.paintBorder (g); -}, "java.awt.Graphics"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingTile", -function () { -return this.getFlag (2); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingForPrint", -function () { -return this.getFlag (11); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isManagingFocus", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerNextFocusableComponent", - function () { -this.registerNextFocusableComponent (this.getNextFocusableComponent ()); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerNextFocusableComponent", - function (nextFocusableComponent) { -if (nextFocusableComponent == null) { -return; -}}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "deregisterNextFocusableComponent", - function () { -var nextFocusableComponent = this.getNextFocusableComponent (); -if (nextFocusableComponent == null) { -return; -}var nearestRoot = (this.isFocusCycleRoot ()) ? this : this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); -if (nearestRoot == null) { -return; -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setNextFocusableComponent", -function (aComponent) { -var displayable = this.isDisplayable (); -if (displayable) { -this.deregisterNextFocusableComponent (); -}this.putClientProperty ("nextFocus", aComponent); -if (displayable) { -this.registerNextFocusableComponent (aComponent); -}}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getNextFocusableComponent", -function () { -return this.getClientProperty ("nextFocus"); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setRequestFocusEnabled", -function (requestFocusEnabled) { -this.setFlag (22, !requestFocusEnabled); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isRequestFocusEnabled", -function () { -return !this.getFlag (22); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", -function (temporary) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "requestFocus", []); -return true; -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", -function (temporary) { -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "requestFocusInWindow", []); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "grabFocus", -function () { -this.requestFocus (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget", -function (verifyInputWhenFocusTarget) { -var oldVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget = this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; -this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget = verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("verifyInputWhenFocusTarget", oldVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, verifyInputWhenFocusTarget); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget", -function () { -return this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getFontMetrics", -function (font) { -return jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics (font); -}, "java.awt.Font"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getPreferredSize", -function () { -return this.getPrefSizeJComp (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPrefSizeJComp", -function () { -var size = (this.isPreferredSizeSet () || this.ui == null ? null : this.ui.getPreferredSize (this)); -return (size == null ? this.preferredSize () : size); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumSize", -function () { -if (this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMaximumSize", []); -}var size = null; -if (this.ui != null) { -size = this.ui.getMaximumSize (this); -}return (size != null) ? size : Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMaximumSize", []); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumSize", -function () { -if (this.isMinimumSizeSet ()) { -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMinimumSize", []); -}var size = null; -if (this.ui != null) { -size = this.ui.getMinimumSize (this); -}return (size != null) ? size : Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMinimumSize", []); -}); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "contains", -function (x, y) { -return (this.ui != null) ? this.ui.contains (this, x, y) : this.inside (x, y); -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBorder", -function (border) { -var oldBorder = this.border; -this.border = border; -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("border", oldBorder, border); -if (border !== oldBorder) { -if (border == null || oldBorder == null || !(border.getBorderInsets (this).equals (oldBorder.getBorderInsets (this)))) { -this.revalidate (); -}this.repaint (); -}}, "javax.swing.border.Border"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBorder", -function () { -return this.border; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInsets", -function () { -if (this.border != null) { -return this.border.getBorderInsets (this); -}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getInsets", []); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInsets", -function (insets) { -if (insets == null) { -insets = new java.awt.Insets (0, 0, 0, 0); -}if (this.border != null) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.border, javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder)) { -return (this.border).getBorderInsets (this, insets); -} else { -return this.border.getBorderInsets (this); -}} else { -insets.left = insets.top = insets.right = insets.bottom = 0; -return insets; -}}, "java.awt.Insets"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentY", -function () { -if (this.isAlignmentYSet) { -return this.alignmentY; -}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getAlignmentY", []); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAlignmentY", -function (alignmentY) { -this.alignmentY = alignmentY > 1.0 ? 1.0 : alignmentY < 0.0 ? 0.0 : alignmentY; -this.isAlignmentYSet = true; -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentX", -function () { -if (this.isAlignmentXSet) { -return this.alignmentX; -}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getAlignmentX", []); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAlignmentX", -function (alignmentX) { -this.alignmentX = alignmentX > 1.0 ? 1.0 : alignmentX < 0.0 ? 0.0 : alignmentX; -this.isAlignmentXSet = true; -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInputVerifier", -function (inputVerifier) { -var oldInputVerifier = this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER); -this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER, inputVerifier); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("inputVerifier", oldInputVerifier, inputVerifier); -}, "javax.swing.InputVerifier"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputVerifier", -function () { -return this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyboardAction", -function (anAction, aCommand, aKeyStroke, aCondition) { -var inputMap = this.getInputMap (aCondition, true); -if (inputMap != null) { -var actionMap = this.getActionMap (true); -var action = Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin, this, null, anAction, aCommand); -inputMap.put (aKeyStroke, action); -if (actionMap != null) { -actionMap.put (action, action); -}}}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,~S,javax.swing.KeyStroke,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerWithKeyboardManager", - function (onlyIfNew) { -var inputMap = this.getInputMap (2, false); -var strokes; -var registered = this.getClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow"); -if (inputMap != null) { -strokes = inputMap.allKeys (); -if (strokes != null) { -for (var counter = strokes.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { -if (!onlyIfNew || registered == null || registered.get (strokes[counter]) == null) { -this.registerWithKeyboardManager (strokes[counter]); -}if (registered != null) { -registered.remove (strokes[counter]); -}} -}} else { -strokes = null; -}if (registered != null && registered.size () > 0) { -var keys = registered.keys (); -while (keys.hasMoreElements ()) { -var ks = keys.nextElement (); -this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (ks); -} -registered.clear (); -}if (strokes != null && strokes.length > 0) { -if (registered == null) { -registered = new java.util.Hashtable (strokes.length); -this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", registered); -}for (var counter = strokes.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { -registered.put (strokes[counter], strokes[counter]); -} -} else { -this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", null); -}}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterWithKeyboardManager", - function () { -var registered = this.getClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow"); -if (registered != null && registered.size () > 0) { -var keys = registered.keys (); -while (keys.hasMoreElements ()) { -var ks = keys.nextElement (); -this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (ks); -} -}this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", null); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "componentInputMapChanged", -function (inputMap) { -var km = this.getInputMap (2, false); -while (km !== inputMap && km != null) { -km = km.getParent (); -} -if (km != null) { -this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); -}}, "javax.swing.ComponentInputMap"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerWithKeyboardManager", - function (aKeyStroke) { -javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().registerKeyStroke (aKeyStroke, this); -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterWithKeyboardManager", - function (aKeyStroke) { -javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().unregisterKeyStroke (aKeyStroke, this); -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyboardAction", -function (anAction, aKeyStroke, aCondition) { -this.registerKeyboardAction (anAction, null, aKeyStroke, aCondition); -}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,javax.swing.KeyStroke,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterKeyboardAction", -function (aKeyStroke) { -var am = this.getActionMap (false); -for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -var km = this.getInputMap (counter, false); -if (km != null) { -var actionID = km.get (aKeyStroke); -if (am != null && actionID != null) { -am.remove (actionID); -}km.remove (aKeyStroke); -}} -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRegisteredKeyStrokes", -function () { -var counts = Clazz.newIntArray (3, 0); -var strokes = new Array (3); -for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -var km = this.getInputMap (counter, false); -strokes[counter] = (km != null) ? km.allKeys () : null; -counts[counter] = (strokes[counter] != null) ? strokes[counter].length : 0; -} -var retValue = new Array (counts[0] + counts[1] + counts[2]); -for (var counter = 0, last = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -if (counts[counter] > 0) { -System.arraycopy (strokes[counter], 0, retValue, last, counts[counter]); -last += counts[counter]; -}} -return retValue; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getConditionForKeyStroke", -function (aKeyStroke) { -for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); -if (inputMap != null && inputMap.get (aKeyStroke) != null) { -return counter; -}} -return -1; -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionForKeyStroke", -function (aKeyStroke) { -var am = this.getActionMap (false); -if (am == null) { -return null; -}for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); -if (inputMap != null) { -var actionBinding = inputMap.get (aKeyStroke); -if (actionBinding != null) { -var action = am.get (actionBinding); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (action, javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin)) { -return (action).actionListener; -}return action; -}}} -return null; -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetKeyboardActions", -function () { -for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { -var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); -if (inputMap != null) { -inputMap.clear (); -}} -var am = this.getActionMap (false); -if (am != null) { -am.clear (); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInputMap", -function (condition, map) { -switch (condition) { -case 2: -if (map != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (map, javax.swing.ComponentInputMap))) { -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW InputMaps must be of type ComponentInputMap"); -}this.windowInputMap = map; -this.setFlag (7, true); -this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); -break; -case 1: -this.ancestorInputMap = map; -this.setFlag (6, true); -break; -case 0: -this.focusInputMap = map; -this.setFlag (5, true); -break; -default: -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("condition must be one of JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED or JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT"); -} -}, "~N,javax.swing.InputMap"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", -function (condition) { -return this.getInputMap (condition, true); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", -function () { -return this.getInputMap (0, true); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setActionMap", -function (am) { -this.actionMap = am; -this.setFlag (8, true); -}, "javax.swing.ActionMap"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionMap", -function () { -return this.getActionMap (true); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", -function (condition, create) { -switch (condition) { -case 0: -if (this.getFlag (5)) { -return this.focusInputMap; -}if (create) { -var km = new javax.swing.InputMap (); -this.setInputMap (condition, km); -return km; -}break; -case 1: -if (this.getFlag (6)) { -return this.ancestorInputMap; -}if (create) { -var km = new javax.swing.InputMap (); -this.setInputMap (condition, km); -return km; -}break; -case 2: -if (this.getFlag (7)) { -return this.windowInputMap; -}if (create) { -var km = new javax.swing.ComponentInputMap (this); -this.setInputMap (condition, km); -return km; -}break; -default: -throw new IllegalArgumentException ("condition must be one of JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED or JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT"); -} -return null; -}, "~N,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionMap", -function (create) { -{ -(arguments.length == 0) && (create = true); -}if (this.getFlag (8)) { -return this.actionMap; -}if (create) { -var am = new javax.swing.ActionMap (); -this.setActionMap (am); -return am; -}return null; -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaseline", -function (width, height) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getBaseline", [width, height]); -if (this.ui != null) { -return this.ui.getBaseline (this, width, height); -}return -1; -}, "~N,~N"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getBaselineResizeBehavior", -function () { -if (this.ui != null) { -return this.ui.getBaselineResizeBehavior (this); -}return java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.OTHER; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestDefaultFocus", -function () { -var nearestRoot = (this.isFocusCycleRoot ()) ? this : this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); -if (nearestRoot == null) { -return false; -}return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVisible", -function (aFlag) { -if (aFlag != this.isVisible ()) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setVisible", [aFlag]); -var parent = this.getParent (); -if (parent != null) { -var r = this.getBounds (); -parent.repaint (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); -}this.revalidate (); -}}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setEnabled", -function (enabled) { -var oldEnabled = this.isEnabled (); -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setEnabled", [enabled]); -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("enabled", oldEnabled, enabled); -if (enabled != oldEnabled) { -this.repaint (); -}}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setForeground", -function (fg) { -var oldFg = this.getForeground (); -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setForeground", [fg]); -if ((oldFg != null) ? !oldFg.equals (fg) : ((fg != null) && !fg.equals (oldFg))) { -this.repaint (); -}}, "java.awt.Color"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBackground", -function (bg) { -var oldBg = this.getBackground (); -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setBackground", [bg]); -if ((oldBg != null) ? !oldBg.equals (bg) : ((bg != null) && !bg.equals (oldBg))) { -this.repaint (); -}}, "java.awt.Color"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFont", -function (font) { -var oldFont = this.getFont (); -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setFont", [font]); -if (font !== oldFont) { -this.revalidate (); -this.repaint (); -}}, "java.awt.Font"); -c$.getDefaultLocale = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDefaultLocale", -function () { -var l = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet ("JComponent.defaultLocale"); -if (l == null) { -l = java.util.Locale.getDefault (); -javax.swing.JComponent.setDefaultLocale (l); -}return l; -}); -c$.setDefaultLocale = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDefaultLocale", -function (l) { -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut ("JComponent.defaultLocale", l); -}, "java.util.Locale"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processComponentKeyEvent", -function (e) { -}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyEvent", -function (e) { -var shouldProcessKey; -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "processKeyEvent", [e]); -if (!e.isConsumed ()) { -this.processComponentKeyEvent (e); -}shouldProcessKey = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.shouldProcess (e); -if (e.isConsumed ()) { -return; -}if (shouldProcessKey && this.processKeyBindings (e, e.getID () == 401)) { -e.consume (); -}}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBinding", -function (ks, e, condition, pressed) { -var map = this.getInputMap (condition, false); -var am = this.getActionMap (false); -if (map != null && am != null && this.isEnabled ()) { -var binding = map.get (ks); -var action = (binding == null) ? null : am.get (binding); -if (action != null) { -return javax.swing.SwingUtilities.notifyAction (action, ks, e, this, e.getModifiers ()); -}}return false; -}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke,java.awt.event.KeyEvent,~N,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBindings", -function (e, pressed) { -if (!javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isValidKeyEventForKeyBindings (e)) { -return false; -}var ks; -if (e.getID () == 400) { -ks = javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (e.getKeyChar ()); -} else { -ks = javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (e.getKeyCode (), e.getModifiers (), (pressed ? false : true)); -}if (this.processKeyBinding (ks, e, 0, pressed)) return true; -var parent = this; -while (parent != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.applet.Applet))) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -if ((parent).processKeyBinding (ks, e, 1, pressed)) return true; -}parent = parent.getParent (); -} -if (parent != null) { -return javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyBindingsForAllComponents (e, parent, pressed); -}return false; -}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent,~B"); -c$.processKeyBindingsForAllComponents = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBindingsForAllComponents", -function (e, container, pressed) { -while (true) { -if (javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().fireKeyboardAction (e, pressed, container)) { -return true; -}if (Clazz.instanceOf (container, javax.swing.Popup.HeavyWeightWindow)) { -container = (container).getOwner (); -} else { -return false; -}} -}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent,java.awt.Container,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setToolTipText", -function (text) { -this.putClientProperty ("ToolTipText", text); -}, "~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipText", -function () { -return this.getClientProperty ("ToolTipText"); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipText", -function (event) { -return this.getToolTipText (); -}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipLocation", -function (event) { -return null; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPopupLocation", -function (event) { -return null; -}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createToolTip", -function () { -var tip = new javax.swing.JToolTip (); -tip.setComponent (this); -return tip; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "scrollRectToVisible", -function (aRect) { -var parent; -var dx = this.getX (); -var dy = this.getY (); -for (parent = this.getParent (); !(parent == null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.CellRendererPane)); parent = parent.getParent ()) { -var bounds = parent.getBounds (); -dx += bounds.x; -dy += bounds.y; -} -if (!(parent == null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.CellRendererPane))) { -aRect.x += dx; -aRect.y += dy; -(parent).scrollRectToVisible (aRect); -aRect.x -= dx; -aRect.y -= dy; -}}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAutoscrolls", -function (autoscrolls) { -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAutoscrolls", -function () { -return this.autoscrolls; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "superProcessMouseMotionEvent", -function (e) { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "processMouseMotionEvent", [e]); -}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setCreatedDoubleBuffer", -function (newValue) { -this.setFlag (9, newValue); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCreatedDoubleBuffer", -function () { -return this.getFlag (9); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getClientProperties", - function () { -if (this.clientProperties == null) { -this.clientProperties = new javax.swing.ArrayTable (); -}return this.clientProperties; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getClientProperty", -function (key) { -if (this.clientProperties == null) { -return null; -} else { -{ -return this.clientProperties.get (key); -}}}, "~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "putClientProperty", -function (key, value) { -if (value == null && this.clientProperties == null) { -return; -}var clientProperties = this.getClientProperties (); -var oldValue; -{ -oldValue = clientProperties.get (key); -if (value != null) { -clientProperties.put (key, value); -} else if (oldValue != null) { -clientProperties.remove (key); -} else { -return; -}}this.clientPropertyChanged (key, oldValue, value); -this.firePropertyChangeObject (key.toString (), oldValue, value); -}, "~O,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "clientPropertyChanged", -function (key, oldValue, newValue) { -}, "~O,~O,~O"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUIProperty", -function (propertyName, value) { -if (propertyName === "opaque") { -if (!this.getFlag (24)) { -this.setOpaque ((value).booleanValue ()); -this.setFlag (24, false); -}} else if (propertyName === "autoscrolls") { -if (!this.getFlag (25)) { -this.setAutoscrolls ((value).booleanValue ()); -this.setFlag (25, false); -}} else if (propertyName === "focusTraversalKeysForward") { -} else if (propertyName === "focusTraversalKeysBackward") { -} else { -System.out.println (swingjs.JSToolkit.getClassName (this) + " property \"" + propertyName + "\" cannot be set using this method" + swingjs.JSToolkit.getStackTrace (5)); -}}, "~S,~O"); -c$.isLightweightComponent = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isLightweightComponent", -function (c) { -return !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JApplet) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JFrame) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JWindow) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JDialog)); -}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isOpaque", -function () { -return this.getFlag (3); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOpaque", -function (isOpaque) { -var oldValue = this.getFlag (3); -this.setFlag (3, isOpaque); -this.setFlag (24, true); -this.firePropertyChangeBool ("opaque", oldValue, isOpaque); -}, "~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "rectangleIsObscured", -function (x, y, width, height) { -var numChildren = this.getComponentCount (); -for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { -var child = this.getComponent (i); -var cx; -var cy; -var cw; -var ch; -cx = child.getX (); -cy = child.getY (); -cw = child.getWidth (); -ch = child.getHeight (); -if (x >= cx && (x + width) <= (cx + cw) && y >= cy && (y + height) <= (cy + ch) && child.isVisible ()) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (child, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -return (child).isOpaque (); -} else { -return false; -}}} -return false; -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -c$.computeVisibleRect = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "computeVisibleRect", -function (c, visibleRect) { -var p = c.getParent (); -var bounds = c.getBounds (); -if (p == null || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.applet.Applet)) { -visibleRect.reshape (0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height); -} else { -javax.swing.JComponent.computeVisibleRect (p, visibleRect); -visibleRect.x -= bounds.x; -visibleRect.y -= bounds.y; -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height, visibleRect); -}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "computeVisibleRect", -function (visibleRect) { -javax.swing.JComponent.computeVisibleRect (this, visibleRect); -}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getVisibleRect", -function () { -var visibleRect = new java.awt.Rectangle (); -this.computeVisibleRect (visibleRect); -return visibleRect; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTopLevelAncestor", -function () { -for (var p = this; p != null; p = p.getParent ()) { -if (Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.applet.Applet)) { -return p; -}} -return null; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAncestorNotifier", - function () { -return this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addAncestorListener", -function (listener) { -var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); -if (ancestorNotifier == null) { -ancestorNotifier = new javax.swing.AncestorNotifier (this); -this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER, ancestorNotifier); -}ancestorNotifier.addAncestorListener (listener); -}, "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeAncestorListener", -function (listener) { -var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); -if (ancestorNotifier == null) { -return; -}ancestorNotifier.removeAncestorListener (listener); -if (ancestorNotifier.listenerList.getListenerList ().length == 0) { -ancestorNotifier.removeAllListeners (); -this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER, null); -}}, "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAncestorListeners", -function () { -var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); -if (ancestorNotifier == null) { -return new Array (0); -}return ancestorNotifier.getAncestorListeners (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListeners", -function (listenerType) { -var result; -if (listenerType === javax.swing.event.AncestorListener) { -result = this.getAncestorListeners (); -} else if (listenerType === java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) { -result = this.getPropertyChangeListeners (); -} else { -result = this.listenerList.getListeners (listenerType); -}if (result.length == 0) { -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getListeners", [listenerType]); -}return result; -}, "Class"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotify", -function () { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "addNotify", []); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("ancestor", null, this.getParent ()); -this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); -this.registerNextFocusableComponent (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotify", -function () { -Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "removeNotify", []); -this.firePropertyChangeObject ("ancestor", this.getParent (), null); -this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (); -this.deregisterNextFocusableComponent (); -if (this.getCreatedDoubleBuffer ()) { -javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).resetDoubleBuffer (); -this.setCreatedDoubleBuffer (false); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function (tm, x, y, width, height) { -javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).addDirtyRegion (this, x, y, width, height); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", -function (r) { -this.repaint (0, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); -}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "revalidate", -function () { -if (this.getParent () == null) { -return; -}if (javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread ()) { -this.invalidate (); -javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).addInvalidComponent (this); -} else { -{ -if (this.getFlag (28)) { -return; -}this.setFlag (28, true); -}var callRevalidate = ((Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent$2") ? 0 : javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$2$ ()), Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent$2, this, null)); -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater (callRevalidate); -}}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isValidateRoot", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOptimizedDrawingEnabled", -function () { -return true; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingOrigin", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintImmediately", -function (x, y, w, h) { -{ -if (arguments.length == 1) { -var r = x; -x = r.x; -y = r.y; -w = r.width; -h = r.height; -} -}var c = this; -var parent; -if (!this.isShowing ()) { -return; -}while (!(c).isOpaque ()) { -parent = c.getParent (); -if (parent != null) { -x += c.getX (); -y += c.getY (); -c = parent; -} else { -break; -}if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent))) { -break; -}} -if (Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -(c)._paintImmediately (x, y, w, h); -} else { -c.repaint (x, y, w, h); -}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintImmediately", -function (r) { -this.paintImmediately (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); -}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "alwaysOnTop", -function () { -return false; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPaintingChild", -function (paintingChild) { -this.paintingChild = paintingChild; -}, "java.awt.Component"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "_paintImmediately", -function (x, y, w, h) { -var g; -var c; -var tmpX; -var tmpY; -var tmpWidth; -var tmpHeight; -var offsetX = 0; -var offsetY = 0; -var hasBuffer = false; -var bufferedComponent = null; -var paintingComponent = this; -var path = new java.util.ArrayList (7); -var pIndex = -1; -var pCount = 0; -tmpX = tmpY = tmpWidth = tmpHeight = 0; -var paintImmediatelyClip = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); -paintImmediatelyClip.x = x; -paintImmediatelyClip.y = y; -paintImmediatelyClip.width = w; -paintImmediatelyClip.height = h; -var ontop = this.alwaysOnTop () && this.isOpaque (); -if (ontop) { -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (0, 0, this.getWidth (), this.getHeight (), paintImmediatelyClip); -if (paintImmediatelyClip.width == 0) { -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); -return; -}}var child; -for (c = this, child = null; c != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, java.awt.Window)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, java.applet.Applet)); child = c, c = c.getParent ()) { -var jc = (Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent)) ? c : null; -path.add (c); -if (!ontop && jc != null && !jc.isOptimizedDrawingEnabled ()) { -var resetPC; -if (c !== this) { -if (jc.isPaintingOrigin ()) { -resetPC = true; -} else { -var children = c.getComponents (); -var i = 0; -for (; i < children.length; i++) { -if (children[i] === child) break; -} -switch (jc.getObscuredState (i, paintImmediatelyClip.x, paintImmediatelyClip.y, paintImmediatelyClip.width, paintImmediatelyClip.height)) { -case 0: -resetPC = false; -break; -case 2: -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); -return; -default: -resetPC = true; -break; -} -}} else { -resetPC = false; -}if (resetPC) { -paintingComponent = jc; -pIndex = pCount; -offsetX = offsetY = 0; -hasBuffer = false; -}}pCount++; -if (!ontop) { -var bx = c.getX (); -var by = c.getY (); -tmpWidth = c.getWidth (); -tmpHeight = c.getHeight (); -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (tmpX, tmpY, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, paintImmediatelyClip); -paintImmediatelyClip.x += bx; -paintImmediatelyClip.y += by; -offsetX += bx; -offsetY += by; -}} -if (c == null || paintImmediatelyClip.width <= 0 || paintImmediatelyClip.height <= 0) { -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); -return; -}paintingComponent.setFlag (13, true); -paintImmediatelyClip.x -= offsetX; -paintImmediatelyClip.y -= offsetY; -if (paintingComponent !== this) { -var comp; -var i = pIndex; -for (; i > 0; i--) { -comp = path.get (i); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -(comp).setPaintingChild (path.get (i - 1)); -}} -}try { -g = javax.swing.JComponent.safelyGetGraphics (paintingComponent, c).createSwingJS (); -try { -if (hasBuffer) { -var rm = javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (bufferedComponent); -rm.beginPaint (); -try { -rm.paint (paintingComponent, bufferedComponent, g, paintImmediatelyClip.x, paintImmediatelyClip.y, paintImmediatelyClip.width, paintImmediatelyClip.height); -} finally { -rm.endPaint (); -} -} else { -paintingComponent.paint (g); -}} finally { -g.dispose (); -} -} finally { -if (paintingComponent !== this) { -var comp; -var i = pIndex; -for (; i > 0; i--) { -comp = path.get (i); -if (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -(comp).setPaintingChild (null); -}} -}paintingComponent.setFlag (13, false); -} -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintToOffscreen", -function (g, x, y, w, h, maxX, maxY) { -try { -this.setFlag (1, true); -if ((y + h) < maxY || (x + w) < maxX) { -this.setFlag (2, true); -}if (this.getFlag (13)) { -this.paint (g); -} else { -if (!this.rectangleIsObscured (x, y, w, h)) { -this.paintComponent (g); -this.paintBorder (g); -}this.paintChildren (g); -}} finally { -this.setFlag (1, false); -this.setFlag (2, false); -} -}, "java.awt.Graphics,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getObscuredState", - function (compIndex, x, y, width, height) { -var retValue = 0; -var tmpRect = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); -for (var i = compIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { -var sibling = this.getComponent (i); -if (!sibling.isVisible ()) { -continue; -}var siblingRect; -var opaque; -if (Clazz.instanceOf (sibling, javax.swing.JComponent)) { -opaque = (sibling).isOpaque (); -if (!opaque) { -if (retValue == 1) { -continue; -}}} else { -opaque = true; -}siblingRect = sibling.getBounds (tmpRect); -if (opaque && x >= siblingRect.x && (x + width) <= (siblingRect.x + siblingRect.width) && y >= siblingRect.y && (y + height) <= (siblingRect.y + siblingRect.height)) { -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); -return 2; -} else if (retValue == 0 && !((x + width <= siblingRect.x) || (y + height <= siblingRect.y) || (x >= siblingRect.x + siblingRect.width) || (y >= siblingRect.y + siblingRect.height))) { -retValue = 1; -}} -javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); -return retValue; -}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkIfChildObscuredBySibling", -function () { -return true; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFlag", - function (aFlag, aValue) { -if (aValue) { -this.flags |= (1 << aFlag); -} else { -this.flags &= ~(1 << aFlag); -}}, "~N,~B"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFlag", - function (aFlag) { -var mask = (1 << aFlag); -return ((this.flags & mask) == mask); -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDoubleBuffered", -function (aFlag) { -}, "~B"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isDoubleBuffered", -function () { -return this.getFlag (0); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRootPane", -function () { -return javax.swing.SwingUtilities.getRootPane (this); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", -function () { -var preferredSizeString = (this.isPreferredSizeSet () ? this.getPreferredSize ().toString () : ""); -var minimumSizeString = (this.isMinimumSizeSet () ? this.getMinimumSize ().toString () : ""); -var maximumSizeString = (this.isMaximumSizeSet () ? this.getMaximumSize ().toString () : ""); -var borderString = (this.border == null ? "" : (this.border === this ? "this" : this.border.toString ())); -return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "paramString", []) + ",alignmentX=" + this.alignmentX + ",alignmentY=" + this.alignmentY + ",border=" + borderString + ",flags=" + this.flags + ",maximumSize=" + maximumSizeString + ",minimumSize=" + minimumSizeString + ",preferredSize=" + preferredSizeString; -}); -c$.$JComponent$ActionStandin$ = function () { -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { -Clazz.prepareCallback (this, arguments); -this.actionListener = null; -this.command = null; -this.action = null; -Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); -}, javax.swing.JComponent, "ActionStandin", null, javax.swing.Action); -Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, -function (a, b) { -this.actionListener = a; -if (Clazz.instanceOf (a, javax.swing.Action)) { -this.action = a; -} else { -this.action = null; -}this.command = b; -}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getValue", -function (a) { -if (a != null) { -if (a.equals ("ActionCommandKey")) { -return this.command; -}if (this.action != null) { -return this.action.getValue (a); -}if (a.equals ("Name")) { -return "ActionStandin"; -}}return null; -}, "~S"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabled", -function () { -if (this.actionListener == null) { -return false; -}if (this.action == null) { -return true; -}return this.action.isEnabled (); -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "actionPerformed", -function (a) { -if (this.actionListener != null) { -this.actionListener.actionPerformed (a); -}}, "java.awt.event.ActionEvent"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "putValue", -function (a, b) { -}, "~S,~O"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "setEnabled", -function (a) { -}, "~B"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", -function (a) { -}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", -function (a) { -}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -}; -c$.$JComponent$2$ = function () { -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.declareAnonymous (javax.swing, "JComponent$2", null, Runnable); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "run", -function () { -{ -this.b$["javax.swing.JComponent"].setFlag (28, false); -}this.b$["javax.swing.JComponent"].revalidate (); -}); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -}; -c$.$JComponent$1$ = function () { -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.declareAnonymous (javax.swing, "JComponent$1", null, jssun.awt.RequestFocusController); -Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "acceptRequestFocus", -function (from, to, temporary, focusedWindowChangeAllowed, cause) { -if ((to == null) || !(Clazz.instanceOf (to, javax.swing.JComponent))) { -return true; -}if ((from == null) || !(Clazz.instanceOf (from, javax.swing.JComponent))) { -return true; -}var target = to; -if (!target.getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget ()) { -return true; -}var jFocusOwner = from; -var iv = jFocusOwner.getInputVerifier (); -if (iv == null) { -return true; -} else { -var currentSource = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY); -if (currentSource === jFocusOwner) { -return true; -}javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY, jFocusOwner); -try { -return iv.shouldYieldFocus (jFocusOwner); -} finally { -if (currentSource != null) { -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY, currentSource); -} else { -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextRemove (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY); -}} -}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component,~B,~B,jssun.awt.CausedFocusEvent.Cause"); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -}; -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { -this.array = null; -this.count = 0; -this.capacity = 0; -Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); -}, javax.swing.JComponent, "IntVector"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "size", -function () { -return this.count; -}); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "elementAt", -function (a) { -return this.array[a]; -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addElement", -function (a) { -if (this.count == this.capacity) { -this.capacity = (this.capacity + 2) * 2; -var b = Clazz.newIntArray (this.capacity, 0); -if (this.count > 0) { -System.arraycopy (this.array, 0, b, 0, this.count); -}this.array = b; -}this.array[this.count++] = a; -}, "~N"); -Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setElementAt", -function (a, b) { -this.array[b] = a; -}, "~N,~N"); -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); -c$ = Clazz.declareType (javax.swing.JComponent, "KeyboardState"); -c$.getKeyCodeArray = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getKeyCodeArray", -function () { -var a = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyCodesKey); -if (a == null) { -a = new javax.swing.JComponent.IntVector (); -javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyCodesKey, a); -}return a; -}); -c$.registerKeyPressed = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyPressed", -function (a) { -var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); -var c = b.size (); -var d; -for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { -if (b.elementAt (d) == -1) { -b.setElementAt (a, d); -return; -}} -b.addElement (a); -}, "~N"); -c$.registerKeyReleased = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyReleased", -function (a) { -var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); -var c = b.size (); -var d; -for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { -if (b.elementAt (d) == a) { -b.setElementAt (-1, d); -return; -}} -}, "~N"); -c$.keyIsPressed = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyIsPressed", -function (a) { -var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); -var c = b.size (); -var d; -for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { -if (b.elementAt (d) == a) { -return true; -}} -return false; -}, "~N"); -c$.shouldProcess = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "shouldProcess", -function (a) { -switch (a.getID ()) { -case 401: -if (!javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyIsPressed (a.getKeyCode ())) { -javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.registerKeyPressed (a.getKeyCode ()); -}return true; -case 402: -if (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyIsPressed (a.getKeyCode ()) || a.getKeyCode () == 154) { -javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.registerKeyReleased (a.getKeyCode ()); -return true; -}return false; -case 400: -return true; -default: -return false; -} -}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); -c$.keyCodesKey = c$.prototype.keyCodesKey = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState; -c$ = Clazz.p0p (); -Clazz.defineStatics (c$, -"uiClassID", "ComponentUI", -"managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys", null, -"managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys", null, -"NOT_OBSCURED", 0, -"PARTIALLY_OBSCURED", 1, -"COMPLETELY_OBSCURED", 2, -"DEBUG_GRAPHICS_LOADED", false); -c$.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY = c$.prototype.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY = new Clazz._O (); -Clazz.defineStatics (c$, -"WHEN_FOCUSED", 0, -"WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT", 1, -"WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW", 2, -"UNDEFINED_CONDITION", -1, -"WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW_BINDINGS", "_WhenInFocusedWindow", -"TOOL_TIP_TEXT_KEY", "ToolTipText", -"NEXT_FOCUS", "nextFocus", -"IS_DOUBLE_BUFFERED", 0, -"ANCESTOR_USING_BUFFER", 1, -"IS_PAINTING_TILE", 2, -"IS_OPAQUE", 3, -"FOCUS_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 5, -"ANCESTOR_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 6, -"WIF_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 7, -"ACTIONMAP_CREATED", 8, -"CREATED_DOUBLE_BUFFER", 9, -"IS_PRINTING", 11, -"IS_PRINTING_ALL", 12, -"IS_REPAINTING", 13, -"REQUEST_FOCUS_DISABLED", 22, -"INHERITS_POPUP_MENU", 23, -"OPAQUE_SET", 24, -"AUTOSCROLLS_SET", 25, -"REVALIDATE_RUNNABLE_SCHEDULED", 28); -c$.tempRectangles = c$.prototype.tempRectangles = new java.util.ArrayList (11); -Clazz.defineStatics (c$, -"defaultLocale", "JComponent.defaultLocale", -"componentObtainingGraphicsFrom", null); -c$.componentObtainingGraphicsFromLock = c$.prototype.componentObtainingGraphicsFromLock = new Clazz._O (); -c$.focusController = c$.prototype.focusController = ((Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent$1") ? 0 : javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$1$ ()), Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent$1, this, null)); -}); +Clazz.declarePackage ("javax.swing"); +Clazz.load (["java.awt.Container", "javax.swing.Action", "java.util.ArrayList", "javax.swing.SwingUtilities", "javax.swing.event.EventListenerList", "jssun.awt.RequestFocusController"], "javax.swing.JComponent", ["java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "java.util.HashSet", "$.Hashtable", "java.applet.Applet", "java.awt.Component", "$.Insets", "$.Rectangle", "$.Window", "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener", "java.util.Locale", "javax.swing.ActionMap", "$.AncestorNotifier", "$.ArrayTable", "$.CellRendererPane", "$.ClientPropertyKey", "$.ComponentInputMap", "$.InputMap", "$.JApplet", "$.JDialog", "$.JFrame", "$.JWindow", "$.KeyStroke", "$.KeyboardManager", "javax.swing.Popup.HeavyWeightWindow", "javax.swing.RepaintManager", "javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder", "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener", "jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics", "swingjs.JSToolkit"], function () { +c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { +this.isAlignmentXSet = false; +this.alignmentX = 0; +this.isAlignmentYSet = false; +this.alignmentY = 0; +this.ui = null; +this.listenerList = null; +this.clientProperties = null; +this.autoscrolls = false; +this.border = null; +this.flags = 0; +this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget = true; +this.paintingChild = null; +this.popupMenu = null; +this.focusInputMap = null; +this.ancestorInputMap = null; +this.windowInputMap = null; +this.actionMap = null; +if (!Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin")) { +javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$ActionStandin$ (); +} +Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); +}, javax.swing, "JComponent", java.awt.Container); +Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () { +this.listenerList = new javax.swing.event.EventListenerList (); +}); +c$.safelyGetGraphics = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "safelyGetGraphics", +function (c, root) { +{ +javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom = root; +var g = c.getGraphics (); +javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom = null; +return g; +}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component"); +c$.getGraphicsInvoked = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getGraphicsInvoked", +function (root) { +if (!javax.swing.JComponent.isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom (root)) { +var rootPane = (root).getRootPane (); +if (rootPane != null) { +rootPane.disableTrueDoubleBuffering (); +}}}, "java.awt.Component"); +c$.isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isComponentObtainingGraphicsFrom", + function (c) { +{ +return (javax.swing.JComponent.componentObtainingGraphicsFrom === c); +}}, "java.awt.Component"); +c$.getManagingFocusForwardTraversalKeys = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getManagingFocusForwardTraversalKeys", +function () { +{ +if (javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys == null) { +javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys = new java.util.HashSet (1); +javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys.add (javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (9, 2)); +}}return javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys; +}); +c$.getManagingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getManagingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys", +function () { +{ +if (javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys == null) { +javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys = new java.util.HashSet (1); +javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys.add (javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (9, 3)); +}}return javax.swing.JComponent.managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys; +}); +c$.fetchRectangle = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "fetchRectangle", + function () { +{ +var rect; +var size = javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.size (); +if (size > 0) { +rect = javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.remove (size - 1); +} else { +rect = new java.awt.Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0); +}return rect; +}}); +c$.recycleRectangle = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "recycleRectangle", + function (rect) { +{ +javax.swing.JComponent.tempRectangles.add (rect); +}}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInheritsPopupMenu", +function (value) { +var oldValue = this.getFlag (23); +this.setFlag (23, value); +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("inheritsPopupMenu", oldValue, value); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInheritsPopupMenu", +function () { +return this.getFlag (23); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setComponentPopupMenu", +function (popup) { +if (popup != null) { +this.enableEvents (16); +}var oldPopup = this.popupMenu; +this.popupMenu = popup; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("componentPopupMenu", oldPopup, popup); +}, "javax.swing.JPopupMenu"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentPopupMenu", +function () { +if (!this.getInheritsPopupMenu ()) { +return this.popupMenu; +}if (this.popupMenu == null) { +var parent = this.getParent (); +while (parent != null) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +return (parent).getComponentPopupMenu (); +}if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.applet.Applet)) { +break; +}parent = parent.getParent (); +} +return null; +}return this.popupMenu; +}); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function () { +Clazz.superConstructor (this, javax.swing.JComponent); +this.enableEvents (8); +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setLocale", [javax.swing.JComponent.getDefaultLocale ()]); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "updateUI", +function () { +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUI", +function (newUI) { +this.uninstallUIAndProperties (); +this.ui = newUI; +if (this.ui != null) { +this.ui.installUI (this); +}this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +}, "javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getUI", +function () { +return this.ui; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "uninstallUIAndProperties", + function () { +if (this.ui != null) { +this.ui.uninstallUI (this); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getUIClassID", +function () { +return "ComponentUI"; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getComponentGraphics", +function (g) { +var componentGraphics = g; +componentGraphics.setColor (this.getForeground ()); +componentGraphics.setFont (this.getFont ()); +return componentGraphics; +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintComponent", +function (g) { +if (this.ui != null) { +var scratchGraphics = (g == null) ? null : g.createSwingJS (); +try { +this.ui.update (scratchGraphics, this); +} finally { +scratchGraphics.dispose (); +} +}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintChildren", +function (g) { +var isJComponent; +var sg = g; +{ +var i = this.getComponentCount () - 1; +if (i < 0) { +return; +}if (this.paintingChild != null && (Clazz.instanceOf (this.paintingChild, javax.swing.JComponent))) { +for (; i >= 0; i--) { +if (this.getComponent (i) === this.paintingChild) { +break; +}} +}var tmpRect = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); +for (; i >= 0; i--) { +var comp = this.getComponent (i); +isJComponent = (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)); +if (comp != null && (isJComponent || javax.swing.JComponent.isLightweightComponent (comp)) && (comp.isVisible () == true)) { +var cr = comp.getBounds (tmpRect); +var cg = sg.create4 (cr.x, cr.y, cr.width, cr.height); +cg.setColor (comp.getForeground ()); +cg.setFont (comp.getFont ()); +var shouldSetFlagBack = false; +try { +if (isJComponent) { +(comp).paint (cg); +} else { +comp.paint (cg); +}} finally { +cg.dispose (); +if (shouldSetFlagBack) { +(comp).setFlag (1, false); +(comp).setFlag (2, false); +}} +}} +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); +}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintBorder", +function (g) { +var border = this.getBorder (); +if (border != null) { +border.paintBorder (this, g, 0, 0, this.getWidth (), this.getHeight ()); +}}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "update", +function (g) { +this.paint (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "paint", +function (g) { +var shouldClearPaintFlags = false; +if ((this.getWidth () <= 0) || (this.getHeight () <= 0)) { +return; +}var componentGraphics = this.getComponentGraphics (g); +var co = componentGraphics.createSwingJS (); +try { +if (this.getParent () != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (this.getParent (), javax.swing.JComponent))) { +this.adjustPaintFlags (); +shouldClearPaintFlags = true; +}this.paintComponent (co); +this.paintBorder (co); +this.paintChildren (co); +} finally { +co.dispose (); +if (shouldClearPaintFlags) { +this.setFlag (1, false); +this.setFlag (2, false); +this.setFlag (11, false); +this.setFlag (12, false); +}} +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintForceDoubleBuffered", +function (g) { +var rm = javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this); +var clip = g.getClipBounds (); +rm.beginPaint (); +this.setFlag (13, true); +try { +rm.paint (this, this, g, clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height); +} finally { +rm.endPaint (); +this.setFlag (13, false); +} +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPainting", +function () { +var component = this; +while (component != null) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (component, javax.swing.JComponent) && (component).getFlag (1)) { +return true; +}component = component.getParent (); +} +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "adjustPaintFlags", + function () { +var jparent = null; +var parent; +for (parent = this.getParent (); parent != null; parent = parent.getParent ()) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +jparent = parent; +if (jparent.getFlag (1)) this.setFlag (1, true); +if (jparent.getFlag (2)) this.setFlag (2, true); +if (jparent.getFlag (11)) this.setFlag (11, true); +if (jparent.getFlag (12)) this.setFlag (12, true); +break; +}} +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "printAll", +function (g) { +this.setFlag (12, true); +try { +this.print (g); +} finally { +this.setFlag (12, false); +} +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "print", +function (g) { +this.setFlag (11, true); +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("paintingForPrint", false, true); +try { +this.paint (g); +} finally { +this.setFlag (11, false); +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("paintingForPrint", true, false); +} +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printComponent", +function (g) { +this.paintComponent (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printChildren", +function (g) { +this.paintChildren (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "printBorder", +function (g) { +this.paintBorder (g); +}, "java.awt.Graphics"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingTile", +function () { +return this.getFlag (2); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingForPrint", +function () { +return this.getFlag (11); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isManagingFocus", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerNextFocusableComponent", + function () { +this.registerNextFocusableComponent (this.getNextFocusableComponent ()); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerNextFocusableComponent", + function (nextFocusableComponent) { +if (nextFocusableComponent == null) { +return; +}}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "deregisterNextFocusableComponent", + function () { +var nextFocusableComponent = this.getNextFocusableComponent (); +if (nextFocusableComponent == null) { +return; +}var nearestRoot = (this.isFocusCycleRoot ()) ? this : this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); +if (nearestRoot == null) { +return; +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setNextFocusableComponent", +function (aComponent) { +var displayable = this.isDisplayable (); +if (displayable) { +this.deregisterNextFocusableComponent (); +}this.putClientProperty ("nextFocus", aComponent); +if (displayable) { +this.registerNextFocusableComponent (aComponent); +}}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getNextFocusableComponent", +function () { +return this.getClientProperty ("nextFocus"); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setRequestFocusEnabled", +function (requestFocusEnabled) { +this.setFlag (22, !requestFocusEnabled); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isRequestFocusEnabled", +function () { +return !this.getFlag (22); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocus", +function (temporary) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "requestFocus", []); +return true; +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestFocusInWindow", +function (temporary) { +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "requestFocusInWindow", []); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "grabFocus", +function () { +this.requestFocus (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget", +function (verifyInputWhenFocusTarget) { +var oldVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget = this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; +this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget = verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("verifyInputWhenFocusTarget", oldVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, verifyInputWhenFocusTarget); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget", +function () { +return this.verifyInputWhenFocusTarget; +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getFontMetrics", +function (font) { +return jssun.font.FontDesignMetrics.getMetrics (font); +}, "java.awt.Font"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getPreferredSize", +function () { +return this.getPrefSizeJComp (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPrefSizeJComp", +function () { +var size = (this.isPreferredSizeSet () || this.ui == null ? null : this.ui.getPreferredSize (this)); +return (size == null ? this.preferredSize () : size); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMaximumSize", +function () { +if (this.isMaximumSizeSet ()) { +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMaximumSize", []); +}var size = null; +if (this.ui != null) { +size = this.ui.getMaximumSize (this); +}return (size != null) ? size : Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMaximumSize", []); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getMinimumSize", +function () { +if (this.isMinimumSizeSet ()) { +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMinimumSize", []); +}var size = null; +if (this.ui != null) { +size = this.ui.getMinimumSize (this); +}return (size != null) ? size : Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getMinimumSize", []); +}); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "contains", +function (x, y) { +return (this.ui != null) ? this.ui.contains (this, x, y) : this.inside (x, y); +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBorder", +function (border) { +var oldBorder = this.border; +this.border = border; +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("border", oldBorder, border); +if (border !== oldBorder) { +if (border == null || oldBorder == null || !(border.getBorderInsets (this).equals (oldBorder.getBorderInsets (this)))) { +this.revalidate (); +}this.repaint (); +}}, "javax.swing.border.Border"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBorder", +function () { +return this.border; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInsets", +function () { +if (this.border != null) { +return this.border.getBorderInsets (this); +}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getInsets", []); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInsets", +function (insets) { +if (insets == null) { +insets = new java.awt.Insets (0, 0, 0, 0); +}if (this.border != null) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (this.border, javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder)) { +return (this.border).getBorderInsets (this, insets); +} else { +return this.border.getBorderInsets (this); +}} else { +insets.left = insets.top = insets.right = insets.bottom = 0; +return insets; +}}, "java.awt.Insets"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentY", +function () { +if (this.isAlignmentYSet) { +return this.alignmentY; +}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getAlignmentY", []); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAlignmentY", +function (alignmentY) { +this.alignmentY = alignmentY > 1.0 ? 1.0 : alignmentY < 0.0 ? 0.0 : alignmentY; +this.isAlignmentYSet = true; +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAlignmentX", +function () { +if (this.isAlignmentXSet) { +return this.alignmentX; +}return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getAlignmentX", []); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAlignmentX", +function (alignmentX) { +this.alignmentX = alignmentX > 1.0 ? 1.0 : alignmentX < 0.0 ? 0.0 : alignmentX; +this.isAlignmentXSet = true; +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInputVerifier", +function (inputVerifier) { +var oldInputVerifier = this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER); +this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER, inputVerifier); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("inputVerifier", oldInputVerifier, inputVerifier); +}, "javax.swing.InputVerifier"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputVerifier", +function () { +return this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_INPUT_VERIFIER); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyboardAction", +function (anAction, aCommand, aKeyStroke, aCondition) { +var inputMap = this.getInputMap (aCondition, true); +if (inputMap != null) { +var actionMap = this.getActionMap (true); +var action = Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin, this, null, anAction, aCommand); +inputMap.put (aKeyStroke, action); +if (actionMap != null) { +actionMap.put (action, action); +}}}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,~S,javax.swing.KeyStroke,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerWithKeyboardManager", + function (onlyIfNew) { +var inputMap = this.getInputMap (2, false); +var strokes; +var registered = this.getClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow"); +if (inputMap != null) { +strokes = inputMap.allKeys (); +if (strokes != null) { +for (var counter = strokes.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { +if (!onlyIfNew || registered == null || registered.get (strokes[counter]) == null) { +this.registerWithKeyboardManager (strokes[counter]); +}if (registered != null) { +registered.remove (strokes[counter]); +}} +}} else { +strokes = null; +}if (registered != null && registered.size () > 0) { +var keys = registered.keys (); +while (keys.hasMoreElements ()) { +var ks = keys.nextElement (); +this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (ks); +} +registered.clear (); +}if (strokes != null && strokes.length > 0) { +if (registered == null) { +registered = new java.util.Hashtable (strokes.length); +this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", registered); +}for (var counter = strokes.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { +registered.put (strokes[counter], strokes[counter]); +} +} else { +this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", null); +}}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterWithKeyboardManager", + function () { +var registered = this.getClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow"); +if (registered != null && registered.size () > 0) { +var keys = registered.keys (); +while (keys.hasMoreElements ()) { +var ks = keys.nextElement (); +this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (ks); +} +}this.putClientProperty ("_WhenInFocusedWindow", null); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "componentInputMapChanged", +function (inputMap) { +var km = this.getInputMap (2, false); +while (km !== inputMap && km != null) { +km = km.getParent (); +} +if (km != null) { +this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); +}}, "javax.swing.ComponentInputMap"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerWithKeyboardManager", + function (aKeyStroke) { +javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().registerKeyStroke (aKeyStroke, this); +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterWithKeyboardManager", + function (aKeyStroke) { +javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().unregisterKeyStroke (aKeyStroke, this); +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyboardAction", +function (anAction, aKeyStroke, aCondition) { +this.registerKeyboardAction (anAction, null, aKeyStroke, aCondition); +}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,javax.swing.KeyStroke,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "unregisterKeyboardAction", +function (aKeyStroke) { +var am = this.getActionMap (false); +for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +var km = this.getInputMap (counter, false); +if (km != null) { +var actionID = km.get (aKeyStroke); +if (am != null && actionID != null) { +am.remove (actionID); +}km.remove (aKeyStroke); +}} +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRegisteredKeyStrokes", +function () { +var counts = Clazz.newIntArray (3, 0); +var strokes = new Array (3); +for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +var km = this.getInputMap (counter, false); +strokes[counter] = (km != null) ? km.allKeys () : null; +counts[counter] = (strokes[counter] != null) ? strokes[counter].length : 0; +} +var retValue = new Array (counts[0] + counts[1] + counts[2]); +for (var counter = 0, last = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +if (counts[counter] > 0) { +System.arraycopy (strokes[counter], 0, retValue, last, counts[counter]); +last += counts[counter]; +}} +return retValue; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getConditionForKeyStroke", +function (aKeyStroke) { +for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); +if (inputMap != null && inputMap.get (aKeyStroke) != null) { +return counter; +}} +return -1; +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionForKeyStroke", +function (aKeyStroke) { +var am = this.getActionMap (false); +if (am == null) { +return null; +}for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); +if (inputMap != null) { +var actionBinding = inputMap.get (aKeyStroke); +if (actionBinding != null) { +var action = am.get (actionBinding); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (action, javax.swing.JComponent.ActionStandin)) { +return (action).actionListener; +}return action; +}}} +return null; +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "resetKeyboardActions", +function () { +for (var counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { +var inputMap = this.getInputMap (counter, false); +if (inputMap != null) { +inputMap.clear (); +}} +var am = this.getActionMap (false); +if (am != null) { +am.clear (); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setInputMap", +function (condition, map) { +switch (condition) { +case 2: +if (map != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (map, javax.swing.ComponentInputMap))) { +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW InputMaps must be of type ComponentInputMap"); +}this.windowInputMap = map; +this.setFlag (7, true); +this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); +break; +case 1: +this.ancestorInputMap = map; +this.setFlag (6, true); +break; +case 0: +this.focusInputMap = map; +this.setFlag (5, true); +break; +default: +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("condition must be one of JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED or JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT"); +} +}, "~N,javax.swing.InputMap"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", +function (condition) { +return this.getInputMap (condition, true); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", +function () { +return this.getInputMap (0, true); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setActionMap", +function (am) { +this.actionMap = am; +this.setFlag (8, true); +}, "javax.swing.ActionMap"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionMap", +function () { +return this.getActionMap (true); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getInputMap", +function (condition, create) { +switch (condition) { +case 0: +if (this.getFlag (5)) { +return this.focusInputMap; +}if (create) { +var km = new javax.swing.InputMap (); +this.setInputMap (condition, km); +return km; +}break; +case 1: +if (this.getFlag (6)) { +return this.ancestorInputMap; +}if (create) { +var km = new javax.swing.InputMap (); +this.setInputMap (condition, km); +return km; +}break; +case 2: +if (this.getFlag (7)) { +return this.windowInputMap; +}if (create) { +var km = new javax.swing.ComponentInputMap (this); +this.setInputMap (condition, km); +return km; +}break; +default: +throw new IllegalArgumentException ("condition must be one of JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED or JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT"); +} +return null; +}, "~N,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getActionMap", +function (create) { +{ +(arguments.length == 0) && (create = true); +}if (this.getFlag (8)) { +return this.actionMap; +}if (create) { +var am = new javax.swing.ActionMap (); +this.setActionMap (am); +return am; +}return null; +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getBaseline", +function (width, height) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getBaseline", [width, height]); +if (this.ui != null) { +return this.ui.getBaseline (this, width, height); +}return -1; +}, "~N,~N"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getBaselineResizeBehavior", +function () { +if (this.ui != null) { +return this.ui.getBaselineResizeBehavior (this); +}return java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.OTHER; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "requestDefaultFocus", +function () { +var nearestRoot = (this.isFocusCycleRoot ()) ? this : this.getFocusCycleRootAncestor (); +if (nearestRoot == null) { +return false; +}return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setVisible", +function (aFlag) { +if (aFlag != this.isVisible ()) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setVisible", [aFlag]); +var parent = this.getParent (); +if (parent != null) { +var r = this.getBounds (); +parent.repaint (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); +}this.revalidate (); +}}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setEnabled", +function (enabled) { +var oldEnabled = this.isEnabled (); +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setEnabled", [enabled]); +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("enabled", oldEnabled, enabled); +if (enabled != oldEnabled) { +this.repaint (); +}}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setForeground", +function (fg) { +var oldFg = this.getForeground (); +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setForeground", [fg]); +if ((oldFg != null) ? !oldFg.equals (fg) : ((fg != null) && !fg.equals (oldFg))) { +this.repaint (); +}}, "java.awt.Color"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setBackground", +function (bg) { +var oldBg = this.getBackground (); +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setBackground", [bg]); +if ((oldBg != null) ? !oldBg.equals (bg) : ((bg != null) && !bg.equals (oldBg))) { +this.repaint (); +}}, "java.awt.Color"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFont", +function (font) { +var oldFont = this.getFont (); +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "setFont", [font]); +if (font !== oldFont) { +this.revalidate (); +this.repaint (); +}}, "java.awt.Font"); +c$.getDefaultLocale = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getDefaultLocale", +function () { +var l = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet ("JComponent.defaultLocale"); +if (l == null) { +l = java.util.Locale.getDefault (); +javax.swing.JComponent.setDefaultLocale (l); +}return l; +}); +c$.setDefaultLocale = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDefaultLocale", +function (l) { +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut ("JComponent.defaultLocale", l); +}, "java.util.Locale"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processComponentKeyEvent", +function (e) { +}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyEvent", +function (e) { +var shouldProcessKey; +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "processKeyEvent", [e]); +if (!e.isConsumed ()) { +this.processComponentKeyEvent (e); +}shouldProcessKey = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.shouldProcess (e); +if (e.isConsumed ()) { +return; +}if (shouldProcessKey && this.processKeyBindings (e, e.getID () == 401)) { +e.consume (); +}}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBinding", +function (ks, e, condition, pressed) { +var map = this.getInputMap (condition, false); +var am = this.getActionMap (false); +if (map != null && am != null && this.isEnabled ()) { +var binding = map.get (ks); +var action = (binding == null) ? null : am.get (binding); +if (action != null) { +return javax.swing.SwingUtilities.notifyAction (action, ks, e, this, e.getModifiers ()); +}}return false; +}, "javax.swing.KeyStroke,java.awt.event.KeyEvent,~N,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBindings", +function (e, pressed) { +if (!javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isValidKeyEventForKeyBindings (e)) { +return false; +}var ks; +if (e.getID () == 400) { +ks = javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (e.getKeyChar ()); +} else { +ks = javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (e.getKeyCode (), e.getModifiers (), (pressed ? false : true)); +}if (this.processKeyBinding (ks, e, 0, pressed)) return true; +var parent = this; +while (parent != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.awt.Window)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, java.applet.Applet))) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +if ((parent).processKeyBinding (ks, e, 1, pressed)) return true; +}parent = parent.getParent (); +} +if (parent != null) { +return javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyBindingsForAllComponents (e, parent, pressed); +}return false; +}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent,~B"); +c$.processKeyBindingsForAllComponents = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "processKeyBindingsForAllComponents", +function (e, container, pressed) { +while (true) { +if (javax.swing.KeyboardManager.getCurrentManager ().fireKeyboardAction (e, pressed, container)) { +return true; +}if (Clazz.instanceOf (container, javax.swing.Popup.HeavyWeightWindow)) { +container = (container).getOwner (); +} else { +return false; +}} +}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent,java.awt.Container,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setToolTipText", +function (text) { +this.putClientProperty ("ToolTipText", text); +}, "~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipText", +function () { +return this.getClientProperty ("ToolTipText"); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipText", +function (event) { +return this.getToolTipText (); +}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getToolTipLocation", +function (event) { +return null; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPopupLocation", +function (event) { +return null; +}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "createToolTip", +function () { +var tip = new javax.swing.JToolTip (); +tip.setComponent (this); +return tip; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "scrollRectToVisible", +function (aRect) { +var parent; +var dx = this.getX (); +var dy = this.getY (); +for (parent = this.getParent (); !(parent == null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.JComponent)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.CellRendererPane)); parent = parent.getParent ()) { +var bounds = parent.getBounds (); +dx += bounds.x; +dy += bounds.y; +} +if (!(parent == null) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (parent, javax.swing.CellRendererPane))) { +aRect.x += dx; +aRect.y += dy; +(parent).scrollRectToVisible (aRect); +aRect.x -= dx; +aRect.y -= dy; +}}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setAutoscrolls", +function (autoscrolls) { +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAutoscrolls", +function () { +return this.autoscrolls; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "superProcessMouseMotionEvent", +function (e) { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "processMouseMotionEvent", [e]); +}, "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setCreatedDoubleBuffer", +function (newValue) { +this.setFlag (9, newValue); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCreatedDoubleBuffer", +function () { +return this.getFlag (9); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getClientProperties", + function () { +if (this.clientProperties == null) { +this.clientProperties = new javax.swing.ArrayTable (); +}return this.clientProperties; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getClientProperty", +function (key) { +if (this.clientProperties == null) { +return null; +} else { +{ +return this.clientProperties.get (key); +}}}, "~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "putClientProperty", +function (key, value) { +if (value == null && this.clientProperties == null) { +return; +}var clientProperties = this.getClientProperties (); +var oldValue; +{ +oldValue = clientProperties.get (key); +if (value != null) { +clientProperties.put (key, value); +} else if (oldValue != null) { +clientProperties.remove (key); +} else { +return; +}}this.clientPropertyChanged (key, oldValue, value); +this.firePropertyChangeObject (key.toString (), oldValue, value); +}, "~O,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "clientPropertyChanged", +function (key, oldValue, newValue) { +}, "~O,~O,~O"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setUIProperty", +function (propertyName, value) { +if (propertyName === "opaque") { +if (!this.getFlag (24)) { +this.setOpaque ((value).booleanValue ()); +this.setFlag (24, false); +}} else if (propertyName === "autoscrolls") { +if (!this.getFlag (25)) { +this.setAutoscrolls ((value).booleanValue ()); +this.setFlag (25, false); +}} else if (propertyName === "focusTraversalKeysForward") { +} else if (propertyName === "focusTraversalKeysBackward") { +} else { +System.out.println (swingjs.JSToolkit.getClassName (this) + " property \"" + propertyName + "\" cannot be set using this method" + swingjs.JSToolkit.getStackTrace (5)); +}}, "~S,~O"); +c$.isLightweightComponent = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isLightweightComponent", +function (c) { +return !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JApplet) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JFrame) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JWindow) || Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JDialog)); +}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isOpaque", +function () { +return this.getFlag (3); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setOpaque", +function (isOpaque) { +var oldValue = this.getFlag (3); +this.setFlag (3, isOpaque); +this.setFlag (24, true); +this.firePropertyChangeBool ("opaque", oldValue, isOpaque); +}, "~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "rectangleIsObscured", +function (x, y, width, height) { +var numChildren = this.getComponentCount (); +for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { +var child = this.getComponent (i); +var cx; +var cy; +var cw; +var ch; +cx = child.getX (); +cy = child.getY (); +cw = child.getWidth (); +ch = child.getHeight (); +if (x >= cx && (x + width) <= (cx + cw) && y >= cy && (y + height) <= (cy + ch) && child.isVisible ()) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (child, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +return (child).isOpaque (); +} else { +return false; +}}} +return false; +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +c$.computeVisibleRect = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "computeVisibleRect", +function (c, visibleRect) { +var p = c.getParent (); +var bounds = c.getBounds (); +if (p == null || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.applet.Applet)) { +visibleRect.reshape (0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height); +} else { +javax.swing.JComponent.computeVisibleRect (p, visibleRect); +visibleRect.x -= bounds.x; +visibleRect.y -= bounds.y; +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height, visibleRect); +}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "computeVisibleRect", +function (visibleRect) { +javax.swing.JComponent.computeVisibleRect (this, visibleRect); +}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getVisibleRect", +function () { +var visibleRect = new java.awt.Rectangle (); +this.computeVisibleRect (visibleRect); +return visibleRect; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getTopLevelAncestor", +function () { +for (var p = this; p != null; p = p.getParent ()) { +if (Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.awt.Window) || Clazz.instanceOf (p, java.applet.Applet)) { +return p; +}} +return null; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAncestorNotifier", + function () { +return this.getClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addAncestorListener", +function (listener) { +var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); +if (ancestorNotifier == null) { +ancestorNotifier = new javax.swing.AncestorNotifier (this); +this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER, ancestorNotifier); +}ancestorNotifier.addAncestorListener (listener); +}, "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeAncestorListener", +function (listener) { +var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); +if (ancestorNotifier == null) { +return; +}ancestorNotifier.removeAncestorListener (listener); +if (ancestorNotifier.listenerList.getListenerList ().length == 0) { +ancestorNotifier.removeAllListeners (); +this.putClientProperty (javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.JComponent_ANCESTOR_NOTIFIER, null); +}}, "javax.swing.event.AncestorListener"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getAncestorListeners", +function () { +var ancestorNotifier = this.getAncestorNotifier (); +if (ancestorNotifier == null) { +return new Array (0); +}return ancestorNotifier.getAncestorListeners (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getListeners", +function (listenerType) { +var result; +if (listenerType === javax.swing.event.AncestorListener) { +result = this.getAncestorListeners (); +} else if (listenerType === java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) { +result = this.getPropertyChangeListeners (); +} else { +result = this.listenerList.getListeners (listenerType); +}if (result.length == 0) { +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "getListeners", [listenerType]); +}return result; +}, "Class"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addNotify", +function () { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "addNotify", []); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("ancestor", null, this.getParent ()); +this.registerWithKeyboardManager (false); +this.registerNextFocusableComponent (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "removeNotify", +function () { +Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "removeNotify", []); +this.firePropertyChangeObject ("ancestor", this.getParent (), null); +this.unregisterWithKeyboardManager (); +this.deregisterNextFocusableComponent (); +if (this.getCreatedDoubleBuffer ()) { +javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).resetDoubleBuffer (); +this.setCreatedDoubleBuffer (false); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function (tm, x, y, width, height) { +javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).addDirtyRegion (this, x, y, width, height); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "repaint", +function (r) { +this.repaint (0, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); +}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "revalidate", +function () { +if (this.getParent () == null) { +return; +}if (javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread ()) { +this.invalidate (); +javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (this).addInvalidComponent (this); +} else { +{ +if (this.getFlag (28)) { +return; +}this.setFlag (28, true); +}var callRevalidate = ((Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent$2") ? 0 : javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$2$ ()), Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent$2, this, null)); +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater (callRevalidate); +}}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isValidateRoot", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isOptimizedDrawingEnabled", +function () { +return true; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isPaintingOrigin", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintImmediately", +function (x, y, w, h) { +{ +if (arguments.length == 1) { +var r = x; +x = r.x; +y = r.y; +w = r.width; +h = r.height; +} +}var c = this; +var parent; +if (!this.isShowing ()) { +return; +}while (!(c).isOpaque ()) { +parent = c.getParent (); +if (parent != null) { +x += c.getX (); +y += c.getY (); +c = parent; +} else { +break; +}if (!(Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent))) { +break; +}} +if (Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +(c)._paintImmediately (x, y, w, h); +} else { +c.repaint (x, y, w, h); +}}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintImmediately", +function (r) { +this.paintImmediately (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); +}, "java.awt.Rectangle"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "alwaysOnTop", +function () { +return false; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setPaintingChild", +function (paintingChild) { +this.paintingChild = paintingChild; +}, "java.awt.Component"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "_paintImmediately", +function (x, y, w, h) { +var g; +var c; +var tmpX; +var tmpY; +var tmpWidth; +var tmpHeight; +var offsetX = 0; +var offsetY = 0; +var hasBuffer = false; +var bufferedComponent = null; +var paintingComponent = this; +var path = new java.util.ArrayList (7); +var pIndex = -1; +var pCount = 0; +tmpX = tmpY = tmpWidth = tmpHeight = 0; +var paintImmediatelyClip = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); +paintImmediatelyClip.x = x; +paintImmediatelyClip.y = y; +paintImmediatelyClip.width = w; +paintImmediatelyClip.height = h; +var ontop = this.alwaysOnTop () && this.isOpaque (); +if (ontop) { +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (0, 0, this.getWidth (), this.getHeight (), paintImmediatelyClip); +if (paintImmediatelyClip.width == 0) { +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); +return; +}}var child; +for (c = this, child = null; c != null && !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, java.awt.Window)) && !(Clazz.instanceOf (c, java.applet.Applet)); child = c, c = c.getParent ()) { +var jc = (Clazz.instanceOf (c, javax.swing.JComponent)) ? c : null; +path.add (c); +if (!ontop && jc != null && !jc.isOptimizedDrawingEnabled ()) { +var resetPC; +if (c !== this) { +if (jc.isPaintingOrigin ()) { +resetPC = true; +} else { +var children = c.getComponents (); +var i = 0; +for (; i < children.length; i++) { +if (children[i] === child) break; +} +switch (jc.getObscuredState (i, paintImmediatelyClip.x, paintImmediatelyClip.y, paintImmediatelyClip.width, paintImmediatelyClip.height)) { +case 0: +resetPC = false; +break; +case 2: +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); +return; +default: +resetPC = true; +break; +} +}} else { +resetPC = false; +}if (resetPC) { +paintingComponent = jc; +pIndex = pCount; +offsetX = offsetY = 0; +hasBuffer = false; +}}pCount++; +if (!ontop) { +var bx = c.getX (); +var by = c.getY (); +tmpWidth = c.getWidth (); +tmpHeight = c.getHeight (); +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.computeIntersection (tmpX, tmpY, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, paintImmediatelyClip); +paintImmediatelyClip.x += bx; +paintImmediatelyClip.y += by; +offsetX += bx; +offsetY += by; +}} +if (c == null || paintImmediatelyClip.width <= 0 || paintImmediatelyClip.height <= 0) { +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); +return; +}paintingComponent.setFlag (13, true); +paintImmediatelyClip.x -= offsetX; +paintImmediatelyClip.y -= offsetY; +if (paintingComponent !== this) { +var comp; +var i = pIndex; +for (; i > 0; i--) { +comp = path.get (i); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +(comp).setPaintingChild (path.get (i - 1)); +}} +}try { +g = javax.swing.JComponent.safelyGetGraphics (paintingComponent, c).createSwingJS (); +try { +if (hasBuffer) { +var rm = javax.swing.RepaintManager.currentManager (bufferedComponent); +rm.beginPaint (); +try { +rm.paint (paintingComponent, bufferedComponent, g, paintImmediatelyClip.x, paintImmediatelyClip.y, paintImmediatelyClip.width, paintImmediatelyClip.height); +} finally { +rm.endPaint (); +} +} else { +paintingComponent.paint (g); +}} finally { +g.dispose (); +} +} finally { +if (paintingComponent !== this) { +var comp; +var i = pIndex; +for (; i > 0; i--) { +comp = path.get (i); +if (Clazz.instanceOf (comp, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +(comp).setPaintingChild (null); +}} +}paintingComponent.setFlag (13, false); +} +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (paintImmediatelyClip); +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paintToOffscreen", +function (g, x, y, w, h, maxX, maxY) { +try { +this.setFlag (1, true); +if ((y + h) < maxY || (x + w) < maxX) { +this.setFlag (2, true); +}if (this.getFlag (13)) { +this.paint (g); +} else { +if (!this.rectangleIsObscured (x, y, w, h)) { +this.paintComponent (g); +this.paintBorder (g); +}this.paintChildren (g); +}} finally { +this.setFlag (1, false); +this.setFlag (2, false); +} +}, "java.awt.Graphics,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getObscuredState", + function (compIndex, x, y, width, height) { +var retValue = 0; +var tmpRect = javax.swing.JComponent.fetchRectangle (); +for (var i = compIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { +var sibling = this.getComponent (i); +if (!sibling.isVisible ()) { +continue; +}var siblingRect; +var opaque; +if (Clazz.instanceOf (sibling, javax.swing.JComponent)) { +opaque = (sibling).isOpaque (); +if (!opaque) { +if (retValue == 1) { +continue; +}}} else { +opaque = true; +}siblingRect = sibling.getBounds (tmpRect); +if (opaque && x >= siblingRect.x && (x + width) <= (siblingRect.x + siblingRect.width) && y >= siblingRect.y && (y + height) <= (siblingRect.y + siblingRect.height)) { +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); +return 2; +} else if (retValue == 0 && !((x + width <= siblingRect.x) || (y + height <= siblingRect.y) || (x >= siblingRect.x + siblingRect.width) || (y >= siblingRect.y + siblingRect.height))) { +retValue = 1; +}} +javax.swing.JComponent.recycleRectangle (tmpRect); +return retValue; +}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "checkIfChildObscuredBySibling", +function () { +return true; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setFlag", + function (aFlag, aValue) { +if (aValue) { +this.flags |= (1 << aFlag); +} else { +this.flags &= ~(1 << aFlag); +}}, "~N,~B"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getFlag", + function (aFlag) { +var mask = (1 << aFlag); +return ((this.flags & mask) == mask); +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setDoubleBuffered", +function (aFlag) { +}, "~B"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isDoubleBuffered", +function () { +return this.getFlag (0); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getRootPane", +function () { +return javax.swing.SwingUtilities.getRootPane (this); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "paramString", +function () { +var preferredSizeString = (this.isPreferredSizeSet () ? this.getPreferredSize ().toString () : ""); +var minimumSizeString = (this.isMinimumSizeSet () ? this.getMinimumSize ().toString () : ""); +var maximumSizeString = (this.isMaximumSizeSet () ? this.getMaximumSize ().toString () : ""); +var borderString = (this.border == null ? "" : (this.border === this ? "this" : this.border.toString ())); +return Clazz.superCall (this, javax.swing.JComponent, "paramString", []) + ",alignmentX=" + this.alignmentX + ",alignmentY=" + this.alignmentY + ",border=" + borderString + ",flags=" + this.flags + ",maximumSize=" + maximumSizeString + ",minimumSize=" + minimumSizeString + ",preferredSize=" + preferredSizeString; +}); +c$.$JComponent$ActionStandin$ = function () { +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { +Clazz.prepareCallback (this, arguments); +this.actionListener = null; +this.command = null; +this.action = null; +Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); +}, javax.swing.JComponent, "ActionStandin", null, javax.swing.Action); +Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, +function (a, b) { +this.actionListener = a; +if (Clazz.instanceOf (a, javax.swing.Action)) { +this.action = a; +} else { +this.action = null; +}this.command = b; +}, "java.awt.event.ActionListener,~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getValue", +function (a) { +if (a != null) { +if (a.equals ("ActionCommandKey")) { +return this.command; +}if (this.action != null) { +return this.action.getValue (a); +}if (a.equals ("Name")) { +return "ActionStandin"; +}}return null; +}, "~S"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isEnabled", +function () { +if (this.actionListener == null) { +return false; +}if (this.action == null) { +return true; +}return this.action.isEnabled (); +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "actionPerformed", +function (a) { +if (this.actionListener != null) { +this.actionListener.actionPerformed (a); +}}, "java.awt.event.ActionEvent"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "putValue", +function (a, b) { +}, "~S,~O"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "setEnabled", +function (a) { +}, "~B"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "addPropertyChangeListener", +function (a) { +}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "removePropertyChangeListener", +function (a) { +}, "java.beans.PropertyChangeListener"); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +}; +c$.$JComponent$2$ = function () { +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.declareAnonymous (javax.swing, "JComponent$2", null, Runnable); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "run", +function () { +{ +this.b$["javax.swing.JComponent"].setFlag (28, false); +}this.b$["javax.swing.JComponent"].revalidate (); +}); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +}; +c$.$JComponent$1$ = function () { +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.declareAnonymous (javax.swing, "JComponent$1", null, jssun.awt.RequestFocusController); +Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "acceptRequestFocus", +function (from, to, temporary, focusedWindowChangeAllowed, cause) { +if ((to == null) || !(Clazz.instanceOf (to, javax.swing.JComponent))) { +return true; +}if ((from == null) || !(Clazz.instanceOf (from, javax.swing.JComponent))) { +return true; +}var target = to; +if (!target.getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget ()) { +return true; +}var jFocusOwner = from; +var iv = jFocusOwner.getInputVerifier (); +if (iv == null) { +return true; +} else { +var currentSource = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY); +if (currentSource === jFocusOwner) { +return true; +}javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY, jFocusOwner); +try { +return iv.shouldYieldFocus (jFocusOwner); +} finally { +if (currentSource != null) { +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY, currentSource); +} else { +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextRemove (javax.swing.JComponent.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY); +}} +}}, "java.awt.Component,java.awt.Component,~B,~B,jssun.awt.CausedFocusEvent.Cause"); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +}; +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () { +this.array = null; +this.count = 0; +this.capacity = 0; +Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments); +}, javax.swing.JComponent, "IntVector"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "size", +function () { +return this.count; +}); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "elementAt", +function (a) { +return this.array[a]; +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "addElement", +function (a) { +if (this.count == this.capacity) { +this.capacity = (this.capacity + 2) * 2; +var b = Clazz.newIntArray (this.capacity, 0); +if (this.count > 0) { +System.arraycopy (this.array, 0, b, 0, this.count); +}this.array = b; +}this.array[this.count++] = a; +}, "~N"); +Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setElementAt", +function (a, b) { +this.array[b] = a; +}, "~N,~N"); +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +Clazz.pu$h(self.c$); +c$ = Clazz.declareType (javax.swing.JComponent, "KeyboardState"); +c$.getKeyCodeArray = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getKeyCodeArray", +function () { +var a = javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyCodesKey); +if (a == null) { +a = new javax.swing.JComponent.IntVector (); +javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyCodesKey, a); +}return a; +}); +c$.registerKeyPressed = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyPressed", +function (a) { +var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); +var c = b.size (); +var d; +for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { +if (b.elementAt (d) == -1) { +b.setElementAt (a, d); +return; +}} +b.addElement (a); +}, "~N"); +c$.registerKeyReleased = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "registerKeyReleased", +function (a) { +var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); +var c = b.size (); +var d; +for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { +if (b.elementAt (d) == a) { +b.setElementAt (-1, d); +return; +}} +}, "~N"); +c$.keyIsPressed = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "keyIsPressed", +function (a) { +var b = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.getKeyCodeArray (); +var c = b.size (); +var d; +for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { +if (b.elementAt (d) == a) { +return true; +}} +return false; +}, "~N"); +c$.shouldProcess = Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "shouldProcess", +function (a) { +switch (a.getID ()) { +case 401: +if (!javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyIsPressed (a.getKeyCode ())) { +javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.registerKeyPressed (a.getKeyCode ()); +}return true; +case 402: +if (javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.keyIsPressed (a.getKeyCode ()) || a.getKeyCode () == 154) { +javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState.registerKeyReleased (a.getKeyCode ()); +return true; +}return false; +case 400: +return true; +default: +return false; +} +}, "java.awt.event.KeyEvent"); +c$.keyCodesKey = c$.prototype.keyCodesKey = javax.swing.JComponent.KeyboardState; +c$ = Clazz.p0p (); +Clazz.defineStatics (c$, +"uiClassID", "ComponentUI", +"managingFocusForwardTraversalKeys", null, +"managingFocusBackwardTraversalKeys", null, +"NOT_OBSCURED", 0, +"PARTIALLY_OBSCURED", 1, +"COMPLETELY_OBSCURED", 2, +"DEBUG_GRAPHICS_LOADED", false); +c$.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY = c$.prototype.INPUT_VERIFIER_SOURCE_KEY = new Clazz._O (); +Clazz.defineStatics (c$, +"WHEN_FOCUSED", 0, +"WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT", 1, +"WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW", 2, +"UNDEFINED_CONDITION", -1, +"WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW_BINDINGS", "_WhenInFocusedWindow", +"TOOL_TIP_TEXT_KEY", "ToolTipText", +"NEXT_FOCUS", "nextFocus", +"IS_DOUBLE_BUFFERED", 0, +"ANCESTOR_USING_BUFFER", 1, +"IS_PAINTING_TILE", 2, +"IS_OPAQUE", 3, +"FOCUS_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 5, +"ANCESTOR_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 6, +"WIF_INPUTMAP_CREATED", 7, +"ACTIONMAP_CREATED", 8, +"CREATED_DOUBLE_BUFFER", 9, +"IS_PRINTING", 11, +"IS_PRINTING_ALL", 12, +"IS_REPAINTING", 13, +"REQUEST_FOCUS_DISABLED", 22, +"INHERITS_POPUP_MENU", 23, +"OPAQUE_SET", 24, +"AUTOSCROLLS_SET", 25, +"REVALIDATE_RUNNABLE_SCHEDULED", 28); +c$.tempRectangles = c$.prototype.tempRectangles = new java.util.ArrayList (11); +Clazz.defineStatics (c$, +"defaultLocale", "JComponent.defaultLocale", +"componentObtainingGraphicsFrom", null); +c$.componentObtainingGraphicsFromLock = c$.prototype.componentObtainingGraphicsFromLock = new Clazz._O (); +c$.focusController = c$.prototype.focusController = ((Clazz.isClassDefined ("javax.swing.JComponent$1") ? 0 : javax.swing.JComponent.$JComponent$1$ ()), Clazz.innerTypeInstance (javax.swing.JComponent$1, this, null)); +});