+<p>If you would like to integrate JABAWS with automated health check system you may want to use \r
+the HTTP code response service checker. It responds with HTTP status code depending on the status \r
+of the web service.\r
+For more information please refer to <a href="man_serverwar.html#usingWsTester">Testing JABAWS server</a> help page.</p>\r
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<li>IUPred (Linux <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws/archive/binaries/linux_x86/iupred">x86</a> | <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws/archive/binaries/linux_x64/iupred">x64</a> | <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws/archive/binaries/mac/iupred">Mac</a>)</li>\r
<h3><a name="usingWsTester" id="usingWsTester"></a>Testing JABAWS Server </h3>\r
-<p>First of all make sure that Tomcat server is started successfully. If this was the case, then you should see JABAWS home page when you navigate to your Tomcat JABAWS context path e.g. <span class="code">http://myhost.compbio.ac.uk:8080/jabaws</span>If you see it, then it is time to make sure that web services are working too. The easiest way to do so is to access ServiceStatus web page. </p>\r
+<p>First of all make sure that Tomcat server is started successfully. If this was the case, then you should see JABAWS home page when you navigate to your Tomcat JABAWS context path e.g. <span class="code">http://myhost.compbio.ac.uk:8080/jabaws</span></p>\r
+<p><strong>Using JABAWS service status checker</strong></p>\r
+<p>If you see it, then it is time to make sure that web services are working too. The easiest way to do so is to access Services Status page available from the main JABAWS web page menu. </p>\r
+<p>If you need to monitor web service health automatically when the best option is to use service checker that responds with the standard HTTP status code. To access this checker use the following URL: <span class="code"><jabaws_server>/HttpCodeResponseServiceStatus</span> This page returns code 200, and no page context if all services are operational, 503 if one of the services have problems. You can also check each web service individually by providing the name of the web service to check at the end of the service checker URL like this: <span class="code"><jabaws_server>/HttpCodeResponseServiceStatus/ClustalWS</span></p>\r
+<p>Upon request, the service status checker will examine the health of the ClustalWS web service only. If the service name is not valid, then the service checker will return code 400. </p>\r
+<p><strong>Using command line client</strong> </p>\r
<p>Alternatively, you should be able to use the test program which can be found in <webapplicationpath>/WEB-INF/lib/jabaws-client.jar file. To run the tests type:<span class="code"> java -jar jabaws-client.jar -h=<Your web application server host name, port and JABAWS context path></span></p>\r
<p>For example to test all JABAWS web services on host myhost.compbio.ac.uk type: </p>\r
<p class="code">java -jar jabaws-client.jar -h=http://myhost.compbio.ac.uk:8080/jabaws </p>\r