} else {\r
bin = ph.getProperty("cluster." + execCommandName + ".bin");\r
+ // Could have done: Set executable flag if not set\r
+ // but - do not because in some cases more than one file must be made\r
+ // executable!\r
+ /*\r
+ * if (!compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(bin)) { File command = new File(bin);\r
+ * if (!command.canExecute()) { log.debug(\r
+ * "The command line binary is not executable! (just unpacked from war file? )"\r
+ * ); log.debug("Attempting to set executable flag for command: " +\r
+ * bin); command.setExecutable(true, false); } }\r
+ */\r
log.debug("Using executable: " + bin);\r
return bin; // File.separator\r