TODO: \r
+Registry 1 week\r
+webservices - 1 week\r
+client - 1 week\r
+docs - 1 week\r
Cluster stats: \r
+ +cancelled should not be reported as incomplete!\r
-Remove hyperlinks from tasks which workdirs were removed \r
-graph generation \r
-user documentation (do not forget how to enable follow symlinks!)\r
-use the same name for output for different executables\r
- -clean stat db task before packing web app\r
- -pack web apps with stat db\r
+ +ant task to clean up clean stat db task before packing web app\r
+ +pack web apps with stat db (NOT TESTED!)\r
+change input size bites\r
+add help info for each column in the detailed job list table\r
+replace default -1 with ? \r
- -delete and re-import the database to fix clustal input staff \r
+ +delete and re-import the database to fix clustal input staff \r
add to help text: To disable a web service remove it from WEB-INF/sun-jaxws.xml descriptor\r
+ <target name="clearStatDB" description="Remove all records from statistics database">\r
+ <java classname="compbio.stat.collector.StatDB" fork="true" failonerror="true" classpath="${classes}">\r
+ <classpath refid="project.classpath" />\r
+ </java>\r
+ </target>\r
+ \r
<target name="pack-binaries" description="Zip all binary files">\r
<delete file="${binaries}" failonerror="false"/>\r
<zip destfile="${binaries}" >\r
<exclude name="classes"/>\r
<exclude name="lib"/>\r
+ <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/ExecutionStatistic" prefix="ExecutionStatistic" />\r
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/jobsout" prefix="jobsout" excludes="**/*"/>\r
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/conf" prefix="conf" excludes="**/*"/>\r
<!-- Add JSW2 web site apart from the binary archive -->\r
# to the job folders if this path is within JABA web application. \r
# JABAWS statistic application just assume that the last name in the path is the \r
# application folder in the root of JABAWS web application. \r\r
+#\r \r
# Enable/disable cluster statistics collector \r
<li>The period of time for which statistics is displayed. For example Jan 2011 means period of time from the first of \r
January to the 31 of January.</li>\r
<li>Total - the total number of jobs accepted by JABAWS</li>\r
- <li>Incomplete - the number of jobs for which the result file was not found or was empty</li>\r
+ <li>Incomplete - the number of jobs for which the result file was not found or was empty excluding cancelled</li>\r
<li>Cancelled - the number of jobs cancelled by the user</li>\r
<li>Abandoned - the number of jobs which result(s) were not collected</li>\r
Each table contains the following information for each web service \r
<li>Total - the total number of jobs accepted by a particular JABA service</li>\r
- <li>Incomplete - the number of jobs for which the result file was not found or was empty</li>\r
+ <li>Incomplete - the number of jobs for which the result file was not found or was empty excluding cancelled</li>\r
<li>Cancelled - the number of jobs cancelled by the user</li>\r
<li>Abandoned - the number of jobs which result(s) were not collected</li>\r
// For cluster execution paths MUST BE ABSOLUTE as cluster hosts will not be\r
// able to access the task otherwise\r
public static final String OUTPUT_DIR_ABSOLUTE = AllTestSuit.CURRENT_DIRECTORY\r
- + File.separator + "jobsout" + File.separator;\r
+ + File.separator + "local_jobsout" + File.separator;\r
public static final String RUNNER_TEST_LOGGER = "RunnerLogger";\r
public int getIncompleteCount(Timestamp from, Timestamp to)\r
throws SQLException {\r
// !js.hasResult()\r
- String incompleteQuery = "select count(*) from exec_stat where start BETWEEN ? and ? and resultsize<=0 ";\r
+ String incompleteQuery = "select count(*) from exec_stat where start BETWEEN ? and ? and resultsize<=0 and isCancelled=0";\r
return getIntResult(from, to, incompleteQuery);\r
public List<JobStat> getIncompleteJobs() {\r
List<JobStat> aJobs = new ArrayList<JobStat>();\r
for (JobStat js : stats) {\r
- if (!js.hasResult()) {\r
+ if (!js.hasResult() && !js.getIsCancelled()) {\r