<!-- Add JABAWS web site apart from the binary archive -->
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/website" excludes="archive/**, devel*.html, tests/**, template.html"/>
+ <!-- Add JABAWS docs apart from the contents of _build -->
+ <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/docs" excludes="_build/**"/>
<zipfileset dir="." includes="${full-jabaws-client}" fullpath="WEB-INF/lib/jabaws-client.jar"/>
<!-- Put a copy of log4j configuration file where it can be used -->
<zipfileset dir="log" includes="log4j.properties" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
<zip destfile="${jabaws-devel-web}" whenempty="create">
<!-- Add JABAWS web site apart from the binary archive -->
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/website" excludes="template.html, download.html, index.html, manual.html, howto.html, archive/**, prog_docs/**"/>
+ <!-- Add JABAWS docs apart from the contents of _build -->
+ <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/docs" excludes="_build/**"/>