* @return
private IdFactory makeVorbaIdFactory() {
- return new IdFactory(getSessionHandle(), client, user);
+ if (extantobjects==null)
+ extantobjects=new Hashtable();
+ return new IdFactory(getSessionHandle(), client, user, extantobjects);
log.debug("updateDocument for "+session.getSessionUrn()+" with unmodified IClientDocument (skipping the write)");
} else {
try {
- if (!cdocument.updateSessionDocument()) {
+ boolean updated=cdocument.updateSessionDocument();
+ if (!updated) {
log.warn("Session document did not update properly for session directory "+_session.sessionDir);
// cdocument.archive.cancelArchive(); // LATER: could be done - would need to prevent updateSessionDocument closing the iohandler.
_session.slog.warn("Session Document updated but may not be valid (false return from org.vamsas.simpleclient.ClientDocument.updateSessionDocument()");
+ } else {
+ log.debug("Document update successful.");
- log.debug("Document update successful.");
catch (IOException e) {