logos will make it easier to see the different residue populations within each
group. Activate the logo by right clicking on the Consensus annotation row to
open the context menu and select the {\sl Show Logo} option.}
-\exstep{In the column alignment ruler, select a column exhibiting about 50\%
-conservation that lies within the central conserved region of the alignment.
+\exstep{In the column alignment ruler, select a column exhibiting with about 50\%
+ of its residues conserved ({\em ie. about 50\% in the consensus histogram})
+ that lies within the central conserved region of the alignment.
(Column 74 is used in \href{https://youtu.be/m-PjynicXRg}{the Tree video}).}
\exstep{Subdivide the alignment
according to this selection using {\sl Select $\Rightarrow$ Make groups for selection}.}