JABA service.
%% TODO - reinstate this exercise about reinstating presets
+% * gapdist can't be set to non-integer values. 1 seems to give a good RMS
+% * looks like the jabaws service definition for clustalw has a copy-paste error in the description of transition weighting
+% * need to fix superposition instructions
+% * not really clear which is better without seeing number of superimposed positons. can that be viewed ?
% \exercise{Creating and using user defined presets}{\label{createandusepreseex}
% \exstep{Import the file at
-% \textsf{http://www.jalview.org/tutorial/fdx\_unaligned.fa} into jalview.}
+% \textsf{https://www.jalview.org/tutorial/fdx\_unaligned.fa} into jalview.}
% \exstep{Use the `{\slDiscover Database Ids}' function to recover the PDB cross
% references for the sequences.}
% \exstep{Align the sequences using the default ClustalW parameters.}