<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2)
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors
- *
- * This file is part of Jalview.
- *
- * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Jalview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
+<!-- * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2) *
+ Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview.
+ * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of
+ Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the
+ GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. -->
<!DOCTYPE toc PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp TOC Version 1.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp/toc_1_0.dtd">
<toc version="1.0">
-<tocitem text="Jalview Documentation" target="home" expand="true" >
- <tocitem text="What's new" target="new" expand="true">
- <tocitem text="RNAalifold RNA Secondary Structure Prediction" target="rnaalifold"/>
- <tocitem text="Select columns containing sequence features" target="seqfeatures.settings.selcols"/>
- <tocitem text="View all representative PDB structures" target="viewingpdbs.reps"/>
- <tocitem text="Support for PAM250 for trees and PCA calculations" target="subtMatrices.pam250"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Editing Alignments" target ="edit"/>
- <tocitem text="Cursor Mode" target="cursor"/>
- <tocitem text="Key Strokes" target="keys"/>
- <tocitem text="Input / Output" target="io"/>
- <tocitem text="Making Figures" target="export"/>
- <tocitem text="Hidden Regions" target="hiddenRegions"/>
- <tocitem text="Multiple Views" target="multipleviews"/>
- <tocitem text="Viewing Trees" target="treeviewer" expand="false"/>
- <tocitem text="Fetching Sequences" target="seqfetch"/>
- <tocitem text="Nucleic Acid Support" target="nucleicAcids" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structure" target="varna" />
- <tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus"/>
- <tocitem text="RNA Helices coloring" target="colours.rnahelices"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Features" target="seqfeatures" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Sequence Feature Settings" target="seqfeatures.settings"/>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Features File" target="features.fileformat"/>
- <tocitem text="Feature Colourschemes" target="features.featureschemes"/>
- <tocitem text="User Defined Sequence Features" target="seqfeatcreat"/>
- <tocitem text="Editing Sequence Features" target="seqfeatedit"/>
- <tocitem text="DAS Feature Retrieval" target="das.viewing"/>
- <tocitem text="DAS Feature Settings" target="das.settings"/>
- <tocitem text="HTML annotation report" target="io.seqreport"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Web Services" target="webservice" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="JABAWS" target="jabaws"/>
- <tocitem text="Web Service Preferences" target="wsprefs"/>
- <tocitem text="Web Service Parameters" target="wsparams"/>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Alignment" target="msaservice" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Multiple Alignment Subjobs" target="msaservice"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Secondary Structure Prediction" target="jnet"/>
- <tocitem text="RNAalifold RNA Secondary Structure Prediction" target="rnaalifold"/>
- <tocitem text="Protein Disorder Prediction" target="disorder"/>
- <tocitem text="Alignment Conservation Analysis" target="aacon"/>
- <tocitem text="Multi-Harmony Alignment Analysis" target="shmrws"/>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Retrieval" target="seqfetch"/>
- <tocitem text="Database Reference Retrieval" target="dbreffetcher"/>
- <tocitem text="DAS Feature Retrieval" target="das.viewing"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Colour Schemes" target="colours" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Background Dependent Text Colour" target="backdeptextcol"/>
- <tocitem text="ClustalX" target="colours.clustal"/>
- <tocitem text="Zappo" target="colours.zappo"/>
- <tocitem text="Taylor" target="colours.taylor"/>
- <tocitem text="Hydrophobicity" target="colours.hydro"/>
- <tocitem text="Helix propensity" target="colours.helix"/>
- <tocitem text="Strand propensity" target="colours.strand"/>
- <tocitem text="Turn propensity" target="colours.turn"/>
- <tocitem text="Buried index" target="colours.buried"/>
- <tocitem text="Nucleotide colours" target="colours.nucleotide"/>
- <tocitem text="Purine/Pyrimidine colours" target="colours.purinepyrimidine"/>
- <tocitem text="Blosum62" target="colours.blosum"/>
- <tocitem text="by Percentage Identity" target="colours.pid"/>
- <tocitem text="User Defined" target="colours.user"/>
- <tocitem text="Above Percentage Identity" target="colours.abovepid"/>
- <tocitem text="By conservation" target="colours.conservation"/>
- <tocitem text="T-COFFEE Scores" target="io.tcoffeescores"/>
- <tocitem text="By Annotation" target="colours.annotation"/>
- <tocitem text="By RNA Helices" target="colours.rnahelices"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Calculations" target="calculations" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Sorting alignments" target="sorting"/>
- <tocitem text="Calculating trees" target="trees"/>
- <tocitem text="Principal Component Analysis" target="pca"/>
- <tocitem text="Tree/PCA Input Data" target="recoverInputdata"/>
- <tocitem text="Pairwise Alignments" target="pairwise"/>
- <tocitem text="Remove Redundancy" target="redundancy"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Annotations" target="seqannots" expand="true">
- <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation" expand="false"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Alignment Annotations" target ="alannotation" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Conservation" target="calcs.alconserv"/>
- <tocitem text="Quality" target="calcs.alquality"/>
- <tocitem text="Consensus" target="calcs.consensus"/>
- <tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus"/>
- <tocitem text="Annotations File Format" target="annotations.fileformat"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Viewing PDB Files" target="viewingpdbs" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Jmol Viewer" target="pdbjmol"/>
- <tocitem text="Chimera Viewer" target="chimera"/>
- <tocitem text="Simple PDB Viewer" target="pdbmcviewer"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structures" target="varna" expand="false"> </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="VAMSAS Data Exchange" target="vamsas">
- <!-- what can Jalview share with other apps -->
- <!-- what other apps exist -->
+ <tocitem text="Jalview Documentation" target="home" expand="true">
+ <tocitem text="What's new" target="new" expand="true">
+ <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation"
+ expand="false" />
+ <tocitem text="Annotation Panel Menu" target="alwAnnotations" />
+ <tocitem text="Add reference annotation" target="popMenuAddref" />
+ <tocitem text="Colour By Annotation" target="colours.annotation" />
+ <tocitem text="Chimera Viewer" target="chimera" />
+ <tocitem text="Structure Preferences" target="strucprefs" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Editing Alignments" target="edit" />
+ <tocitem text="Cursor Mode" target="cursor" />
+ <tocitem text="Key Strokes" target="keys" />
+ <tocitem text="Input / Output" target="io" />
+ <tocitem text="Making Figures" target="export" />
+ <tocitem text="Hidden Regions" target="hiddenRegions" />
+ <tocitem text="Multiple Views" target="multipleviews" />
+ <tocitem text="Viewing Trees" target="treeviewer" expand="false" />
+ <tocitem text="Fetching Sequences" target="seqfetch" />
+ <tocitem text="Nucleic Acid Support" target="nucleicAcids"
+ expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structure" target="varna" />
+ <tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus" />
+ <tocitem text="RNA Helices coloring" target="colours.rnahelices" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Features" target="seqfeatures" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Feature Settings" target="seqfeatures.settings" />
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Features File" target="features.fileformat" />
+ <tocitem text="Feature Colourschemes" target="features.featureschemes" />
+ <tocitem text="User Defined Sequence Features" target="seqfeatcreat" />
+ <tocitem text="Editing Sequence Features" target="seqfeatedit" />
+ <tocitem text="DAS Feature Retrieval" target="das.viewing" />
+ <tocitem text="DAS Feature Settings" target="das.settings" />
+ <tocitem text="HTML annotation report" target="io.seqreport" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Web Services" target="webservice" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="JABAWS" target="jabaws" />
+ <tocitem text="Web Service Preferences" target="wsprefs" />
+ <tocitem text="Web Service Parameters" target="wsparams" />
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Alignment" target="msaservice"
+ expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Multiple Alignment Subjobs" target="msaservice" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Secondary Structure Prediction" target="jnet" />
+ <tocitem text="RNAalifold RNA Secondary Structure Prediction"
+ target="rnaalifold" />
+ <tocitem text="Protein Disorder Prediction" target="disorder" />
+ <tocitem text="Alignment Conservation Analysis" target="aacon" />
+ <tocitem text="Multi-Harmony Alignment Analysis" target="shmrws" />
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Retrieval" target="seqfetch" />
+ <tocitem text="Database Reference Retrieval" target="dbreffetcher" />
+ <tocitem text="DAS Feature Retrieval" target="das.viewing" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Colour Schemes" target="colours" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Background Dependent Text Colour" target="backdeptextcol" />
+ <tocitem text="ClustalX" target="colours.clustal" />
+ <tocitem text="Zappo" target="colours.zappo" />
+ <tocitem text="Taylor" target="colours.taylor" />
+ <tocitem text="Hydrophobicity" target="colours.hydro" />
+ <tocitem text="Helix propensity" target="colours.helix" />
+ <tocitem text="Strand propensity" target="colours.strand" />
+ <tocitem text="Turn propensity" target="colours.turn" />
+ <tocitem text="Buried index" target="colours.buried" />
+ <tocitem text="Nucleotide colours" target="colours.nucleotide" />
+ <tocitem text="Purine/Pyrimidine colours" target="colours.purinepyrimidine" />
+ <tocitem text="Blosum62" target="colours.blosum" />
+ <tocitem text="by Percentage Identity" target="colours.pid" />
+ <tocitem text="User Defined" target="colours.user" />
+ <tocitem text="Above Percentage Identity" target="colours.abovepid" />
+ <tocitem text="By conservation" target="colours.conservation" />
+ <tocitem text="T-COFFEE Scores" target="io.tcoffeescores" />
+ <tocitem text="By Annotation" target="colours.annotation" />
+ <tocitem text="By RNA Helices" target="colours.rnahelices" />
- <tocitem text="Window Menus" target="menus" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Desktop Window" target="desktopMenu"/>
- <tocitem text="Alignment Window" target="alMenu">
- <tocitem text="File Menu" target="alwFile"/>
- <tocitem text="Edit Menu" target="alwEdit"/>
- <tocitem text="Select Menu" target="alwSelect"/>
- <tocitem text="View Menu" target="alwView"/>
- <tocitem text="Annotations Menu" target="alwAnnotations"/>
- <tocitem text="Format Menu" target="alwFormat"/>
- <tocitem text="Colour Menu" target="alwColour"/>
- <tocitem text="Calculation Menu" target="alwCalc"/>
- <tocitem text="Web Service Menu" target="wsMenu"/>
- <tocitem text="Annotation Panel Menu" target="annotPanelMenu"/>
- <tocitem text="Popup Menu" target="popMenu"/>
- </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Calculations" target="calculations" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Sorting alignments" target="sorting" />
+ <tocitem text="Calculating trees" target="trees" />
+ <tocitem text="Principal Component Analysis" target="pca" />
+ <tocitem text="Tree/PCA Input Data" target="recoverInputdata" />
+ <tocitem text="Pairwise Alignments" target="pairwise" />
+ <tocitem text="Remove Redundancy" target="redundancy" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Annotations" target="seqannots"
+ expand="true">
+ <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation"
+ expand="false" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Alignment Annotations" target="alannotation"
+ expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Conservation" target="calcs.alconserv" />
+ <tocitem text="Quality" target="calcs.alquality" />
+ <tocitem text="Consensus" target="calcs.consensus" />
+ <tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus" />
+ <tocitem text="Annotations File Format" target="annotations.fileformat" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Viewing PDB Files" target="viewingpdbs" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Jmol Viewer" target="pdbjmol" />
+ <tocitem text="Chimera Viewer" target="chimera" />
+ <tocitem text="Simple PDB Viewer" target="pdbmcviewer" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structures" target="varna" expand="false">
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="VAMSAS Data Exchange" target="vamsas">
+ <!-- what can Jalview share with other apps -->
+ <!-- what other apps exist -->
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Window Menus" target="menus" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Desktop Window" target="desktopMenu" />
+ <tocitem text="Alignment Window" target="alMenu">
+ <tocitem text="File Menu" target="alwFile" />
+ <tocitem text="Edit Menu" target="alwEdit" />
+ <tocitem text="Select Menu" target="alwSelect" />
+ <tocitem text="View Menu" target="alwView" />
+ <tocitem text="Annotations Menu" target="alwAnnotations" />
+ <tocitem text="Format Menu" target="alwFormat" />
+ <tocitem text="Colour Menu" target="alwColour" />
+ <tocitem text="Calculation Menu" target="alwCalc" />
+ <tocitem text="Web Service Menu" target="wsMenu" />
+ <tocitem text="Annotation Panel Menu" target="annotPanelMenu" />
+ <tocitem text="Popup Menu" target="popMenu" />
+ </tocitem>
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Preferences" target="preferences" />
+ <tocitem text="Memory Settings" target="memory" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="JNLP with extra memory parameters" target="jalviewjnlp" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Command Line" target="commandline" expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Command Line Arguments" target="clarguments" />
+ <tocitem text="Groovy Shell" target="groovy" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Privacy" target="privacy" />
+ </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Useful information" expand="true">
+ <tocitem text="Amino Acid Table" target="aminoAcids" />
+ <tocitem text="Amino Acid Properties" target="aaProperties" />
+ <tocitem text="The Genetic Code" target="geneticCode" />
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Substitution Matrices" target="subtMatrices" />
- <tocitem text="Preferences" target="preferences"/>
- <tocitem text="Memory Settings" target="memory" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="JNLP with extra memory parameters" target="jalviewjnlp"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Command Line" target="commandline" expand="false">
- <tocitem text="Command Line Arguments" target="clarguments"/>
- <tocitem text="Groovy Shell" target="groovy"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Privacy" target="privacy"/>
-<tocitem text="Useful information" expand="true">
- <tocitem text="Amino Acid Table" target="aminoAcids"/>
- <tocitem text="Amino Acid Properties" target="aaProperties"/>
- <tocitem text="The Genetic Code" target="geneticCode"/>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Substitution Matrices" target="subtMatrices"/>
<td><div align="center">
- <strong><a name="Jalview.2.8.2">2.8.2</a><br /> <em>18/11/2014</em></strong>
+ <strong><a name="Jalview.2.8.2">2.8.2</a><br /> <em>2/12/2014</em></strong>
+ <li>Updated Java code signing certificate donated by Certum.PL.</li>
<li>Features and annotation preserved when performing pairwise
<li>RNA pseudoknot annotation can be
user preset</li>
<li>MSA web services warns user if they were launched with
invalid input</li>
- <li>Jalview cannot contact dasregisty (Java 8)</li>
+ <li>Jalview cannot contact DAS Registy when running on Java 8</li>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1273'>JAL-1273</a>] -->
+ 'Superpose with' submenu not shown when new view created
+ </li>
- </ul> <em>Applet</em>
+ </ul> <!-- <em>Applet</em>
</ul> <em>General</em>
- <ul>
- </ul> <em>Deployment and Documentation</em>
+ <ul>
+ </ul>--> <em>Deployment and Documentation</em>
<li>2G and 1G options in launchApp have no effect on memory
<li>launchApp service doesn't automatically open
www.jalview.org/examples/exampleFile.jar if no file is given</li>
- </ul>
- <em>Application Known issues</em>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1511'>JAL-1511</a>] -->
+ InstallAnywhere reports cannot find valid JVM when Java 1.7_055 is
+ available
+ </li>
+ </ul> <em>Application Known issues</em>
<!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-830'>JAL-830</a>] -->
to right
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1273'>JAL-1273</a>] -->
- 'Superpose with' submenu not shown when new view created
- </li>
- <li>
<!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1329'>JAL-1329</a>] -->
retrieval fails but progress bar continues for DAS retrieval with
large number of ID
structure tracks are rearranged
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1511'>JAL-1511</a>] -->
- InstallAnywhere reports cannot find valid JVM when Java 1.7_055 is
- available
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1591'>JAL-1591</a>] -->
+ invalid rna structure positional highlighting does not highlight
+ position of invalid base pairs
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1591'>JAL-1591</a>] -->
- invalid rna structure positional highlighting isn't useful
+ <!-- <a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1539'>JAL-1539</a>] -->
+ out of memory errors are not raised when saving jalview project
+ from alignment window file menu
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1576'>JAL-1576</a>] -->
+ Switching to RNA Helices colouring doesn't propagate to
+ structures
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1577'>JAL-1577</a>] -->
+ colour by RNA Helices not enabled when user created annotation
+ added to alignment
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1439'>JAL-1439</a>] -->
+ Jalview icon not shown on dock in Mountain Lion/Webstart
+ </li>
+ </ul> <em>Applet Known Issues</em>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1394'>JAL-1394</a>] -->
+ JalviewLite needs JmolApplet and VARNA-3.91 jar dependencies
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1510'>JAL-1510</a>] -->
+ Jalview and Jmol example not compatible with IE9
- <li>
- <!-- <a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1539'>JAL-1539</a>] -->
- out of memory errors are not raised when saving jalview project
- from alignment window file menu
- </li>
- <li>
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1576'>JAL-1576</a>] -->
- Switching to RNA Helices colouring doesn't propagate to
- structures
- </li>
- <li>
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1577'>JAL-1577</a>] -->
- colour by RNA Helices not enabled when user created annotation
- added to alignment
- </li> TOFIX
- <li>
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1439'>JAL-1439</a>] -->
- Jalview icon not shown on dock in Mountain Lion/Webstart
- </li>
- </ul>
- <em>Applet Known Issues</em>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1394'>JAL-1394</a>] -->
- JalviewLite needs JmolApplet and JmolData jar dependencies
- </li>
- <li>
- <!-- [<a href='http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1510'>JAL-1510</a>] -->
- Jalview and Jmol example not compatible with IE9
- </li>
- <li>Sort by annotation score doesn't reverse order when
- selected</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
+ <li>Sort by annotation score doesn't reverse order when
+ selected</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
<td><div align="center">
development team.<br /> It incorporates many minor improvements and
bug-fixes, and new features for working with 3D structure data,
shading alignments by secondary structure and generation of alignment
- figures as Scalable Vector Graphics.
- <br />As ever, the highlights are detailed below, and the full list is
- given in the
- <a href="releases.html#Jalview2.8.2">Jalview 2.8.2 Release Notes</a>.
+ figures as Scalable Vector Graphics. <br />The majority of
+ improvements in this version of Jalview concern the desktop
+ application. As ever, the highlights are detailed below,
+ and the full list is given in the <a
+ href="releases.html#Jalview.2.8.2">Jalview 2.8.2 Release Notes</a>.
+ <p>
+ <strong>Annotation visualisation</strong> <br /> The alignment window
+ includes a new <em>Annotations</em> menu which provides controls for
+ the layout and display of sequence, group and alignment associated
+ annotation rows. It also now includes the <em>Autocalculated
+ Annotation</em> submenu (formerly located in the View menu), which
+ includes settings for the calculation and display of sequence
+ consensus, logos, and amino acid conservation for the alignment and
+ subgroups.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Sequence associated annotation</strong><br /> New controls
+ have also been added to the Sequence ID popup menu for the propagation
+ and display of sequence associated annotation such as secondary
+ structure assignments and disorder predictions. Annotation associated
+ with one or a group of sequence already shown on the alignment may be
+ shown or hidden, and any available annotation from 3D structure or
+ calculations performed in other Jalview windows can be copied to the
+ alignment
+ <em>via</em> the <strong>Add Reference Annotation</strong> option.<br />
+ The <strong>Colour by annotation</strong> function has also been
+ improved, allowing secondary structure annotation to be used to shade
+ sequences and alignment columns. Protein sequences can be coloured
+ according to the presence of a helix or sheet at each position, and
+ RNA sequences can be shaded according to each structure's stem/helix
+ pattern - which enables different RNA folding topologies to be quickly
+ identified.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>3D Structural data analysis and display</strong><br />
+ Jalview now employs Jmol's PDB data API to retrieve secondary
+ structure assignments made by the DSSP algorithm. It can also employ
+ web services to obtain secondary structure assignments from RNA
+ structures. These assignments are shown as sequence associated
+ annotation for sequences which have cross-references to the PDB, or
+ have had PDB files associated with them via the <em>Structures</em>
+ submenu of the sequence ID popup menu. The extraction and display of
+ secondary structure and B-factor column annotation is controlled <em>via</em>
+ a new <strong>Structure</strong> tab in the Jalview Desktop's
+ Preferences dialog box.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <Strong>Interoperation with UCSF Chimera</Strong><br /> The desktop
+ application can now be configured to employ UCSF Chimera for the
+ display of 3D structure data. UCSF Chimera is a python-based
+ high-performance molecular graphics and animation system developed by
+ the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualisation, and Informatics at the
+ University of California.<br />Jalview employs the 'StructureViz'
+ communication mechanism developed for Cytoscape by Morris et al.
+ (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17623706) in 2007. This mechanism
+ allows Jalview to send commands to Chimera, enabling structures to be
+ superimposed and shaded according to associated multiple aligmment
+ views. <br />Support for Chimera in Jalview 2.8.2 is experimental, and we
+ would appreciate feedback ! Please send your comments to
+ jalview-discuss@jalview.org, and keep up to date with this feature's
+ development via http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1333.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Export of alignment figures as Scalable Vector
+ Graphics</strong> <br />Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files are now widely
+ supported by web browsers and graphics design programs, and allow
+ high-quality graphics for interactive exploration and publication.
+ Jalview now supports the generation of SVGs interactively (via the
+ Export) menu, and from the command line for server-side figure
+ generation.
+ </p>