--- /dev/null
+# enable or disable engine true | false\r
+# OPTIONAL defaults to true\r
+engine.local.enable=true \r
+# Directory to use for temporary files storage\r
+# OPTIONAL defaults to java temporary directory \r
+# Relative path within the project will be converted in absolute at runtime\r
+#local.tmp.directory=/cluster/gjb_lab/fc/www-jws2/jaba/local_jobsout \r
+local.tmp.directory=jobsout \r
+# Number of threads for tasks execution (valid values between 1 and 2x cpu. \r
+# Where x is a number of cores available in the system)\r
+# OPTIONAL defaults to the number of cores for core number <=4 and \r
+# number of cores-1 for greater core numbers\r
+# Enable/disable cluster statistics collector\r
+# Frequency of statistics collecting (in minutes)\r
+# normal rate: once a date = 24 * 60 = 1440\r
+# Maximum amount of time the job is considered running in hours\r
+# Optional defaults to 24 hours\r
+# Maximum amount of time the job directory is living (in hours), \r
+# -1 means the directories are never deleted\r
+# Defaults is one week, i.e. 168 hours\r
+# Frequency of cleaning job directory (in minutes)\r
+# normal rate: once a date = 24 * 60 = 1440\r
--- /dev/null
+# This file contains settings for Google Analytics (GA) Statistics Engine.\r
+# Feel free to remove/delete this file if you do not want us to see that you\r
+# use ProteoCache. \r
+# However, we would appreciate it greatly if you could leave it on. ProteoCache \r
+# usage statistics are collected for funding and reporting purposes, and no \r
+# private information is collected. The data sent by ProteoCache is as follows: \r
+# 1) The IP address of the ProteoCache server machine.\r
+# 2) The name of the web service that was called.\r
+# 3) A few details of the system such as java version, user language, \r
+# color depth, screen, resolution and character encoding.\r
+# All calls to GA are completed asynchronously and create very little\r
+# overhead. Thus they do not influence the server response time or performance.\r
+# Values yes or true = enable GA, any other value will disable it\r
+# If set to yes replaces your server name/IP address with\r