id = safeName(getDataName());
chains = new Vector();
- ArrayList<SequenceI> rna=new ArrayList<SequenceI>();
+ ArrayList<SequenceI> rna=new ArrayList<SequenceI>(), prot=new ArrayList<SequenceI>();
PDBChain tmpchain;
String line = null;
boolean modelFlag = false;
+ } else {
+ prot.add(chainseq);
AlignmentAnnotation[] chainannot = chainseq.getAnnotation();
+ if (prot.size()>0)
+ try {
+ processPdbFileWithJmol(prot);
+ } catch (Exception x)
+ {
+ System.err.println("Exceptions when dealing with RNA in pdb file");
+ x.printStackTrace();
+ };
} catch (OutOfMemoryError er)
System.out.println("OUT OF MEMORY LOADING PDB FILE");
+ private void processPdbFileWithJmol(ArrayList<SequenceI> prot) throws Exception
+ {
+// System.out.println("this is a PDB format and RNA sequence");
+ Annotate3D an3d = new Annotate3D();
+ AlignmentI al = an3d.getRNAMLFor(new FileParse(getDataName(),type));
+ replaceMatchingSeqsWith(prot, al, AlignSeq.PEP);
+ }
private void processPdbFileWithAnnotate3d(ArrayList<SequenceI> rna) throws Exception {
// System.out.println("this is a PDB format and RNA sequence");
Annotate3D an3d = new Annotate3D();