- * getting data from the db ProteinData
- */
- public Integer ReadDateTable(long queryDate) {
- final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String com = "SELECT jobtime, JobID FROM ProteinKeyspace.ProteinData WHERE jobtime = " + queryDate + ";";
- System.out.println("Command: " + com);
- ResultSet results = session.execute(com);
- if (results.isExhausted())
- return null;
- final long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Row> rows = results.all();
- System.out.println ("Query time is " + (queryTime - startTime) + " msec");
- return rows.size();
- }
- /*
- * getting part of protein sequence from the db ProteinRow
- */
- public List<StructureProteinPrediction> ReadPartOfSequence(String queryProtein) {
- final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String com = "SELECT * FROM ProteinKeyspace.ProteinRow;";
- System.out.println("Command: " + com);
- ResultSet results = session.execute(com);
- if (results.isExhausted())
- return null;
- final long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Row> rows = results.all();
- System.out.println ("Query time is " + (queryTime - startTime) + " msec");
- System.out.println (" rows analysed, " + rows.size());
- List<StructureProteinPrediction> res = new ArrayList<StructureProteinPrediction>();
- int c = 0;
- for (Row r : rows) {
- String prot = r.getString("Protein");
- if (prot.matches("(.*)" + queryProtein + "(.*)")) {
- StructureProteinPrediction structure = new StructureProteinPrediction(prot, r.getString("JobID"), r.getMap("Predictions", String.class, String.class));
- res.add(structure);
- ++c;
- }
- }
- final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println (c + " rows analysed, execution time is " + (endTime - startTime) + " msec");
- return res;
- }
- /*
- * getting protein sequences by counter
- */
- public Map<String, Integer> ReadProteinDataByCounter() {
- final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String com = "SELECT Protein FROM ProteinKeyspace.ProteinRow;";
- System.out.println("Command: " + com);
- ResultSet results = session.execute(com);
- if (results.isExhausted())
- return null;
- final long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Row> rows = results.all();
- System.out.println ("Query time is " + (queryTime - startTime) + " msec");
- System.out.println (" rows analysed, " + rows.size());
- Map<String, Integer> res = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
- int c = 0;
- for (Row r : rows) {
- String protein = r.getString("Protein");
- if (res.containsKey(protein))
- res.put(protein, res.get(protein) + 1);
- else
- res.put(protein, 1);
- }
- final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println (c + " rows analysed, execution time is " + (endTime - startTime) + " msec");
- return res;
- }
- /*
- * getting data from the db ProteinData
- */
- public Integer ReadDateTable(long queryDate) {
- final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String com = "SELECT jobtime, JobID FROM ProteinKeyspace.ProteinData WHERE jobtime = " + queryDate + ";";
- System.out.println("Command: " + com);
- ResultSet results = session.execute(com);
- if (results.isExhausted())
- return null;
- final long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Row> rows = results.all();
- System.out.println ("Query time is " + (queryTime - startTime) + " msec");
- return rows.size();
- }
- /*
- * getting whole protein sequence from the db ProteinRow
- */
- public List<StructureProteinPrediction> ReadWholeSequence(String queryProtein) {
- final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String com = "SELECT JobID, Predictions FROM ProteinKeyspace.ProteinRow WHERE Protein = '" + queryProtein + "';";
- System.out.println("Command: " + com);
- ResultSet results = session.execute(com);
- if (results.isExhausted())
- return null;
- final long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Row> rows = results.all();
- System.out.println ("Query time is " + (queryTime - startTime) + " msec");
- System.out.println (" rows analysed, " + rows.size());
- List<StructureProteinPrediction> res = new ArrayList<StructureProteinPrediction>();
- int c = 0;
- for (Row r : rows) {
- StructureProteinPrediction structure = new StructureProteinPrediction(queryProtein, r.getString("JobID"), r.getMap("Predictions", String.class, String.class));
- res.add(structure);
- ++c;
- }
- final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println (c + " rows analysed, execution time is " + (endTime - startTime) + " msec");
- return res;
- }
- /*
* getting part of protein sequence from the db ProteinRow
public List<StructureProteinPrediction> ReadPartOfSequence(String queryProtein) {
return res;
+ /*
* getting earlest date of jobs from the db
public long getEarliestDateInDB() {
--- /dev/null
+package compbio.cassandra;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class StructureJobLog {
+ private String jobid;
+ private String dateStart;
+ private String dateEnd;
+ private String sequence;
+ private String ip;
+ private Map<String,String> prediction;
+ public StructureJobLog (String seq, String id, String dateStart, String dateEnd, String ip, Map<String,String> pred) {
+ this.sequence = seq;
+ this.jobid = id;
+ this.dateStart = dateStart;
+ this.dateEnd = dateEnd;
+ this.ip = ip;
+ this.prediction = pred;
+ }
+ public String getSequence () {
+ return sequence;
+ }
+ public String getJobid () {
+ return jobid;
+ }
+ public String getDateStart () {
+ return dateStart;
+ }
+ public String getDateEnd () {
+ return dateEnd;
+ }
+ public String getIP () {
+ return ip;
+ }
+ public Map<String,String> getPrediction () {
+ return prediction;
+ }