<h3><a name="jaba2.0.1"/></a>What is new in JABAWS 2.0.1? </h3>\r
-<p>JABAWS Version 2.0.1 includes several bug fixes and minor updates for <a href="#jaba2">JABAWS Version 2</a>. These are listed below:</p>\r
+<strong>JABAWS Version 2.0.1 (Released 2nd Jul 2013)</strong><p>JABAWS 2.0.1 includes several bug fixes and minor updates for <a href="#jaba2">JABAWS Version 2</a>. These are listed below:</p>\r
<li>Disembl returned swapped strings for HOTLOOPS and REM465</li>\r
<li>Jronn failed to process jobs with more than 3 sequences</li>\r