--- /dev/null
+gjutil.c: Various utility routines - error checking malloc and
+free, string functions etc...
+Copyright: Geoffrey J. Barton (1992, 1993, 1995, 1997)
+email: geoff@ebi.ac.uk
+This software is made available for educational and non-commercial research
+For commercial use, a commercial licence is required - contact the author
+at the above address for details.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <gjutil.h>
+/* define pointers for standard streams to allow redefinition to files */
+FILE *std_err;
+FILE *std_in;
+FILE *std_out;
+/* clock externs */
+clock_t start_time, end_time,initial_time,final_time;
+void *GJmalloc(size_t size)
+/* malloc with simple error check */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ void *ptr;
+ ptr = (void *) malloc(size);
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("malloc error");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+void *GJrealloc(void *ptr,size_t size)
+/* realloc with error check */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ ptr = (void *) realloc(ptr,size);
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("realloc error");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+void *GJmallocNQ(size_t size)
+/* as for GJmalloc, but returns NULL on error*/
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ void *ptr;
+ ptr = (void *) malloc(size);
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("malloc error");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return ptr;
+void *GJreallocNQ(void *ptr,size_t size)
+/* as for GJrealloc with error check but returns NULL on error*/
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ ptr = (void *) realloc(ptr,size);
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("realloc error");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return ptr;
+void GJfree(void *ptr)
+/* free with error check */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("Attempt to free NULL pointer");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+void GJerror(const char *prefix)
+/* writes error message contained in prefix and contents of errno
+ to std_err.
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ if(prefix != NULL){
+ if(*prefix != '\0'){
+ fprintf(std_err,"%s: ",prefix);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(std_err,"%s\n",strerror(errno));
+error: calls GJerror
+void error(const char *str,int flag)
+ GJerror(str);
+ if(flag)exit(0);
+char *GJstoupper(const char *s)
+/* return a copy of s in upper case */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ char *temp;
+ int i;
+ temp = GJstrdup(s);
+ i=0;
+ while(temp[i] != '\0'){
+ temp[i] = toupper(temp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return temp;
+char *GJstolower(const char *s)
+/* return a copy of s in lower case */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ char *temp;
+ int i;
+ temp = GJstrdup(s);
+ i=0;
+ while(temp[i] != '\0'){
+ temp[i] = tolower(temp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return temp;
+char *GJstoup(char *s)
+/* return s in upper case */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ int i;
+ i=0;
+ while(s[i] != '\0'){
+ s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return s;
+char *GJstolo(char *s)
+/* return s in lower case */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ int i;
+ i=0;
+ while(s[i] != '\0'){
+ s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return s;
+char *GJstrdup(const char *s)
+/* returns a pointer to a copy of string s */
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ char *temp;
+ temp = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(s)+1));
+ temp = strcpy(temp,s);
+ return temp;
+char *GJstrrename(char *old,const char *new)
+/* takes old which is a pointer to a string, then replaces the contents
+ of the string with new, reallocating to the correct size
+ int nlen;
+ nlen = strlen(new);
+ old = (char *) GJrealloc(old,sizeof(char) * (nlen + 1));
+ old = strcpy(old,new);
+ return old;
+FILE *GJfopen(const char *fname,const char *type,int action)
+/* a file open function with error checking. The third argument
+is set to 0 if we want a failed open to return, or 1 if we
+want a failed open to exit the program.
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+/* modified July 1995 - error message only printed if action is 1 */
+ FILE *ret_val;
+ ret_val = fopen(fname,type);
+ if(ret_val == NULL){
+ /* GJerror(strcat("Cannot Open File: ",fname));*/
+ if(action == 1){
+ GJerror(strcat("Cannot Open File: ",fname));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+int GJfclose(FILE *fp,int action)
+/* a file close function with error checking. The second argument
+is set to 0 if we want a failed close to return, or 1 if we
+want a failed close to exit the program.
+/* G. J. Barton 1992 */
+ int ret_val;
+ ret_val = fclose(fp);
+ if(ret_val != 0){
+ if(action == 1){
+ GJerror("Error closing File");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+GJFILE *GJfilemake(const char *name,const char *type,int action)
+/* If action = 1 then
+Tries to open the file with the given name. If successful returns
+a pointer to a struct file structure with the name and filehandle. If
+the open fails, or action= 0 then returns a struct file structure
+with the name and a NULL filehandle */
+/* G. J. Barton 1995 */
+ GJFILE *ret_val;
+ ret_val = (GJFILE *) GJmalloc(sizeof(GJFILE));
+ ret_val->name = GJstrdup(name);
+ if(action == 1) {
+ ret_val->handle = GJfopen(ret_val->name,type,0);
+ }else if(action == 0){
+ ret_val->handle = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+GJFILE *GJfilerename(GJFILE *ret_val, const char *name)
+/* When passed the fval structure - renames the name part of the
+file structure to name, if the handle is non null it tries to close
+the file, then sets the file handle to NULL. */
+/* G. J. Barton 1995 */
+ if(ret_val->name != NULL) {
+ GJfree(ret_val->name);
+ ret_val->name = GJstrdup(name);
+ }
+ if(ret_val->handle != NULL) {
+ GJfclose(ret_val->handle,0);
+ ret_val->handle = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+GJFILE *GJfileclose(GJFILE *ret_val,int action)
+/* Closes a file named in the struct file structure returns the struct
+ file structure */
+/* G. J. Barton July 1995 */
+ if(GJfclose(ret_val->handle,0) == 0){
+ return ret_val;
+ }else {
+ if(action == 1){
+ GJerror("Error closing File");
+ fprintf(std_err,"%s\n",ret_val->name);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+GJFILE *GJfileopen(GJFILE *ret_val,const char *type,int action)
+/* Opens a file named in the struct file structure */
+/* G. J. Barton October 1995 */
+ ret_val->handle = GJfopen(ret_val->name,type,0);
+ if(ret_val->handle == NULL){
+ if(action == 1){
+ GJerror("Error opening File");
+ fprintf(std_err,"%s\n",ret_val->name);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+GJFILE *GJfileclean(GJFILE *ret_val,int action)
+/* Closes the file then sets the file pointer to NULL, then
+ frees the filename string */
+/* G. J. Barton July 1995 */
+ if(GJfclose(ret_val->handle,0) == 0) {
+ ret_val->handle = NULL;
+ GJfree(ret_val->name);
+ return ret_val;
+ }else {
+ if(action == 1){
+ GJerror("Error closing File");
+ fprintf(std_err,"%s\n",ret_val->name);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+void GJinitfile(void)
+/* just set the standard streams */
+ std_err = stderr;
+ std_in = stdin;
+ std_out = stdout;
+char *GJfnonnull(char *string)
+/* return pointer to first non null character in the string */
+/* this could cause problems if the string is not null terminated */
+ while(*string != '\0'){
+ ++string;
+ }
+ return ++string;
+char *GJstrappend(char *string1, char *string2)
+/* appends string2 to the end of string2. Any newline characters are removed
+from string1, then the first character of string2 overwrites the null at the
+end of string1.
+string1 and string2 must have been allocated with malloc.
+/* G. J. Barton July 1992 */
+ char *ret_val;
+ ret_val = GJremovechar(string1,'\n');
+ ret_val = (char *) GJrealloc(ret_val,
+ sizeof(char) * (strlen(ret_val) + strlen(string2) + 1));
+ ret_val = strcat(ret_val,string2);
+ return ret_val;
+char *GJremovechar(char *string,char c)
+/* removes all instances of character c from string
+ returns a pointer to the reduced, null terminated string
+ 11/8/1996: couple of bugs found in this routine.
+ the length of the string returned was too short by 2 bytes.
+ This is a dodgy routine since string is freed.
+/* G. J. Barton (July 1992) */
+ char *temp;
+ int j,i,nchar;
+ nchar = 0;
+ i=0;
+ while(string[i] != '\0'){
+ if(string[i] == c){
+ ++nchar;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if(nchar == 0){
+ return string;
+ }else{
+ temp = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(string)-nchar + 1));
+ j=0;
+ i=0;
+ while(string[i] != '\0'){
+ if(string[i] != c){
+ temp[j] = string[i];
+ ++j;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ temp[j] = '\0';
+ GJfree(string);
+ return temp;
+ }
+char *GJremovechar2(char *string,char c)
+/* removes all instances of character c from string
+ returns a pointer to the reduced, null terminated string
+/* G. J. Barton (July 1992) */
+ char *temp;
+ int i,k,len;
+ k=0;
+ len=strlen(string);
+ temp = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1));
+ for(i=0;i<(len+1);++i){
+ if(string[i] != c){
+ temp[k] = string[i];
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<(strlen(temp)+1);++i){
+ string[i] = temp[i];
+ }
+ GJfree(temp);
+ return string;
+char *GJsubchar(char *string,char c2,char c1)
+/* substitutes c1 for c2 in string
+/* G. J. Barton (July 1992) */
+ int i;
+ i=0;
+ while(string[i] != '\0'){
+ if(string[i] == c1){
+ string[i] = c2;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return string;
+/* create a string and if fchar != NULL fill with characters */
+/* always set the len-1 character to '\0' */
+char *GJstrcreate(size_t len,char *fchar)
+ char *ret_val;
+ ret_val = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * len);
+ --len;
+ ret_val[len] = '\0';
+ if(fchar != NULL){
+ while(len > -1){
+ ret_val[len] = *fchar;
+ --len;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+/* searches for string s2 in string s1 and returns pointer to first instance
+of s2 in s1 or NULL if no instance found. s1 and s2 must be null terminated
+char *GJstrlocate(char *s1, char *s2)
+ int i=0;
+ int j=0;
+ int k;
+ if(strlen(s1) == 0 || strlen(s2) == 0) return NULL;
+ while(i < strlen(s1)){
+ j=0;
+ k=i;
+ while(j < strlen(s2) && s1[k] == s2[j]){
+ ++k;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ if(j == strlen(s2)) return &s1[i];
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* GJstrtok()
+This version of strtok places the work pointer at the location of the first
+character in the next token, rather than just after the last character of the
+current token. This is useful for extracting quoted strings
+char *GJstrtok(char *input_string,const char *token_list)
+ static char *work;
+ char *return_ptr;
+ if(input_string != NULL){
+ /* first call */
+ work = input_string;
+ }
+ /* search for next non-token character */
+ while(strchr(token_list,*work)!=NULL){
+ ++work;
+ }
+ if(*work == '\0'){
+ /* if we've reached the end of string, then return NULL */
+ return NULL;
+ }else{
+ return_ptr = (char *) work;
+ while(strchr(token_list,*work) == NULL){
+ if(*work == '\0'){
+ /* end of the string */
+ return return_ptr;
+ }else{
+ ++work;
+ }
+ }
+ *work = '\0';
+ ++work;
+ /* now increment work until we find the next non-delimiter character */
+ while(strchr(token_list,*work) != NULL){
+ if(*work == '\0'){
+ break;
+ }else{
+ ++work;
+ }
+ }
+ return return_ptr;
+ }
+return a pointer to space for a rectangular unsigned character array
+Version 2.0 ANSI and uses GJmallocNQ
+unsigned char **uchararr(int i,int j)
+ unsigned char **temp;
+ int k, rowsiz;
+ temp = (unsigned char **) GJmallocNQ(sizeof(unsigned char *) * i);
+ if(temp == NULL) return NULL;
+ rowsiz = sizeof(unsigned char) * j;
+ for (k = 0; k < i; ++k){
+ temp[k] = (unsigned char *) GJmallocNQ(rowsiz);
+ if(temp[k] == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
+ return temp;
+free up space pointed to by rectangular unsigned character array
+void ucharfree(unsigned char **array,int i)
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < i; ++k){
+ GJfree((char *) array[k]);
+ }
+ GJfree((char *) array);
+return a pointer to space for a rectangular double array
+double **GJdarr(int i,int j)
+ double **temp;
+ int k, rowsiz;
+ temp = (double **) GJmallocNQ(sizeof(double *) * i);
+ if(temp == NULL) return NULL;
+ rowsiz = sizeof(double) * j;
+ for (k = 0; k < i; ++k){
+ temp[k] = (double *) GJmallocNQ(rowsiz);
+ if(temp[k] == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
+ return temp;
+void GJdarrfree(double **array,int i)
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < i; ++k){
+ GJfree((char *) array[k]);
+ }
+ GJfree((char *) array);
+return a pointer to space for a rectangular signed character array
+Version 2.0 ANSI
+signed char **chararr(int i,int j)
+ signed char **temp;
+ int k, rowsiz;
+ temp = (signed char **) GJmallocNQ(sizeof(char *) * i);
+ if(temp == NULL) return NULL;
+ rowsiz = sizeof(char) * j;
+ for (k = 0; k < i; ++k){
+ temp[k] = (signed char *) GJmallocNQ(rowsiz);
+ if(temp[k] == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
+ return temp;
+/* mcheck - check a call to malloc - if the call has failed, print the
+error message and exit the program */
+/* ANSI Version - also uses GJerror routine and ptr is declared void*/
+void mcheck(void *ptr,char *msg)
+ if(ptr == NULL){
+ GJerror("malloc/realloc error");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+/* set a string to blanks and add terminating nul */
+char *GJstrblank(char *string,int len)
+ --len;
+ string[len] = '\0';
+ --len;
+ while(len > -1){
+ string[len] = ' ';
+ --len;
+ }
+ return string;
+/* Initialise an unsigned char array */
+void GJUCinit(unsigned char **array,int i,int j,unsigned char val)
+ int k,l;
+ for(k=0;k<i;++k){
+ for(l=0;l<j;++l){
+ array[k][l] = val;
+ }
+ }
+/*Initialise a signed char array */
+void GJCinit(signed char **array,int i,int j,char val)
+ int k,l;
+ for(k=0;k<i;++k){
+ for(l=0;l<j;++l){
+ array[k][l] = val;
+ }
+ }
+/* Initialise an integer vector */
+void GJIinit(int *array,int i,int val)
+ int k;
+ for(k=0;k<i;++k){
+ array[k] = val;
+ }
+GJcat: concatenate N NULL terminated strings into a single string.
+The source strings are not altered
+Author: G. J. Barton (Feb 1993)
+char *GJcat(int N,...)
+ va_list parminfo;
+ int i,j,k;
+ char **values; /*input strings */
+ int *value_len; /*lengths of input strings */
+ int ret_len; /*length of returned string */
+ char *ret_val; /*returned string */
+ ret_len = 0;
+ values = (char **) GJmalloc(sizeof(char *) * N);
+ value_len = (int *) GJmalloc(sizeof(int *) * N);
+ va_start(parminfo,N);
+ /* Get pointers and lengths for the N arguments */
+ for(i=0;i<N;++i){
+ values[i] = va_arg(parminfo,char *);
+ value_len[i] = strlen(values[i]);
+ ret_len += value_len[i];
+ }
+ ret_val = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * (ret_len+1));
+ /* Transfer input strings to output string */
+ k=0;
+ for(i=0;i<N;++i){
+ for(j=0;j<value_len[i];++j){
+ ret_val[k] = values[i][j];
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ ret_val[k] = '\0';
+ GJfree(values);
+ GJfree(value_len);
+ va_end(parminfo);
+ return ret_val;
+The aim of this routine is to emulate the strtok() function, but reading
+from a file. The functionality may differ slightly...
+Characters are read from the file until a character that is found in
+delim is encountered. When this occurs, token is returned. If the
+file consists entirely of delimiters, then token is freed
+and NULL is returned. Similarly, if end of file is encountered.
+char *GJGetToken(FILE *in, const char *delim)
+ int i;
+ int c;
+ char *token;
+ i=0;
+ token = GJmalloc(sizeof(char));
+ while((c=fgetc(in)) != EOF){
+ if(strchr(delim,c) == NULL){
+ /* not a delimiter */
+ token[i++] = c;
+ token = GJrealloc(token,sizeof(char) * (i+1));
+ }else if(i>0){
+ token[i] = '\0';
+ return token;
+ }
+ }
+/* GJerror("End of File Encountered");*/
+ GJfree(token);
+ return NULL;
+struct tokens *GJgettokens(const char *delims, char *buff)
+/* This splits a buffer into tokens at each position defined by delims.*/
+/* The structure returned contains the number of tokens and the */
+/* tokens themselves as a char ** array */
+ char *token;
+ struct tokens *tok;
+ token = strtok(buff,delims);
+ if(token == NULL) return NULL;
+ tok = (struct tokens *) GJmalloc(sizeof(struct tokens));
+ tok->ntok = 0;
+ tok->tok = (char **) GJmalloc(sizeof(char *));
+ tok->tok[0] = GJstrdup(token);
+ ++tok->ntok;
+ while((token = strtok(NULL,delims)) != NULL) {
+ tok->tok = (char **) GJrealloc(tok->tok,sizeof(char *) * (tok->ntok+1));
+ tok->tok[tok->ntok] = GJstrdup(token);
+ ++tok->ntok;
+ }
+ return tok;
+void GJfreetokens(struct tokens *tok)
+/* frees a tokens structure */
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<tok->ntok;++i) {
+ GJfree(tok->tok[i]);
+ }
+ GJfree(tok->tok);
+ GJfree(tok);
+ tok = NULL; /* add this to avoid odd pointer 27/6/1997*/
+char * GJtoktostr(struct tokens *tok,char delim,int s, int e)
+ returns a string with the tokens between s and e inclusive written to
+ it separated by delim
+ the tok structure is unmodified.
+ int n, i, j,k;
+ char *ret_val;
+ n = 0;
+ if(s < 0 || s >= tok->ntok) s = 0;
+ if(e < 0 || e >= tok->ntok) e = tok->ntok - 1;
+ for(i=s;i<=e;++i){
+ n += strlen(tok->tok[i]);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ ret_val = (char *) GJmalloc(sizeof(char) * n);
+ j = 0;
+ for(i=s;i<=e;++i){
+ for(k=0;k<strlen(tok->tok[i]);++k){
+ ret_val[j] = tok->tok[i][k];
+ ++j;
+ }
+ ret_val[j++] = delim;
+ }
+ ret_val[n-1] = '\0';
+ return ret_val;
+void GJindexx(int *arrin,int n,int *indx)
+ /* indexed heap sort - adapted from the NR routine indexx.
+ inarr is an integer array to sort,
+ indx is the returned index array
+ */
+ int l,j,ir,indxt,i;
+/* SMJS
+ float q;
+ int q;
+ for (j=1;j<=n;j++) indx[j]=j;
+ l=(n >> 1) + 1;
+ ir=n;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (l > 1)
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[--l])];
+ else {
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[ir])];
+ indx[ir]=indx[1];
+ if (--ir == 1) {
+ indx[1]=indxt;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i=l;
+ j=l << 1;
+ while (j <= ir) {
+ if (j < ir && arrin[indx[j]] < arrin[indx[j+1]]) j++;
+ if (q < arrin[indx[j]]) {
+ indx[i]=indx[j];
+ j += (i=j);
+ }
+ else j=ir+1;
+ }
+ indx[i]=indxt;
+ }
+void GJindexxD(double *arrin,int n,int *indx)
+ /* indexed heap sort - adapted from the NR routine indexx.
+ arrin is a double array to sort,
+ indx is the returned index array
+ */
+ int l,j,ir,indxt,i;
+ float q;
+ double q;
+ for (j=1;j<=n;j++) indx[j]=j;
+ l=(n >> 1) + 1;
+ ir=n;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (l > 1)
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[--l])];
+ else {
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[ir])];
+ indx[ir]=indx[1];
+ if (--ir == 1) {
+ indx[1]=indxt;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i=l;
+ j=l << 1;
+ while (j <= ir) {
+ if (j < ir && arrin[indx[j]] < arrin[indx[j+1]]) j++;
+ if (q < arrin[indx[j]]) {
+ indx[i]=indx[j];
+ j += (i=j);
+ }
+ else j=ir+1;
+ }
+ indx[i]=indxt;
+ }
+void GJindexxS1(char **arrin,int n,int *indx)
+ /*indexed sort of a character array - this uses qsort rather than the
+ heapsort in GJindexxS. indx runs from 0..(n-1) rather than 1..n as in
+ GJindexxS.
+ */
+ int i;
+ CWORK *ret;
+ ret = (CWORK *) GJmalloc(sizeof(CWORK) * n);
+ for(i=0;i<n;++i){
+ ret[i].val = arrin[i];
+ ret[i].i = i;
+ }
+ qsort(ret, n, sizeof(CWORK), Sworkcomp);
+ for(i=0;i<n;++i){
+ indx[i] = ret[i].i;
+ }
+ GJfree(ret);
+int Sworkcomp(const void *left, const void *right)
+ CWORK *a = (CWORK *) left;
+ CWORK *b = (CWORK *) right;
+ return strcmp(a->val,b->val);
+void GJindexxS(char **arrin,int n,int *indx)
+ /* indexed heap sort - adapted from the NR routine indexx.
+ arrin is a character string array to sort
+ indx is the returned index array
+ */
+ int l,j,ir,indxt,i;
+ float q;
+ char *q;
+ for (j=1;j<=n;j++) indx[j]=j;
+ l=(n >> 1) + 1;
+ ir=n;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (l > 1)
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[--l])];
+ else {
+ q=arrin[(indxt=indx[ir])];
+ indx[ir]=indx[1];
+ if (--ir == 1) {
+ indx[1]=indxt;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i=l;
+ j=l << 1;
+ while (j <= ir) {
+ if (j < ir && (strcmp(arrin[indx[j]],arrin[indx[j+1]]) < 0) ) j++;
+ if (strcmp(q,arrin[indx[j]])<0) {
+ indx[i]=indx[j];
+ j += (i=j);
+ }
+ else j=ir+1;
+ }
+ indx[i]=indxt;
+ }
+void GJpline(FILE *fp,char c,int n)
+/* print n copies of c to fp terminated by newline */
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<n;++i){
+ fprintf(fp,"%c",c);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp,"\n");
+char *GJlocaltime(void)
+ time_t t;
+ char *ret_val;
+ t = time(NULL);
+ ret_val=asctime(localtime(&t));
+ return ret_val;
+void GJpstring(FILE *fp,char *s,int n)
+/* print a string so that it occupies n characters */
+/* strings are left-justified and either truncated or padded on output */
+ int i,l;
+ l = strlen(s);
+ if(l > n){
+ for(i=0;i<n;++i){
+ fprintf(fp,"%c",s[i]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(i=0;i<l;++i){
+ fprintf(fp,"%c",s[i]);
+ }
+ for(i=l;i<n;++i){
+ fprintf(fp," ");
+ }
+ }
+/* return min and max of an integer vector */
+IRANGE *irange(int *ivec,int n)
+ int i;
+ int imin,imax;
+ IRANGE *ret_val;
+ imin = imax = ivec[0];
+ for(i=1;i<n;++i){
+ if(ivec[i] > imax) imax = ivec[i];
+ if(ivec[i] < imin) imin = ivec[i];
+ }
+ ret_val = (IRANGE *) GJmalloc(sizeof(IRANGE));
+ ret_val->min = imin;
+ ret_val->max = imax;
+ return ret_val;
+#define BLIM 5
+int GJbsearchINXS(char **cod, int n, char *query)
+/* binary search for query in table cod. If query is found, return index of query in cod.*/
+/* if it is not found, return -1 */
+ int r; /* right limit */
+ int l; /* left limit */
+ int cv; /* centre value */
+ r = n-1;
+ l = 0;
+ for(;;){
+ if((r-l) > BLIM){
+ cv = (r+l)/2;
+ if(strcmp(query,cod[cv]) == 0){
+ return cv;
+ }else if(strcmp(query,cod[cv]) > 0){
+ l = cv;
+ }else if(strcmp(query,cod[cv]) < 0){
+ r = cv;
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(cv=l;cv<(r+1);++cv){
+ if(strcmp(query,cod[cv]) == 0){
+ return cv;
+ }
+ }
+ return (int) -1;
+ }
+ }
+int GJbsearchINX_IS(char **cod, int *inx, int n, char *query)
+/* binary search for query in table cod. inx is the index into the table that specifies
+ the sorted order of the table cod.
+ If query is found, return index of query in inx that can be used to recover the value of
+ cod .*/
+/* if it is not found, return -1 */
+ int r; /* right limit */
+ int l; /* left limit */
+ int cv; /* centre value */
+ r = n-1;
+ l = 0;
+ for(;;){
+ if((r-l) > BLIM){
+ cv = (r+l)/2;
+ if(strcmp(query,cod[inx[cv]]) == 0){
+ return cv;
+ }else if(strcmp(query,cod[inx[cv]]) > 0){
+ l = cv;
+ }else if(strcmp(query,cod[inx[cv]]) < 0){
+ r = cv;
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(cv=l;cv<(r+1);++cv){
+ if(strcmp(query,cod[inx[cv]]) == 0){
+ return cv;
+ }
+ }
+ return (int) -1;
+ }
+ }
+$Id: gjutil.c,v 1.13 2002/08/09 12:30:31 geoff Exp $
+$Log: gjutil.c,v $
+Revision 1.13 2002/08/09 12:30:31 geoff
+Experiment with different weighting schemes.
+Changes to build_profile to accommodate new schemes
+pwf 3 Complex clustering to get sequence weights at each position
+pwf 4 Dirichlet mixture alone
+pwf 5 Dirichlet mixture + psiblast windowing + blosum weights
+pwf 6 local blosum matrix calculation + HH sequence weights + blosum
+Also add wander_check opton
+Also add option to turn off sw7 bug work around.
+Add option to suppress multiple alignment output
+Add gjnoc2 to distribution
+Revision 1.12 2000/12/21 17:25:44 geoff
+Add the option to output the sequence fragments from the multiple alignment
+output option in fasta or pir format. Unlike the block file output, these
+fragments contain the complete sequence between the start and end points, including
+any parts deleted in the alignment process.
+Add appropriate commands to scanps_alias.dat, getpars and getcmd.
+Revision 1.11 2000/07/04 11:01:37 searle
+Changes for MMX
+Revision 1.10 1999/11/17 21:06:47 geoff
+Add setup_caleb and other changes to swpp2 and so on.
+Revision 1.9 1999/07/09 13:34:10 geoff
+modified these as a test
+Revision 1.8 1998/08/11 15:38:50 geoff
+Modified the copyright notice to reflect the new
+ownership of this software.
+Revision 1.7 1997/06/29 00:43:57 gjb
+Changes to add sysinfo calls and test of license reading routines
+Revision 1.6 1997/06/27 16:42:41 gjb
+Add trlic.c test.lic and clean up gjutil.c
+Revision 1.5 1997/06/27 07:17:31 gjb
+Added rlic.c linfo.h and
+changes to gjutil.c to give better support for
+token manipulation
+Revision 1.4 1997/05/12 11:10:53 gjb
+Re-added gjutil.c and gjutil.h to repository
+after deleting them
+Revision 1.2 1997/05/12 10:47:52 gjb
+Modified CVS header and log position
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef GJ_UTIL_H
+#define GJ_UTIL_H
+$Id: gjutil.h,v 1.8 2002/08/09 12:30:31 geoff Exp $
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef int GJ_LIM; /* type for limits - e.g. max buffer length */
+typedef int GJ_PEN; /* type for gap penalties */
+typedef int GJ_FLG; /* Flag type - usually just 1 or 0 */
+typedef float GJ_FLOAT; /* Single precision floating point type */
+typedef double GJ_DBL; /* a double precision floating point type */
+typedef int GJ_S_COUNT; /* small counter */
+typedef long GJ_L_COUNT; /* long counter */
+typedef struct { /* structure to hold a filename and */
+ char *name; /* associated handle */
+ FILE *handle;
+struct tokens { /* structure to hold tokens parsed from */
+ int ntok; /* string with strtok */
+ char **tok;
+typedef struct {
+ int min;
+ int max;
+typedef struct {
+ char *val;
+ int i;
+int Sworkcomp(const void *left, const void *right);
+void GJindexxS(char **arrin,int n,int *indx);
+#define STD_FILES extern FILE *std_in,*std_out,*std_err
+/* utility.h function definitions */
+void *GJmalloc(size_t);
+void *GJrealloc(void *,size_t);
+void *GJmallocNQ(size_t);
+void *GJreallocNQ(void *,size_t);
+void GJfree(void *);
+void GJerror(const char *);
+char *GJstrdup(const char *);
+char *GJstoupper(const char *);
+char *GJstolower(const char *);
+char *GJstoup(char *);
+char *GJstolo(char *);
+FILE *GJfopen(const char *, const char *,int);
+int GJfclose(FILE *,int);
+GJFILE *GJfilemake(const char *name,const char *type,int action);
+GJFILE *GJfilerename(GJFILE *ret_val, const char *name);
+GJFILE *GJfileclose(GJFILE *ret_val,int action);
+GJFILE *GJfileopen(GJFILE *ret_val,const char *type,int action);
+GJFILE *GJfileclean(GJFILE *fval,int action);
+void GJinitfile(void);
+char *GJfnonnull(char *);
+char *GJstrappend(char *,char *);
+char *GJremovechar(char *,char);
+char *GJremovechar2(char *string,char c);
+char *GJstrcreate(size_t, char *);
+char *GJstrlocate(char *,char *);
+char *GJsubchar(char *,char,char);
+char *GJstrtok(char *,const char *);
+void error(const char *, int);
+unsigned char **uchararr(int,int);
+void ucharfree(unsigned char **array,int i);
+double **GJdarr(int i,int j);
+void GJdarrfree(double **array,int i);
+signed char **chararr(int,int);
+void GJCinit(signed char **,int ,int ,char );
+void mcheck(void *, char *);
+char *GJstrblank(char *, int);
+void GJUCinit(unsigned char **,int ,int ,unsigned char );
+char *GJcat(int N,...);
+struct tokens *GJgettokens(const char *delims, char *buff);
+void GJfreetokens(struct tokens *tok);
+char * GJtoktostr(struct tokens *tok, char delim, int s, int e);
+void GJ_start_clock(void);
+void GJ_stop_clock(FILE *fp);
+char *GJstrrename(char *old,const char *new);
+void GJindexx(int *arrin,int n,int *indx);
+void GJindexxD(double *arrin,int n,int *indx);
+void GJindexxS(char **arrin,int n,int *indx);
+int GJbsearchINXS(char **cod, int n, char *query);
+int GJbsearchINX_IS(char **cod, int *inx, int n, char *query);
+void GJpline(FILE *fp,char c,int n);
+char *GJlocaltime(void);
+void GJpstring(FILE *fp,char *s,int n);
+IRANGE *irange(int *ivec, int n);
+$Log: gjutil.h,v $
+Revision 1.8 2002/08/09 12:30:31 geoff
+Experiment with different weighting schemes.
+Changes to build_profile to accommodate new schemes
+pwf 3 Complex clustering to get sequence weights at each position
+pwf 4 Dirichlet mixture alone
+pwf 5 Dirichlet mixture + psiblast windowing + blosum weights
+pwf 6 local blosum matrix calculation + HH sequence weights + blosum
+Also add wander_check opton
+Also add option to turn off sw7 bug work around.
+Add option to suppress multiple alignment output
+Add gjnoc2 to distribution
+Revision 1.7 2000/12/21 17:25:44 geoff
+Add the option to output the sequence fragments from the multiple alignment
+output option in fasta or pir format. Unlike the block file output, these
+fragments contain the complete sequence between the start and end points, including
+any parts deleted in the alignment process.
+Add appropriate commands to scanps_alias.dat, getpars and getcmd.
+Revision 1.6 1999/11/17 21:06:47 geoff
+Add setup_caleb and other changes to swpp2 and so on.
+Revision 1.5 1997/06/27 07:17:32 gjb
+Added rlic.c linfo.h and
+changes to gjutil.c to give better support for
+token manipulation
+Revision 1.4 1997/05/12 11:10:54 gjb
+Re-added gjutil.c and gjutil.h to repository
+after deleting them
+Revision 1.2 1997/05/12 10:47:52 gjb
+Modified CVS header and log position
+#endif /* GJ_UTIL_H */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "getquery.h"
+#include "gjutil.h"
typedef struct
- char name[1000];
+ char *name;
int le;
char *seq;
double expscore;
void read_mat(char *path, char *fn, double **MAT, double *matave);
int getargs(char *line,char *args[],int max);
void read_ref(char *path, char *fn, double **REF);
-void Get_Histo( P_STR *P, char *path, char *);
+void Get_Histo( P_STR *PARAMS, char *path, char *);
double **DMatrix(int n_rows, int n_cols);
void *my_malloc(size_t size);
-void IUPred(SEQ_STR *SEQ, P_STR *P);
void getRegions(SEQ_STR *SEQ );
void Get_Seq(char *fn, SEQ_STR *SEQ);
+void createOutputFiles(int type);
+void closeOutputFiles(int type);
int LC, UC, WS;
int JOIN, DEL;
int Flag_EP;
double EP;
+FILE *shortout;
+FILE *longout;
+FILE *globout;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
- P_STR *P;
int i,j;
int type;
char *path;
- if (argc!=3) {
+ if (argc<2) {
printf(" Usage: %s seqfile type \n",argv[0]);
printf(" where type stands for one of the options of \n");
- printf(" \"long\", \"short\" or \"glob\"\n");
+ printf(" \"long\", \"short\", \"glob\" or \"all\"\n");
if ((path=getenv("IUPred_PATH"))==NULL) {
printf("# Z. Dosztanyi, V. Csizmok, P. Tompa and I. Simon\n");
printf("# J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 347, 827-839. \n");
+ printf("# Modified to work within JABAWS (http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws) framework by \n");
+ printf("# Peter Troshin (pvtroshin@dundee.ac.uk) and Geoff Barton gjbarton@dundee.ac.uk\n");
+ printf("# June, 2011\n");
+ printf("#\n");
if ((strncmp(argv[2],"long",4))==0) {
else if ((strncmp(argv[2],"glob",4))==0) {
+ else if ((strncmp(argv[2],"all",3))==0) {
+ type=3;
+ }
else {
- printf("Wrong argument\n");exit(1);
+ printf("No disorder type is given assuming long\n");
+ type=0;
- SEQ=malloc(sizeof(SEQ_STR));
- Get_Seq(argv[1],SEQ);
+/* Creating output files depending on the type */
+ createOutputFiles(type);
+/* Read input file sequence by sequence */
+ FILE *fasta;
+ SEQS *fastaseq;
+ fasta = fopen(argv[1], "r");
+ do {
+ fastaseq = gseq_fasta(fasta);
+ if(fastaseq==NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ SEQ=malloc(sizeof(SEQ_STR));
+ //printf("No: %s\n",fastaseq->id );
+ //printf("L: %d\n",fastaseq->slen);
+ SEQ->name=fastaseq->id;
+ SEQ->seq=fastaseq->seq;
+ SEQ->le=fastaseq->slen;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("N: %s\n",SEQ->name);
+ printf("S: %s\n",SEQ->seq);
+ printf("L: %d\n",SEQ->le);
if (SEQ->le==0) {printf(" Sequence length 0\n");exit(1);}
#ifdef DEBUG
- P=malloc(sizeof(P_STR));
- P->CC= DMatrix(AAN,AAN);
- if (type==0) {
+ PARAMS=malloc(sizeof(P_STR));
+ if (type==0 || type==3) {
- read_ref(path,"ss",P->CC);
- Get_Histo(P, path, "histo");
+ read_ref(path,"ss",PARAMS->CC);
+ Get_Histo(PARAMS, path, "histo");
- IUPred(SEQ,P);
+ fprintf(longout, "# %s\n",SEQ->name);
- printf("# Prediction output \n");
- printf("# %s\n",SEQ->name);
for (i=0;i<SEQ->le;i++)
- printf("%5d %c %10.4f\n",i+1,SEQ->seq[i],SEQ->en[i]);
- }
- if (type==1) {
- LC=1;
+ fprintf(longout, "%5d %c %10.4f\n",i+1,SEQ->seq[i],SEQ->en[i]);
+ if (type==1 || type==3) {
+ LC=1;
- read_ref(path,"ss_casp",P->CC);
- Get_Histo(P, path, "histo_casp");
+ read_ref(path,"ss_casp",PARAMS->CC);
+ Get_Histo(PARAMS, path, "histo_casp");
- IUPred(SEQ,P);
- printf("# Prediction output \n");
- printf("# %s\n",SEQ->name);
+ fprintf(shortout, "# %s\n",SEQ->name);
for (i=0;i<SEQ->le;i++)
- printf("%5d %c %10.4f\n",i+1,SEQ->seq[i],SEQ->en[i]);
- }
- if (type==2) {
+ fprintf(shortout, "%5d %c %10.4f\n",i+1,SEQ->seq[i],SEQ->en[i]);
+ if (type==2 || type==3) {
char *globseq;
+ read_ref(path,"ss",PARAMS->CC);
+ Get_Histo(PARAMS,path,"histo");
- read_ref(path,"ss",P->CC);
- Get_Histo(P,path,"histo");
- IUPred(SEQ,P);
for (i=0;i<SEQ->le;i++) globseq[i]=tolower(SEQ->seq[i]);
- printf("# Prediction output \n");
- printf("# %s\n",SEQ->name);
- printf("Number of globular domains: %5d \n",SEQ->ngr);
+ fprintf(globout,"# %s\n",SEQ->name);
+ fprintf(globout,"Number of globular domains: %5d \n",SEQ->ngr);
for (i=0;i<SEQ->ngr;i++) {
- printf(" globular domain %5d. %d - %d \n",
+ fprintf(globout," globular domain %5d. %d - %d \n",
for (j=SEQ->gr[i][0];j<SEQ->gr[i][1]+1;j++) {
- printf(">%s\n",SEQ->name);
+ fprintf(globout,">%s\n",SEQ->name);
for (i=0;i<SEQ->le;i++) {
- if ((i>0)&&(i%60==0)) printf("\n");
- else if ((i>0)&&(i%10==0)) printf(" ");
- printf("%c",globseq[i]);
+ if ((i>0)&&(i%60==0)) fprintf(globout,"\n");
+ else if ((i>0)&&(i%10==0)) fprintf(globout," ");
+ fprintf(globout,"%c",globseq[i]);
- printf("\n");
+ fprintf(globout,"\n");
+ }
#ifdef DEBUG
for (i=0;i<SEQ->le;i++)
printf("%5d %c %10.4f\n",i,SEQ->seq[i],SEQ->en[i]);
- }
- free(SEQ->seq);
- free(SEQ->eprof);free(SEQ->en);free(SEQ->smp);
- free(SEQ);
+ free(SEQ->name);
+ free(SEQ->seq);
+ free(SEQ);
+ free(fastaseq);
+ } while(fastaseq != NULL);
+ fclose(fasta);
+ closeOutputFiles(type);
return 0;
-void IUPred(SEQ_STR *SEQ, P_STR *P)
+void closeOutputFiles(int type) {
+ if (type==0) {
+ fclose(longout);
+ }
+ else if (type==1) {
+ fclose(shortout);
+ }
+ else if (type==2) {
+ fclose(globout);
+ }
+ else if (type==3) {
+ fclose(longout);
+ fclose(shortout);
+ fclose(globout);
+ }
+void createOutputFiles(int type) {
+ if (type==0) {
+ longout = fopen("out.long", "w");
+ }
+ else if (type==1) {
+ shortout = fopen("out.short", "w");
+ }
+ else if (type==2) {
+ globout = fopen("out.glob", "w");
+ }
+ else if (type==3) {
+ longout = fopen("out.long", "w");
+ shortout = fopen("out.short", "w");
+ globout = fopen("out.glob", "w");
+ }
int i,j, a1, a2, p;
int naa;
double min, max, step;
- min=P->min; max=P->max;step=P->step;
+ min=PARAMS->min; max=PARAMS->max;step=PARAMS->step;
for (i=0;i<naa;i++) SEQ->eprof[i]=0;
for (i=0;i<naa;i++) SEQ->en[i]=0;
- for (i=0;i<naa;i++) SEQ->smp[i]=0;
+ for (i=0;i<naa;i++) SEQ->smp[i]=0;
for (i=0;i<naa;i++) {
for (j=0;j<naa;j++) if (((abs(i-j))>LC)&&((abs(i-j))<UC)) {
if ((a2<0) || (a2>=AAN)) continue;
- SEQ->eprof[i]+=P->CC[a1][a2];
+ SEQ->eprof[i]+=PARAMS->CC[a1][a2];
if (Flag_EP==0) {
for (i=0;i<naa;i++) {
if (SEQ->smp[i]>=max-2*step) SEQ->en[i]=0;
if ((SEQ->smp[i]>min+2*step)&&(SEQ->smp[i]<max-2*step)) {
- SEQ->en[i]=P->distro[p];
+ SEQ->en[i]=PARAMS->distro[p];
#ifdef DEBUG
i,SEQ->eprof[i], SEQ->smp[i],SEQ->en[i]);
-void Get_Histo(P_STR *P, char *path, char *fn)
+void Get_Histo(P_STR *PARAMS, char *path, char *fn)
FILE *f;
char ln[ML];
fscanf(f,"%*s %lf %lf %d\n",&min, &max, &nb);
- P->distro=malloc(nb*sizeof(double ));
- for (i=0;i<nb;i++) P->distro[i]=0;
+ PARAMS->distro=malloc(nb*sizeof(double ));
+ for (i=0;i<nb;i++) PARAMS->distro[i]=0;
for (i=0,set=0;i<nb;i++) {
sscanf(ln,"%*s %lf %*s %*s %lf\n", &c,&v);
if ((set==0)&&(v<=0.5)) {set=1;cutoff=c;}
- P->distro[i]=v;
+ PARAMS->distro[i]=v;
- P->max=max;
- P->min=min;
- P->nb=nb;
- P->cutoff=cutoff;
+ PARAMS->max=max;
+ PARAMS->min=min;
+ PARAMS->nb=nb;
+ PARAMS->cutoff=cutoff;
- P->step=(max-min)/nb;
- P->cutoff-=P->step;
+ PARAMS->step=(max-min)/nb;
+ PARAMS->cutoff-=PARAMS->step;
void Get_Seq(char *fn, SEQ_STR *SEQ)
char line[ML];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("%s %5d\n%s\n",SEQ->name,SEQ->le,SEQ->seq);