> To get set up using _only_ the Eclipse IDE (<https://www.eclipse.org/>) then please see the section [Setting up in Eclipse IDE](#setting-up-in-eclipse-ide)
-The method here is described in terms of using a command line. You can easily do this on linux or in a Terminal window in macOS. You can do it in Windows.
+The method here is described assumes using a command line. You can easily do this on linux or in a Terminal window in macOS. You can do it in Windows.
* Java 11 compliant JDK
-* gradle 5.2 or above *(NB gradle 6.6 and above currently produces NullPointerExceptions during the build. This is non-fatal and does not affect the build. Use gradle 6.5.1 to avoid this)*
+* gradle 7.6.3 or above, but not gradle 8
* git
> The versions and installation methods here are just suggestions (which we have tested